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1、届全国人教版英语一轮讲义必修五Unit2含答案必修5Unit 2The United KingdomMy wife and I,as arranged,went to the United Kingdom for sightseeing last summer.Here a fact has to be clarified: The UK is roughly divided into four parts,Northern Ireland being part of it.Ireland,having its own administration, institutions and curr

2、ency,is an independent country.To our delight,conflicts between Britain and Ireland have come to an end and the tense situation has been eased.During the stay in the UK,we were thrilled to find some wellfurnished old castles,accomplished in the 1850s.The beauty of these splendid architectures was be

3、yond description.We also saw some soldiers of the Royal Air Force,dressed in uniform,marching down the street.What a pleasant surprise we had that day!默写识记默写单词1.consist vi. 组成;在于;一致2.conflict n. 矛盾;冲突3.clarify vt. 澄清;阐明4.accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现5.attract vt. 吸引;引起注意6.description n. 描写;描述7.rough adj.

4、粗糙的;粗暴的8.quarrel n. 争吵;争论;吵架vi. 争吵;吵架9.arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理10.thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊11.delight n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦vt. 使高兴;使欣喜记住词义1.unite vi.& vt. 联合;团结 n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷3.institution n. 制度;机制;公共机构4.convenience n. 便利;方便 adj. 全国性的;全国范围的6.architecture n. 建筑学;建筑艺术7.fold vt. 折叠;对折8.splendid adj. 壮

5、丽的;辉煌的;极好的9.statue n. 塑像;雕像10.error n. 错误;过失;谬误11.consistent adj. 一致的写出短语1.consist of 由组成2.divide .into 把分成3.break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离 ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬5. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑6.take the place of 代替7.break down (机器)损坏;破坏联想拓展表语形容词前缀a1.alike 相同的;类似的2.asleep 睡着的3.alive 活的;有活力的4.awake 醒着的5.asha

6、med 羞愧的短语串记 made up of 由组成 composed of 由组成3.consist in 存在于;在于4.consist with 与一致/相符5.leave for 动身去6.leave .alone 让某人独处;不管某物7.leave behind 留下;丢弃;使落后8.leave off 停止;戒除9.take ones place 就位;坐某人的座位 place of 代替 ones place 代替某人 place 在适当的位置 the first place 首先;第一14.break away from

7、挣脱;脱离15.get away from 离开;逃离 away from 逃离17.stay away from 躲避;离远点18.keep away from 远离;避开经典例句They kept her alive on a life support machine.他们用呼吸机维持她的生命。 I dont stay awake at night worrying about that.我并没有因为那件事而担心得彻夜不眠。 Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall.她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。

8、The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。He hadnt been asked to the party and was feeling very left out.他未被邀请参加聚会,感到颇受冷落。 Shes asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere.她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。 Britain is being left behind in the race

9、 for new markets.英国在开拓新市场方面正被甩在后面。Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.在大多数办公室,电脑已经取代了打字机。I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall.我挣脱了他,冲进了大厅。词汇异空间派生词汇原词词义派生词词义describe vt.描述;形容;描绘description n1.描写;描述possible adj.可能的possibility n2.可能(性)arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理arrangeme

10、nt n3.布置;安排;整理collect vt.收集collection n4.收藏品;珍藏;收集consist vi.组成;在于;一致consistent adj.5.一致的;吻合的rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的roughly adv.6.粗略地;粗糙地convenient adj.方便的convenience n7.便利;方便原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)The 1.description (describe) of your old table is almost 2.consistent (consist) with all our earlier findings.It

11、 is 3.roughly (rough) estimated that it is an antique made about five centuries ago.We are now holding an exhibition,where there is a large 4.collection (collect) of antiques on display.Is there any 5.possibility (possible) that you can bring that furniture to our exhibition? Certainly we will make

12、some 6.arrangements (arrange) to guarantee its safety.If possible,come to us on Friday when it is 7.convenient(convenience)to you. 【导学号:11470086】词法新图谱核心词汇灵活多变的动词词汇词性意义现在分词过去分词clarifyvt.澄清;阐明clarifyingclarifiedaccomplishvt.完成;达到;实现accomplishingaccomplishedunitevi.& vt.联合;团结unitingunitedquarrelvi.争吵;吵

13、架quarrellingquarrelledarrangevt.筹备;安排;整理arrangingarrangeddelightvt.使高兴;使欣喜delightingdelightedfoldvt.折叠;对折foldingfoldedthrillvt.使激动;使胆战心惊thrillingthrilled.原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)Faced with all those challenges,we got 1.united (unite) as one instead of complaining and 2.quarrelling (quarrel)After two year

14、s hard work we finally 3.accomplished (accomplish) the project on schedule,which made all the staff 4.delighted (delight)A grand celebration 5.was arranged (arrange) in our companys conference hall.On the platform our manager sat smiling on a 6.folding (fold) chair.He made warm remarks,7.clarifying

