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本文(高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 22 Environmental Protection221b 含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 22 Environmental Protection221b 含答案.docx

1、高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 22 Environmental Protection221b 含答案课后演练提能 KEHOUYANLIANTINENG夯实基础知识.单词拼写1Because of the greenhouse effect, the Earth is warmed by gases _ (困在) in the atmosphere.答案:trapped2Overfishing is harmful to the _ (生态) of the sea.答案:ecology3Breweries are often built in nature _ (保护区)答案:rese

2、rves4In the last few decades, scientists have reached _ (一致的意见) that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate.答案:consensus5How is global warming _(与相联系) to our lives?答案:relevant6Without these naturally occurring gases, the suns rays would b_ back into space.答案:bounce7If you continute t

3、o produce CO2 and other gases, you are c_ life on Earth.答案:condemning8Many people believe that they are simply not prepared to s_ the amount of money they make from industry to save the Earth.答案:sacrifice9They suggest making small changes like taking public transport and r_.答案:recycling10After all,t

4、heres no s_ for our Earth.答案:substitute.选词填空a number of, beyond ones control, look ahead, refer to, in turn, lead to, take action, ahead of, speed up, live on1If we dont _, we wont get there on time.答案:speed up2They have already _ to prevent him from going there.答案:taken action3Quite _ world famous

5、paintings are on show in this exhibition.答案:a number of4We must _ before we make a decision.答案:look ahead5He thought the situation was _.答案:beyond his control6He has formed a bad habit of _ the dictionary whenever he meets an unknown word.答案:referring to7People in the south _ rice while those in the

6、 north depend on wheat.答案:live on8You cant be _ others in all subjects.答案:ahead of9It is heavy smoking that _ his lung cancer.答案:led to10Science and technology makes our life better but it,_, causes many problems.答案:in turn.直接引语变为间接引语1The teacher said to me,“Come in.”The teacher _.答案:told me to go i

7、n2The teacher said to me,“Dont be late again.”The teacher _ be late again.答案:advised/asked me not to 3The geography teacher said,“The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”The geography teacher told us that the sun _ in the east and _ in the west.答案:rises; sets4She says, “Ill never forget the

8、days in the country.”She says that _ the days in the country.答案:shell never forget5“Are you all right?” he asked me.He asked me _.答案:if I was all right.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour.答案:in句意:简很着急,因为去飞机场的火车半小时后就发车了。“in一段时间”用于表示将来的句子中,意为:在之后。

9、2 Clearly and thoughtfully_ (write), the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.答案:written句意:由于表达清楚,思想有深度,这本书激起了那些想寻求他们自己答案的学生的自信心。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。因为主语the book和write之间是逻辑上的被动关系且表示完成,所以用过去分词作状语。3However, when it is something _ my competence, I turn to my classmates or te

10、achers for help.答案:beyond句意:但是,当事情超出我的能力时,我就向同学或老师求助。由句意可知用beyond。4 Some educators _ (advocate) that children should be rewarded for their great performance.答案:advocated句意:有些教育家主张,孩子们应该因他们的出色表现而受到奖赏。advocate意为“主张”,此处指过去发生的事,故用其过去式。5He stated that he _ (can) set aside some time for exercise.答案:could考

11、查转述结构:v.thatclause。句意:他说他每天能够抽出时间来锻炼。6Where is George? He said he would meet me here at 3.He seems _ (talk) with Mr. Smith in the office.答案:to be talkingsb. seems to be doing sth.“某人似乎正在做某事”。7Parents will sacrifice their lives _ children.答案:forsacrifice.for.“为而献出/牺牲”,符合题意。8_ (give) that the sweater

12、is handmade, the price seems reasonable.答案:Given句意:鉴于这件毛衣手工制作,价格似乎合理。given“考虑到,鉴于”,符合语意。9Mr. Smith told his students that Edison _ (invent) the electric light.答案:invents句意:史密斯告诉他的学生们,爱迪生发明了电灯,所陈述的内容是客观事实,故用一般现在时。10Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?I have got no interest in it;_(besid

13、e), I have lots of homework to do.答案:besides句意:玛丽,你愿意和我一起去听音乐会吗?我对那不感兴趣,而且我有许多作业要做。besides表示“除之外(还)”。提升实战能力.完形填空As a young boy my family was very poor. I would often help do something for the neighbors to_1_ a little pocket money. One day I_2_ at the door of an elderly woman and asked_3_ she needed

14、me to clean the yard. She asked why I was not in_4_ and I showed her my worn_5_, which no longer kept me warm. She_6_ me to work in the yard. When I finished, she looked at me and said, “I suppose you want to be_7_ now.” She then_8_ a jar filled with dollar bills and said, “Im glad youve done a_9_ j

15、ob today but that is not something you should be doing again. I want you to_10_ new clothes and get back to school. I also want you to come back to_11_ me with your report card, and I will_12_ you when I see you have worked hard and got some good marks. Now_13_ your little hands and take out as much

16、_14_ as you can.”I put my hands in the jar and grabbed (抓住) so much money that it was_15_ for me to buy what I_16_ needed. Later, I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she_17_.She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time I_1

