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Term definition.docx

1、Term definition一 Term definition.1. internet: a network of computers through which people can get or exchange messages with a computer and a modemsurfing the internet: looking for information on the internet.2. website: individual sets of web pages that can be visited with web browsers3. email: mess

2、ages that computer users send to each other via a modem and a server on the internet4. cyberspace: the online world of computer networks, esp. the internet.信息空间5. cyberspace community: a group of people with similar interests and tastes communicating among themselves on the internet信息空间社区6. real est

3、ate: land, including the buildings or improvements on it and its natural assets.房地产7. pornography: treatment of obscene subjects, esp. sexual perversions, in writing, pictures, etc.色情作品8. thaw: (of a frozen substance) to increase in temperature to above freezing point and so become soft or liquid.融化

4、9. glacier: mass of ice which moves very slowly down a mountain valley冰川10. methane: a natural gas which is formed from decaying matters burns easily, sometimes causing explosions in mines甲烷,沼气11. topography: the science describing or representing the character of a particular place in detail, esp.

5、as regards the shape and height of the land, as on a map.地形学12. aerosol: a suspension of colloidal participles in a gas or the air气体中的)浮粒,悬浮微粒13. emission: an act of sending out something(esp. heat, smell, etc.)排放14. watershed: the area drained by a river system; a dividing point.分水岭 15. evaporation

6、: the act of changing into steam and disappearing.蒸发16. adulterant: a harmful and inferior substance added to food, etc. 掺杂物17. contaminated: polluted, tainted carcinogen: any substance that produce cancer18. allergen: a substance including a hypersensitivity to a specific substance(as a food, polle

7、n, etc19. aliment: an illness, esp. a mild one20. microbe: a microorganism, esp. one causing disease21. synthesize: to combine separate parts, elements, substances, etc. into a whole or into a system.综合,使合成22. consensus: common agreement (of opinions, etc.)23. desideratum: something needed or wanted

8、渴望得到的东西24. compensation: counterbalance; pay25. executive: a person who carries out what has been planned or decided26. perk: (clloq. Usu. Pl.)perquisite; allowance, etc. Given in addition to regular wages or salary27. underling: a person in an unimportant position under another or others28. initiat

9、ive: capability to see what needs to be done and enterprise enough to do it29. collective: (of) a group or society as a whole30. catalytic: speeding up or slowing down a chemical reaction by adding a substance which itself is not changed thereby31. sorbent: anything that absorbs and adsorbs(吸附)32. o

10、zone: a poisonous gas with a strong smell that is a form of oxygen33. spreadsheet(电子数据表): a computer program that is used, for example, when doing financial or project planning (You enter data in rows and columns and the program calculates costs, etc. from it.)34. directive(官方指令): an official instru

11、ctions.35. combustion(燃烧,氧化): a chemical process in which substances combine with the oxygen in the air to produce heat and light.36. act: a law that has been passed by the parliament37. megawatt: a unit for measuring electrical power; one million watts38. rehabilitation(修复): restoring to rank, etc.

12、; putting back in good condition.39. uniformity: condition of being the same throughout40. utopian: characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection41. segmentation: division into different parts42. architecture: art and science of building; design or styles of building(s)43. tenant: a perso

13、n who pays rent for the use of land, a building, ,a room, etc44. alienation: turning away(friendship, etc.),; transferring ownership of (property)45. pluralistic: more than one46. docking: the joining of an orbiting or navigating spacecraft47. payload(有效载荷): the cargo of a rocket, including passenge

14、rs and instruments48. geosynchronous: orbiting over a fixed position above the equator and therefore at the same rate as the earth moves49. astronaut: a person trained to make flights in space.50. module: a detachable(可拆分的)unit with a special function,as in a spacecraft.51. lunar: of , on or like th

15、e moon.52. rendezvous: a meeting or a meeting place.53. orbit: the path of a heavenly body or spacecraft in its revolution around another body二 Vocabulary in context.1. restricts: limits.2. extraneous(无关的,不相关的):irrelevant.3. frontiers: new fields.4. havens: refuge.5. alluring: tempting.6. falter: we

16、aken. 衰弱;衰退;衰落7. dilute: thinned down. 稀释, 冲淡8. escalating: increasing.9. catastrophe: disaster.10. presumably: supposedly.11. unpasteurized: unsterilzed未杀菌的12. adulterant: added harmful substances.13. cramps: severe pains.14. harbors: contains.15. with impunity: without risk of injury.16. mind-set:

