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1、ModernFamilyS03E05你好 先生 我是杜恩贝利 Hey, sir. Duane Bailey, running for, uh,准备参加镇议员改选 town council reelection.-别看 是杜恩贝利那个混蛋 -唉 真衰 - Oh, dont look. Theres that jerk Duane Bailey. - Oh, yuck.你说我是不是该损损他 I should say something to him, shouldnt I?实话说 我刚刚只是妇唱夫随 I gotta be honest, I was just walking off your to

2、ne.杜恩贝利是谁 我们为什么要恨人家啊 Whos Duane Bailey and why do we hate him?亲爱的 他就是否决我停车牌议案的那货 Honey, hes that councilman who shot down my stop sign.-傻大缺 -没错 - Big phony - Yeah.你好 我是杜恩贝利 竞选镇议员连任 Hey! Duane Bailey seeking reelection town council.希望你能投我一票哦 Hope I can count on your vote.好啊 我一定投你 Well, you just got i

3、t.你不记得见过我 是吧 You dont remember meeting me,do you.克莱尔邓菲 上个月镇会议上见过 Claire Dunphy,last month town council meeting.哦 当然 Oh, yes I do.我当然记得你 Yes I remember you.给老娘个停车牌 I want a stop sign.开个玩笑啦 来 拿支笔吧 Just having fun. Here, have a pen.杜恩贝利 Duane bailey.忠诚议员 良好市民 哈巴小猎犬爱好者 Councilman. Citizen. Puggle breede

4、r.我爱哈巴小猎犬 I love them.因为那是种族大融合的产物 Because theyre a different mix of breeds,恰似美利坚合众国 just like America.我很赞同他的话 克莱尔 I like what hes saying, Claire.-他说的完全狗屁不通 -看这个 - He isnt saying anything. - Look at his.我家路口需要立个停车牌 We need a stop sign at our intersection.谁都想立停车牌 Everyone says that,若是听之任之 But pretty

5、soon,我们就要转角遇到停车牌了 were stopping at every single corner.加拿大倒是停车牌遍布 在那儿开车多悲剧啊 Why dont you go ask Canada how thats working out?-他真有才 -你好 我是杜恩贝利 - He nailed it. - Hi. Duane Bailey.身兼演员编剧导演 铁拳勇猛谁敢争先 Actor/writer/director who packs a punch.-是席尔维斯特史泰龙 -席尔维斯特史泰龙 - Oh, Sylvester Stallone. - Sylvester Stallo

6、ne.我先说的 I said it first.我的天啊 Oh, my god.这人居然带孩子来 米奇尔 This guy brought his kids, Mitchell.让孩子看这影片 这片子可是暴力无下限啊 What, to this movie? Isnt it supposed to be super violent?抱歉 我不是想多管闲事 但是 Im sorry. I dont mean to overstep, but I dont know这部电影好像有点少儿不宜吧 that this movie is really appropriate for children.我都不

7、敢看 所以我们才挑白天来 Im terrified to see it. Thats why were here during the day.没事 我们受得了 Its okay. Were good.好吧 Okay.我尽力了 I tried.是啊 尽你所能了 Yeah. All you can do.知道吗 我读过原著的 You know, Ive-Ive read this book,知道大致剧情 的确很可怕 And I know whats gonna happen, and its very disturbing.我觉得 您这是自找罪受 I really think you might

8、 be inviting想晚上做噩梦吧 some pretty serious nightmares here.兄弟 听好 我的孩子我做主 Hey, buddy, theyre my kids. I got it.是吗 我可不觉得 Yeah, but I dont think you do.小卡 小卡 他说了他做主 Cam. Cam. He says hes got it, all right?你仁至义尽了 好好看电影吧 You said your piece. Just watch the movie.是格温妮丝帕特洛 Oh, uh, Gwyneth Paltrow.-您真不该毒害您的孩子.

9、 -小卡 - I really must insist you not traumatize your kids. - Cam.-不该让他们过早接触暴力影片 -别说了 - by exposing them to gratuitous violence. - Stop it. Shh!-以及血腥影像 -爸爸 我吓到了 - and graphic depictions of- - Daddy, Im scared.是啊 待会儿更吓死你 Yeah, well, youre gonna be.我最后警告你一次 Im gonna tell you one more time.-不 是我最后警告你一次 -

10、好了 - No, Im gonna tell you one more time. - Okay.人家看的电影是布偶 It was The Muppet Movie.我们进错放映厅了 We were in the wrong theater.好好看哦 我一直都很喜欢布偶系列的 Enjoy the show. I was always a fan of the Muppets,尤其是那两个在剧场 Especially the two guys in the theater-喋喋不休的好人 -赶紧走 - who wouldnt shut up. - Just leave.摩登家庭 第三季 第五集-

