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Chapter 22 War and the American State 19141920 p.docx

1、Chapter 22 War and the American State 19141920 pChapter 22 War and the American State, 1914-1920 (p. 637-663) Name_1. What is meant by a national administrative state?The Great War, 1914-1918 (p. 638-647)1. Define U.S. Exceptionalism.War in Europe (p. 638-640)1. What countries comprised the Triple E

2、ntente and the Triple Alliance.2. Where did the spark that ignited the war occur? Why?3. What happened on June 28, 1914? Why did all major powers eventually become involved? What two rival blocs emerged?4. Why was it initially called the Great War? What role did America play in its deadliness?5. Des

3、cribe French warfare. What new weapon was introduced in April 1915?The Perils of Neutrality (p. 640-643)1. What did President Wilson call for when the war began? What personal motive did he have?2. Why were the nations loyalties divided?3. Why did most progressives oppose American participation in t

4、he war? What pacifist groups were founded to oppose the war?4. What did Henry Ford do in December 1915?5. How did conflict on the High Seas affect the U.S.? Why didnt the U.S. object more strongly to the British blockade of the Central Powers?6. How did Germany deal with the blockade?7. What happene

5、d on May 7, 1915? How did President Wilson respond? How did Congress respond?8. Who did the Republicans nominated in 1916 for President?9. What was democrat Wilsons campaign slogan?10. What happened on January 31, 1917? How did Wilson respond?11. Describe the Zimmerman telegram. Why did the U.S. tak

6、e this threat seriously?12. What did Wilson do on April 2, 1917? Why were many progressives in favor of war?13. What happened on April 6, 1917?“Over There” (p. 643-644)1. Why were many Americans surprised after the declaration of war?2. Describe the Selective Service Act of 1917. Why did it succeed?

7、3. Who were the doughboys, slackers and conscientious objectors?4. Who led the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)? _5. How did the U.S. secure the safety of the seas?6. Why did Pershing resist sending U.S. troops into battle?7. What happened in November 1917? Describe the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.8.

8、What happened on March 21, 1918? How did the U.S. respond?9. What happened in mid-July? In mid-September? On September 26th?10. What happened on November 11,1918?The American Fighting Force (p. 644-647)1. How many American soldiers fought in the war? _2. What did Sergeant Alvin York do?3. Who as Edd

9、ie Rickenbacker? What does popular fascination with York and Rickenbacker suggest?4. Describe the diversity of the U.S. forces. Why did many believe service in the military was a good thing?5. How did the army sort its conscripts? Why was this shocking? How did it reinforce stereotypes?6. Describe t

10、he treatment of blacks in the military.7. What happened in Houston in August 1917?8. Why were many blacks impressed with the French?9. What was founded in 1919? Why?War on the Home Front (p. 647-655)1. Why did the government stress voluntarism?Mobilizing Industry and the Economy (p. 647-649)1. What

11、is the significance of Americas shift from debtor to creditor status?2. What was the total cost of the war and how did the government pay for it?3. Who was William McAdoo?4. What did the Sixteenth Amendment do? How did the Wilson administration deal with it?5. How did the excess-profits tax signal a

12、 change in U.S. policy?6. Why were many progressives dismayed by the federal governments business policies?7. What was the War Industries Board (WIB), who ran it, and what did it do? Why did business generally support it?8. Describe some dramatic, decisive actions taken by new federal agencies.9. Wh

13、at did the Food Administration do and who ran it?10. What did Wilson do after the armistice? Why?11. Describe the enduring legacy of the war on the federal government.Mobilizing American Workers (p. 649-651)1. Why was the workers bargaining power greater during the war?2. How did the National War La

14、bor Board (NWLB) help workers?3. What was the Great Migration? Why did it occur?4. How did the war affect Mexican Americans? What are barrios?5. How did the war affect women?Wartime Reform: Women Suffrage and Prohibition (p. 651-654)1. How did the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

15、 help the war effort? Who was its president?2. Describe the National Womans Party (NWP) tack. Who led it?3. What happened in January 1918? On August 26, 1920?4. How did the war effort help moral reformers opposed to prostitution?5. What did the War Risk Insurance Act of 1917 do?6. Describe the effor

