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t
too
serious
and
good
sense
humor.You
know
you.
Ok,
Uh,
else?
Well,
I'
d
prefer
someone
something
in
common
with-
can
talk
to
easily.
IthinkI
just
guy
you.
Bob
Branson.
him.?
No,
so.
well,
let
arrange
meet
him,
tell
think.
Chris:
So,
what'
s
Verdict?
What
did
Bob?
Kim:
was
worried
at
first
especially
when
saw
that
he
wears
not
one
but
two
earrings,I
thought
might
turn
out
be
those
are
into
heavy
rock
music
stuff
that.
You
mean?
But
he'
regular
guy,
right?
Yeah,
we
got
along
really
well!
knew
you'
him.
do,
funny.
He
had
laughing
hysterically
during
dinner.
people
sitting
next
us
restaurant
were
crazy.
going
get
together
again?
Definitely,
fact,
we'
re
concert
tomorrow
night.
That'
great.
Lesson2
So,haveyouseenAndrealately?
Yeah,Iseeherprettyoften.Weworktogetheratacafé
latté
.
How'
sshedoing,I'
vebeenmeaningtocallher.
Well,tobehonest!
I'
vealwaysthoughtshe'
salittledifficult.Butthesedays,Ifindherimpossible.
Whatdoyoumean?
Oh,youknowhowsheis.Shehasstrongideasabouteverything.AndIfyoudon'
tagree
Withher,sheletsyouknowwhatshethinksofyou.
Yes,that'
strue.Butthat'
swhyweloveher,right?
Yeah,Iguessso.Butshe'
schangedalotsinceshestartedcollege.Shetalkedaboutherselfallthetimeandshealwaysmanagestomentionhowgoodsheisateverythingshedoes.
Hmm.MaybeIwon'
tcallherafterall.
AreyougoingtoJames'
spartyonSaturday?
Ofcourse,Jamesalwaysgivesthebestparties.Andtherearealwayslotsofinterestingnewpeopletomeet.
That'
strue.Idon'
tknowwherehemanagestofindthemall.
Well,youknowwhathe'
slike.Hemakesfriendsreallyeasily.Hereallylikestalkingtopeople,andhelovesinvitingpeopleover.
Ur–Ur,heinvitedmefordinnerlastSaturday,whatafeast!
Yeah,he'
sagreatcooktoo.
AfterdinnerIofferedtohelpcleanup,buthetoldmenottoworryaboutit.Hesaidhe'
dtakecareofitinthemorning.Hewaslike,it'
snothing,nobigdeal.
Yup,thatsoundslikeJames.
Have
met
new
apartment
manager?
Mr.
Johnson?
Hmm.
him
last
week.
He'
s…
little
strange.
is.
m
sure
hard
predict.
Sometimes
sprettycheerful
talkactive,and
thenext
day
doesn'
even
say
hello.
must
personal
problems
or
something.
right.
And
noticed
half
time
says
something,
never
actually
does
it?
told
three
times
come
fix
light
my
kitchen,
still
hasn'
done
it.
Lesson3
Dave:
Hello?
Jim:
Hi.
My
name'
Jim
Hunt.
calling
about
ad
roommate.
Are
looking
someone?
Yes,
are.
good.
interested.
there
four
us,
andit'
fairly
small
house,
so
want
who'
easy
with.
pretty
easygoing.
Great!
So
ask
few
straightforward
questions
yourself?
No
problem.
it
direct.
D:
Jim?
J:
ve
lot
different
jobs,
right
now.
fired
from
job
six
months
ago,so
been
else.
haven'
very
lucky
far.
Uh-huh.
rent
here
is
$1,200
month
–
uh,
that'
$300
each
person
Uh
….
Will
enough
money
pay
every
month?
probably
will
…
if
job.
Yeah.
look,
where
living
now?
staying
with
friend
past
couple
weeks.
asked
leave
by
Friday,
need
place
live.I'
to
move
year
and,
well
Listen,
Jim.
appreciate
your
telling
yourself.
honest
me.
Anyway,
other
roommates
this,
ll
give
call
decide.
Why
number?
Sure,
it'
two,
Lesson4
Tracy:
Good
news!
found
summer
job!
Mark:
great!
Anything
interesting?
T:
an
amusement
park.
Doesn'
sound
fantastic?
M:
does.
anything?
Nothingyet,
leads.
One
intern
record
company
mostly
answering
phones.
Or
landscaping
again.
Being
sounds
more
interesting
than
landscaping.
hard!
landscaper
earns
intern.
great
tan!
doing
park,
exactly?
Actually,
jobs.
First,
called
Children'
World.They
all
kinds
games
educational
activities
young
kids.
go
training
program
days
before
start
how
everything
works.
Three
days?
Wow,
equipment
high-tech!
computers
devices.It'
kids
love.
perfect
knowhow
much
love
kids.So
job?
Well.
also
walks
aroundthe
park
greeting
people.
mean
dress
up
costume?
cartoon
character!
know,
know.
It
sounds
silly.
certainly
rewarding
World,
part
Lesson5
Woman:
this
summer,
Carlos?
Carlos:
tutor.
learning
center
W:
Interesting.
things
there?
C:
They
work
on
subjects
they
in,
mainly
.math
English.
Is
hard?
all.
The
most
time.
We
them
started
run
problems.
enjoy
yes.
Working
fun
adults.And
choose
own
hours.As
long
eight
hours
day,
any
A.M.
P.M.W:
Lucky
you!
Paul,
job,
Paul:
restaurant.
how'
going?
P:
money'
bad.
doing?
waiting
tables?
wish!
No.
kitchen.
cut
chef
vegetables
meat
things.
wash
dishes.
yuck.
It'
work.
didn'
realize
hot
kitchen
until
took
why
quit?
to,
money.
Man:
summer?
Julia:
company.
telephone
marketing.
drives
crazy
trying
persuade
buy
absolutely
no
for.
Exactly.
Believe
not,
do.
bunch
students
there,
making
calls.
easy,
too,
since
read
script.
full
time?
afternoon
eleven
night,
sleep
late
morning.
Lesson6
Jack:
Hi,
Rod.
This
Jack.
Rod:
hi,
What'
up?
best
friend'
wedding
weekend.
videotape
Would
mind
borrowed
video
camera?
R:
Um,
yeah.
guess.
anything.
Thanks
million.
Sure.
used
camera
before?
easy.
times.
picked
Friday
night?
Fine.
Andy:
Hello.
Andy.
wondering
favor.
That
depends.
navy
blue
suit?
sure.
lot.
pick
tonight.
fine.
Rose
Rizzo.
Rose.
How
you?
Pretty
good,
thanks.
reason
big
favor
Yes?
Remember
mine
getting
married
woman
Barcelona?
remember.
And?
wedding'
Saturday
afternoon,
countr