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 第一部分 阅读理解 (75分)

Passage 1

CATV is a short way of saying "community antenna (天线) television." But "cable television" is the term most people use. Cable television allows viewers to receive TV programs that they cannot pick up with their regular antennas.

Television signals do not follow the curve (曲线) of the earth. They travel in straight lines in all directions. Signals from a TV station move toward the horizon (水平线) and then go into space. If you live only a few miles from a station, you may not get any picture at all.

CATV began in 1948. People in places far from TV stations shared the cost of putting up high antennas. A community antenna was usually placed on a hill, a mountain, or on a high tower. The antenna picked up TV signals and fed them into a small local station. From the station, thick wires called cables ran out to nearby homes. Each person using the cable paid a monthly charge.

CATV worked well, and soon new uses were found for it. Local stations could feed programs into empty channels that were not in use. People along the cable could have local news, weather reports, and farm and school news at no extra charge.

Today, cable television has moved into cities. It brings in extra programs that city viewers with regular antennas cannot see. It is also used in many classrooms throughout the country.

1. From the first paragraph we know that ________.

○A. most people use cable television

○B. "community antenna" is another name for "regular antenna"

○C. a community antenna is used for cable television

○D. regular antennas cannot pick up TV signals programs

2. Of the following, which is NOT the way TV signals travel?

○A. In a curve.

○B. In a straight line.

○C. In all direction.

○D. Toward the horizon.

3. Cable TV is becoming more and popular because _____________.

○A. it is free of charge

○B. it can provide more programs

○C. it provides all TV users good pictures

○D. TV sets with regular antennas can also have a good reception through CATV

4. On the whole, this passage is about ________.

○A. how to put up high antennas

○B. a way of picking up better TV programs

○C. how to use the empty channels on your TV set

○D. the way that TV signals are sent

5. From the passage we can infer that __________.

○A. TV has begun to be used for educational purposes

○B. there is no charge for CATV

○C. cable TV cannot be used in mountainous areas

○D. antennas for cable TV are usually put up in the center of a community

Passage 2

In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of nature. Some ancient people believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.

In reality, lightning is a flow of electricity formed high above the earth. A single flash of lightning 1.6 kilometers long has enough electricity to light one million light bulbs.

The American scientist and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, was the first to show the connection between electricity and lightning in 1752. In the same year he also built the first lightning rod. This device protects buildings from damage by lightning.

Modern science has discovered that one stroke of lighting contains more than 15 million volts. A spark between a cloud and the earth may be as long as 13 kilometers, and travel at a speed of 30 million meters per second.

Scientists estimate that there are about 2000 million flashes of lightning per year. Lightning hits the Empire State Building in New York City 30 to 48 times a year. In the United States along it kills an average of one person every day.

The safest place to be in case of an electrical storm is in a closed car. Outside, one should go to low ground and not get under trees. Also, one should stay out of water and away from metal fences. Inside a house, people should avoid open doorways and windows and not touch wires or metal things.

With lightning, it is better to be safe than sorry!

6. Lightning is really __________.

○A. weapon

○B. electricity

○C. light

○D. mystery

7. People once though that lightning came from __________.

○A. scientists

○B. ground

○C. lightning rod

○D. gods

8. One flash of lightning can produce enough electricity for ______ bulbs.

○A. 10,000

○B. 1,000

○C. 1,000,000

○D. 100

9. Benjamin Franklin ___________.

○A. made the first lightning rod

○B. invented electricity

○C. built the Empire State Building

○D. prevented Lightning from hitting cars

10. _________ is the best place to be during an electrical storm.

○A. Swimming pool

○B. a high ground

○C. Under a tree

○D. A car

Passage 3

Because of the energy crisis, scientists in the oil-consuming nations have become increasingly interested in the potential(潜在的) of solar energy. Some experts estimate that the present supply of fossil (化石) fuel will not last until the end of the twentieth century. The problem that solar energy researchers face is how to harness (利用) the sun's energy effectively and inexpensively. One of the most popular methods currently being tested uses rooftop solar collectors and underground storage tanks. An advantage of a properly working system of this type is that it will not create any environmental pollution. Another advantage of using solar energy is that the cost of the fuel-the sun's rays-is zero. When a solar heating system is working at maximum (最大的) efficiency, it can provide up to 80 percent of winter heating needs.

11. The main topic of this passage is __________.

○A. the shortage of fossil fuel

○B. the problems that energy researchers face

○C. an environmental pollution problem

○D. an inexpensive energy source

12. One popular solar heating system makes use of __________.

○A. roof collectors and underground storage

○B. fossil fuel conversion

○C. underground oil tanks

○D. water collection and evaporation

13. The cost of using the sun's rays for heating is ___________.

○A. about the same as the cost of fossil fuels

○B. several hundred dollars per year

○C. negligible compared with other energy sources

○D. determined by the severity of the winter

14. Which of the following describes an advantage of using solar energy?

○A. There is little or no environmental pollution.

○B. A large percentage of fuel costs can be saved.

○C. Fossil fuels will become more plentiful.

○D. The oil-consuming nations will not have to import oil.

15. According to some experts, the supply of fossil fuel will not last _______.

○A. one more century

○B. an indeterminable time

○C. until the end of this century

○D. indefinitely

第二部分 完成句子 (25分)



Not long ago, an airplane was flying over New Zealand. There was a television camera crew on board. Suddenly, out in the night sky, a bright sphere (球体) came into view. Everyone on board saw it and everyone though, "UFO"-Unidentified Flying Object. The camera crew went into action and started filming. That week people all over the world saw the film of this mysterious light on their television screens. What was it?

 Was it a spaceship full of visitors from another planet?

 The captain of the aeroplane and the film crew believed it was. Other observers had many different explanations. Some said it was Venus (金星). Others said it was just a trick of light.

An air traffic controller also saw it on his radar screen. He thought that a flock of birds was causing dots on his radar screen when the "UFO" appeared.

Most astronomers now believe that what these people saw was almost certainly the planet Venus. At that time of year it is very bright and easy to see. And from a moving aeroplane it can appear to be moving fast. So far there is no proof that UFOs or spaceships from other planets do exist. These years investigators of UFOs have investigated thousands of sighting-or occasions when people said they saw a UFO. Ninety per cent of these turned out to have a simple explanation.

However, it's good idea to keep an open mind. Scientists in some countries are trying to persuade their governments to help them study UFOs. And they are planning to cooperate inter-nationally on reporting and investigating sightings of UFOs.

After all, it is quite possible that there is life out there in the universe. And if something is alive, it is quite possible that it will come to visit us.

16. The captain and the camera crew believed that UFO was a v spaceship from another planet.

17. Many o believed that the UFO was Venus.

18. So far there is no proof that UFOs are sp from outer space.

19. Some scientists in the world are planning to do some r on UFOs.

20. P life in the universe may try to make a visit to us.

第三部分 阅读理解 (80分)

Passage 1

In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole. Maybe one of the most profound developments of the last decade is the discovery of recombinant DNA technology, which allows scientists to introduce genetic (遗传学的) material (or genes) from one organism into another. In its simplest form, the technology requires the isolation of a piece of DNA, either directly from the DNA of the organism under study, or artificially synthesized from an DNA. This piece of DNA is then ligated (结扎) to a fragment of bacterial DNA which has the capacity to replicate (复制) itself independently. The recombinant molecule thus produced can be introduced into the common intestinal (内部的) bacterium Escherishchia coli, which can be grown in very large amounts in synthetic media. Under proper conditions, the foreign gene will not only replicate in the bacteria, but also express itself, through the process of transcription and translation, to give rise to large amounts of the specific protein coded by 


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