16、ts of Prohibitionists. Why were they resisted in cities?7. How did the war effort help Prohibitionists?8. What did the Eighteenth Amendment do and when did it become law?9. Why were many Progressives disappointed after the war?Promoting National Unity (p. 654-655)1. What was the Committee on Public

17、Information (CPI)? How did it help the war effort? Who led it?2. Why were many Americans targets for suspicion?3. How did One Hundred Percent Americanism affect ethnic groups?4. How did the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 curb dissent?5. What happened to socialists Eugene Debs and

18、 Victor Berger?6. Describe the Supreme Court Case Schenck v. United States (1919). What did Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes say regarding free speech?An Unsettled Peace, 1919-1920 (p. 655-662)1. Why was domestic leadership lacking between December 1918 and June 1919?The Treaty of Versailles (p. 655-66

19、0)1. Describe Wilsons Fourteen Points. How did they reflect progressivism?2. What would the League of Nations do? What did Article X provide for?3. Who were the Big Four at the Versailles conference? What did the European Three want?4. How were Wilsons ideas of self-determination realized at Versail

20、les? How did they isolate Soviet Russia?5. What happened to the old central and eastern European colonial empires in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East?6. Where were reparations set? _ 7. What happened on June 28, 1919?8. What happened when Wilson presented the Versailles Treaty to the Senate on July

21、 10, 1919?9. What happened in the mid-term election of 1918? Who were the irreconcilables and why did they object to the treaty?10. Why did Republicans like Lodge object to Article X?11. How did Wilson respond to the objections in the Senate? What happened to him in September 1919? Who took over?Rac

22、ial Strife, Labor Unrest, and the Red Scare (p. 660-662)1. How did World War I exacerbate white racism?2. What happened in East St Louis, Illinois in 1917? In Chicago in July 1919? Why was there so much tension?3. Why were many native-born Americans opposed to unions?4. Describe the wave of strikes

23、that occurred in 1919. What did Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge do when police struck in 1919?5. What did Wilson do after the Russian Revolution in 1917?6. How did the Bolsheviks in Russia deepen American fears?7. Why was the Red Scare so ironic?8. What happened in June 1919?9. What happened

24、in November 1919? Describe the Palmer Raids.10. How did attorney general Palmer overstep himself?11. Describe the events of the Sacco-Vanzetti Case.12. How was the war a good thing for America?Chapter 23 Modern Times, the 1920s (p. 665-693) Name_1. Describe the Lynds book Middletown (1929).2. What o

25、ld Protestant values were being abandoned during the 1920s and what new values were being embraced?Business-Government Partnership of the 1920s (p. 666-673)1. How did the image of business leaders change in the 1920s?Politics in the Republican “New Era” (p. 666-668)1. Describe the election of 1920.

26、Who were nominated and what did each party stand for?2. Describe the Republicans “New Era”. How did Hardings administration promote business?3. Describe Herbert Hoovers Department of Commerce.4. Describe the Teapot Dome Scandal of 1924. Who was Albert Fall and what happened to him?5. Who took over a

27、fter Harding died in August 1923? Describe him.6. How was the Democratic party split in 1924? Whom did it nominate? Whom did the Republicans nominate?7. Who was Robert La Follette? Describe his Progressive Party platform.8. How did the election of 1924 turn out?9. Describe the Womens Joint congressi

28、onal Committee and its major accomplishments. Why did politicians stop listening to the womens lobby?10. Why were many Americans opposed to progressive reforms?The Economy (p. 668)1. Describe the economy right after the war. Be specific.2. What stimulated economic growth after 1922?3. Describe some

29、of the economys weaknesses.The Heyday of Big business (p. 669-670)1. Who was the most revered businessman of the 1920s? _2. What is consolidation? What are oligopolies?3. What was the managerial revolution and how did Alfred P. Sloan Jr. contribute to it?4. How did workers benefit during the 1920s?

30、How were they hurt?5. What is welfare capitalism? What was the principle motivation for it?6. What was the American Plan?Economic Expansion Abroad (p. 670-672)1. Name some of the American manufacturers that made foreign investments.2. Why did American meat packers Swift, Armour and Wilson build plants in Argentina? Where did the United Fruit Company establish plantations?3. Why did America become a creditor national after the war?4. Why did European countries have difficulty repaying their debts?

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