19春中国医科大学《大学英语2》在线作业.docx
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19春中国医科大学《大学英语2》在线作业
(单选题)1:
—I’mverysorryforthemistakeI’vemade.—It’sOK.().
A:
Thatcanhappentotherestofus.
B:
What’sthematterwithyou?
C:
Whyareyousocareless?
D:
Youshouldberesponsibleforit.
标准答题:
(单选题)2:
—Imustapologizeforhavingdelayedthejob.—().
A:
Pleasedtomeetyou.
B:
No,that’snotyourfault.
C:
Idon’tknow.
D:
Thanksalot.
标准答题:
(单选题)3:
Allthewindows()havebeenrepaired.
A:
breaking
B:
beingbroken
C:
broken
D:
broke
标准答题:
(单选题)4:
Let’ssee()wecanfindoutsomeinformationaboutthatcity.
A:
that
B:
whether
C:
when
D:
what
标准答题:
(单选题)5:
You'llneverguesstheanswer.Doyou()?
A:
giveup
B:
getoff
C:
giveaway
D:
getdown
标准答题:
(单选题)6:
Thoughhehadoftenmadehislittlesister(),todayhewasmade()byhislittlesister.
A:
cry;tocry
B:
crying;crying
C:
cry;cry
D:
tocry;cry
标准答题:
(单选题)7:
Oxygenisoftenstoredasaliquid,althoughitisused()asagas.
A:
primarily
B:
seldom
C:
rarely
D:
sometimes
标准答题:
(单选题)8:
—Passthedictionary,willyou?
—().
A:
Byallmeans.
B:
Pleasure.
C:
None.
D:
Thanks.
标准答题:
(单选题)9:
—Areyousatisfiedwithwhatshehasdone?
—().Itcouldn’tbeanybetter.
A:
Notalittle
B:
Notatall
C:
I’msorry
D:
Thankyou
标准答题:
(单选题)10:
—Thankyouforcalling.
A:
Don’tmentionit.
B:
Nicetalkingtoyou.
C:
That’sfine.
D:
Callbackagain.
标准答题:
(单选题)11:
—CanIhelpyou?
Whatwouldyoulike?
—Idon’tknow.—Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat?
Howaboutsomecakes?
—().IthinkI’dlikesomebread.
A:
Yes,please
B:
That’sit
C:
No,thanks
D:
Itdoesn’tmatter
标准答题:
(单选题)12:
Howdidyoufindmesellingmydress?
Isawyour().
A:
kite
B:
fly
C:
book
D:
flyer
标准答题:
(单选题)13:
Whendothebidsrisemost?
Thebidsrisemostjustbeforethecloseofthe().
A:
auction
B:
action
C:
activist
D:
act
标准答题:
(单选题)14:
BythetimeyouarriveinLondon,we()inEuropefortwoweeks.
A:
shallstay
B:
willhavestayed
C:
havestayed
D:
havebeenstaying
标准答题:
(单选题)15:
Thecommissionismadeupoffivepeople,()twowomen.
A:
including
B:
involving
C:
included
D:
involved
标准答题:
(单选题)16:
Underno()shouldweberecklessofconsequenceandmakehastydecisions.
A:
instance
B:
circumstance
C:
situation
D:
environment
标准答题:
(单选题)17:
Ihaveheard()hewillcometomorrow.
A:
when
B:
how
C:
what
D:
that
标准答题:
(单选题)18:
—Thanksforyourhelp.—().
A:
Mypleasure.
B:
Quiteright.
C:
Nevermind.
D:
Don’tthankme.
标准答题:
(单选题)19:
Obsessive()canbeveryirritating.
A:
perfectionism
B:
awareness
C:
person
D:
critic
标准答题:
(单选题)20:
—Couldyoudomeafavor?
—().
A:
Nevermind.
B:
Withpleasure.
C:
Can’tcomplain.
D:
Notatall.
标准答题:
(单选题)21:
(),IhaveneverseenamorecapablemanthanJohn.
A:
AslongasIhavetraveled
B:
AsItravelsomuch
C:
NowthatIhavetraveled
D:
MuchasIhavetraveled
标准答题:
(单选题)22:
HadIgottherefiveminutesearlier,Icould()her.
A:
meet
B:
meeting
C:
havemet
D:
tomeet
标准答题:
(单选题)23:
—IthinkIshallreadabookinstead.—().
A:
Great.WatchingTVprogrammeismuchbetter.
B:
Noway.OurTVsetdoesn’tworknow.
C:
OK.Let’sturnontheTVset.
