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1、M5必修五重要单词短语句型高二上期中复习2011-2012高二(上)期中考试复习资料Unit 11、重要短语1举起 lift up 2身体特征physical characteristics3.提出理论put forward a theory4得到结论 draw a conclusion5私人医生personal physician6接触霍乱 be exposed to cholera7面对挑战face the challenge8开始询问begin the enquiry9某人应该对负责sb. Be to blame for10把归咎于blame sth on sb/sth11因责备blam

2、e sb/sth for sth12处理事情handle the matter13把和连接link A to B14全神贯注于be absorbed in15除了apart from16contribute to捐赠,投稿17讲不通 make no sense18在某种意义上in a sense19对热情be enthusiastic about20从事work on21导致lead to22有时 at times23只有only if24对谨慎 be cautious about25.按照只是那样as instructed26被污染的水polluted water二、重要句型1. Who w

3、rote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed.(v-ing 做定语)2. John Snow was so expert that he attended Queen Victoria.(so that句型)变式it was so wet a day in the forest that we had to keep all the windows shut.3. so many thousands of terrified people died every time th

4、ere was an outbreak.(every time做连词引导让步状语从句)4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. (不定式表目的)5. She had it delivered to her house every day.(have+n/pron+ to do/do/doing/done)6. Only if you put the sun there did the movements o

5、f the other planets in the sky make sense.(only+状语句子倒装&only if 意为只有, if only 意为要是就好了,用虚拟语气)He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going around it.(with复合结构)三、完成句子1. The theory _(提出) by him deserves a scientific research. (put)2. John Snow was _(一个非常熟练的内科医生 ) that he

6、 attended Queen Victoria. (expert)3. _(暴露于) radiation led to individuals being ill. (expose)4. _(每次有困难), he would come to John for help. (every)5. He_(以前没专心于学习), for which he couldnt catch up with others easily at the moment though he worked hard. (absorb)6. The father, rather than the brothers,_(该负

7、责) what has happened. (blame)7. _(正如已宣布的) in the meeting, we need to begin the enquiry soon. (announce)8. _(怀疑他) having sheltered his brother, the police took a thorough investigation. (suspect)9. We are in great trouble. Never _ (我们应该放弃面对挑战). (challenge)10. _(为了不让自己被欺骗), he reconsidered the mans wo

8、rds. (prevent)Unit 2一、重要短语1. consist of =be made up of 由组成2. divideinto 把分成3. clarify ones position 阐明某人的立场4. clarify matters 澄清真相5. come into conflict with 与发生冲突6. be in conflict with 与相冲突7. a credit card 信用卡8. on credit 以赊账的方式9. to ones credit 值得赞扬,为某人带来荣誉10. earn enough credit for 为 获得足够的学分11. fo

9、r (the sake of ) convenience 为了方便起见12. for sbs convenience 为了某人方便起见13. at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候14. It is convenient to/for sb 某人方便时/的话;对某人方便15. It is convenient for sb to do sth某人方便做某事16. attract sb to sb/sth 或be attracted to sb/sth吸引某人注意17. attract sbs attention 吸引某人的注意18. have an/no/much attra

10、ction for sb对某人有没有/很有吸引力19. break away from 摆脱,挣脱,脱离;打破(陈规陋俗等),与断绝关系20. leave out 省去,遗漏 不考虑,不包括,忽略21. feel/be left out 感到被忽视(冷落)/被忽视(冷落)22. a furnished house 带家具的房子23. quarrel about/over sth 为某事争吵24. quarrel with sb/sth 与某人争吵;反对,不赞成25. take the place of sb/ sth=take sbs/sths place 取代,代替26. (be) in p

11、lace of 代替,取代27. take place 发生28. break down (机器)出故障了,(人)身体垮掉,(计划)失败,(谈判)中断,分解29. arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事30. arrange with sb to do sth 与某人约定做某事31. as arranged 按约定,如约32. make arrangements for安排好33. keep ones eyes open 留心,注意34. make up 组成,编造,弥补 ,化妆,铺床,占据(时间,空间)35. ring out (钟、嗓音)鸣/响36. make a

12、 list of 把列出清单37. fold sth in half/two 把对折38. to ones delight 令某人高兴的是39. with/in delight 高兴地40. take delight in (doing) sth以做某事为乐41. be delighted at/with/by因而感到高兴42. be delighted to do sth 做某事感到高兴43. in error =by mistake 错误地,无意地44. trial and error 反复试验,不断摸索二、重要句子 1. How many countries does the UK co

13、nsist of?2. The countries that make up Great Britain are England, Wales and Scotland.3. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.4. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.5. You find most of the popu

14、lation settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midland and the North of England.6. It has the oldest port built by Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.7. Wor

15、ried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of sites she wanted to see in London.8. This solid stone, square tower had remain standing for one hundred years.9. There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 166610. It looked splendid when first build.11.