11、喂 -我要晚一点了 - Hello? - Im running late.那傻缺让我等了一个多小时 This knuckleheads kept me waiting for over an hour.他爸当权的时候 都没让我等这么久 I never had to wait like this when his dad was running things.是啊 Yeah.改朝换代政策变 And soda was a nickel.直接告诉他 你家人要来参加家庭聚会 Just tell them that your family is coming over.那货把他老爸都给炒了 This g

12、uy fired his own father.他才不会鸟我的什么家人呢 Hes not gonna care about my family.那你就直接走呗 Okay, then just leave.你又不需要他的钱 You dont need his money.每个礼拜 都有八张嘴 Once a week, I have eight family members来咱家白吃白喝 coming to my house for free food.我走不起 Im not going anywhere.行 那就回家再见吧 Okay. I see you when I see you.你怎么了

13、出什么事了吗 Are you okay? What is wrong?我真想在家自学 I want to be homeschooled.当真吗 曼尼 你想让我学你英语吗 Really, Manny? Do you want me to learn you English?到底怎么了 What is going on?有份报告要做 I have a big report due,但老师根本不在乎文章内容 And the teachers dont seem to care about the substance.他们只重视花巧外表 All they care about is the flas

14、h.曼尼啊 有时候你有点守旧 Manny, sometimes you can be a little bit old-fashioned.还记得你第一次 Remember the first time看见小朋友用滑轮背包时 you saw the kids with the backpacks with wheels你还觉得太花哨 and you thought they were too flashy?我是去上学 又不是要登机去丹佛 Youre going to school, not boarding a flight to Denver.真是荒谬 Its getting absurd.

15、雷本那篇爱尔兰移民报告 竟是说唱形式表现的 Reuben freestyle-rapped his report on Irish immigrants.真是莫名其妙 That doesnt even make sense.或许他可以跳个爱尔兰踢踏舞 又怎样 Maybe you do a Riverdance. Maybe.-报告是什么主题 -黑手党 - What is your report on? - The Mafia.太好了 我们做个冲锋枪纸模 Perfect. We do a papier-mache Tommy gun.不 我们不搞那些花里胡哨的 Oh, no. We should

16、nt have to jazz it up.那好 我们去楼上把你的旧木马拿来 Okay, then we go upstairs and we get your old rocking horse斩首示众 以显主题 and we chop the head off.不 太残忍了 我喜欢布朗尼 No, thats a terrible idea. I love Brownie!你到底想不想杀马震师啊 Do you want to send a message or not?杰从不让我插手他的生意 Jay never wants me to help him with his business,突

17、然间 曼尼也不听我的话了 And now suddenly, manny doesnt want to listen to me either.真让老娘郁闷啊 Its very frustrating.老娘可是万事通 I have all the answers.嘿 你来了 Hey! There he is.-快进来 杰 -你好吗 乔小希 - Bring it in , Jay. How you doing, Joshie?-还是叫我乔希吧 -请坐 - Its Josh now. - Have a seat.那好 Ah, all right.我大概看了一下你的方案 So I flipped t

18、hrough your proposal,是这样. And heres the thing-我们的超规模豪华复合式公寓 开建在即 Were about to build our largest luxury condo complex yet.有个重要的问题要问你 And I have an important question for you-你想要构筑什么 what is it you want to build?壁橱 Closets.你看 我指望你会说构筑梦想呢 See, I was kinda hoping youd say Dreams.我暗含那个意思 I thought that

19、was implied.杰 我的壁橱可要是空前绝后的 Jay, Im looking for closets nobodys ever seen before,惊艳之作 You know, a big Wow!明白我的意思吗 You know what Im saying?你追求的是上好的壁橱 You want a nice closet with sharp design,要设计新锐 质量上乘 做工精湛 quality materials, and expert craftsmanship.不止如此 我还要它举世皆惊 Uh, I mean, I want it to be like, bam

20、!大家走进来然后说 You know, people are gonna walk in there and go哇 先挂哪件好呢 Whoa! What do I hang first?先挂了我吧 I wanted to hang myself.谈点详细的吧 Yeah, lets talk more specific.您的喜厌好恶到底怎样 What exactly do you like and what dont you like?好吧 有道理 All right, fair enough. Uh.我不喜欢谈细节 很不爽 I dont like this. This makes me sad

21、.我喜欢奇思妙想 I do like getting my mind blown.你的狂热我很欣赏 I love your enthusiasm.为免我思路偏差 不合你意 Uh, before I go off in the wrong direction,给个例子行吗 How about an example?好吧 听着 All right, check this out.三周前 我去南部海滩度假 So, like, three weeks ago, Im down in South Beach.我走进摇滚俱乐部 I walk into this thumpin club.酒保问我你要喝什么

