北大18秋《36081003大学英语3第二组作业》作业资料.docx
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北大18秋《36081003大学英语3第二组作业》作业资料
【北京大学】36081003-大学英语3-第二组作业
试卷总分:
100得分:
第1题,[单选题]Thecomputersystem_______suddenlywhilehewassearchingforinformationontheInternet.
A:
brokedown
B:
brokeout
C:
brokeup
D:
brokein
E:
正确答案:
第2题,[单选题]Ilookforwardto_______fromyou.
A:
heard
B:
hearing
C:
hears
D:
hear
E:
正确答案:
第3题,[单选题]Thiskindofplant______alotofwateratalltimes.
A:
assumes
B:
limits
C:
produces
D:
requires
E:
正确答案:
第4题,[单选题]Ourmanagerwilllookintothematterassoonaspossible.Justhavealittle_______.
A:
wait
B:
time
C:
patience
D:
rest
E:
正确答案:
第5题,[单选题]Shewasawardedthehighest______forhiscontributiontoworldpeace.
A:
price
B:
press
C:
prize
D:
pride
E:
正确答案:
第6题,[单选题]ThetopoftheGreatWallis________forfivehorsestogosidebyside.
A:
wide
B:
sowide
C:
wideenough
D:
enoughwide
E:
正确答案:
第7题,[单选题]Twodaysisnotenoughforhimtofinishthework.Heneeds_______day.
A:
other
B:
theother
C:
thethird
D:
athird
E:
正确答案:
第8题,[单选题]Themedicineisonsaleeverywhere.Youcangetitat______chemist's.
A:
each
B:
each
C:
certain
D:
any
E:
正确答案:
第9题,[单选题]Iwon'tmakethe_______mistakenexttime.
A:
like
B:
same
C:
near
D:
similar
E:
正确答案:
第10题,[单选题]Shehad_____todo,soshewasfree.
A:
something
B:
anything
C:
nothing
D:
everything
E:
正确答案:
第11题,[单选题]Hehassmokedforsomanyyearsthathecan______giveitup.
A:
directly
B:
mostly
C:
exactly
D:
hardly
E:
正确答案:
第12题,[单选题]Youshouldn't_______yourtimelikethat,Bob;youhavetofinishyourschoolworktonight.
A:
cut
B:
do
C:
kill
D:
kick
E:
正确答案:
第13题,[单选题]Asthebuscameroundthecorner,itran______abigtreebytheroadside.
A:
into
B:
on
C:
over
D:
up
E:
正确答案:
第14题,[单选题]Peopleatthepartyworriedabouthim,becausenoonewasaware____hehadgone.
A:
ofwhere
B:
oftheplacewhere
C:
where
D:
theplace
E:
正确答案:
第15题,[单选题]Astheycan'taffordtoletthesituationgetworse,theywilltakesomenecessary_______.
A:
decisions
B:
sides
C:
directions
D:
steps
E:
正确答案:
第16题,[单选题]Wearenext-door_______.
A:
neighborhoods
B:
neighbor
C:
neighborhood
D:
neighbors
E:
正确答案:
第17题,[单选题]Ifbyanychancesomeonecomestoseeme,askthepersontoleavea_______.
A:
message
B:
letter
C:
sentence
D:
notice
E:
正确答案:
第18题,[单选题]Therehavebeenmany________intheirmarriagebuttheystillloveeachother.
A:
rightandwrong
B:
backandforth
C:
backandforth
D:
rightandleft
E:
正确答案:
第19题,[单选题]-It'sagoodidea.Butwho'sgoingto_________theplan?
-IthinkJohnandPeterwill.
A:
carryout
B:
getthrough
C:
takein
D:
setaside
E:
正确答案:
第20题,[单选题]Pleasehurryup,____we'llbelate.
A:
and
B:
but
C:
or
D:
so
E:
正确答案:
第21题,[单选题]Ifyouwanttochangeforablueshirt,you'llhavetopay_______$10.
A:
another
B:
other
C:
more
D:
each
E:
正确答案:
第22题,[单选题]Jimtakesthemedicine________thedoctorsays.
A:
as
B:
like
C:
what
D:
because
E:
正确答案:
第23题,[单选题]Thetaxidriveralwaysremindspassengersto_______theirbelongingswhentheyleavethecar.
A:
keep
B:
catch
C:
hold
D:
take
E:
正确答案:
第24题,[单选题]Ifshewantstostaythin,shemustmakea_____inherdiet.
A:
change
B:
turn
C:
run
D:
go
E:
正确答案:
第25题,[单选题]_________herandthentrytocopywhatshedoes.