D:
Goodidea.That‘smuchbetterthanwatchingabadTVprogramme.
标准答题:
(单选题)24:
—().—Yes,whereisladies’roomplease?
A:
Icanhelpyou.
B:
Letmehelpyou.
C:
MayIhelpyou?
D:
WhatcanIdoforyou?
标准答题:
(单选题)25:
—Isthisraincoatyours?
A:
ishanging
B:
hangs
C:
hashung
D:
hung
标准答题:
(单选题)26:
—IamafraidIspilledcoffeeonthetablecloth.—().
A:
Don’tworryaboutit.
B:
What’swrongwithyou?
C:
What’shappened?
D:
Youhavedonewell.
标准答题:
(单选题)27:
Little()abouthisownhealththoughhewasveryill.
A:
hecared
B:
doeshecare
C:
didhecare
D:
hecares
标准答题:
(单选题)28:
—Idon‘tthinkthatit‘strue.He‘salwaystellingstrangestories.—().
A:
Whynot!
B:
Iamofthesameopinion.Ithinkhisstoryistruethistime.
C:
Iknow.ButthistimeIcan‘tdecideifheisrightornot.
D:
Icannotshareyourview.Itmustbeafalsestory.
标准答题:
(单选题)29:
Themanagerdiscussedtheplanthattheywouldliketosee()thenextyear.
A:
carryout
B:
carryingout
C:
carriedout
D:
tocarryout
标准答题:
(单选题)30:
Mywatch()atnineo’clock,butnowit().
A:
went;stopped
B:
went;isstopping
C:
wasgoing;stopped
D:
wasgoing;hasstopped
标准答题:
(单选题)31:
Pleaseenteryour()whenyoupay.
A:
state
B:
C:
welfare
D:
address
标准答题:
(单选题)32:
()atthemeetingaresomeexperiencedteachers.
A:
Presented
B:
Havingbeenpresent
C:
Beingpresented
D:
Present
标准答题:
(单选题)33:
Sheiscontinually()herposition/authoritybygettingotherpeopletodothingsforher.
A:
abusing
B:
teasing
C:
using
D:
tempting
标准答题:
(单选题)34:
Jackwonthechampionshipofthecompetition,()madethewholefamilyexcited.
A:
that
B:
who
C:
which
D:
what
标准答题:
(单选题)35:
Theroomwasdesigned()astudy.
A:
being
B:
been
C:
tobe
D:
tohavebeen
标准答题:
(单选题)36:
Mrs.Whitebecameateacherin1985.She()fortwentyyearsbynextsummer.
A:
willteach
B:
hasbeenteaching
C:
wouldhavetaught
D:
willhavebeenteaching
标准答题:
(单选题)37:
Theaimisneithertojudgenortoforceforgiveness,butratherto()understanding.
A:
foster
B:
harvest
C:
brighten
D:
activate
标准答题:
(单选题)38:
ItishisfirstvisittoEuropeasthe().
A:
preside
B:
resident
C:
presidency
D:
president
标准答题:
(单选题)39:
Foodistomen()oilistomachine.
A:
what
B:
that
C:
which
D:
inwhich
标准答题:
(单选题)40:
Thebookiswell().
A:
worthreading
B:
worthytoread
C:
worthtoread
D:
worthyreading
标准答题:
(单选题)41:
—Ithinktheshopisclosedatthistimeofday.—().
A:
No,Ithinkit'sopen.
B:
No,Ithinkit'sclosed.
C:
Yes,Ithinkit'sopen.
D:
Yes,Idon'tthinkso.
标准答题:
(单选题)42:
IfirstmetSimonthreeyearsago.She()atauniversityatthattime.
A:
hasworked
B:
wasworking
C:
hasbeenworking
D:
hadworked
标准答题:
(单选题)43:
—Howoftendoyoueatout?
—(),butusuallyonceaweek.
A:
Havenoidea
B:
Itdepends
C:
Asusual
D:
Generallyspeaking
标准答题:
(单选题)44:
—Iamverysorry.CanIgetyouanotherone?
—().
A:
That’sfine.
B:
Idon’tforgiveyou.
C:
No,forgetaboutit.
D:
It’snoneofyourbusiness.
标准答题:
(单选题)45:
Wewereinthesamecollege,()wasmale-onlyatthattime.
A:
that
B:
which
C:
it
D:
although
标准答题:
(单选题)46:
()Iacceptthathe'snotperfectinmanyrespects,Idoactuallyquiteliketheman.
A:
why
B:
how
C:
who
D:
while
标准答题:
(单选题)47:
—IwonderifIcouldpossiblyuseyourcarfortonight?
