名词冠词练习题Word文件下载.docx
《名词冠词练习题Word文件下载.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名词冠词练习题Word文件下载.docx(25页珍藏版)》请在冰豆网上搜索。
39.
half
child
IL单项选择:
A.
go
to
school
B・
goto
the
C.
gotoaschool
2.
A,
in
hospital
B.
ahos
pital
inhospital
3.
at
moment
a01
oment
atmoment
4.
class
5.
on
earth
an
eart
6.
A.onfoot
B.on
foot
onfeet
7.
atatable
att
he
table
attable
8.
takebus
B.bybus
9.
C.bythe
bus
atthehome
ome
home
10・
work
atthewo
rk
atworks
jumphigh
highjura
C.the
high
jump
12.
byair
B.bythea
ir
air
14.13.
bythetrain
by
train
ontrain
习A.
intheschool
B・inschool
C.inschools
15.
A.gotobed
bed
C.go
abed
16.
A.havea
cold
have
C.have
17.
A.byship
C.byaship
18.
A.have
goodtimes
B.have
goodtime
19.
C.havegood
times
B.infacts
A.inthefact
C.infact
20.从早到晚A.frommorningtotheevening
B,frommorningtoevening
C.fromamorningtoanevening
1.Thereis
oldwomaninthe
car.
D.an
Shanghaiis
Billis
football.
a,the
a,
east
D.a
4.The
museumis
a.
The
ofChina.
Englishteacher.He
B.an,
D・
quitefar.
Itwill
likesplaying
take
you
hourtogothereby
D.
storyIS
Let'
bus.
an,
interesting.That
interestingstory.A.
an,the
means
it
the,
for
walk,
also
useful
one.
shallwe
a,a
B.an,an
C.an,
a,an
womanover
there
popular
teach
erinour
school.
A,an
The,a
C.The
D.A,
9.They
passed
our
before
yeste
rday.
B,one
10.
C.a
Australia
English-speaking
country.
B・an
play
basketball
here.It
sdangerous.
12.Thisis
appie.
It
bigappie.
A.an,a
C.a,an
justnow.
Isit
oneonthechairn
ear
thedoor
the,the
14.
C.a,the
D・the,
Ihave
bluecoat.
some
This
table.
a,The
orange.
orangeisonthe
B.an,The
An
D.the,
16・
Have
had
breakfast
B.an
Hewondered
whenthe
doctorcouldfinish
operation.
yed
After
violin.
any
supper,hestayedathomeandpla
19.Thereis
He
saidthathe
t.
new
bridge
apple
got
hasbeen
theplate.
built
inthetes
over
uangpuRiver.
rid.
st.
and
C.扎
English
In
theword
Withthehelp
cariage
An,an
language
ofhisteacherhe
A”inthetest.
wo
islo
studied
hard
D,one
25.Ihave
twodogs.
blackone
IStwoyear
sold
yellowone
isthree
years
old.
A.A,
The,
26.Li
Dan
can
piano
very
well.
sh
What
interestingfilmit
filmverymuch.
A.a,the
Ilike
The,/
teacher.
A,the
C.A,
tallmanoverthereis
Engli
D・The,/
一、请写岀下列词的复数形式,没有复数形式的请划/o
ano
knife
rice
milk
二、单项选择(「*10=10’)
)2.
boy
Tom
)3.A
ouryardarevery
beautiful.
cloth
ISone
of
B.boys
water
flowers
theChinese
cathasfour
foots
)4.Therearethree
room.
American,
inour
C,Boies
doesn'
t
feet
five
feets
BAmericans,
JapaneseC.Arae
rican,Japanese
)5.
Can
seenine
inthepictu
re
A.fish
book
C.horse(
6.The
has
two
A.boy;
watch
boy;
watches
boys;
watch
)7.The
areflyingbacktotheircou
ntry.
A.Germany
B.Germanys
C.Germ
ans
8.Thegirlbrushesher
everydaybeforehe
goestobed.
A.People
greensweaterishis
三、选择填空(「*10=10’)
Theycomefromdifferent
D・countrys
ture
teachers
C.womenteacher
D・womanteacher
)4.
Wouldyoulike
、please
twoglassofwater
twoglassesof
twogla
ssofwaters
D・twoglassesof
waters
Most
li