A:
Mind
B:
See
C:
Stareat
D:
Watch
E:
正确答案:
第26题,[单选题]Apoliceofficerclaimedhehadattemptedto____payinghisfare.
A:
avoid
B:
reject
C:
refuse
D:
neglect
E:
正确答案:
第27题,[单选题]Hehasbeen______fornearlythreeweeksafterthedeathofhisdearpet.
A:
sad
B:
satisfied
C:
evil
D:
joyful
E:
正确答案:
第28题,[单选题]--Isthisyourshoe?
--Yes,butwhereis________?
A:
theotherone
B:
otherone
C:
anotherone
D:
theothers
E:
正确答案:
第29题,[单选题]Itis_______forpeopletofeelexcitedwhentheystartdoingsomethingnew.
A:
normal
B:
ordinary
C:
average
D:
regular
E:
正确答案:
第30题,[单选题]You'llfindthismapofgreat_______inhelpingyoutogetaroundBeijing.
A:
price
B:
cost
C:
value
D:
useful
E:
正确答案:
第31题,[单选题]Wegotothecinema_____aweek.
A:
often
B:
once
C:
seldom
D:
usually
E:
正确答案:
第32题,[单选题]Iwon'tbefree________Ifinishthiswork.
A:
after
B:
until
C:
but
D:
when
E:
正确答案:
第33题,[单选题]Everysocietyhasitsownpeculiarcustomsand______ofacting.
A:
attitudes
B:
behavior
C:
ways
D:
means
E:
正确答案:
第34题,[单选题]Theredflowergoesfromoneto_____intheclass.
A:
theother
B:
others
C:
another
D:
other
E:
正确答案:
第35题,[单选题]On________sideofthestreettherearesometrees.
A:
both
B:
either
C:
every
D:
all
E:
正确答案:
第36题,[单选题]Heisinterested______football,butnotgoodatit.
A:
at
B:
in
C:
on
D:
on
E:
正确答案:
第37题,[单选题]Wouldyoulet_____totheparkwithmyclassmate,Mum?
A:
mego
B:
megoing
C:
Igo
D:
Igoing
E:
正确答案:
第38题,[单选题]Pickingappleswashardwork,________theyreallyenjoyedit.
A:
and
B:
so
C:
but
D:
or
E:
正确答案:
第39题,[单选题]Fortunately,Jackwasonlyslightlyinjuredinthetraffic____.
A:
incident
B:
event
C:
case
D:
accident
E:
正确答案:
第40题,[单选题]He______asumofmoneyeverymonthtohelpthetwoorphans.
A:
setsaside
B:
setsup
C:
setsalong
D:
setsin
E:
正确答案:
第41题,[单选题]Howcanhe_____ifheisnot_____?
A:
listen;hearing
B:
hear;listening
C:
belistening;heard
D:
behearing;listenedto
E:
正确答案:
第42题,[单选题]Somefamoussingersliveonthe_______fromtheirrecordsales.
A:
salary
B:
price
C:
bill
D:
income
E:
正确答案:
第43题,[单选题]Measles(麻疹)________alongtimetogetover.
A:
spend
B:
spends
C:
take
D:
takes
E:
正确答案:
第44题,[单选题]It's_____tointerrupttheotherswhiletheyaretalking.
A:
rough
B:
rude
C:
polite
D:
troublesome
E:
正确答案:
第45题,[单选题]We'vemissedthelastbus.I'mafraidwehaveno________buttotakeataxi.
A:
way
B:
choice
C:
possibility
D:
selection
E:
正确答案:
第46题,[单选题]Whatisthetrain______toBirmingham?
A:
fee
B:
tip
C:
fare
D:
cost
E:
正确答案:
第47题,[单选题]Onaverage,asuccessfullawyerhastotalktoseveral_______aday.
A:
customers
B:
supporters
C:
guests
D:
clients
E:
正确答案:
第48题,[单选题]Fatherisbusy_____themealwhileIambusywiththehomework.
A:
cooking
B:
tocook
C:
cook
D:
with
E:
正确答案:
第49题,[单选题]Themanagerwillnot_________ustousehiscar.
A:
have
B:
let
C:
agree
D:
allow
E:
正确答案:
第50题,[单选题]Ihavebeenlookingforwardto____frommyparents.
A:
hear
B:
beingheard
C:
beheard
D:
hearing
E:
正确答案:
第51题,[单选题]MikeisbetterthanPeter____swimming.
