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accept 接受 Iacceptedherbirthdaygift.

act 表演;举止 JackieChenactsinthefilm.

add 添加 Pleaseaddsomewatertothebottle.

agree 同意 Iagreewithyou.

allow 允许 Motherallowsmetogoout.

answer 回答 Canyouanswermyquestion?

appear 出现;似乎 Aproblemappeared.

arrive 到达 Wearrivedintheafternoon.

ask 问 Heaskedaquestion.

avoid 避免 Pleaseavoidmakingmistakes.

be 是;正在;被 Wearestudents. Sheissleeping. Theywerekilled.

become 变成,变得 Itbecomeswarm.

begin 开始 Classbeginsat9.

believe 相信 Ibelieveyou.

break 打破 Hebroketheclass.

bring 带来 Pleasebringyourbooktomorrow.

build 建造 Wewillbuildahouse.

burn 燃烧 Thefireisburning.

buy 买 Whatdoyouwanttobuy?

call 打电话,叫,喊 Iwillcallyouinthemorning.

can 能 Canyouswim?

carry 搬,携带 Pleasecarrythedesktothedoor.

catch 抓 Theboycaughtabird.

change 变化 Everythingchanges.

check 核对 Pleasecheckyouremail.

choose 选择 Whichbookwillyouchoose?

clean 打扫 cleantheroom

close 关闭 Closethedoor,please.

come 来 Comein,please.

cost 花费 Itcostme5yuan.

consider 考虑 Iamconsideringavisittoyou.

contain 包含 Itcontains5pages.

continue 继续 Wewillcontinuetowork.

control 控制 Canyoucontrolyourself?

could 能 Shecoulddothat.

cover 覆盖 Thesnowcoveredtheflowers.

cry 哭 Don’tcry!

cut 切 Hecuthisfingerwhilecooking.

deal 处理;交易 Iwilldealwithit.

decide 决定 Wedecidedtogo.

describe 描述 Canyoudescribeyourroom?

design 设计 Wedesignedthecoverofthebook.

develop 发展 Chinaisdevelopingveryquickly.

die 死 Youwilldiehere.

discover 发现 Hediscoveredthefirstman.

discuss 讨论 Wearediscussingtheplan.

do 做 Whatdoyoudo?

draw 画;拉 Sheisdrawingapicture. Drawthedesk.

dream 做梦 Heisdreaming.

drink 喝 Whatdoyouwanttodrink?

drive 驾驶 Canyoudrive?

drop 丢下,滴 Pleasedropitonthefloor.

eat 吃 Howmuchdoyoueat?

end 结束 Themeetingended.

enjoy 享受,喜欢 Heenjoysmusic.

enter 进入 Pleaseentertheroom.

expect 期望 Iexpectyoutocome.

explain 解释 Canyouexplainittome?

fail 失败,不及格 Hefailedintheexam.

fall 下降;跌倒 Therainingisfalling.

feel 感觉 Doyoufeelhappy?

fight 打架;战斗 Theyarefightingforfood.

fill 填充,填满 Pleasefillthebottlewithmilk.

find 找到 Findouttheperson.

finish 完成 Wehavefinishedit.

fly 飞 Birdscanfly.

follow 跟随,跟踪 Pleasefollowme.

forget 忘记 Don’tforgetit.

get 得到,到达 Theworkersgettheirmoneyeveryweek.

give 给 Giveittome.

go 去 gotowork

grow 增长,种植,成长 Thenumberisgrowing.Growtrees. Youhavegrownup.

guess 猜测 Guessmyage.

hang 挂,吊 Hangyourclothesthere.

happen 发生 Whathappened?

have 有,吃喝玩乐;一直,已经;使,让 Haveabook.Ihavelivedheresince1990. haveyourhaircut

hear 听见 Canyouhearme?

help 帮助 helpyouwithyourEnglish

hit 打,撞 Hehithiscarintoatree.

hold 抓住;容纳 holdtheball. Theroomcanhold500people.

hope 希望 Ihopeyoucancome.

hurt 伤害,疼 Youhurtme. Myheadhurts.

improve 提高 improveourlives

include 包含,包括 Thebookincludes10parts.

increase 增加 Thenumberisincreasing.

join 加入 Pleasejoinustogotothepart.

keep 保持,保存 Clotheskeepuswarm. Iwillkeepthemoneyformyson.

kill 杀 killthebird

know 知道 Doyouknowme?

laugh 笑 Helaughedatme.

lay 放置;产卵 Pleaselaythebookonthedesk.

lead 代领,领导 Heisleadingtheteam.

learn 学习 learnEnglish

leave 离开 Closethedoorbeforeyouleave.

let 让 Letmehavealook.

lie 说谎;躺,位于 Heislying. BeingliesinthenorthofChina.

like 喜欢 Doyoulikeit?

listen 听 listentomusic

live 居住 livehere

look 看 lookatme

lose 输,失去 Wewilllosethegame. Ilostmekey.

love 爱 Iloveyou.

make 制作 makeacakeforyou

may 可能,可以 Hemaycometomorrow.

mean 意思是;意味着 Whatdoyoumean?

meet 见面 Wemeeteveryday.

might 也许 Itmightraintomorrow.

miss 思念;错过 Imissyouverymuch.Wemissedthetrain.

move 移动 Don’tmove.

must 必须;肯定 Youmustworkhard.

need 需要 Weneedyou.

occur 发生 Whatoccurredtoyou?

offer 提供 Thecompanyofferedmeajob.

open 打开 Openthedoor.

pass 通过 passtheexam.

pay 付钱 Iwillpayforthefood.

perform 表演 TheyareperforminginBeijing.

pick 挑,捡 Pickupyourbag.

plan 计划 Theyplantogo.

play 玩儿 playfootball

point 指(向) Hepointedatme.

prepare 准备 Wearepreparingfortheexam.

prefer 更喜欢 Ipreferapplestooranges.

produce 生产 Theyproduce1,000carslastweek.

protect 保护 Theglasseswillprotectyoureyes.

prove 证明 Itprovestoberight.

provide 提供 Canyouprovidesomejobstous?

pull 拉 Pullthedoor.

push 推 pushthedoor

put 放,放置 putithere

raise 提高;养(动物、家等);抬高 raiseyourhands.Raiseanimals.Raisefamily

reach 到达 Wereachedinthemorning.

read 读 CanyoureadinEnglish?

realize 意识到;实现 Werealizedwewerewrong. Realizeyourdream.

receive 收到 Ireceivedaletterfromher.

reduce 减少,降低 Weshouldreducetheprice.

remain 仍然 Itremainstobeseen.有待观察。

remember 记得 Doyourememberme?

remove 移除,除掉 Removeyourenemies.

report 报告 You


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