—().I’mnotusingitanyhow.
A:
Sure,goahead
B:
Idon’tknow
C:
Yes,indeed
D:
Idon’tcare
标准答题:
(单选题)48:
Ifyouhavea()diet,youaregettingallthevitaminsyouneed.
A:
balanced
B:
bankrupt
C:
biased
D:
boring
标准答题:
(单选题)49:
Hegotup()early()hecaughtthefirstbus.
A:
so;asto
B:
so;that
C:
as;as
D:
such;that
标准答题:
(单选题)50:
Thechildisspoiledbythe()lovefromthegrandparents.
A:
sufficient
B:
moderate
C:
adequate
D:
excessive
标准答题:
(单选题)1:
—I’mverysorryforthemistakeI’vemade.—It’sOK.().
A:
Thatcanhappentotherestofus.
B:
What’sthematterwithyou?
C:
Whyareyousocareless?
D:
Youshouldberesponsibleforit.
标准答题:
(单选题)2:
—Imustapologizeforhavingdelayedthejob.—().
A:
Pleasedtomeetyou.
B:
No,that’snotyourfault.
C:
Idon’tknow.
D:
Thanksalot.
标准答题:
(单选题)3:
Allthewindows()havebeenrepaired.
A:
breaking
B:
beingbroken
C:
broken
D:
broke
标准答题:
(单选题)4:
Let’ssee()wecanfindoutsomeinformationaboutthatcity.
A:
that
B:
whether
C:
when
D:
what
标准答题:
(单选题)5:
You'llneverguesstheanswer.Doyou()?
A:
giveup
B:
getoff
C:
giveaway
D:
getdown
标准答题:
(单选题)6:
Thoughhehadoftenmadehislittlesister(),todayhewasmade()byhislittlesister.
A:
cry;tocry
B:
crying;crying
C:
cry;cry
D:
tocry;cry
标准答题:
(单选题)7:
Oxygenisoftenstoredasaliquid,althoughitisused()asagas.
A:
primarily
B:
seldom
C:
rarely
D:
sometimes
标准答题:
(单选题)8:
—Passthedictionary,willyou?
—().
A:
Byallmeans.
B:
Pleasure.
C:
None.
D:
Thanks.
标准答题:
(单选题)9:
—Areyousatisfiedwithwhatshehasdone?
—().Itcouldn’tbeanybetter.
A:
Notalittle
B:
Notatall
C:
I’msorry
D:
Thankyou
标准答题:
(单选题)10:
—Thankyouforcalling.
A:
Don’tmentionit.
B:
Nicetalkingtoyou.
C:
That’sfine.
D:
Callbackagain.
标准答题:
(单选题)11:
—CanIhelpyou?
Whatwouldyoulike?
—Idon’tknow.—Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat?
Howaboutsomecakes?
—().IthinkI’dlikesomebread.
A:
Yes,please
B:
That’sit
C:
No,thanks
D:
Itdoesn’tmatter
标准答题:
(单选题)12:
Howdidyoufindmesellingmydress?
Isawyour().
A:
kite
B:
fly
C:
book
D:
flyer
标准答题:
(单选题)13:
Whendothebidsrisemost?
Thebidsrisemostjustbeforethecloseofthe().
A:
auction
B:
action
C:
activist
D:
act
标准答题:
(单选题)14:
BythetimeyouarriveinLondon,we()inEuropefortwoweeks.
A:
shallstay
B:
willhavestayed
C:
havestayed
D:
havebeenstaying
标准答题:
(单选题)15:
Thecommissionismadeupoffivepeople,()twowomen.
A:
including
B:
involving
C:
included
D:
involved
标准答题:
(单选题)16:
Underno()shouldweberecklessofconsequenceandmakehastydecisions.
A:
instance
B:
circumstance
C:
situation
D:
environment
标准答题:
(单选题)17:
Ihaveheard()hewillcometomorrow.
A:
when
B:
how
C:
what
D:
that
标准答题:
(单选题)18:
—Thanksforyourhelp.—().
A:
Mypleasure.
B:
Quiteright.
C:
Nevermind.
D:
Don’tthankme.
标准答题:
(单选题)19:
Obsessive()canbeveryirritating.
A:
perfectionism
B:
awareness
C:
person
D:
critic
标准答题:
(单选题)20:
—Couldyoudomeafavor?
—().
A:
Nevermind.
B:
Withpleasure.
C:
Can’tcomplain.
D:
Notatall.
标准答题:
(单选题)21:
(),Ihavenevers