22、 Bartender says, What do you wanna drink?我说给我个惊喜 I say, Wow me.他调了杯酒 我就喝了一小口 He mixes this thing together. I take one sip,再醒来时 我说护士姐姐好 and Im like, Hello, nurse!护士告诉我 你已经昏迷两天了 And shes like, Youve been unconscious for two days.我的壁橱要的就是这个感觉 Thats what I want in a closet.我想我不需要再听了 I dont think I need

23、to hear any more.你干啥呢 做作业吗 Whatcha doing there? Homework?有话快说 What do you want?我想借点钱 江湖救急 I need to borrow some money. Its really important.借多少 How much?900美元 $900.什么 What?!拜托了 如果你遇到困难 Come on. If you were in trouble,我会倾囊相助的 I would do anything for you.我们是姐妹以上 Were not just sisters.闺蜜已满啊 Were best f

24、riends.不是我不帮 Look, I would if I could,我是真的没钱啊 but I dont have any money.既然话都说开了 And since were talking,我就老实说吧 那谁谁 I never told anyone this before, and it.别蠢脸堆笑充市花了 .wipe that smug smile off his stupid face.他那张脸是够蠢 His face is stupid.这种跳梁小丑竟能当上公务员 Oh! I cant believe ridiculous people like him end up

25、in office.你为什么不参选呢 Well, why dont you run?你聪明过人 关爱社区 Youre smart, you care about the community,稍微打扮下 也蛮有红颜铁娘子风范 and youre easy on the eyes when you put a little effort into it.-说真的吗 -是啊 - Are you serious? - Yeah, you know,别整天穿着汗湿的运动装就行 maybe change out of the sweaty gym clothes every once in while.我

26、知道 你是问参选那句吗 I thought you were talking about running for office.接着说 Go on.说没想过肯定是骗人 Id be lying if I said Id never thought about it.我知道那只是个芝麻官 I mean, I know its a ridiculous little local thing,但踏出家门 奉献市民 也未尝不好 but it might be fun to get out there and contribute.再说 我觉得自己能够胜任 Plus I think Id be good

27、at it.-你一定很出色 -但如何能行呢 - Youd be great. - Mm. How would this work?孩子放学后谁照顾 I mean, who would be here for the kids after school?谁带他们去排练 去朗诵会 Who would take them to practice and recitals阻止他们上房揭瓦呢 and keep them from burning the house down?单亲妈妈真心不容易 It must be so hard being a single mom.克莱尔 有你老公在呢 Claire

28、, I will.如果你想高飞 If you wanna fly,我绝不扯你后腿 Im not gonna hold your feet to the ground. Hmm.我会助力一臂 推你离地 I wanna be the one to push you off the cliff.我决定了 I think Im gonna do it.很好 Great.-飞吧 -菲尔 - Go fly. - Phil.-天啊 -菲尔 - No. - Oh, phil!我得承认 我就是女强人控 Ill admit it. Im turned on by powerful women-米歇尔奥巴马 奥普拉

29、 康多莉扎赖斯 Michelle Obama, Oprah, Condoleezza Rice,塞雷娜威廉姆斯小威廉姆斯 Serena Williams-慢着 不对菲尔提到的都是黑人 Wait a minute.-要吃薯条吗 -不要 我吃不下 - Do you want a fry? - No, I cant eat.我们还不如留下来看布偶 We shouldve stayed and seen The Muppets.我现在一看番茄酱 还觉得满目血腥 I cant even look at ketchup without seeing blood.漏网卷薯条 好运的象征 Ooh, runaw

30、ay curly fry. You know these are good luck.-天啊 怎么回事 -追尾了 - Oh, my god. What was that? - We just got rear-ended.靠边停车 靠边停车 Oh, pull off to the side street. Pull off to the side street.-你还好吗 -上牙膛被吸管划破了 - Are you okay? - Oh, I think I cut the roof of my mouth on the straw.-我的老天 -所以说没事咯 - Oh, my god. Mm!

31、 - So yes.天啊 Oh, boy.真抱歉 都是我的错 I am so sorry. This is all my fault.你们还好吗 Are you guys okay?我嘴里受了点小伤 W-well, I-I sustained a minor mouth injury.我们没事 谢谢 Were fine. Thank you. Its.我真过意不去 Look, I feel terrible.别担心 我来处理这件事 Um, dont worry. Im gonna take care of everything.我去拿保险单 Let me just get my insurance info.好的 谢谢 Okay. Thank you.这个人不错啊 Well, he seems nice.按爱情喜剧片标准情节 You know, if this were a romantic c

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