17、8_ her that I had an “A”.I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighborhood. I will never forget the big_19_ this wonderful lady made to my life with her_20_. This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again.本文是一篇夹叙夹议短文。文章讲述了一个善良的老人帮助我的故事。 BgiveCearn Dchange答

18、案:C动词辨析。save节省;give给;earn挣钱;change变化。句意:我为邻居做事挣一点零花钱。2A.knocked BturnedCworked Dlooked答案:Aknock at “敲门”,是固定词组。 BwhenCwhy Dif答案:D句意:我问她是否需要我帮忙打扫院子。if“是否”,符合句意。 BtimeCtrouble Dbed答案:A她问我为什么不上学。5A.bag BcoatCcarpet Dsofa答案:B由下文kept me warm,说明我的外衣破了,不保暖了。6A.allowed BforcedChelped Dstopped答

19、案:A她允许我进去帮助她扫院子。allow“允许”,符合句意。7A.punished BtestedCpraised Dpaid答案:D给老人干了活,老太太要给“我”钱。pay“付钱”符合语境。8A.set up Bmade upCtook out Dput away答案:C她拿出一个装满钱的罐子。take out“拿出”,符合句意。set up“建立”;make up“构成”;put away“收拾”。9A.boring BnewCgood Dterrible答案:C她夸奖我干得好。good job “做得好,干得好”。10A.keep BbuyCremove Dmake答案:B她让我去买保

20、暖的衣服。11A.serve BforgiveCwelcome Dvisit答案:D她让我带着成绩报告单来看她。12A.recognize BrewardCunderstand Dprotect答案:B她告诉我:如果我分数高,她会奖励我。reward“奖励”,符合句意。recognize“认出”;understand“明白,理解”;protect“保护”。13A.put up Bshow upCreach out Dturn out答案:C伸出你的手,能拿多少拿多少。reach out“伸出”。put up“搭建”;show up“到场”;turn out“证明是,结果是”。

21、BmoneyCfood Dtime答案:B根据上文a jar filled with dollar bills 说明罐子里都是钱。15A.enough BrareCsimple Dspecial答案:A这笔钱足够我买迫切需要的东西了。enough“足够”,符合语境。rare“稀有的”;simple“简单的”;special“特殊的”。16A.slightly BgraduallyCnaturally Dbadly答案:Dbadly need迫切需要。17A.promised BdiscoveredCknew Dadmitted答案:A她做了她答应我的事。18A.asked BshowedCre

22、quired Dwrote答案:B每次我给她看我得的A。show sb.sth.“展示给某人看”。19A.decision BprogressCmistake Ddifference答案:Dmake a difference“有影响,起作用”;本句是定语从句,difference是先行词。20A.courage BhonestyCkindness Dhappiness答案:C她用她的善良影响了我的一生。温馨提示:完形填空及阅读理解中标注的W部分为重点单词,标注的P部分为重点短语,标注的S部分为长难句,旨在通过此栏目的练习,帮助学生夯实基础,做到厚积薄发。.阅读理解Hector always g

23、ave everything he had. But because he was only half the size of the other boys, he mostly had to sit out his high school football games. Even so, Hectors father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. A few years later, Hector decided to try out for the college team. The coach kep

24、t him on because he always put all his heart into each practice. But still, the boy never got to play. Unfortunately, before the big playoff (决胜比赛) game, Hector was told that his father had died. The coach suggested he shouldnt be to the game. But the boy wanted to be there.On Saturday, the game was

25、nt going well. Hector kept asking the coach to give him a chance. Finally, the coach gave in. What a surprise! Hector ran, passed, blocked and tackled (擒拿) like a star. His team began to catch up. The score was soon tied (平局). Near the end of the game, Hector took the ball and ran all the way for th

26、e winning touchdown (触地得分). Then the coach came up to him, “Kid, I cant believe it. You were fantastic! How did you do it?” Hector replied, with tears in his eyes, “Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that he was also blind?” Hector竭尽全力踢足球,但因身材矮小,比赛时他只能做替补队员,但是父亲从不缺席一场。几年之后父亲去世,但就在父亲去世的那天,H

27、ector坚持上场,踢出了精彩的成绩。1From the first paragraph, we know that_.AHector was a short boy in heightBHector played in most gamesCHectors father was the cheering leaderDHector never missed a game答案:A细节理解题。由第一段中的“because he was only half the size of the other day”可知,他身材矮小。A项正确。2Hectors father attended every

28、game _.Ato play football Bto cheer HectorCto direct Hector Dto pick up the football答案:B细节理解题。由第一段中的“Hectors father was always in the stands cheering”可知他父亲出席每场比赛,是为了给儿子鼓励加油。故B项正确。3During the big playoff,_.AHectors father diedBHector was hurt badly CHector played surprisingly wellDHectors coach didnt let him play答案:C推理判断题。由第四段,第五段Hector的表现及教练说的话可知,Hector在决胜比赛过程中表现得极好。4What is the best title of the text?AAll for a Fathers LoveBAn Experienced CoachCA Football StarDA Determined Player答案:A主旨大意题。父亲支持儿子,父亲去世后,儿子为了让父亲走的安心,踢得出奇好,因为父亲生前是盲人,死后在天堂会看到他。前半部分都是讲父亲对儿子的爱,结尾部分道出了儿子所做的是对父亲爱的回报,故A项正确。其它几项太片面。

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