北语春《大学英语》三练习.docx
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北语春《大学英语》三练习
(单选题)1:
It'sbad________foryoutosmokeinthepublicplaceswheresmokingisnotallowed.
A:
behavior
B:
action
C:
manner
D:
movement
标准答题:
(单选题)2:
Inatyphoon,winds___aspeedgreaterthan120kmsperhour.
A:
assume
B:
accomplish
C:
attain
D:
assemble
标准答题:
(单选题)3:
Nomatter________,thelittlesistersmanagedtoroundthesheepupanddrivethembackhomesafely.
A:
itwassnowinghard
B:
harditwassnowing
C:
howitwassnowinghard
D:
howharditwassnowing
标准答题:
(单选题)4:
Shecanstayinherworkroomfor10hourswithouteatingorsleeping,allherattention___her
A:
focusingon
B:
focusedon
C:
focusingin
D:
focusedin
标准答题:
(单选题)5:
Thenewspaper___therainwilllastforanotherthreedays.
A:
isbeingsaid
B:
says
C:
issaid
D:
issaying
标准答题:
(单选题)6:
NoonehadtoldSmithabout___alecturethefollowingday.
A:
therebe
B:
therewouldbe
C:
therewas
D:
therebeing
标准答题:
(单选题)7:
Hitlerstrengthen___hisresolvenottoallowhimselforhisbridetobemadeaspectacle.
A:
in
B:
up
C:
upon
D:
firm
标准答题:
(单选题)8:
Thedoctorhadalmostlosthopeatonepoint,butthepatientfinally___.
A:
pulledout
B:
pulledthrough
C:
pulledup
D:
pulledover
标准答题:
(单选题)9:
He___overastump,nearlyfallingontotheground.
A:
passed
B:
stumbled
C:
bumped
D:
walked
标准答题:
(单选题)10:
Hadyoucomefiveminutesearlier,you________thetraintoBirmingham.Butnowyoumissedit.
A:
wouldcatch
B:
wouldhavecaught
C:
couldcatch
D:
shouldcatch
标准答题:
(单选题)11:
________girldressed________blackishersisterRose.
A:
A/in
B:
A/on
C:
The/on
D:
The/in
标准答题:
(单选题)12:
Idon'tknowthepark,butit's________tobequitebeautiful.
A:
said
B:
told
C:
spoken
D:
talked
标准答题:
(单选题)13:
Shemadeagreat___togettheworkdoneontime.
A:
ability
B:
length
C:
force
D:
effort
标准答题:
(单选题)14:
Thedoctorsdon’t___thathewilllivemuchlonger.
A:
articulate
B:
manifest
C:
anticipate
D:
monitor
标准答题:
(单选题)15:
Itisnotthatwearemoreeager,___wehaveinventedallsortsofsocialdevicestohastentheprocess.
A:
so
B:
butthat
C:
or
D:
onlybecause
标准答题:
(单选题)16:
Itishightimethatsuchpractices___.
A:
areended
B:
beended
C:
wereended
D:
mustbeended
标准答题:
(单选题)17:
Thetrainisbound___London.
A:
to
B:
towards
C:
toward
D:
for
标准答题:
(单选题)18:
Suchcrimesmaybesocomplexthatmonthsoryearsgobybeforeanyone___them.
A:
discovered
B:
willdiscover
C:
wouldhavediscovered
D:
discovers
标准答题:
(单选题)19:
________herandthentrytocopywhatshedoes.
A:
Mind
B:
See
C:
Stareat
D:
Watch
标准答题:
(单选题)20:
Today'sweatheris________worsethanyesterday's.
A:
very
B:
much
C:
verymuch
D:
muchtoo
标准答题:
(单选题)1:
It'sbad________foryoutosmokeinthepublicplaceswheresmokingisnotallowed.
A:
behavior
B:
action
C:
manner
D:
movement
标准答题:
(单选题)2:
Inatyphoon,winds___aspeedgreaterthan120kmsperhour.
A:
assume
B:
accomplish
C:
attain
D:
assemble
标准答题:
(单选题)3:
Nomatter________,thelittlesistersmanagedtoroundthesheepupanddrivethembackhomesafely.
A:
itwassnowinghard
B:
harditwassnowing
C:
howitwassnowinghard
D:
howharditwassnowing
标准答题:
(单选题)4:
Shecanstayinherworkroomfor10hourswithouteatingorsleeping,allherattention___her
A:
focusingon
B:
focusedon
C:
focusingin
D:
focusedin
标准答题:
(单选题)5:
Thenewspaper___therainwilllastforanotherthreedays.
A:
isbeingsaid
B:
says
C:
issaid
D:
issaying
标准答题:
(单选题)6:
NoonehadtoldSmithabout___alecturethefollowingday.
A:
therebe
B:
therewouldbe
C:
therewas
D:
therebeing
标准答题:
(单选题)7:
Hitlerstrengthen___hisresolvenottoallowhimselforhisbridetobemadeaspectacle.
A:
in
B:
up
C:
upon
D:
firm
标准答题:
(单选题)8:
Thedoctorhadalmostlosthopeatonepoint,butthepatientfinally___.
A:
pulledout
B:
pulledthrough
C:
pulledup
D:
pulledover
标准答题:
(单选题)9:
He___overastump,nearlyfallingontotheground.
A:
passed
B:
stumbled
C:
bumped
D:
walked
标准答题:
(单选题)10:
Hadyoucomefiveminutesearlier,you________thetraintoBirmingham.Butnowyoumissedit.
A:
wouldcatch
B:
wouldhavecaught
C:
couldcatch
D:
shouldcatch
标准答题:
(单选题)11:
________girldressed________blackishersisterRose.
A:
A/in
B:
A/on
C:
The/on
D:
The/in
标准答题:
(单选题)12:
Idon'tknowthepark,butit's________tobequitebeautiful.
A:
said
B:
told
C:
spoken
D:
talked
标准答题:
(单选题)13:
Shemadeagreat___togettheworkdoneontime.
A:
ability
B:
length
C:
force
D:
effort
标准答题:
(单选题)14:
Thedoctorsdon’t___thathewilllivemuchlonger.
A:
articulate
B:
manifest
C:
anticipate
D:
monitor
标准答题:
(单选题)15:
Itisnotthatwearemoreeager,___wehaveinventedallsortsofsocialdevicestohastentheprocess.
A:
so
B:
butthat
C:
or
D:
onlybecause
标准答题:
(单选题)16:
Itishightimethatsuchpractices___.
A:
areended
B:
beended
C:
wereended
D:
mustbeended
标准答题:
(单选题)17:
Thetrainisbound___London.
A:
to
B:
towards
C:
toward
D:
for
标准答题:
(单选题)18:
Suchcrimesmaybesocomplexthatmonthsoryearsgobybeforeanyone___them.
A:
discovered
B:
willdiscover
C:
wouldhavediscovered
D:
discovers
标准答题:
(单选题)19:
________herandthentrytocopywhatshedoes.
A:
Mind
B:
See
C:
Stareat
D:
Watch
标准答题:
(单选题)20:
Today'sweatheris________worsethanyesterday's.
A:
very
B:
much
C:
verymuch
D:
muchtoo
标准答题: