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1、7B期末完型阅读解析与练习7B期末完型阅读解析与练习做完形填空的五个注意点1. 完形填空的短文通常没有标题且文章的首句和尾句,一般不设空,要特别注重对首、尾句的理解,因为它们往往提示或点明文章的主题,对理解全文有较大帮助。 2. 第一遍通读带有空缺单词的短文时可能一时把握不住短文内容,弄不清头绪,这是很正常的。此时要注意克服畏难情绪和急躁心理,应稳定情绪,再将短文读一、二遍,直到明确大意为止。 3. 做题时切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,这样往往只见树木不见树林。由于缺乏全局观念,极易导致连续选错。因为完形填空不同于单个句子的选词填空,其空白处是位于一篇文章之中,因此必须纵观全文、通篇考

2、虑。 4. 每篇完形填空所设的空多以实词为主,所提供的四个备选项中只有一个是正确的,其他三项均为干扰项。而干扰项也多半与前、后的句子或词组可以形成某种搭配,即如单从语法角度判断则无法确定,还必须从语篇意义上加以鉴别。 5. 动笔时先易后难,先完成容易、有把握的答案,这样可以增强自信心,然后再集中精力解决难点。对于实在无法确定的,可以从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。完型填空之解题秘笈考试犹如打仗,方可谓“知己知彼,百战不殆。”在了解了出题的原则和规律后,明白题目的考查点,再配以好的解题方法和思路,做完型填空题就不会再是学生们过不去的槛。那么,做完型填空的解题秘笈和步骤是什么呢


4、练:一、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。In England, nobody 34 the age of eighteen can drink in a bar(酒吧). Mr Green often 35 to a bar near his house, but he never took his 36 , Tom, because Tom was very young. After Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Green 37 Tom to his usual

5、 bar for the first time. They drank 38 an hour, then Mr. Green said to his son, “Now, Tom. I want to 39 you a lesson, you must be 40 not to drink too much. 41 do you know when you have enough? Well, let me tell you. Can you 42 those two lights at the end of the bar? When they come to become 43 , you

6、re having enough and should go home.”“But, Dad,” said Tom, “I can see only one light at the end of the bar.”( ) 34. A. above B. under C. at ( ) 35. A. went B. shouted C. wrote( ) 36. A. daughter B. wife C. son ( ) 37. A. sent B. carried C. took ( ) 38. A. for B. in C. to ( ) 39. A. buy B. bring C. g

7、ive( ) 40. A. careful B. happy C. sad ( ) 41. A. What B. How C. When ( ) 42. A. see B. read C. touch ( ) 43. A. one B. two C. four Keys: 34-38:B A C C A 39.-43:C A B A C (华师一朝阳学校 李萍供题)二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。. A professor told his students to go into the city slu

8、m( 贫民窟)to study 200 boys. He asked them to 34_ reports about each boys life and future . Everyone of the students wrote, “ He doesnt have any hope.” Twenty-five years 35 , another professor read the earlier study. He told his students to 36_ what had happened to the boys. They tried very hard and fo

9、und the 176 of the boys had became successful 37_ doctors , teachers and scientists. The professor was very 38_ and decided to study it further .Luckily, all the men were living near the place and he was able to ask one,“ What made you 39_ ?”Each one answered ,“ There was a teacher.”The teacher was

10、40_ living here, so the professor found her and asked the old woman what she had used to pull those boys 41 the slum, and changed them into successful people .The teachers 42 began to shine(闪耀)and said with a sweet smile ,“ Its really very easy, I 43 those boys.”( ) 34. A. read B. study C. write( )

11、35. A. later B. after C. ago( ) 36. A. look for B. find out C. see ( ) 37. A. for B. as C. like( ) 38. A. glad B. angry C. surprised( ) 39. A. successful B. rich C. popular( ) 40. A. always B. yet C. still( ) 41. A. out B. into C. out of( ) 42. A. face B. eyes C. mouth( ) 43. A. met B. loved C. taug

12、ht参考答案:五、34-38 C,A,B,C,C 39.-43 A,C,C,B,B (温榆河双语实验学校 荣丽侠供题)【专题二-阅读理解】 阅读理解热点考点 在中考中占的比重很大。阅读理解能力属于语言的领会技能。包括对书面语言的识别、理解、推理、判断和快速记忆等几个方面。不仅仅涉及到语音、语法、词汇这些语言因素、还涉及到非语言因素,即:阅读者对所学语言国家的社会和文化背景知识的掌握。近年来,阅读理解在中考英语试题中的比分越来越大,阅读量一般都升至四篇,难度在不断加深,题型也在不断翻新。阅读理解短文的题材广泛,包括:政治、经济、文学、史地、社会生活、科普知识、人物传记等。体裁以叙述文、议论文、说

13、明文、应用文为主。叙述文描述人或事及相关情景的发生和发展经过。说明文是对事物现象的说明或解释。议论文论证某一观点是否正确,由论点、论据与论证构成。应用文以广告为主。要提高阅读的速度,我们要掌握以下方法:一、要用英语思维,不要在脑中将阅读材料译成汉语,逐步养成用英语思维的习惯。二要用眼读,不要用口读。用眼进行扫描式的阅读,一次扫读一个意群,而不是一个单词。例如:Many teachers and students are reading newspapers and books in the reading-room.三、遇到生词不要停顿。遇到生词时,可以凭上下文猜测其含义,或划一记号,等读完后

14、,再查词典。 四、要多读,多训练。熟能生巧,我们在课后应挤时间多读一些英语报刊上的短文和简易读物。五注意阅读解题技巧。学会分析题目的类型,是大意题,细节题还是作者态度题,然后直接在文中选定题目所在的段落,有目标地寻找答案。 实战演练:阅读理解练习1The best way of learning a language is by using it. The best way of learning English is talking about English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and p

15、eople will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh over the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It is much better for people to

16、be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important rule for learning English is: Dont be afraid of making mistakes, everyone makes mistakes.1. The most important thing for you to learn a language is _. A. writing B. practicing C. laughi

17、ng D. grammar rules2. In learning a language, you should _. A. speak as quickly as you can B. laugh as much as you can C. use it as often as you can D. write more than you read3. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _. A. take it easy B. be angry with them C. be sorry D. be more careful ne

18、xt time4. When you make a mistake, youd better _. A. cry B. laugh C. be glad D. keep your sense of humor5. Which of the following is true? A. Nobody makes mistakes B. People seldom make mistakes C. Only foolish people make mistakes D. There is no one who doesnt make mistakes参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D阅

19、读理解练习2Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beache

20、s. You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions: 1. Never swim alone. 2. Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. 3. Do not stay in the water too long. 4. Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim. Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody

21、to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.1. There are _ public beaches in Hong Kong. A. forty B. less than forty C. more than forty D. a little more or less than forty2. We can reach _ by bus. A. all the public beaches B. any public beaches C. only a few public beach

22、es D. all the public beaches except some3. When you see a blue flag, you know that _ there. A. women should not swim B. children should not swim C. nobody should swim D. anybody can swim4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage? A. You can always swim when you see a red flag. B. Yo

23、u should not swim with other people. C. You should not swim after lunch. D. You cant swim for a short time.5. This passage mainly tells us _. A. something about Hong Kongs beaches B. that swimming in Hong Kong is dangerous C. that Hong Kong has many best beaches in the world D. it is not easy to go

24、swimming in Hong Kong参考答案:1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.AStep4.课外练习:一、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。My mom told me that when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby in the world. Time passed, and I started to be a strong and happy girl. Then, one day when I was five years old, my

25、life 34 a lot. I had a high fever. The doctor gave me the wrong medicine, and this caused(引起)me to 35 my voice. My mom couldnt believe that I could not speak. The doctor thought that I would 36 speak well again or learn another language. My mom, however, was a fighter(斗士). She sent me to a lot of te

26、achers. Finally, she found the 37 teacher, Nina, to help me to make my dream come true. She was a very nice person. She encouraged(鼓励) me and told me that I would speak again. The most amazing(令人大为惊奇的)thing was that she taught me to read my 38 . I tried to repeat every word that I said in front of t

27、he mirror .For me, it was like being 39 again. Yes, I was! I learned to talk and speak my mother language Russian. Now, I am studying English. I cant believe that I am learning another language. But, I am! I am crying 40 studying makes me feel happy, and it makes me 41 when I remember what the docto

28、r said to my mom, “ 42 will never be able to speak or learn another language.” Ill always remember the beautiful words my mom said to me when I was a child and learned to speak again. “You fought (fight的过去式,“与作斗争”) in a war, you lived on, and then you got a beautiful medal for your success. You real

29、ized an impossible dream that people said you would never do. I will always be proud of (因而自豪)you, and you will always be my 43 .”Now, Im thinking about what is going to happen to me. When I am going to take every step in my studies and in my life, I try to think about my experience and be a gratefu

30、l person. ( )34. A. turned B. changed C. became ( )35. A. have B. make C. lose ( )36. A. still B. never C. always ( )37. A. real B. right C. clever ( )38. A. eye B. face C. mouth ( )39. A. born B. practiced C. trained( )40.A. until B. unless C. because ( )41. A. cry B. fly C. smile( )42.A. I B. He C

31、. She ( )43.A. hero B. baby C. son 参考答案: 六、34-38 B C BB C 39.-43 A C C.C A (黄冈中学牛红利供题)二阅读理解练习1American boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturdays. TVs are like books or films. A ch

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