英语歌曲童谣Word文件下载.docx
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you
sleeping,
Brother
John,
John
Morning
bells
are
ringing,
ringing!
Ding
ding
dong.
sleeping?
John
dong
dong……
dong……
5.
Walking,
Walking.
Hop,
hop,
hop.
Running,
running,
running.
Now,
let'
s
stop.
Up
and
down.
walking,
walking.
down.
6.
Good
Night
night,
Baby.
It’s
time
to
go
bed.
Merrily,
we
roll
along.
Roll
along,
As
off
bed
go.
Sally.
along.
go
7.
Teddy
Bear
Bear,
Turn
around.
Touch
the
ground.
Shine
your
shoes.
That
will
do!
Go
upstairs.
Say
prayers.
light.
good-night.
8.
Under
Spreading
Chestnut
Tree
spreading
chestnut
tree,
There
sit
both
me.
Oh,
how
happy
be!
tree.
tree,
Oh
how
9.LazyMary
LazyMary,willyougetup?
Willyougetup?
Willyougetup?
Willyougetup,today
No,no,Mother,Iwon’tgetupIwon’tgetup,Iwon’tgetup.
No,no,Mother,Iwon’tgetup.Iwon’tgetuptoday.
10.
What’s
Your
Name?
Hello!
hello!
My
name
is
Min-ho.
Minho.
name?
Su-mi.
Su-mi
11.TwoLittleBlackbirds
Twolittleblackbirdssittingonahill,
OnenameJack,onenamedJill.
Flyaway,Jack,flyaway,Jill,
Comeback,Jack,comeback,Jill.
OnenameJack,onenamedJill.(repeat)
12.
One,
Two,
Buckle
Shoe
two,
my
shoe;
Three,
four,
Knock
at
door;
Five,
six,
Pick
up
sticks;
Seven,
eight,
Lay
them
straight:
Nine,
ten,
big
fat
hen;
Eleven,
twelve,
Dig
delve;
Thirteen,
fourteen,
Maids
acourting;
Fifteen,
sixteen,
in
kitchen;
Seventeen,
eighteen,
awaiting
Nineteen,
twenty,
plate'
empty.
13.Baa,Baa,BlackSheep.
Baa,baa,blacksheep,Haveyouanywool?
Yes,sir.Yes,sir.Threebagsfull.
Oneformymaster,andoneformydame,
andoneforthelittleboywholivesinthelane.
14.Twinkle
Twinkle
Little
Star
Twinkle,
twinkle,
little
star,
How
wonder
what
are!
above
world
so
high,
Like
a
diamond
sky.
like
15.
If
You'
re
Happy
you'
know
it,
clap
hands
(clap,
clap).
it
hands.
really
want
show
it.
stomp
feet
(stomp,
stomp).