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———————————————————————————————— 日期:



I.Translate thefollowingtermsintoEnglish

目录        按照要求

订单        实盘

市场经济      虚盘

电子邮件         汇票

询盘     装运

报盘     还盘

报价       利润

信用证      折扣

你处          形式发票

供你参考       一式两份

信誉           以……为准

支付条款       唛头

代理             与……建立业务关系

确认       保险费

即期       索赔

投保        保险单

电子商务          装船通知

集装箱         托收

汇付     成交

检验证书           已脱销

毛重        净重

纸箱          捆

一切险          发票金额

提单      运输单据

仲裁            会签

II.Choosethebestanswerforeach of the followingquestions.

(ﻩ)1.We thankyoufor yourletterofMarch 13and the _____ catalogue.

A. given B.sent  C. enclosed D.presented

(ﻩ) 2.Theyfound anopportunityto purchase six_____leather shoes.

A. thousandspairs  B.thousandpairof

C. thousandsofpair  D.thousandpairsof

(ﻩ)3.Theletter wesentlastweekisanenquiry_____digital cameras.

A. about   B.of C.forD.as

(ﻩ)4.Whatkind of productsdoyouthink _____particularlyinterested_____?

A. arethey,in  B.theyare,in

C.are they,/  D.they are, /

(ﻩ) 5.We oweyournameandaddress_____ItalianCommercialBankwhoinformed us thatyouareinthemarket _____ table-cloths.

A.from, forB.to, withC.from, with  d.to, for

(ﻩ)6.While_____ anenquiry,yououghttoenquiryintoqualityandpriceetc..

A.making B.sending  C. offering D. giving

(ﻩ)7.Inordertoobtaintheneededinformation, theinquirershould simple,clearly andconciselywrite _____hewantstoknow.

A. that B.so  C.what D.becauseof

(ﻩ)8.Weare aspecializedcorporation,_____theexportofanimal by-products.

A.dealingwith B.dealing  C.handling  D.dealtin

()9.Wearewilling toenterinto business relations with youonthe_____ofequalityandmutualbenefit.

A.base B.basis  C.bases D.based

(ﻩ)10.We wouldnotgiveyou anylowerprice _____youcouldplace an orderformore than500tons.

A.expectB.until    C.unless  D.besides

(ﻩ) 11.We _____somebrochures _____ to illustratethetypes ofmaterialswemanufacture.

A. encloseyou,/ B.enclose,you  C. enclose, /  D.enclose,toyou

()12. Theyhave_____us that youare_____themarket _____chemicals.

A. inform,in,on   B.informed,in,for

C.advise, in, on     D.advised,in,of

(ﻩ) 13.Wearenotinapositionto offerfirm,as thegoodsare _____.

A.withoutstock  B.outsidein stock

C.nostock       D.outofstock

(ﻩ)14.Please letus_____your firm offerbeforetheendofthismonth.

A.had  B.have   C.having D.tohave

() 15.If you can _____ yourprice by5%,wemayconclude thetransactionwithyou.

A.offer B.bringdownC.fixD.quote

()16.Ifyouareinterested,we willsendyouasamplelot_____charge.

A.within B.with  C. forD.freeof

(ﻩ) 17. It mayinterestyoutoknowthat thereisa gooddemand hereforChineseBlackTea_____ prices.

A.atmoderate  B.incheap   C.for low  D.ondear.

(ﻩ) 18.Pleasereplyassoonas possible,_____ the earliestshipmentdateandtermsofpayment.

A. stated  B.as statedC. stating D.state

()19. Thereis asteadydemandinEurope_____ leathergloves_____highquality.

A.for,with B.for,of   C.at,with D.in,of

(ﻩ)20.We wouldrecommendyou_____thisoffer.

A.accept B.accepted  C.toacceptD.accepting

(ﻩ)21.Foryourinformation,ourproductsenjoyaready _____inEurope.

A.sell B. sale C.sellingD. sail

()22.Afirmoffer_____a timelimitfor acceptance.

A.mayspecify B.never specifies

C.sometimes specifies D.must specify

()23.The commoditiesyou offered are_____ line withthe businessscopeofourclients.

A. outsideB.outC.outof D. without

()24.Weare offering youfirm _____onthesameterms andconditions asthepreviouscontract.

A. asfollowingB.asfollow C.asis following   D. asfollows

()25.We _____toallowyouaspecial discountifyouincreaseyourorderto5,000 pairs.

A.have prepared B.are prepare  C.are prepared  D.wereprepared

(ﻩ)26.Itshould be_____ if youcouldimmediately_____whatquantityyoucan supplyusatpresent.

A.thankful, advise B. appreciate,advise

C. appreciated,advise D.appreciating,inform

()27.We havepleasurein enclosingadetailedpricelist forthegoodsyou _____ inyourletter.

A.informed  B.said C. told D. required

(ﻩ) 28. Ourcorporation_____foodstuffs.

A.dealsB.handles C.handles inD.specializes

()29.Your priceistoohightointerestourbuyers_____ a counteroffer.

A.making B. inmakingC. make D. tobemade

(ﻩ) 30.Weshall inform you_____ the


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