17、 atmosphere.17. perks: bonuses and extra income.18. hierarchy: graded ranks.19. ingrained: firmly established.20. initiative: activeness.21. piloted: tested.22. implement: execute.23. optimize: improve.24. imposed: inflicted(把强加于).25. certify: ascertain.(证明)26. diminished(减少了的): lessened.27. a parad

18、igm: an example.28. conducive to: beneficial to29. incorporate: merged30. rehabilitate: revive31. propulsion: propelling32. orbited: circled33. simulated: imitated34. consecutive: successive35. wreathed: enveloped三Answer questions.1. Does the author approve of regulating cyberspace? Why or why not?

19、Yes, but first it is fundamental to understand the nature of cyberspace and adopt particular ways to regulate it.2.How do cyberspace communities evolve(演变; 进化)?People of similar interests and tastes form a community, which will flourish if it proves to be self-sustaining(自我维持).3. Whats the most impo

20、rtant difference between the rules in cyberspace and that in terrestrial environments?In cyberspace, communities are chosen by the users, not forced by terrestrial environments. If the users dont like the rules of a community, they can just sign off.4. What kind of government do participants in cybe

21、rspace need?They need a local government of their own community.5. What can be done about pornography according to the author?The questionable material can be avoided by labeling besides banning. Also, automatic filters can be used for this purpose.1. According to the passage, what is certain about

22、human influence on the climate and what is not certain?It is certain that there is a discernible (看得清的) human influence on global climate. It is not certain what the amount of that influence is.2. What are the factors that influence the earths climate system according to the passage?They can be sola

23、r input, the atmosphere, the oceans, the water cycle, clouds, ice and snow, land surface and human influences.3. What are the reasons for the temperature rise since 1970 in the world?After 1970 the longer term effect of CO2 and methane overwhelmed the short-lived aerosols, thus leading to the temper

24、ature rise.4. Why has the greatest warming been observed between 40 degrees and 70 degrees north latitude since 1900?According to the passage, this is because much of the worlds industrial greenhouse gas emissions originate there.5. What is the authors attitude toward the climate change on the earth

25、?The author feels uncertain whether the disasters caused by climate change will happen.1. What will happen if a food animal containing pathogens(病菌,病原体)is slaughtered?If a food animal containing pathogens is slaughtered, its stomach contents or manure can taint meat during processing. Fruits and veg

26、etables can pick up the pathogens if washed or irrigated with water contaminated with manure or human sewage (下水道里的)污物)2. Where do microbes stay and multiply?Many microbes cohabitate with our cells; many harbor in the animal we raise for food; they can also hide and multiply on sponges, dish towels,

27、 cutting boards, sinks, knives and countertops(水台)3. What suggestions are given about eggs?Keep eggs refrigerated, cook eggs until yolks are firm, cook foods containing eggs thoroughly.4. What consequences will Listeria bring about if it gets into our food?If Listeria gets into our food, it can caus

28、e encephalitis(脑炎)or meningitis(脑膜炎)in people with venerable immune systems and, in pregnant women, miscarriage or stillbirth.5. What can be done to make ground beef safe to eat?Heat ground beef until its no longer pink and reaches a temperature of 160F.1. Why dont the Japanese frankly tell the visi

29、tors that they are dead wrong?Because Japanese culture is collectivist by nature, that is, group achievement and harmony comes before individual fulfillment. Besides, no one would dare to stand out for an assault(抨击)2. How do individualistic culture and collectivist culture differ in controlling the

30、 behavior of the members?Collectivist culture controls the behavior of its individuals through external sanction-shame or exclusion from the group, while individualist-oriented culture will leave guilt to control the behavior of its members.3. Compare the pace of decision-making and implementing of

31、a change in policy under individualist and collectivist culture settings.Decision-making process in individualist culture may be more rapid than in collectivist culture, while the implementation of a change in policy will be perceptibly slower than that in collectivist culture.4. How does the power-

32、distance connect to collectivism and individualism?Low power-distance cultures tend to be more individualistic in nature, while high power-distance tends to be more collectivistic.5. What is the defect of high power-distance culture?The manager can expect little personal initiative from employees.1. What does the “me too” crowd refer to?The copycat crowd, it refers to the manufacturers who imitate others slavis

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