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本文(个人手工制作新牛津英语高考一轮复习综合课外趣味阅读及练习题三.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、个人手工制作新牛津英语高考一轮复习综合课外趣味阅读及练习题三新牛津英语高考一轮复习综合课外趣味阅读及练习题(三)课外趣味阅读精彩故事The Milkmaid and Her Pail of Milk(牛奶女工與她的牛奶桶)Dolled the Milkmaid having been a good girl, and careful in her work, her mistress gave her a pail of fresh milk for herself. With the pail upon her head, Dolly tripped gaily along on her w

2、ay to the town, where she was going to sell her milk. “ For this milk,” said Dolly, “ I shall get a shilling, and with it I will buy twenty of the eggs laid by our neighbor s fine fowls. “ The mistress will surely lend me a hen, and, allowing for all mishaps, I shall raise a good dozen of chicks. “

3、They will be well grown before the next fair-time comes round, and it is then that chickens bring the highest price. I shall be able to sell them for a guinea. “ Then I will buy that sweater that I saw in the village the other day, and a hat and ribbons, too; and when I go to the fair, how smart I s

4、hall be! “ Robin will be there and will come up and offer to be friends again. But I won t come round too easily; and when he wants me for a partner in the dance, I shall just toss up my head and_ ” Here Dolly gave her head the least bit of a toss, when down came the pail, and all the milk was spill

5、ed upon the ground. Poor Dolly! It was hr good-by to eggs, chickens, sweater, hat, ribbons, and all. * “Dont count your chicken before they are hatched.”Ulysses and the Bag of Winds(Ulysses與風袋)Long, long ago, there lived upon a little island a Greek king named Ulysses. One time Ulysses sailed far aw

6、ay across the sea to fight for his country, and for ten long years he was away from his beautiful wife and his little son. At last the Greeks captured the city they were fighting against, and the war ended. “Now I can go back to my island home,” said Ulysses, joyfully, as he and his men set sail for

7、 home. “ Once more I can see my wife and son!” on the way, they stopped to rest at the home of a king named Eolus, who lived on an island in the sea. It was a wonderful island; all around it was a high wall of bronze. Eolus was king of the winds. He could make the winds sleep so soundly that the sea

8、 would be as smooth as glass, or he could make them blow so hard that the waves would be as high as mountains. When Ulysses was ready to start on his way again, Eolus said, “I will help you to reach your home, Ulysses. I will put all the stormy winds in this great bag of ox-hide. Then they cannot ha

9、rm you. “I will the bag with this golden chain; but I will leave out the gentle west wind, do bear you safely home. Guard the bag of winds carefully. And do not let anyone untie the chain.” Then the west wind blew softly and sent them in safety on their way. For nine days and nine nights Ulysses gua

10、rded the bag of winds, until at last he became very tired and sleepy. Now the men with Ulysses did not know what was in the great bag. “see how he guards it !” they said. “Surely it has gold and silver in it, for it is tied with a golden chain. We helped Ulysses in the war; why should he have all th

11、e gold and the silver?” at last, on the tenth day, they came in sight of their dear island. “Look, look!” cried the men, joyfully. “There are our green fields! Soon we shall see our homes.” Then the weary Ulysses, thinking that he need not guard the bag any longer, fell fast asleep. “now we can see

12、what is in the bag!” so they crept up to the bag and untied the golden chain. Out flew all the stormy winds, roaring and howling! In a moment, great waves arose and drove the ship far from the land. The noise of the winds and the waves awoke Ulysses. Where was his little island home? Where were the

13、green fields he loved so well? They were far, far away, for the ship was out on the stormy sea. “Oh, what shall I do?” cried Ulysses. “I fear that I shall never see my home again. But I must not give up; I will try again and again. Some day I may reach my home, and see my wife and son once more.” “A

14、fter a long time, the stormy winds drove the ship back to the island where Eolus lived. How glad Ulysses was when “Eolus can help us,” he said. “He will the winds again” but Eolus was angry with Ulysses and his men. “Go away!” Eolus said. “I will not help you a second time, for it is your own fault

15、that he stormy winds are out of the bag.” So once more Ulysses set out upon the sea, and it was many long years before he saw his island home again.英语短文欣赏蚱蜢和蚂蚁The Grasshopper And The AntDo right things at the proper time, or its too late to regret for what has passed.在合适的时节做应该做的事情,否则,错过时节才醒悟为时已晚。A g

16、rasshopper was playing on his violin where the ants were busy collecting food. “Its the grasshopper again!”they said.“Hes always playing that violin of his. He never seems to do any work.”蚱蜢在拉小提琴,而蚂蚁却在忙着收集食物。“又是蚱蜢。”它们说,“它总是在拉小提琴,似乎从来不工作。”The grasshopper stopped when he saw the ants.“Why are you work

17、ing on such a beautiful day?”he asked.“Dont you feel the gaiety of spring? Why arent you dancing and singing while I play my violin?”“We must collect food now,”said the Queen of ants.“If we dont, what will we do when winter comes?”蚱蜢看见蚂蚁后停了下来。“这么好的天气,干吗工作呢?”它问道,“你们不觉得在春天心情是多么舒畅吗?我拉小提琴的时候,你们可以唱唱歌,跳跳舞

18、啊!”“现在我们必须要收集食物。”蚁后说,“否则,我们冬天怎么办呢?”“Oh, winters a long way off,” said the grasshopper.“ You take life much too seriously.” “But you must work today if you want to eat tomorrow,” said the little ant.“ You can play your violin after you have finished working,” said another as the ants scurried busily

19、about.“哦,冬天还很远呢!”蚱蜢说道,“你们对待生活太认真啦。”“但是,今天的工作是为了明天的生活。”小蚂蚁说。“你做完工作后再拉小提琴啊。”另一只忙于工作的蚂蚁说。The grasshopper didnt wish to heed their advice,“Go on with your work, my little friends,”he said“Im going to dance in the meadow in the sun!”And so the grasshopper left the busy ants and went on his way, singing.

