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英语Unit 14课后答案.docx

1、英语Unit 14课后答案Unit 1Language Points 1 Translate the following sentences into English.1) 大家认为有必要对青年学生进行传统教育。It is considered necessary to give the young students traditional education.2)我认为放弃这个面试的机会太遗憾了。I consider it a great pity to give up the chance of the interview.2. Translate the following senten

2、ces into English.1) 我以前通常很晚才睡觉。I used to go to bed very late. 2) 那里以前有一座石桥。There used to be a stone bridge there. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 朋友之间往往只用“嗨”来打招呼。Friends tend to say “Hi” as a greeting to each other.2) 书信有可能被电子邮件所替代。Written letters tend to be replaced by E-mails.

3、4. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 他已经非常不习惯没有网络的生活。He hasnt been quite used to the life without network.2)我不习惯在大庭广众之下被人表扬。I am not used to being praised in public.rather than / ratherthan 在更大程度上; 而不是; 比较起来倒不如Translate the following sentences into English.1) 我愿意工作而不是闲着。I prefer to w

4、ork rather than remain idle.2) 与其说是谈话,不如说是演讲。It may be called a lecture rather than a talk.5. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 文章虽然很长,但很有趣。Long as the article is, it is very interesting.2) 虽然他只是一名中学生,但他昨天的演讲超过了大学生。Middle school student as he was, his speech yesterday was superior to

5、 a college students.6. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 老师总是强调学好英语的重要性。The teacher always insists on the importance of learning English well.2)我们提出帮助他,他谢绝了。他坚持独立自主。We offered to help him but he refused. He insisted on self-reliance.Text-related exercisesExercise 1: Choose the best a

6、nswer. 1. I am considering _C_ going _ to the West after my graduation.2 . This is the basic _B_ principle _ we are required to follow when we do everything.3 . He used to call you Lao Wang, _C_ didnt _ he?4. You did quite well in this exam_B_ except for _ two minor mistakes.5. The Chinese women _C_

7、 tend not to _ wear heavy makeup.6. Teachers should develop better teaching methods to _D_ arouse _ students interest in learning English.7. Mary insisted _D_ on being sent _ to Class 3.8. We consider _B_ it _ necessary to make full preparations for the terminal exam. 9. _B_ Child as he is _ , he ta

8、lks like an adult.10.Doctor Smith is always _A_ polite _ to us.Exercise 2: Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.1.He is a man with kindness, sincerity and _politeness (polite).2. You should look at the person being addressed (address) to show your respect towards him

9、 or her.3. I havent been used to living (live) in this new city.4. The government has taken great measures to improve social (society) welfare.5. When offered (offer) the seat in the bus, the old lady thanked the young girl again and again.6. When in great anger, the husband rudely (rude) knocked th

10、e vase down and broke it into pieces.7. The book reflects (reflect) the great achievements made by the Chinese people in the past thirty years.8. Nowadays some people have a tendency (tend) of sending their children abroad for further study.9. They will hold the meeting to exchange (exchange) academ

11、ic(学术的) ideas and teaching experiences.10. It is improper (proper) for you to call the old man directly by his given name.Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 1. A 2. CTask 23. B 4. BTask 35. D 6. CTask 41. B,Q 2. N,F 3. J,O 4. C,H 5. L,ETask 51. AAA office 2. US$15 3. passport-type 4. in advance 5.

12、mailSection C Skills Development Part 1 Word Formation Task 1 : Study the suffixes above and put the following into English.1high高度地highly 2.hope 无希望的hopeless 3globe全球的global 4music音乐的musical5slow慢慢地slowly 6room满房间的人,物roomful 7short简短地shortly 8talk健谈的talkative 9harm有害的harmful 10end无尽的endless Task 2:

13、 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in Task 1.1. Smoking too much every day is harmful to your health. 2. Shelly is a talkative girl but her sister isnt. 3. The road has been flooded but the rain seems endless. 4. At the meeting, the chairman spoke highly of our work. 5. What

14、is happening next door? A roomful of people are making so much noise. 6. In order to make necessary notes, we asked the speaker to speak a little more slowly. 7. My father plays the piano very well, but I cant play any musical instrument. 8. Our life is hopeless, and well never get out alive. 9. Mod

15、ern fast transportation is making our earth a global village. 10. The accident happened shortly after the noon. Part 3 WritingTask 1: Fill in the blanks according to the information given in Chinese.May 15, 2012(史密斯先生) Dear Mr. Smith,Im writing to (感谢你给了我机会) thank you for having given me the chance

