英语作文套用句式Word文档格式.docx
《英语作文套用句式Word文档格式.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语作文套用句式Word文档格式.docx(18页珍藏版)》请在冰豆网上搜索。
2.人口下降了200万:
numberofpopulationdecreasedby2million.
3.人口上升到1000万:
numberofpopulationincreasedto10million.
4.人口上升了500万:
numberofpopulationincreasedby5million.
三.recover的后面大家需要使用的是from
人口在200万时开始复苏:
numberofpopulationrecoveredfrom2million.
四.fluctuate的后面大家需要连接between…..and…..
人口在2和100亿之间波动:
numberofpopulationfluctuatedbetween2and10billion.
图表常用经典句子:
开头:
1.
As
can
be
seen
from
the
chart/graph/table...
2.
It
statistics
that...
3.
revealed/shown/stated/noted/betrayed
in
picture...
4.
The
chart
gives
information
描述:
There
was
a
rise/increase/upward
trend
from...to...
has
risen
to
an
average
of...
fall/decrease/reduction/decline/drop/downward
from...to...
fallen/dropped/declined
to...
结论:
From
analyses
above,we
draw
conclusion
data
we
gathered
above
graph,we
conclude
According
may
reach
what
been
discussed
arrive
at
conclusion
that...
5.
graph
reflects
用于引言段的句子:
When
asked
about...the
majority
of
people
say...
Nowadays,more
and
more
are
beginning
realize
importance
With
development
of...great
changes
have
taken
place
in...
is
general
discussion
about...
Many
often
ask
this
question...
6.
no
doubt
7.
well-known/generally/said/argued/held
8.
Some
argue/claim
用于扩展段的句子
there
several
reasons
for...but
general,they
come
down
three
major
ones
it
easily
proved
None
deny
many
factors
that
account
following
the
most
typical
ways
contribute
solving
problem,but
ones
effective
Generally
speaking,the
advantages
listed
as
follows
In
cases,however,there
something
beyond
our
expectation,yet
we
compare
contrast
all
relevant
find
way
out
between
We
take
for
granted
提出与前面相反的观点:
popular
saying
goes,”A
coin
two
sides."
But
other
things,it
its
own
problems.
However,it
not
without
shortcomings.
things
changing
place/from
time
time/from
person
person,and
nothing
should
isolation5.
Besides,we
can’t
neglect
fact
spite
advantages,
also
disadvantages.
Different
different
views
on...
comes
9.
Despite
their
similarities,A
different.
10.
striking
difference
A...,while
B...
提出自己的观点:
Contrary
thought,I
prefer...
far
am
concerned...
While
generally
believed
that...I
argue
my
point
view...
opinion...
My
view
on
follows.
To
tell
you
truth...
用于结尾段的句子:
From/According
discussed/analysed
draw/reach/come
to/arrive
word/In
brief/In
conclusion...3.
might
some
attention
paid
Taking
into
these
factors,we
safely
high
put
end
tendency
must
look
immediate
method/measure,if
current
allowed
continue/proceed,it
will
surely/
certainly
lead
to/result
heavy
cost
No
effective
solution
hand
deal
with
problem
of...but
common/general
recognition
of...might
first
step
towards...
easy
method
of...,but...might
helpful.
special
necessary
action
prevent
situation.
11.
remains
whether...but
prospect
encouraging.
12.
reverse
job,and
requires
keen
consciousness
一.数据对比用语:
…
similar
range
indicators
…cause
/
rapid
slow
increase
decrease
number
amount
of…
…to
drop…
…climb
dramatically
from…to…
…constitutes
about…percent
…
…continue
rise
fall…
widen
shorten…
…declines
less
than
…percent.
…drop
fall
much
little
as…
…fall
dramatically
…fluctuates
between…
…grow
only
marginally
13.
…increase
slowly
14.
…increase/
lightly
15.
…is
doubled
16.
inversely
proportional
to…
17.
significantly
lower
higher
than…
18.
…lead
increased
19.
…level
off
remain
constant
at…
20.
…lower
percentage
21.
…maintain
approximately
same
22.
…narrow
23.
…occupy
greater
24.
…peak
top
25.
…range
26.
…remain
below…
27.
…rise
sharply
28.
above…
29.
approximately…
30.
…take
up
one
third
31.
…times
smaller
larger
32.
…totals
amounts
reaches
arrives
stays
33.
…varies
greatly
slightly
between…and…
34.
very
noticeable
steady
in…
35.
shown
----the
table
pie
bar
figure
/diagram
shows
illustrates
/describes
indicates
reveals
that…
36.
clear
apparent
from---
37.
reached
peak
diagram
38.
of…consumed
per
head/
person…
39.
of…remains
stable.
40.
unchanged.
41.
tapers
off.
42.
falling
steadily.
43.
44.
chart(column
graph)
shows...
45.
variations
numbers
46.
gradual
47.
large
48.
reduction
49.
significant
increase/
50.
51.
obvious
52.
great
between
.用于文章主题句
1.不用说¸
…
Itgoeswithoutsayingthat子句
=(Itis)needlesstosay(that)子句
=Itisobviousthat子句
=Obviously,S.+V.
例︰不用说早睡早起是值得的。
Itgoeswithoutsayingthatitpaystokeepearlyhours.
2.…是不可能的;
无法…ThereisnoVing
=ThereisnowayofVing.
=ThereisnopossibilityofVing.
=ItisimpossibletoV.
=ItisoutofthequestiontoV.
=NoonecanV.
=WecannotV.
例︰不可否认的¸
成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。
Thereisnotdenyingthatsuccessfulbusinessliesinahealthybodyandmind.
3.我深信…
Iamgreatlyconvinced(that)子句
=Iamgreatlyassured(that)子句
例︰我深信预防是于治疗。
Iamgreatlyconvincedthatpreventionisbetterthancure.
4.在各种…之中¸
Amongvariouskindsof…,…
=Ofallthe…,…
例︰在各种运动中¸
我尤其喜欢慢跑。
Amongvariouskindsofsports,Ilikejogginginparticular.
5.…是很容易证明的。
Itcanbeeasilyproved(that)子句
例︰时间最珍贵是很容易证明的。
Itcanbeeasilyprovedthatnothingismorepreciousthantime.
6.…无论如何强调都不为过
…cannotbeoveremphasized
例︰交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。
Theimportanceoftrafficsafetycannotbeoveremphasized.
7.就我的看法¸
…;
我认为…
Inmyopinion,…
=Tomymind,….
=AsfarasIamconcerned,…
=Iamoftheopinionthat子句
例︰就我的看法¸
打电动玩具既花费时间也有害健康。
Inmyopinion,playingvideogamesnotonlytakesmuchtimebutisalsoharmfultohealth.
8.(A)每个人都知道…
Everyoneknows(that)子句
(B)就我所知¸
Asfarasmyknowledgeisconcerned,…
例︰就我所知¸
下列方法对我帮助很大。
Asfarasmyknowledgeisconcerned,thefollowin