辽宁省沈阳市郊联体届高三上学期期末考试英语试题Word格式.docx
《辽宁省沈阳市郊联体届高三上学期期末考试英语试题Word格式.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省沈阳市郊联体届高三上学期期末考试英语试题Word格式.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在冰豆网上搜索。
听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。
每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6段材料,回答第6、7
小题。
6.What
ask
man
do?
A.Call
a
taxi
for
her.
B.Meetheratthehall.
C.Arrange
an
elephant
ride.
7.When
will
meet
man?
30.B.At
:
45.C.At
10:
00.
8.Whywasn'
t
there
any
water?
A.Because
of
water
supply.
B.Because
low
pressure.
C.Becauseofthetapbeingoutoforder.
9.When
did
call
apartment
manager?
A.Three
hoursago.B.Five
hoursago.C.Six
hours
ago.
听第8段材料,回答第10至12
10.What
A.Go
swimming.
B.Play
golfwith
his
friends.
C.Book
room
himself.
11.How
much
should
pay
two
nights?
A.$195.B.$350.C.$370.
12.Which
ofthe
following
doesthe
like
best?
A.Golf.B.Swimming.C.Singing.
听第9段材料,回答第13
至16小题。
13.How
feels
looking
at
girl?
A.Happy.B.NaturalC,Envious.
14.What
girl
put
on
herface?
A.Make-up.B.Milk.C.Cucumbers.
15.Where
conversation
take
home.B.Inthepark.C.In
restaurant.
16.What
effect
docucumbershaveontheskin?
A.Turning
it
into
natural
state.
B.Removing
lines
and
age
signs.
C.Making
milky
greenish.
听第10段材料,回答第17至20小题。
17.Howsoondoparentsneedtorefreshtheirchildren'
sbedroom?
A.Every
months.
B.Every
three
years.
C.Every
five
or
six
18.What
is
world
ofchildren'
s
own
like?
special
place
where
they
can
create
new
toys.
unique
play
computer
games.
fantastic
kingdom
fairtalecomes
life.
19.Howshouldakid'
sbedroombedesigned?
A.Comfortable.B.Colourful.C.Large.
20.Why
wooden
furniture
considered
best
kid'
bedroom?
A.It
easy
design
other
containers.
B.Thecolourofwoodenfurnitureisneithertoobrightnortoodark.
C.It
easily
match
with
colourful
plastic
shelves,boxes
containers.
第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(共15
小题;
每小题2
分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
National
Rankings:
Best
High
Schools
TheU.S.Newsrankingsincludedataonmorethan22,000publichighschoolsin50states
District
ofColumbia.Schools
were
awarded
gold,silver
bronze
medals
basedon
theirperformanceon
stateassessmentsandhow
well
prepare
students
forcollege.
About
Awards
Gold—Top
Schools
based
highest
college
readiness.
Silver—High-performing
schoolsbasedon
lowercollegereadiness.
Bronze—High-performingschoolsbasedonstateexamperformance,
listedalphabetically.
Award
Distribution
Gold2.4%
Silver
10.3%
Bronze
16.8%
NoMedal
70.5%
We
Determine
STEP1Students
perform
better
than
expected
in
their
We
looked
reading
math
results
each
state'
proficiency(水平)testsand
then
factored
in
percentage
economically
disadvantaged
students,who
tend
scorelower.
Disadvantaged
state
average.
compared
school'
proficiency
rates
disadvantagedstudents--black,Hispanicand
low-income—with
statewideresults
forthesestudentgroupsand
selected
schools
that
performing
averages.
Student
graduation
greater
national
standard.
left
out
from
consideration
if
lower
75percent--a
starting
point
higher
federal
law
requires
states
give
extraresources
below
percent.
STEP4Studentsarepreparedforcollege-levelcoursework.
calculated
College
Readiness
Index,which
participationrate
how
those
tests.Tiebeakers
used
determine
ranksofschools
achieved
same
Index.
21.Which
plays
important
part
winning
medals?
A.State
evaluation.
B.Schools'
intention.
C.Collegeassessment.
D.Government'
sjudgment.
22.Schools
account
for
A.16.8%
B.27.1%
C.29.5%
D.70.5%
23.Which
schoolcan
gettheawards?
A.Theschoolwhosedisadvantagedstudentdoaveragely.
B.The
school
whose
demanded.
