大学英语1高起专阶段性作业与答案Word文档格式.docx
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10.Hepoorallhislifeashewasnothealthyenough.(5分)
(A)wasremaining
(B)wasremained
(C)remained
(D)hasremained
选词填空
1.
Hiseyesto
thetelephone.
2.
Whenwillscientist
cancer?
3.
Your
encouragement
madememore
ofmyfuture.4.
Myfather
m
e
with
theimportanee
ofhardwork.
5.
Theteacher
herstudents
tospeakmoreEnglish
inandout
of
6.
Iwillthe
dayswewere
togetherforever.
7.
Shewas
ofherchildren'
s
(bad)behavior.
8.
When1walk
downagainthe
routesoncampus,
Icouldn'
htelp
kingofmyold
schoollife.
9.
Ifyoucan'
t
signyourname,
makeacross.
10.
Herboyfriend
isherby
sixyears.(50分)
(A)
confident
(B)
(C)
familiar
(D)
cherish
(E)
encourages
(F)
conquer
(G)
shifted
(H)
impresses
(I)
senior
(J)
instead
class.
thin
(1)G
(2)F(3)A(4)H(5)E(6)D(7)B(8)C(9)J(10)I
大学英语1高起专)阶段性作业2
1.Thisdressistoolong.Iwantoneoflength(3分)
(A)medium
(B)modest
(C)average
(D)middle
Would
youcomeandhavedinnerwithus?
(3分)
No,1
1think
Idon'
t.
No,
never
mind.
Yes,
please.
Ithink
Iwill.
Newton
was
oneofthe
greatest
scientistsever
lived.(3分)
whom
which
what
that
4.
Bythe
time
hereached
tothe
dentist,histoothache
.(3分)
(A)stopped
(B)hadstopped
(C)hasstopped
(D)asbeenstopped
5.Sorrytohavekeptyouwaiting.
(A)That'
Ok
(B)Whatareyoudoing?
(C)What'
swrongwithyou?
(D)Wherehaveyoubeen?
6.Moderneducationisbecauseofitsfailuretomeetthepractical
needsofthesociety.(3分)
(A)onattack
(B)inattack
(C)forattack
(D)underattack
7.Canyouhelpme?
(3分)
(A)No,Idon'
know.
(B)Sure,whatisit?
(C)Don'
tmentionit.
(D)Wedon'
havebookshere.
8.Herecitedmuchofthepoemashecouldremember.(3分)
as
so
such
Thecompanymadeefforts
their
products.
promoting
topromote
promoted
topromoting
Thisdressistoolong.Iwant
oneof
length(3分)
medium
modest
average
middle
11.
Notuntillastnightthenews.(3
分)
doIget
can1get
Igot
didIget
12.
Therescueteamrushedthe
injured
the
hospital.(3分)
to
in
from
13.
It'
beenawonderfulevening.
Thankyouvery
much.(3分)
Mypleasure
Itdoesn'
matter.
Nothanks
14.
Ipreferthereddress.
Youhaveaverygoodtaste.
Irespectyourwork.
Youhaveaverysuccessfulbusiness.
yourwifeisverycharming.
15.
Youhaven'
Ipaidfor
ityet.
Oh,I'
nreallyvery
sorry.
Thankyou.
Notatall
Ofcourse,Iknow.
16.
Thepresidenttried
everymeanstoprotecthis
thepolitical
world.(3分)
image
imagine
imagination
Imaginable
17.
sdifficult
foryoung
peopleto
imaginehow
grandparen
ts
managedtolivewithoutinternet
decades
ago.(3分)
desperately
absolutely
unfortunately
terribly
18.
Hello,Peter,whatdoyoudo?
(3
Iamfine.
Iamnotsick.
Iamastudentfrom
BonneUniversity.
IcomefromBonne
University.
19.
Ihaveboughttwo
pens.
writes
well(3分)
neitherofthem
neitherofwhich
noneofwhich
bothofwhich
20.
Don'
tleaveher
outside
intherain.(3分)
waiting
wait
waited
21.
Hi,isThomasthere?
(4分)
Who
areyou?
Sorry,I'
Clallhim.
Hold
on,1'
gethim.
it'
me.
22.
Iam
terriblysorryIbroke
thevase.
Wantit.
Don'
tworry.
You
meanttodoit.
Youbuyoneforme.
23.
More
thanonecar
destroyed
intheaccident.(4分)
is
are
were
24.
What
'
stheweatherliketoday?
What'
stheweatherliketoday?
Saturdayandcold.
!
5thJuly.
It
veryserious.
25.
Have
youanyorangesand
apples?
madam,onthesecond
shelfover
there
The
orangesareverycheap.
likeapples,don'
you?
Ofcourse,wehavesomefruits.
26.
Idid
laundryyouwerehaving
thedinner.(4分)
because
(B)if
(C)while
(D)and
27.That'
achallengingjob.Whowantsit?
(4分)
(A)I'
takeit.
(B)It'
asgoodidea
(C)Youbet.
(D)Nosweat
28.
Can
IborrowyourEnglishdictionary?
(4
Thankyouverymuch
No.
I'
nmotavailable.
nsorry.It'
notathandnow
verykindofyou.
29.
How
muchisthisbluetablecloth?
greenoneisbetter
Ten
dollarsand30cents.
cheap
beautiful.
30.Parentsofyoung
childrenhavetolearnsomething
about
inca
se
children
get
hurt.(4分)
first
help
save
treat
aid
大学英语1高起专)阶段性作业3
完型填空
1.Canyouimaginehowyouwouldfeelifyoufeelseriousillandcouldn
otcommunicateyourneedforadoctor?
Millionsofpeoplethroughoutthe
worldareinthisunfortunate1.Theyliveindistantplaces2therear
enorailways,properroadsortelephones;
farfrommeansofcommunicati
onthatwetakeforgrated.
Manythousandsof
arelostevery
year,
couldhavebeensaved
ifmedical
attention
hadbeen
provided
inti
me.
Eventoday
helpcould
be
brought
quicklyand
easily
many
ofthe
sepeople
fulladvantage
wastaken
oftheairplane.
ountry
hasp
roved
thismore
thanAustralia.
TheAustralians
greater
useof
theairp
lane
thanany
people
theworld.
Thetotal
number
ofmiles
flownb
ythe
personliving
Australia
ishigher
thanany
othercountryi
ntheworld.IthasbeensaidthatAustraliansjumpsintoplanespeop
leinothercountriesjumpintotheirautomobilesortrainsorbuses.Itisn
otsurprising,1,thatAustraliashouldhavebeenthefirstcountrytoini
tiateaFlyingDoctorService.(50分)
society
world
position
way
although
where
lives
families
ifonly
but
and
useless
No
Any
Not
One
made
did
make
weremaking
else
Japanese
other
when
while
inaway
therefore
perhaps
accordingly
(1)C
(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A(6)A(7)C(8)D(9)C(10)B
2.In
Britain.
winter
istheseasonnoton
concertsand
ballet,
butalso
for
shopping
cities
inthe
world,
has
plentyto
h,;
!
inthe
wayof
entertainment
h
array
ofpresentsfor
Christmas
argains
January
sales.
But
itisnot
onlyLondonthat
ofoursuburban
provincial
theshopsactlike
pping—most
offerduringthe
forvisitstothetheatre,opera,
orsightseeing.London,oneof
wintermont
amagnetwit
followed
bylargescaleb
value
sho
offertothe
shopper.
Even
ifyou
rebased
London,
youdon
ha
vetospend
all
yourtime
there.
Take
atrainor
coach
Britainhas
offer;
there
excursions,
even