20、The spring soon passed and the warm days of summer came. All day long the grasshopper played his violin as he sat in the sun or just slept on a blade of grass. Soon summer was over.蚱蜢却从来没有听从蚂蚁的建议。“我的小朋友们,你们继续工作吧。”它说,“我要到阳光照耀下的草地上跳舞去了。”蚱蜢唱着歌离开了忙碌的蚂蚁。春天很快过去了,炎热的夏天来了。蚱蜢只是整日坐在太阳下,或躺在草叶上拉小提琴。很快夏天也结束了。One

21、 morning, the grasshopper woke up and was surprised to see that snow had fallen during the night. He shivered and looked for a great leaf for food. But although he searched and searched he could not find a thing. The long winter had come. “Oh dear, oh dear! What shall I do?”cried the grasshopper,“I

22、shall die of hunger. I shall freeze to death!”一天早上,蚱蜢醒来后惊讶地发现昨天晚上下雪了。它哆嗦着想去寻找一片大叶子作食物,但是它找啊找,可是什么也没找到。漫长的冬天到来了。“哦,天哪!我该怎么办呢?”蚱蜢哀号着,“我要被饿死、冻死了。”The grasshopper wandered around looking for a place to keep warm but there was no such place.“ How silly I was not to listen to the ants. While I am dying of

23、 cold and hunger they are sitting in their warm nest with plenty to eat.” And sobbing loudly, the grasshopper sat down in the snow. The ants heard his cry and as they were really kind creatures they came hurrying to help him.蚱蜢四处徘徊着想找一个御寒的地方,但是根本找不到。“我真是太傻了,没有听蚂蚁的话。英语故事短文我快要被冻死饿死的时候,它们却待在温暖的巢穴里,不愁吃的

24、。”蚱蜢坐在雪地上大哭起来。善良的蚂蚁听到它的哭声后,急忙赶来帮忙。By this time the poor grasshopper was frozen stiff. The ants picked him up and carried him to their nest. They looked after the grasshopper until he felt better and spring had returned again. Never did the grasshopper forget the lesson he had been taught.等它们到那儿,可怜的蚱

25、蜢已经冻僵了。蚂蚁把它扶起来,抬到它们的巢穴里。它们一直照料着蚱蜢直到它好转,这时春天也来了。从此,蚱蜢再也没有忘记曾经的教训。同义词趣味巧辨析can, in这两个名词均有“罐头”之意。can : 为美国英语,现在英国也用。in : 为英国英语。cane, stick, staff这些名词均有“手杖”之意。cane : 多指用藤或竹制成的细长的手杖。stick : 普通用词,指木制的细长手杖。staff : 多指走路爬山时用作支持或防卫使用的长木棒。candy, sweets, sugar这些词均有“糖”之意。candy和sweets表糖果时,前者为美国英语,后者为英国用词。sugar : 侧

26、重指用甘蔗或甜菜制成的糖。中学重难知识点回顾In短语归类2in a matter of 大约,左右in a measure 一部分,有几分in a minority 处于少数的in a minute 马上,立刻in a moment 马上,立刻in a muck 浑身是泥in a nutshell 简单的,简约的in a passion 在盛怒之下in a position to do sth 能够做某事in a pucker 激动,慌张,烦恼in a quandary 左右为难in a row 成一横排in a rush 匆忙之中in a sad pickle 处于困境in a sense

27、在某一方面in a short while 不久,一会in a shot 飞快的,立刻in a small way 小规模的,简朴的练习题(一)When it comes to hard, noisy traveling, weve found that sometimes wed rather read about it than actually go. Here are some bestsellers for armchair travelers.The Station by Robert Byron. In 1928, the 22-year-old man made a journ

28、ey to Mount Athos, resulting in one of the best travel books ever written, matched only by Byrons own, much more famous The Road to Osciana.In Darkest A frica by Henry Monton Stanley. Its about his great efforts to save an unlucky German doctor Eduard Schnitzer, who had no desire to be rescued at al

29、l. A Travelers Alphabet: Partial Memoirs by Sir Steven Runciman. A to Z and around the world. He provides priceless information of long-gone princesses, priests, and places.South: A Memoir of the Endurance Voyage by Sir Ernest Shackleton. As the planet started the global war, Shackleton and his brav

30、e group of explorers made an unsuccessful but heroic journey to cross Antarctica from 1914 to 1917.The MieheUn Red Guide: France 2005 Reading through this final listing of all the nice hotels and wonderful restaurants in France is better than going there, listening to Chirac talk about the poisonous

31、 American culture, and spending the price of this book for a tiny cup of tea and a cookie the size of your thumb.The Past Is a Foreign Country by David Lowenthal. This great book of an armchair exploration tells us what has happened in the past and shows the relationship between us and the past trav

32、elers.64. The underlined phrase armchair travelers in the first paragraph refers to those who .A. can only travel with special equipment for the disabledB. like to write about their strange traveling experiencesC. find fun teaching others how to travel to other placesD. like to read about travels instead of traveling themselves65. Which of the books has a very low price according to the passage?A. A Travelers Alphabet: Partial MemoirsB. South: A Memoir of the Endurance Voyag

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