C.The
D.TheschoolwhosestudentshaveaknowledgeofCollege
ReadinessIndex.
Inow
work
week
weather
company
Ilove
Compared
when
Ibecame
mom,
Idon'
feel
bad
about
being
away
my
kids.
When
Ihad
firstchild,
Iwas
busy
manager.
My
husband
had
part-time
job
cared
her
rest
thetime.Once
pregnant
second
kid,Iquit
focus
fully
writing.
At
first
Ifelt
likeI
waslivingthedream.
Iwasawork-from-home
mom
whonever
hadtobe
children.But
working
home
end
up
more
stressful
thanworking
full-time
stay-at-home
mom.because
you'
re
frequently
exhausted
betweenwork,keepinghouseandtellingsweet
facesyoudon'
havetimetoplay.Evertried
writing
anarticlewithababy
screaming?
It
wasawful.
Iwas
so
stressed
Ieventually
started
taking
kids
day
care
center
couple
ofdays
week.
The
whole
reasonI
worked
hard
be
able
write
living
was
athome
here
them
center.I
thought
failurethen.
Overthepastfiveyearsofbeingafreelancer(自由作家),I'
verealizedacoupleofthings.As
Iwrote
months
ago,
"
thoughIfelt
leaving
daughter
ten
aday
butnow
she
old
enough
me
read
story
.Try
telling
your
kid
no,
times
day.
It'
scruel.
You
feeling
worse
having
ignore
them."
Ialso
realize
socializing
withpeople
weren'
good
mental
well-being.
Not
only
that,
but
Ican
now
show
Mom
has
flashyoffice
building,
something
didn'
when1
sat
around
yoga
pants
typing
mycomputer
all
long.
24.The
underlined
part"
living
dream"
Paragraph
2refers
to"
"
A.earningalotofmoney
B.working
home
C.no
suffering
stress
D.no
kid
25.How
author
?
A.Excited
B.Stressed
C.Relaxed
D.Guilty
26.Whileworkingasafreelancer,theauthor.
A.madeagreatmanyfriend
B.wasnotgoodattellingstories
C.feltterribleforignoringherkid
D.leftherdaughterforalongtime
27.Wecaninferthatnowtheauthor’skids.
A.understandwhytheirmomworkssohard
B.aremuchprouderoftheirmom
C.arefeelingsadforleavingtheirmom
D.realizewhytheirmomisimportant
Inthelate
1990s,Googlewasjustastart-upcompanyoperatingoutofagarageinPaloAlto,California.
Co-foundersLarry
Page
Sergey
Brin
whilestudying
Stanford
University.Google'
founders
its
employees,thenunderstood
some
challenges
entrepreneurs(创业者)
may
face.An
entrepreneur
aperson
who
starts
business.
They
must
willing
risk
financial
loss
inorder
makemoney.
Mary
Grove
director
program
called
Google
Entrepreneurs.She
said
Googlewants
help
start-up
businesses
grow
successful.
Google
Entrepreneurs
opened
campuses
world.Entrepreneurs
eachcity
use
Google'
buildings
without
paying.Entrepreneurs
andlearn
people
experienced
inbusiness.
Yeram
Kwon
head
acompany
South
Korea.Her
business
L.M.Lab.Itmakes
product
helpspeople
learn
lifesaving
techniquecalledCPR.Shesaid
learned
solve
problems
by
attending
events
inSeoul.
Outside
these
cities,Google
provides
support
andresources
partner
organizations
world.
Building
partnerships
way
Googleto
spread
idea
entrepreneurialism
network
helpfind
invest
businesses.
Those
need
ready
takerisks.That
makes
Koreans
uncomfortable."
Most
Koreanpeoplethinkthat
itismuch
safertoworkforbigcompanieslikeSamsung
LG,"
shesaid.
But,Kwon
Korean
government
technology
companies
supportingpeople
risks.
28.Why
advocate
according
text
just
wants
tohelptheentrepreneur.
make
risk.
C.Because
promote
reputation
doing
this.
D.Becauseitcanbuildpartnershipswithmorecompanies.
29.Why
mention
Yeram
Kwon?
A.ShehelpedGoogle'
sprograma
lot.
B.She
guided
others
star
businesses.
C.Shebenefited
fromGoogle'
sprogram.
D.She
active
investing
30.What
text?
A.Googleprovidesdirectfinancialsupporttoentreprcneurs.
B.Theideaofe