16、of visiting your college. (我非常感激) I an very grateful for the time you spent showing me around your beautiful campus and modern computer labs and answering me various questions. Your kindness and hospitality (使我在美国的逗留又有趣又愉快) made my stay in the United States interesting and pleasant. I feel Ill never

17、 forget the days I had with you. (你真是太好了) It was very kind of you to have done all that for me and (我的感激无法用语言来表达) my appreciation is more than I can write here with words. (你真诚的) Yours sincerely,Li YongUnit 21. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 你必须利用这一机会。You must make use of that opp

18、ortunity.2) 我们应当善用我们的业余时间。 We should make good use of our spare time. 2. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 准备好为你的行为作出解释。Be ready to explain your actions.2) 善良的人总是乐意帮助别人。A kind person is always ready to help others. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 动物在人类的进步中扮演着很重要的

19、角色。Animals play an important role in the progress of our human beings.2)政府应该在这个问题的解决中发挥重要的作用。The government should play an important role in solving this problem.4. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 昨天所有同学参加了课堂讨论。Yesterday all the students took part in the class discussion.2) 250多名中国

20、运动员将参加下一届奥运会。More than 250 Chinese athletes will take part in the next Olympic Games.5. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 我们将如何处理这个问题? How will we deal with this problem?2) 我的秘书接待来访者。My secretary deals with visitors. 6. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 他是怎么卷进这件事情中去的?

21、How did he get involved in it?2) 五个男生参与了上周三的打群架(gang fight)。Five boy students got involved in the gang fight last Wednesday. 7. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 每个同学都应该注意语音和语调(pronunciation and intonation)。Every student should pay attention to his or her pronunciation and intonation

22、. 2) 驾车时请注意路牌。When you drive, please pay attention to the road signs. 8. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 夏天来到之前,生意将会好转。Business will pick up before summer.2) 我在高中时学起了法语。I picked up French when I was in high school. Text-related exercisesExercise 1: Choose the best answer. 1. Colleg

23、e sports, D. especially football and basketball, are a big industry.2. These breakthroughs will undoubtedly lead C. to further advancements in the near future. 3. He has the ability B. to speak English fluently.4. Time waits for no one. A. Treasure every moment you have.5. Glassware. B. Handle with

24、care!6. Our life cannot always be A. filled with happiness but it can always be full of love! 7. Is China capable and also willing to A. play a role in the world stage? 8. Taiwan is a B. treasure island of our country. 9. If you dont know these words, ask Professor Wang for help. He is a C. walking

25、dictionary. 10. He often takes part in D. sociable parties to make more friends. Exercise 2: Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.1. Listen to what he says. Then practice saying (say) the sentences.2. Please sharpen (sharp) this pencil for me. 3. Are you sure Michael

26、 will win the art competition (compete)? 4. I enjoy the colors of the leaves, especially the golden (gold) ones.5. It needs more time and energy to deal with (deal with) the matter.6. Last year, we took (take) part in planting trees.7. Bob has never had a French teacher;he has picked up (pick up) th

27、e language by himself. 8. A college is really a small society (social).9. The man thought life was meaningless (meaningful) because he was in great debts(债务).10. Jack is an able (ability) man. He is good at many things.Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 1. D 2. ATask 23. C 4. CTask 35. D 6. A 7. CT

28、ask 41. E, D 2. J, A 3. H, P 4. B, M 5. G, KASupply Agreement(供货合同) BTrade Agreement(贸易协定) CLong-tern Contract(长期合同) DSales Contract(销售合同) ECash Price(现金价格) FContract Law(合同法) GFixed Price(固定价格) HLate Payment(逾期付款) IPaying Bank(付款银行) JPort of Arrival(到达港) KPrompt Shipment(即期装运) LCash Against Deliver

29、y(交货付款) MLetter of Credit(信用证) NAdvice of Delivery(货到通知书) OAdvice Note(通知) PNotice of Claim(索赔通知) QPort of Delivery(交货港)Task 51. birth place 2. church 3. Chinese Theatre 4. hand and foot 5. Rodeo DriveSection C Skills Development Part 1 Word Formation Task 1: Study the suffixes above and put the fol

30、lowing into English.1hard使变硬,使坚强harden2deep使变深deepen3mystery神秘的mysterious4trick狡猾的tricky5book书生气的bookish6hair毛茸茸的hairy7advantage有优势的advantageous8child孩子似的childish9wood木制的wooden10iron讽刺;冷嘲ironyTask 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in Task 1.1. His decision is advantageous

31、to us. 2. He is a tricky businessman. 3. She spoke with heavy irony. 4. The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 5. It is a childish idea. 6. Mary stared carefully at huge hairy bear.7. This is a wooden table.8. The whole thing seems very mysterious.9. Life in the mountains hardened me. 10. He had

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