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1、河北省衡水中学届高三年级第四次调研考试英语河北省衡水中学2008届高三年级第四次调研考试英 语本试卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题 共95分)第一部分 英语知识运用 (共3节 满分50分)第一节:语音知识 (共5小题 每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项 1. watched A. filled B. recognized C. whispered D. practiced 2. thank A. language B. strange C. thin D. twentieth3. frequently A. preside

2、nt B. fresh C. fever D. electric4. chemistry A. branch B. technique C. machine D. match5. quiet A. field B. believe C. society D. friend第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)6. As is announced , _$5000 reward will be offered for _return of the stolen cultural relics. A. a ; the B. / ;the C. a ; a D. / ; a7.

3、On stepping into his room he was astonished to find the floor covered with _looked like tiny insects. A. that B. something C. what D. anything8. Mr. Smith said that their first trip to the seaside town was _one but their second one was even more interesting. A. a most interesting B. very interesting

4、 C. the most interesting D. a more interesting 9. The position , however, _you are applying, is not quite a well paid one. A. that B. which C. for which D. to which 10. It is the rule that every car, bus and truck _be inspected twice a year in this city.2,4,6 A. shall B. can C. has to D. need 11. To

5、ms brother is too selfish a man , whom we cant _ to lend us a hand . A. desire B. make C. hope D. suggest12. - Are you sure you really want it ?-_, Im willing to pay _ you ask for . A. No; no mater what B. Yes ; no mater what C. No ; whatever D. Yes ; whatever13. _ seems to be a possibility that we

6、shall be able to afford the car we need. A. That B. There C. It D. This14. What an accident it is ! If you had been careful, things wouldnt be _. A. as it is B. as it was C. as they are D. as they were15. Children are told to _ strangers when they are out without parents. A. watch out for B. come up

7、 with C. get along with D. allow for16. In some western countries , demand for graduates from MBA courses has _ A. turned down B. turned over C. fallen down D. fallen over17. -I went to work on foot yesterday, though it _rats and dogs.-You _by bus . It was likely to get a cold . A. is raining ; must

8、 have gone B. rained ; would go C. was raining ; should have gone D. have rained ; could have gone 18. Getting a right job can be difficult_the students _prepared to deal with the job interview. A. if ; wont be B. unless ; are C. unless ; will be D. if ;are 19. Having been praised by the teacher , t

9、he little girl ran back home ,_.A. happily and satisfied B. eager and excitedly C. happy and satisfied D. anxiously and excitedly. 20. -Bill. Could I use your phone for a while?-_.Go ahead , please. A. By all means B. Couldnt be better C. With pleasure D. No wonder第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文

10、,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Are you 21 that you will miss about one-third of this coming year? You will “miss” it by 22 . Researchers tell us that the 23 person sleeps about one-third of each year or one-third of a 24 .But the experts also tell us that something important 25

11、when we sleepwe 26 . Apparently all people dream, even if they dont 27 dreaming. And over the next twelve months, most of us will have about a thousand dreams. 28 is important. But 29 important those are “dreams” we have for our 30 - those plans, hopes and goals we will draw up 31 our relationships,

12、 our spiritual growth, self-improvement, our 32 health and our world. The dreams, or wishes, we have for our lives are just as 33 as dreaming while we sleep.Dr Norman Vincent Peale used to tell of a 79-year-old woman who was 34 by a hit and-run driver. She was expected to 35 from her injuries. When

13、he visited, he found her 36 in plaster from her hips to her heels. He 37 around the room, full of mementos(纪念品)of a lifetime. He saw a paisley shawl(披肩),a childs drawing of a horse (lavender) and shelves of much loved, much-thumbed books.One shelf was a row of brand new booksthe only new items in th

14、e room. They looked as if they had never been 38 . Dr Peale asked her if she cared for poetry. Her 39 was a beautiful tribute (证明,标示)to hope and dreams, “I love poetry, but I havent read those yet.” Her face 40 up. “Im saving them for my old age.”She did, too. She lived to read those books many time

15、s. When she finally died at 91, she was planning a trip to Europe.21. A. aware B. sure C. glad D. ready22. A. living B. playing C. sleeping D. working23. A. usual B. average C. common D. ordinary2,4,624. A. year B. month C. period D. lifetime25. A. goes B. happens C. comes D. takes26. A. play B. wor