15、(clarify) the importance of unity and cooperation.The most 8.thrilling (thrill) thing for the staff was that each of them was amply rewarded.原创语境改错Old Tom walked around his room with his arms folding across his chest.His dilemma was how clarify the misunderstanding between him and his wife without h

16、aving to quarrel about.An idea occurred to him,with which he delighted.If he and his children were unite,his wife might compromise and his purpose would accomplished.Tom never hesitated to take action.He had arranged a get-together for the whole family.At the party,with the childrens help he and his

17、 wife finally made up.【答案】Old Tom walked around his room with his arms across his chest.His dilemma was how clarify the misunderstanding between him and his wife without having to quarrel.An idea occurred to him,with which he delighted.If he and his children were,his wife might compromise and his pu

18、rpose would accomplished.Tom never hesitated to take action.He arranged a get-together for the whole family.At the party,with the childrens help he and his wife finally made up. 【导学号:11470087】unite as one或get/be united as one“团结一心”。quarrel with sb.about/over sth.“因某事和某人吵架”。accomplish ones work/task“

19、完成工作/任务”;accomplish ones goal“实现目标”。delight sb.或make sb.delighted“使某人高兴”;be delighted with/by/at.“对感到高兴”。arrange (for) sth.“安排”;arrange (for sb.) to do sth.“安排(某人)做某事”;as arranged“按照事先的安排;按约定”。a folding chair“折叠椅”;with ones arms folded“双臂交叉”。相依为命的词搭配搭配例释、联想、拓展动介consist of 由组成 divide. into. 把分成join.t

20、o. 把与连接起来be made up of由组成;be composed of由组成divide.between/among sb.把分配给某人; half/into halves把分成两半;除以动副break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离break down (机器)损坏;崩溃;失败leave out 省去;遗漏;忽略The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.他在网上查信息时,电脑系统突然瘫痪

21、了。动名介take the place of代替;取代take delight in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐Can the robots take the place of human beings in the future?在将来机器人会取代人类吗?介名to ones credit为带来荣誉;值得赞扬in memory of为了纪念on show 在展览;在展出at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候It is greatly to his credit that Arthur gave back the money he found.亚瑟拾金不昧是非常

22、值得赞扬的。for convenience为了方便;for the convenience of sb./for ones convenience为了方便某人.原创语境填空(填入一个适当的词)Canada broke 1.away from Britain in 1931 and gained its independence.It is now a country 2.consisting (consist) of different nationalities as well as one with immigrants making 3.up the majority of its po

23、pulation.Canada,divided 4.into ten provinces and three territories (地区),is joined the US by mountains and rivers.It used to be Americas largest trading partner,but China has taken 6.the place of it in 2019.Though its population is small,the Canadians never feel left 7.out with the US providing

24、security to them.Here are many places of interest,so come for a visit your convenience. 【导学号:11470088】.原创语境改错It is much to his credits that Joy kept up his spirits in spite of all the difficulties.When he first came to the school,he felt left over because of his skin color.There was a time when

25、 he almost broke away under such pressure.However,an activity in the memory of Martin Luther King completely changed him.He learned a lot from Martin and became determined.Since then,he has been taking delight of attending classes without caring about how others treat him.He has painted many picture

26、s,some of which are still at show at the school hall.【答案】It is much to his that Joy kept up his spirits in spite of all the difficulties.When he first came to the school,he felt left because of his skin color.There was a time when he almost broke under such pressure.However,an activity in memory of

27、Martin Luther King completely changed him.He learned a lot from Martin and became determined.Since then,he has been taking delight attending classes without caring about how others treat him.He has painted many pictures,some of which are still show at the school hall.句法新天地重点句型find宾语宾语补足语教材原句Now when

28、 people refer to England you find Wales included as well.如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士也是包括在内的。动词find后可接复合宾语,常见结构为:find宾语过去分词/现在分词/形容词/副词/介词短语。When he arrived,he found all the work finished.当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作都已做完了。Just the next morning,I found my mother not feeling well.就在第二天早上,我发现妈妈不舒服。I called on her on my wa

29、y home and found her out.我在回家的路上去拜访她,发现她不在家。动词make,leave,get亦可接复合宾语:(1)make宾语过去分词/原形动词/形容词/介词短语。(2)leave宾语过去分词/现在分词/动词不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语。(3)get宾语过去分词/现在分词/动词不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语。It seemed strange that.教材原句 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎是一件

30、怪事:这位阐明了共产主义(理论)的人竟然在伦敦生活,并且在伦敦去世。句中“It seemed strange that.”意为“似乎有点儿奇怪”,that从句中的should意为“竟然”,should have done“竟然做了某事”,表示对过去发生的事情感到惊讶。It seems strange that the child should have mastered so much vocabulary.真是奇怪,这个小孩竟然掌握如此丰富的词汇。在以下两种句型中,主语从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。(1)It is strange/important/necessary/natural/surprising.that.(2)It is a pity/a shame/a surprise/an honour/no wonder that.It is important that we (should) not lose the enthusiasm to keep on trying.重要的是我们不应该失去继续尝试的热情。It

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