鲁教版八年级上册英语课文翻译.docx
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鲁教版八年级上册英语课文翻译
鲁教版八年级上册英语课文翻译
Unit12
SectionA-2d2
SectionA-3a3
SectionB-2b6
Unit28
SectionA-2d8
SectionA-3a9
SectionB-2b11
Unit315
SectionA-2d15
SectionA-3a16
SectionB-2b18
Unit421
SectionA-2d21
SectionA-3a22
SectionB-2b24
Unit529
SectionA-2d29
SectionA-3a30
SectionB-2b32
Unit635
SectionA-2d35
SectionA-3a36
SectionB-2b38
Unit741
SectionA-2d41
SectionA-3a42
SectionB-2b44
Unit847
SectionA-2d47
SectionA-3a49
SectionB-2a50
Unit1
SectionA-2d
Tony,couldyoupleasehelpputwithafewthings?
托尼,你能帮我点忙吗?
CouldIatleastfinishwatchingthisshow?
你至少得让我看完这个电视节目吧。
No.IthinktwohoursofTVisenoughforyou!
不行。
我觉得你已经看了两个小时的电视,时间已经够长了。
Fine.Whatdoyouwantmetodo?
好吧,你想让我帮你做什么?
Couldyoutakeouttherubbish,foldtheclothesanddothedishes?
你能把垃圾扔掉,把衣服叠好然后把碗洗了吗?
Somuch?
这么多活儿啊?
Yes,becauseMomwillbebackfromshoppinganyminutesnow.
Andshewon'tbehappyifsheseesthismess.
是啊。
因为妈妈随时都可能购物回来。
如果她看见家里这么乱,她会
不高兴的。
Butthehouseisalreadyprettycleanandtidy!
但是家里已经很干净整洁了啊。
Yes,well,it'sclean,butit'snot"motherclean"!
恩。
家里是很干净的。
但是不是妈妈要求的那种干净。
SectionA-3a
Lastmonth,ourdogwelcomedmewhenIcamehome
fromschool.
上个月,当我从学校回到家的时候,我们家的小狗热情地欢迎了我。
He
wanted
awalk,
but
was
so
tired.
threw
do
wn
my
bag
and
went
to
the
living
room.
它想出去玩,但是我实在太累了。
我扔下书包,来到了客厅。
TheminuteIsatdowninfrontoftheTV,mymom
cameover.
"Couldyoupleasetakethedogforawalk?
"shea
sked.
正当我在电视机前坐下来的时候,妈妈回家了。
"你能把狗带出去遛
遛吗?
"她问道。
"CouldIwatchoneshowfirst?
"Iasked.
"我能先看会儿电视吗?
"我问她。
"No!
"
she
replied
angrily.
"You
watch
all
the
time
and
never
help
out
aro
und
the
house!
can't
work
all
day
and
do
housew
ork
all
evening."
"不行!
"她很生气地回答。
"你成天都在看电视,从来都不出去走走!
我没法工作一天之后回来还要做一晚上的家务。
"
"Well,
work
all
day
at
school,
too!
I'm
just
as
tired
as
you
are!
"
shouted
back.
"我也上了一天的课了呢!
我现在和你一样累!
"我朝她嚷道。
My
momdid
not
say
anything
and
walked
away.
For
one
week,
she
did
not
do
any
housework
and
neither
didI.
妈妈没有说一句话就走开了。
接下来的一周,她没有做任何的家务,
我也没有做。
Finally,Icouldnotfindacleandishoraclean
shirt.
最后,我都找不到一个干净的盘子,一件干净的衬衫了。
The
next
day,
my
momcame
homefrom
work
to
find
the
house
clean
and
tidy.
第二天,妈妈下班回来发现家里突然变得干净整洁了。
"Whathappened?
"sheaskedinsurprise.
"发生了什么事?
"她惊讶地问道。
"I'm
so
sorry,
Mom.
finally
understand
that
we
n
eed
to
share
the
housework
to
have
a
clean
and
co
mfortable
home,"
replied.
"对不起,妈妈。
我终于意识到我们需要分担家务,这样我们才能有一个干净舒适的家,"我回答道。
DearSir,
您好,先生
donot
understandwhysomeparents
make
their
ki
ds
help
withhouseworkandchoresat
home.
我不明白为什么有的家长会让孩子帮忙做家务。
Kids
these
days
already
have
enough
stress
fromsch
ool.
They
donot
have
time
tostudy
and
dohousew
ork,
too.
孩子们这些天在学校压力已经够大了。
他们并没有时间去学习,也没
有时间做家庭作业。
Housework
is
awaste
of
their
time.
Could
we
just
let
them
do
their
job
as
students?
做家务很浪费他们的时间。
我们能否让他们做学生应该做的事情呢?
They
should
spend
their
time
on
schoolwork
in
order
to
get
good
grades
and
get
into
agood
university.
他们应该把时间花在功课上,这样就能考出好成绩,然后考上一所好
的大学。
Also,
when
they
get
older,
they
will
have
to
do
h
ousework
so
there
is
no
need
for
them
to
do
it
n
ow.
此外,当他们长大了,他们总是要做家务的,所以现在没有必要就开
始做家务。
It
is
the
parents'
job
to
provide
aclean
and
com
fortable
environment
at
home
for
their
children.
家长们的职责就是为孩子们提供一个干净,舒适的居住环境。
Andanyway,Ithinkdoingchoresisnotsodifficu
lt.Idonotminddoingthem.
不管怎么样,我认为做家务太难了。
我不介意自己做家务。
Ms.Miller
米勒夫人
SectionB-2b
Dear
Sir,
您好,先生
think
it
is
important
for
children
to
learn
how
to
do
chores
and
help
their
parents
with
housewor
k.