16、k C. dream D. speak27. A. forget B. say C. remember D. want28. A. Working B. Dreaming C. Playing D. Living29. A. equally B. specially C. quite D. possibly30. A. work B. lives C. programs D. purpose31. A. including B. resulting C. concerning D. according32. A. mental B. normal C. spiritual D. physica

17、l33. A. necessary B. important C. possible D. good34. A. hit B. struck C. attacked D. fought35. A. survive B. live C. die D. pass36. A. slept B. wrapped C. lay D. stood37. A. walked B. examined C. checked D. glanced38. A. read B. touched C. moved D. arranged39. A. answer B. word C. speech D. respons

18、e40. A. made B. lit C. woke D. set第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOne day, Moyer sat down with his mother, Janne ODonnell, to talk about his goal of going to law school. Dont count on it , ODonnell told him. She couldnt afford the cost and Moyer doubted if he could get

19、a loan, given how much he owed already. “He said he felt like a failure,” ODonnell recalls. “He didnt know how he had gotten into such a mess (混乱).”A week later, the 22-year-old boy hanged himself in his bedroom, where his mother found him. “He tried to pay his debts off,” she says. “And he couldnt

20、manage it.”To be sure, suicides (自杀) are extremely rare. But despair is common and it sometimes leads students to rethink whether college was worth it. In fact, there are quite a few jobs that dont require a college degree, yet pay very well. On average, though, college graduates can expect to earn

21、80 percent more than those with only a high school diploma (文凭). Also, all but two of the 50 highest paying jobs require a four-year college degree. So quitting a college education is often not a wise choice.Merit Mikhail, who graduated last June from the University of California, Riverside, is glad

22、 she borrowed to get through school. But she left Riverside owing $20,000 in student loans and another $7,000 in credit card debt. Now in law school, Merit hopes to become a public-interest lawyer, yet she may have to put off that goal which bothers her. To handle her debt, shell probably need to st

23、art with a better legal job.Like so many other students, Mikhail took out her loans on a kind of blind faith that she could deal with the consequences. “You say to yourself, I have to go into debt to make it work, and whatever it takes later, Ill manage.” Later has now arrived, and Mikhail is findin

24、g out the true cost of her college degree.41. The reason why Moyer hanged himself was that _. A. he had a quarrel with his mother B. his mother didnt allow him to attend college C. the bank refused to give him a loan D. money pressure was too much for him42. According to the author, _. A. most stude

25、nts are satisfied with their college education B. most high-paying jobs require a four-year college degree C. college education does certainly mean good job chances D. all college graduates get better paid than those without a college education43. Which of the following words can best describe Mikha

26、ils feeling now? A. Excited B. Frightened C. Relaxed D. Disappointed44. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Go for Your Dream B. Education in California C. Is College Really Worth the Money? D. A College Degree, a Bright FutureBVocabulary learning is a continuing process. It continues all your

27、 life. When you are young you learn something day in and day out. You should keep squeezing every moment of the day into a new and different learning situation. You continually ask questions and drive yourself to learn more. The more you learn, the more vocabulary you will know. No matter what your

28、age, you must continue to learn. Words are “symbols (符号)”for ideas. These ideas make knowledge and knowledge is gained largely through words. The following are some suggestions which may help you increase your vocabulary.Read books from fields other than your major.Read books which interest you and

29、concentrate while you read.The more you read, the more words you will come in contact with.Use new vocabulary in your everyday communication (writing, speaking).Become familiar with the vocabulary in your text books.Become familiar with the dictionary. Understand the pronunciation rules as well as t

30、he multiple (众多的) meanings of words.Try to learn 5 words a day. If you know these words, use them in your communications. Without using these new words, it is a waste of your time.45. The main idea of the passage is _. A. how to remember vocabulary B. how to learn vocabulary C. how to use vocabulary

31、 D. how to teach vocabulary46. The underlined word “ squeezing” probably means “_”. A. 压出 B. 利用 C. 浪费 D. 挤出47. Which of the following statement is NOT suggested in the passage as a way of vocabulary learning? A. Use the new words you have learned when you write and speak. B. Use your dictionary and be familiar with it. C. Concentrate only on the books on your major. D. The more you read, the more words you will get.48. From the passage we know _. A. most of your knowledge is gained through words. B. dictionary is the most important

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