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八年级上册Unit8 Natural disasters全程导学案.docx

1、八年级上册Unit8 Natural disasters全程导学案课题8上 Unit8 Comic strip & welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标单词:disaster, mop, up, earthquake, accident, coach, crash, flood, storm, thunder, catch fire词组:thousands of, lose the game, a car accident,crash into tree.wash the village away 句型:Didnt you hear the rain? I was sleep

2、ing when it started to rain.能力目标了解各种自然灾害。情感目标了解一些自然灾害并学会在灾难面前保护自己。学习重点学习关于自然灾害的词和词组。学习难点能够掌握自然灾害的英文名称。课前自学一预习课文并翻译下列重点词组。1. 自然灾害 2. 一场车祸3. 一次地震 4. 在决赛中输掉5. 闪电 6. 冲垮村庄7. mop up the water 8. crash into a tree 9. kill thousands of people 10. fall from a tree 11.暴风雪12.暴风雨7. A young boy _(从树上摔下来) and hur

3、t his legs. 二. 熟读漫画Eddie and Hobo 的对话,并回答下列问题。1. Whats the weather like today?2. What happened to Hobo?3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?课堂交流展示1Free talk Talk about natural disasters.二在组内和班内展示课前预习题一,二,三并大声朗读。三A rain storm hits Hobos house, what happened?1. Listen to the tape about comic

4、 strip and answer the questions.2. Try to act out the dialogue.3. Work in groups, change the dialogue into a short passage.四You know a rain storm is a natural disaster. Do you know other natural disasters?Check students answer to Part A on Page93.Find out some important word phrases.5. Talk about na

5、tural disasters and accidents with your partner. Use the conversation in Part B as a model.课堂达标检测一根据所给中文及名意完成单词。1- Im afraid of the _(电闪雷鸣). What about you? - Me ,too.2The flood _(冲掉)many houses away last year.3There was an _(意外的事故)just now, some people died.4There was _(一次地震)in Japan last year.5The

6、re will be a _(暴风雨) in a few days in the south.6The school team_(输了) the game last week.7. He _(猛撞) his car into the wall last night.二根据英文描述,写出表示天气现象的单词。1People cant go back to their homes. Everything is shaking .Many things fall down. 2. The weather is terrible. The wind is very strong. Sometimes i

7、t rains. 3. It rains heavily with a strong wind. People can hear thunder and see lightning , they have to walk in water in the street. 4. It snows heavily with a strong wind. People cant go out. Everything looks white. 5. The wind is very , very strong. It usually comes from the sea. Sometimes it ra

8、ins. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 学习感悟:课题8上Unit8 Natural disasters Reading(1)学习目标知识目标单词:shake,fear,direction, silent,calm,nervous, heart, alive, shout, safe词组:feel slight shaking, look at each other in fear,run in all directions, move away the bricks, come down, calm down, find ones way out, at last能力目标

9、能够读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。情感目标了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护。学习重点提高学生阅读能力,更好的理解文章。进一步理解并运用过去进行时。学习难点培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。课前自学一复习上节自然灾害的内容(词汇,词组和句子)和其它相关内容。二通过预习课文翻译下列短语。1.在清晨 2.恐惧地叫喊3.一阵轻微的震动4.一阵恐惧5.一种像打雷一样的声音6.陷入困境地 out of the building in all directions 9.calm down e down 11.try my best to do 12.move away

10、 the bricks 三通读课文,回答下列问题题。1 What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?2. Was Timmy trapped after the earthquake stopped?3. Was Timmy saved at last?课堂交流展示1. Free talk Talk about the earthquake.(播放一段地震的录像)二. 对课前自学二,三,四的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型)在组内和班内展示并大声朗读。三. 老师解释1999年的台湾大地震的背景知识导入新课。四While reading1.

11、 班内展示课前自学七,八。2. 播放课文录音,边听边完成96页B3部分判断正误题。3. 展示95页的图片,根据图片的内容找到正确的句子。4. 跟读磁带,分段阅读,了解大意,检查同学们对每段的理解。Para 1: The beginning of the earthquake Para 2: During the earthquakePara 3: After the earthquakePara 4: Timmy was trappedPara 5: Timmy was savedA. 答记者问一个同学扮演Timmy,其他同学为记者,大家针对此次地震向Timmy提问以了解情况。2分钟做准备,然

12、后展示。课堂达标检测一根据中文提示或句意写出单词。1. She _(感觉)sick and went to see a doctor.3. It sounds _ bombs in the sky.4. Dont run in all _(方向).5. I tried my _ to work hard at English.6. I was caught in the rain and I was all w_ on my way to school.7. I am feeling a slight s_(发抖) through my body.8. They looked at each

13、other in f_ and felt frightened.9. Some girls s_ because they were frightened.10.Then I c_ down and asked myself where I was.11. _(既然) everyone is here, lets begin our class.二根据课文内容填空。(首字母已给出)I was doing some s_ when it started. At first, I felt a s_ shaking through my body. Then I heard a big noise

14、 like t_. People looked at each other in f_.Then the r_ noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran in all d_. I t_ my best to run out the street too . People were running w_ w_ pieces of glass and b_ were falling down. Then the walls began to come down too.学习感悟课题8上Unit8 Natural disasters

15、Reading (2)学习目标知识目标掌握一些重点单词、词组。如: shake, scream, alive, wildly,In fear, in all direction. calm down, be trapped, stay alive ,能力目标1 进一步掌握本课中的重点和难点,能够对一些短语和句型做到进一步的理解和掌握.2 背默课文.情感目标教育学生了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护.学习重点掌握一些重点词组和句型的用法.学习难点用学过的有关自然灾害知识来描述这样类似的事件.课前自学一 翻译下列词组。1起初 2.向四面八方跑3.平静下来 4.自言自语5.陷入困境 6.喊救命