我认为让孩子们学着做家务,并且和父母们一起分担家务是一件很重
要的事情。
It
is
not
enough
to
just
get
good
grades
at
schoo
l.
Children
these
days
depend
on
their
parents
too
much.
孩子们仅仅在学校取得好的成绩是不够的。
在当今社会,孩子们过分
依赖于他们的父母。
Theyarealwaysasking,
"Couldyougetthisforme?
"or"Couldyouhelpm
ewiththat?
"
他们通常会问,“你能给我买这个吗?
”或者是“你能给我买那个
吗?
”
Doing
chores
helps
to
develop
children's
independence
and
teaches
them
how
tolook
after
themselves.It
also
helps
them
to
understand
the
idea
offairness.
做家务有助于提高孩子们的独立能力和自理能力,还助于培养他们的
公平意识。
Since
they
live
in
one
house
with
their
parents,
t
hey
should
know
that
everyone
should
do
their
part
in
keeping
it
clean
and
tidy.
由于他们和父母住在一起,他们需要认识到保持房间干净整洁需要每
个人的参与。
Our
neighbor's
son
got
into
a
good
college
but
dur
ing
his
first
year,
he
had
no
idea
howto
take
c
are
of
himself.
我有一个邻居的孩子,他考上了一所理想的大学。
但是刚读大一的时
候,他却不知道该如何照顾自己。
As
a
result,
he
often
fell
ill
and
his
grades
dro
pped.
The
earlier
kids
learn
to
be
independent,
the
betteritisfortheirfuture.
结果,他经常生病,成绩一落千丈。
孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的
未来则越有利。
Mr.Smith
史密斯先生
Unit2
SectionA-2d
Youlooksad,Kim.What'swrong?
金姆,你看上去很难受。
怎么了?
Well,Ifoundmysisterlookingthroughmythingsyesterday.ShetooksomeofmynewmagazinesandCDs.
是这样的。
我发现我妹妹昨天翻我的东西了。
她拿走了我的几本新杂
志和几张CD。
Hmm...that'snotverynice.Didshegivethemb
acktoyou?
这样是挺不好的。
那她还给你了吗?
Yes,butI'mstillangrywithher.WhatshouldI
do?
还给我了。
但是我还是生她的气。
我该怎么做?
Well,
guess
you
could
tell
her
to
say
sorry.
Bu
t
why
don't
you
forget
about
it
so
that
you
can
be
friends
again?
Although
she's
wrong,
it's
not
a
bigdeal.
我觉得你该向她道歉。
为什么你不把这事儿忘掉,这样你们就可以重
新和好了?
虽然她错了,但这都不算事儿。
You'reright.Thanksforyouradvice.
好吧。
谢谢你的建议。
Noproblem.Hopethingsworkout.
不客气。
希望你能顺利解决。
SectionA-3a
DearMr.Hunt,
敬爱的亨特先生
MyproblemRelationsTheyfight
isthatbetweenalot,
Ican'tgetonwithmyfamily.
myparentshavebecomedifficult.
andIreallydon'tlikeit.
我面临的问题是我无法和我的家人和睦相处。
父母之间的关系变得很
紧张。
他们经常吵架,我非常不喜欢这样。
It's
the
only
communication
they
have.
don't
know
if
should
say
anything
to
them
about
this.
吵架是他们唯一沟通的方式。
我不知道我是否该跟他们谈谈。
Whentheyargue,it'slikeabig,blackcloudhang
ingoverourhome.
当他们开始吵架的时候,整个家里仿佛笼罩在一层厚厚的乌云下。
Also,myalways
elder
refuses
brothertolet
is
me
notverywatchmy
nicetofavourite
me.
He
s
how.
还有,我的哥哥对我也不好。
他总是不让我看我喜欢的电视节目。
Insteadhewatcheswhateverhewantsuntillateat
night.
但是他却想看什么就看什么,而且一直看到深夜。
Idon't
lonely
think
and
this
nervous.
is
Is
fair.
that
Athome
normal?
IalwaysWhatcan
feelI
d
o?
我认为这很不公平。
我在家里总是感觉到孤独和紧张。
这样正常吗?
我该怎么办?
SadandThirteen
一位忧伤的13岁小朋友
DearSadandThirteen,
亲爱的忧伤的13岁小朋友
It's
not
easy
being
your
age,
and
it's
normal
to
have
these
feelings.
Whydon't
you
talk
about
these
feelings
with
your
family?
你在这个年龄遇到这样的事情很不容易,而且你有这种感觉也很正常。
为什么你不和你父母说说你的这些感受呢?
Ifyourparentsarehavingproblems,youshouldoff
ertohelp.
如果你的父母出现了问题,你应该给他们提供帮助。
Maybeyoucoulddomorejobsaroundthehouseso
thattheyhavemoretimeforpropercommunication.
你或许可以多做些家务,这样他们有更多的时间进行适当地沟通。
Secondly,whydon'tyousitdownandcommunicatewi
thyourbrother?
其次,为什么你不能坐下来和你的哥哥好好谈谈呢?
Youshouldexplainthatyoudon'tmindhimwatching
TVallthetime.
你应该跟他解释,你并不介意他一直看电视。
However,heshouldletyouwatchyourfavouritesho
w.Ihopethingswillbebetterforyousoon.
但是他应该允许你看自己喜欢看的节目。
我喜欢事情能够早日得到解
决。
RobertHunt
罗伯特·亨特
SectionB-2b
MaybeYouShouldLearntoRelax!
也许你该