A:
for
B:
at
C:
on
D:
in
E:
正确答案:
第52题,[单选题]Youcantakeasmanyasyoulikebecausethesehandoutsarefreeof_______.
A:
fare
B:
charge
C:
money
D:
pay
E:
正确答案:
第53题,[单选题]Iwastalkingwithmymotheronthephonewhenwewere____suddenly.
A:
cutdown
B:
cutoff
C:
cutacross
D:
cutback
E:
正确答案:
第54题,[单选题]Idon'tknowwhysheavoids______heropiniononthesubject.
A:
togive
B:
tobegiven
C:
giving
D:
beinggiven
E:
正确答案:
第55题,[单选题]Eggs,thoughrichinnourishments,have______offat.
A:
alargenumber
B:
thelargenumber
C:
alargeamount
D:
thelargeamount
E:
正确答案:
第56题,[单选题]Fishcan'tlive______water.
A:
with
B:
without
C:
in
D:
on
E:
正确答案:
第57题,[单选题]Charliethinksmoneywill______allhisproblems.
A:
score
B:
solve
C:
force
D:
perform
E:
正确答案:
第58题,[单选题]IfwecouldlearnEnglishinthesame_______,itwouldnotseemsodifficult.
A:
road
B:
way
C:
theory
D:
means
E:
正确答案:
第59题,[单选题]Tom,whatdidyoudowithmydocuments?
Ihaveneverseensucha_____anddisorder!
A:
mass
B:
mess
C:
guess
D:
bus
E:
正确答案:
第60题,[单选题]ThestudentswereallentertainedinaMexicanrestaurant,atProfessorBrian's______.
A:
money
B:
pay
C:
expense
D:
loss
E:
正确答案:
第61题,[单选题]Excusemeforbreakingin,_______Ihavesomenewsforyou.
A:
so
B:
and
C:
but
D:
yet
E:
正确答案:
第62题,[单选题]It'sbad________foryoutosmokeinthepublicplaceswheresmokingisnotallowed.
A:
behavior
B:
action
C:
manner
D:
movement
E:
正确答案:
第63题,[单选题]Pickingappleswashardwork,________theyreallyenjoyedit.
A:
and
B:
so
C:
but
D:
or
E:
正确答案:
第64题,[单选题]He________medothework.
A:
gives
B:
helps
C:
minds
D:
cares
E:
正确答案:
第65题,[单选题]Mr.Johnwasbusy,_____________hecouldnotcome.
A:
but
B:
therefore
C:
and
D:
nor
E:
正确答案:
第66题,[单选题]Onaverage,asuccessfullawyerhastotalktoseveral_______aday.
A:
customers
B:
supporters
C:
guests
D:
clients
E:
正确答案:
第67题,[单选题]Whyhediditwillremaina_______forever.
A:
strange
B:
pass
C:
public
D:
puzzle
E:
正确答案:
第68题,[单选题]Theteacher'slectureonpronunciationlastedforthreehours.Manyofusfeltvery_______andsleepy.
A:
boring
B:
bored
C:
losing
D:
losing
E:
正确答案:
第69题,[单选题]Helenwasseriouslyinjuredinacar______.
A:
incident
B:
accident
C:
event
D:
matter
E:
正确答案:
第70题,[单选题]Jane'sdressissimilarindesign___hersister's.
A:
like
B:
with
C:
to
D:
as
E:
正确答案:
第71题,[单选题]Afterwalkinghurriedlyforhalfanhour,Iwantedtodrink_______.
A:
somethingcold
B:
coldsomething
C:
somethingwithcold
D:
somethingtobecold
E:
正确答案:
第72题,[单选题]Theyweretheonlymenwhoreceivedvotes______me.
A:
next
B:
besides
C:
unless
D:
accept
E:
正确答案:
第73题,[单选题]IfwecouldlearnEnglishinthesame_______,itwouldnotseemsodifficult.
IfwecouldlearnEnglishinthesame_______,itwouldnotseemsodifficult.
A:
road
B:
way
C:
theory
D:
means
E:
正确答案:
第74题,[单选题]Onecannotlearnaforeignlanguagewell______hestudieshard.
A:
unless
B:
if
C:
as
D:
when
E:
正确答案:
第75题,[单选题]Thiskindofmaterialexpands____thetemperatureincreasing.
A:
to
B:
for
C:
with
D:
at
E:
正确答案:
第76题,[单选题]There'slotsoffruit_____thetree.Ourlittlecatisalso______thetree.
A:
in;in
B:
on;on
C:
in;on
D:
on;in
E:
正确答案:
第77题,[单选题]Therear