16、7.很长一段时间 8.尽力做某事9.寻找出路 10.匆忙做某事二阅读文章,各小组找出一些重要的知识点并且注释,准备课堂上展示。课堂交流展示展示一.1.展示课前预习一,二(各小组检查组员复习情况)2. 分组写出语言点并在组内和班内展示与讨论。1 fear n.害怕 (其词组) in fear 提心吊胆我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉我自己要镇定下来.A moment of _ my mind but I told myself to calm down2.mind n. 头脑,想法,精神 vt./vi. 介意,在乎常用搭配:make up ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事Nev

17、er mind 不要紧, mind (sb./ ones)doing sth 介意做某事活学活用:1.Would you mind my _ (close) the window.2.-Weve missed the bus ! - _,(不要紧)there will be another one in 10 minutes.3.wild adj.野生的,野性的 _/_ 野兽/野花 (2)wild (adv.)_例句:He ran _ down the street.他发狂似地沿着街跑.4.calm vi.(使)平静,(使)镇定,平息adj.平静的,镇静的,沉着的常用搭配:keep calm

18、保持镇静 .calm down 使平息,使平静活学活用:1. The mother _.母亲使孩子安静下来2 The sky is blue , and the sea _.天空碧蓝,海上风平浪静。3 It was difficult to _ the football fans.要使足球球迷平静下来是很困难的。5.trap v.使困住.(其词组) be trapped 陷入困境例句:电梯坏了,我们被困在里面。The lift broke down and we _ inside.6. moment n.片刻常用搭配:(通过查资料或字典解释其意义及用法)at the moment, for t

19、he moment, for a moment in a moment7. alive adj.(1)活着的,存在的(常作表语,后置定语,表语)(1) Timmy found that he was still _.蒂米发现他仍然活着。(2) They caught the bear _. 他们活捉了那只熊。展示三: 小组讨论,合作完成采访。并在班内展示其采访过程。展示四: 组内讨论课前自习五,并在组内展示讨论结果。五小组合作:看一段关于地震的视频,根据视频内容为视频配音。六小组讨论:为了阻止地震,我们应该做什么?课堂达标检测一. 词组练习1.Frightened by the loud no

20、ise, the children looked at each other_(害怕的).2.The small animals in the forests _(四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming .3.We _(正在尽全力) to protect wild animals .4.The fans _(疯狂尖叫) all the time during the concert .5.I _(平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music .6.Five workers _(被困) in the mine for 10

21、hours last month.6. At the beginning, Tom didnt like English, but _ he liked English very much. 学习感悟:课题8上 Unit 8 Grammar(1)学习目标知识目标单词:discuss , terrible ,break 词组:search the Internet, discusswith, plan a trip to, on the side of the road, drive you to school, break down 能力目标能够了解并掌握过去进行时时态.情感目标发展学生听和说

22、的能力.学习重点学习过去进行时的含义及其肯定句、否定句、疑问句的构成.学习难点掌握并运用过去进行时.课前自学一找出过去进行时的语法,查资料解释其意义及用法. 1. 写出过去进行时的概念: 2. 写出过去进行时的结构:(1)基本结构:was/were + v-ing(2)否定式: was/were not + v-ing (was not = wasnt / were not = werent)(3)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前二.写出与过去进行时连用的时间状语:_三.翻译下列短语.1. 一场可怕的暴风雪 2. 坏掉 _3. 在路边 4. 损坏5. 由于寒冷的天气 6在等出租车课堂交

23、流展示展示一:对课前自学中重要的语言知识点在组内和班内展示.1. He is swimming now.(用at this time yesterday) He _ swimming at this time yesterday 2. It is raining now.(用the whole night yesterday改写)It _ _ the whole night yesterday 3.They are dancing now.(用at 4 p.m. yesterday改写) They _ _ at at 4 p.m. yesterday2. 把以上的3句变为否定句.(同现在进行时

24、变法相同,仅动用be)(1) _(2) _(3) _3. 再把以上3句变为一般疑问句,并作肯,否定回答.(方法同上)(1)_.(2)_.(3)_.展示三:完成课本97页A1部分.核对答案并朗读.七造句。小组竞赛:1. 给一个动词,请同学们用过去进行时来造句。 2. 给一个时间状语,请同学们用过去进行时来造句。课堂达标检测一认识并记忆过去进行时的时间状语at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine yesterday morning, the whole afternoon, from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning.二

25、填上合适的词组break down use the mobile phone mop up the water lose the game wait for a bus 1. They called the police at 8:00 a.m._.2. His fathers car _because of the terrible weather.3. Hobo and Eddie _on the floor when we came .4. I looked out of the window and saw many people _at that bus stop.5. They _

26、if you dont cheer for them.学习感悟课题8上 Unit 8 Natural disasters Grammar(2)学习目标知识目标单词:Snowball ,snowman , hit词组:Make a snowman ,fall over能力目标能够了解并掌握用when,while和as引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。情感目标学习重点学习用when和while引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的几种情况。学习难点在过去进行时中正确使用when,while和 as.课前自学找出用when / while/ as引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时连用的情况.查

27、资料搞清楚它的用法.一根据汉语意思翻译下列句子。1. 当发生地震时,我正在睡觉。I _ _ when the earthquake _.2当玻璃、瓦片往下掉的时候,人们正慌乱地跑着。People _ _ in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks _ _ down.3我正在寻找出路时,突然我听到头顶上有声音。As I _ _ to find my way out, I suddenly _ some noise above me. 二(热身一下吧)用 when,while或as填空。1. My mum was sleeping _ my aunt came to visit her.2. My father was working in the garden _ I was sitting in the sun.3. _ he came yesterday, we were playing basketball.4. _

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