Dynamic Verb and Static Verb
1)John is writing to his father.
2)John resembles his father.
John is resembling his father.(Impossible)
3)John is painting his house.
4)John owns a house.
John is owning a house.(Impossible)
5)a.John is holding a ball in his hands.
b.John has a ball in his hands.
6)a.The bus holds 50 people.
b.50 people can sit in the bus.
7)a.I was having my coffee quietly.
b.I was drinking my coffee quietly.
8)a.The man has a new car.
b.The man owns a new car.
c.The man possesses a new car.
9)a.We shall consider your application.
b.We shall take your application into consideration.
c.We shall think over your application.
10)a.I consider(that)you acted very wisely.
b.I think(that)you acted very wisely.
c.To my mind,you acted very wisely.
在动词词组apply to中,如果apply当及物动词用,则是动态性动词,意为“应用”。
11)a.They are applying the new theory to practice.
b.They are putting the new theory into practice.
12)a.What I have said doesn't apply to you.
b.What I have said doesn't concern you.
13)a.He is looking at the picture on the wall.
b.He is taking a look at the picture on the wall.
14)a.He looks like his father.
b.He resembles his father.
15)a.I wonder if I could ask you a question.
b.I'm wondering if I could ask you a question.
16)a.I hope to leave as soon as possible.
b.I'm hoping to leave as soon as possible.
17)My grandfather is forgetting names nowadays.
18)These old people are all remembering the days of their childhood.
19)The old man is surely imagining things.
2)动态性动词大多可用于祈使句(Imperative Sentence),静态性动词则不可。
20)Keep the house clean and tidy!
21)Own the house!
22)Do as your father does.
23)Resemble your father.(Impossible)
24)a.Have some tea!
b.Drink some tea!
25)a.Smell this meat.Does it smell bad?
b.Take/Have a smell at this meat.Does it give/have a bad smell?
26)a.Hold the handle very firmly.
b.Grasp the handle!
very firmly.
27)a.Hold your head up!
b.Keep your head up!
28)a.Plato held(the view)that the soul is immortal.
b.Plato believed/thought that the soul is immortal.
(3)动态性动词可用于内嵌句(Embeded Sentence)中,即充当V+sb.+to do sth.结构中的复合宾语(Complex Object)部分的to do;而静态性动词不可。
29)a.I told him to abandon his attempt.
b.He was told to abandon his attempt.
30)a.I told him not to hit a man when he was down.
b.He was told not to hit a man when he was down.
31)I told him to act as an interpreter.
32)I told him to look like an interpreter.
33)I told him to keep the house.
34)I told him to possess the house.
(4)动态性动词可用于带有do代词形式的假拟分裂句(Pseudo-cleft Sentence with Do Pro-form)中;静态性动词则不可。
35)What I did was(to)solve the problem.
36)What I did was to know the problem.
(1)活动型动词(Activity Verb)
(2)过程型动词(Process Verb)
(3)感觉痛苦型动词(Sense Suffer Verb)
(4)过渡型动词(Transitional Verb)
(5)瞬时型动词(Momentary Verb)
37)a.Mary was asking John a question.
b.Mary was asking John questions.
38)a.A car was passing through.
b.Many cars were passing through.
39)a.Dick is writing a word on the black-board.
b.Dick is writing a letter to his father.
c.Dick is writing a novel about the suffer-ings of an old woman.
ask,call,drink,eat,help,laugh,learn,listen to,look at,play,read,say,smile,walk,work,write等都属于这个类型,例如:
40)a.They were walking around the lake.
b.They were taking a walk around the lake.
41)a.They were eating supper.
b.They were taking supper.
c.They were having supper.
42)a.They were talking about their work.
b.They were having a talk about their work.
43)a.It is raining heavily.
b.Rain is falling heavily.
44)a.It is blowing hard.
b.The wind is blowing hard.
姿势型动词(Posture Verb),如sit,stand,lie,lean,squat,kneel等,也属于这一类型。
45)They were sitting around the table and listening to the radio.
46)The teacher was standing in front of her pupils.
47)The boy was lying in bed,reading a novel.
48)a.The leaves are changing from green to brown.
b.The leaves are turning brown.
49)a.They are changing the appearance of the museum.
b.The appearance of the museum is being changed.
c.The appearance of the museum is changing.
d.The museum is changing its appearance.
e.The museum is changing in appearance.
50)a.The ship was altering course.
b.The ship was changing course.
51)a.My hair is turning grey.
b.My hair is greying.
52)a.These apples are maturing fast.
b.These apples are becoming mature fast.
c.These apples are ripening fast.
d.These apples are becoming ripe fast.
53)a.An interest in stamps is developing in the boy.
b.The boy is developing an interest in stamps.
c.The boy is becoming more interested in stamps.
d.Stamps are becoming more interesting to the boy.
54)a.Shanghai is developing into one of the greatest cities in the world.
b.Shanghai is turning into one of the greatest cities in the world.
55)a.He is growing to be a big boy.
b.He is growing into a big boy.
56)a.He was aging fast/quickly.
b.He was becoming/growing old fast/quickly.
57)a.His health is improving.
b.He is improving in health.
58)a.The population of the city is increasing.
b.There is an increase in population in the city.
59)a.Our difficulties are increasing.
b.We are meeting with more difficulties.
60)a.His weight is increasing.
b.He is putting on weight.
c.He is gaining weight.
61)a.The driver was increasing the speed of his car.
b.The driver was accelerating his car.
c.The driver was speeding up his car.
62)a.His health is declining.
b.He is getting weaker.
63)a.The king's power is declining.
b.The king is becoming less powerful.
64)a.The politician's influence was declining.
b.The politician was becoming less influential.
这种动词表示的是一种“内在感觉”(inner perception)。
(1)这类动词既表示感觉能力,又表示感觉状态,而两者意思往往是相同的,因此可以用cansee/see和could see/saw等表达,例如:
1)a.Can you see the house over there?
b.Do you see the house over there?
2)a.I can see the sea from my bedroom window.
b.I see the sea from my bedroom window.(我从卧室的窗户可以看见大海。
3)a.When you get to the end of the street,you can see a supermarket.
b.When you get to the end of the street,you'll see a supermarket.
4)a.I could see someone through the window.
b.I saw someone through the window.(我从窗户看见有一个人。
5)a.I could hear a knocking at the door. b.I heard a knocking at the door.
6)a.He spoke so loudly that even those who sat at the back could hear him clearly.
b.He spoke so loudly that even those who sat at the back heard him clearly.
7)a.Can you smell something unusual?
b.Do you smell something unusual?
8)a.Can you taste anything strange in this soup?
b.Do you taste anything strange in this soup?
9)a.I could feel my heart beating wildly.
b.I felt my heart beating wildly.
10)a.I can see a tree in front of the house.
b.I see a tree in front of the house.
c.I am seeing a tree in front of the house.(Impossible)
11)a.I could hear someone laughing.
b.I heard someone laughing.
c.I was hearing someone laughing.(Impossible)
12)a.I could smell onions cooking.
b.I smelt onions cooking.
c.I was smelling onions cooking.(Impossible)
13)a.I could taste sugar in the coffee.
b.I tasted sugar in the coffee.
c.I was tasting sugar in the coffee.(Impossible)
14)a.I could feel something soft under my foot.