16、 Ping Yu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line.12. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.3、完成句子1. _(值得表扬的是)that he got _(把问题解释得非常清楚)at the meeting. (credit, clarify)2._(如果你方便的,please send me a email and tell me how you are get

17、ting on with your studies. (convenient) 3. He always studies hard. It is strange that he _(他居然没及格) in the exam. (fail)4. He remained sitting there without a word, _(感到被冷落了). (leave) 5. We _(已安排)a medical team_ (由五成员组成的)to go to the earthquake-hit area. (arrange, consist)6. The room was made full use

18、 of with_ (被分成几个部分). (divide)7. The person _ (刚提到的)is an expert on modern literature. (refer).8. The result of the exam _(还不清楚). (remain)Unit 3 短语及句子1. your previous time period 你以前的时光3. a time capsule 时间舱(指可以穿越时间的时间机器)4. (a) lack of fresh air 新鲜空气的缺乏5. my safety belt 我的安全带6. a strange-looking house

19、 一栋看起来奇怪的房子7. soft lighting 柔和的照明8. much-needed oxygen 极为需要的氧气9. a space station空间站10. the most up-to-date invention 最新的发明11. the latest forms of communication 最新式的交流方式my late father我已故去的父亲11. the next instant / moment 下一刻 instant coffee 速溶咖啡instant noodles 快熟面13. the sending button 发送按钮14. the meta

20、l band / ribbon 金属片15. all the waste available 所有的垃圾16. the waste machine 废物处理机17. work practices 工作实践18. space settlements 太空定居地19. parcel n. 包裹20. packing n. 包装21. typewriter n. 打字机printer n. 打印机typist n. 打字员22. an ecological system 一种生态系统23. a special small, computerized machine 一种特别的小巧的计算机化了的机器。

21、24. a spotless house 一所一尘不染的房子 25. our super top-of-the-range apartments and houses 我们顶级的公寓和房子26. our many inspection visits 许多的考察之旅27. in no time 立刻,马上 = immediately 28. decades ago 数十年前29. leave / make a good impression on sb 给某人留下好印象30. take up the prize 领取这个奖励 Tom has taken up fishing. Tom对钓鱼感兴趣

22、。(=become interested in) He decided to take up photograph as his career. 他决定从事摄影,作为他的职业。 Im going to take up this matter with my lawyer. 我将与我的律师一起处理这件事。(= deal with) Writing the paper took up most of the weekend. 写论文占去了周末大部分时间。(占去时间或空间) He took up his book and hurried out. 他拿起他的书匆匆出去了。 He took up hi

23、s story where he had left it.他继续上次没讲完的故事。 (= continue)31. spin slowly 慢慢地旋转 32. collect a hovering carriage 领取一台可以在空中停留的车33. float above the ground 在地面上空漂浮着 = float in the air 34. lose sight of sth 看不见; 与失去联系 catch sight of sth 看见35. show sb around (sp) 带某人到处看看(某地)36. blame the tools for the faults

24、of the user 因使用者的错误而责备这些(使用)工具blame sb for sth 因为某事而指责某人blame sth on sb 把(错位)归结于某人sb be to blame (for sth) 某人应该(对某事)负责37. go solid (咖啡, 水泥等) 变硬,变坏38. a long shelf life (商品等)有很长的保质期39. dispose of waste 处理垃圾40. swallow up the rat in one bite 一口就吞掉那只老鼠41. be back on ones feet 重新站起了,恢复状态42. A group of e

25、ngineers program robots to perform tasks in space. 43. My motivation increased as I thought of the wonderful world of the future. 44. Among its many advantages we include easy contact with the land surface, more personal space, complete personal security and no housework worries. 45. Your details wi

26、ll be fed into its computer hard-drive so that it will only answer your familys commands. 46. “及物回头”现象:At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.47.句型:There is no v-ing 做 是不可能的 There will be no suffering here. 在这里受罪是不可能的。 (在这里不可能受罪。)There is no typing up this letter within five minutes

27、. 在五分钟内打完这封信是不可能的。(不可能在五分钟内打完这封信。)There is no saying when hell come. 说出他什么时候回来是不可能的。 (很难说他何时回来。)There is no accounting for tastes.解释各种喜好是不可能的。(人各有所好。)倒装:表示地点或者方位的副词或者介词短语置于句首,引起完全倒装。Below are some of the main aspects of life today. Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31

28、st century. 太空站里展出了31世纪最新的发明。In front ot the farm house sat an old woman. 在那栋农舍前坐着一位老妇人。请举例列举已经学过的各种倒装情况:1) _2) _3) _4) _48. 非谓语动词做状语的“黄金定律”:1). 非谓语动词(现在分词,过去分词,不定式)做状语,其逻辑主语一定要和句子的主语一致;The hunter went into the forest, followed by two dogs. 2). 如果不一致,非谓语动词要带上其逻辑主语,构成独立主格结构。The hunter went into the f

29、orest, two dogs following him.3). 评注性状语(或称为独立状语),其逻辑主语和句子的主语可以不一致。Judging by his accent, he must be from the USA. 49. 翻译句子1) 这包书的费用是250元, 其中含有邮资和包装费。请写下收件人的地址, 别忘了邮编。The parcel of books is 250 yuan, including postage and packing. Please write down the receivers address and dont forget the postcode.2) 数十年前, 人们还用打字机打出正式文件, 但现在我们可以用电脑和打印机做同样的工作。Decades ago, people used typewriters for formal document. But now we use computers and printers to do the work.3) 尽管速溶咖啡能够放置很长一段时间, 但是如果不能保持干燥的话很快就会

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