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职称英语 理工B 概况句子大意与完成句子.docx

1、职称英语 理工B 概况句子大意与完成句子2014年职称英语 理工B 概况句子大意与完成句子第六篇:How We Form First Impression1We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.2The answ

2、er is related to how your brain, allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a persons eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different1. In fact, your brain contin

3、uously processes incoming sensory information the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming “signals” are compared against2 a host of “memories” stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals “mean.”3If you see someone you know and like at school3, your

4、brain says “familiar and safe. If you see someone new, it says, “new potentially threatening.” Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other “known” memories;The height, weight, dress, ethnicity, gestures, and tone of voice are all matched up. The more unfamiliar the character

5、istics, the more your brain may say, “This is new. I dont like this person.” Or else, “Im intrigued. “Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes, ethnicity, gestures like your other friends;so your brain says: “I like this person.” But these preliminary “impressions” can be dead wron

6、g4.4When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others. Rather than leam about the depth and breadth of people their history, interest, values, strengths, and true charact

7、er we categorize them as jocks, geeks, or freaks.5However, if we resist initial stereotypical impressions, we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like. If we spend time with a person, hear about his or her life, hopes, dreams, and become aware of the persons character, we use a diffe

8、rent, more mature style of thinking and the most complex areas of our cortex, which allow us to be humane.词汇: trait / tre, tret/ n特点,特征,特性host / hst/ n一大群,许多simplistic / smplstk / adj过分单纯化的categorical / ,ktgrkl/ adj绝对的jock /dk / n骗子geek / gi:k / n反常的人stereotype / stertap/ v对产生成见humane / hju:men, hj-

9、 / adj有人情味的,人文的sensory / sensr / adj感官的,感觉的cortex / k:teks /n脑皮层ethnicity n种族特点intrigue / ntri:g / v激起兴趣freak / fri:k / n怪人 注释:1Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a persons eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes yo

10、u see him or her as different:从even开始到as different是个结果状语从句,相当于that even very minor . .,而that是与主句中的so呼应的。2against:和对比3If you see someone you know and like at school .:如果你在学校里看见某个你认识而且喜欢的人 like在这里是动词。4dead wrong:相当于completely wrong。dead wrong是口语表达用语。练习:1Paragraph 2 _2Paragraph 3 _3Paragraph 4 _4Paragr

11、aph 5 _AWays of Departure from Immature and Simplistic ImpressionsBComment on First ImpressionCIllustration of First ImpressionDComparing Incoming Sensory Information against MemoriesEThreatening Aspect of First ImpressionsFDifferences among Jocks, Greeks and Freaks 5Sensory information is one that

12、is perceived through _.6You interpret by comparing it against the memories already stored in your brain _.7The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking, which is similar to _.8We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to _. Aa strangers less mature type of thinkingBthe mo

13、st complex areas of our cortexCthe immature form of thinking of a very young childDthe meaning of incoming sensory informationEthe sights and sounds of the worldFan opportunity to analyze different forms of thinking 2014年职称英语教材理工类概括大意与完成句子第六篇:How We Form First Impression答案与题解: 1D本段叙述的是人脑解读感官信息的过程。2C

14、本段举例说明第一印象解读的过程,将第二段叙述的内容具体化。3B本段对第一印象进行了评论,说第一印象不成熟,simplistic and categorical。4A本段说如果我们与某个人多接触,了解他的生活、希望、梦想和性格特征,我们对该人的认识就不会停留在第一印象的阶段,而是进入一个更深的层次。5E选E的依据在第二段的第三句。6D选D的依据在第二段的最后两句。sensory information的意思就是information perceived through sensory organs(视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉等)。7C选C的依据在第四段的第一句,该句是:When we ster

15、eotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.8B选B的依据在第五段第二句。第七篇:Screen Test1Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happ

16、ens early enough, the disease can often be treated successfully. According to a survey published last year, 21 countries have screening programmes. Nine of them, including Australia, Canada, the US and Spain, screen women under 50.2But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are contro

17、versial, partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also, younger women must be given higher doses of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser.3Researchers at the Polytechnic University1 of Valencia analysed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local cl

18、inics. After estimating the womens cumulative dose of radiation, they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause.4The mathematical model recommended by Britains National Radiological Protection Board(NRPB)predicted that the screening programme would cause 36 cancers pe

19、r 100,000 women, 18 of them fatal. The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers.5The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is “not very significant” compared to the far larger number of cancers that

20、are discovered and treated. The Valencia programme, they say, detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.6But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead

21、 of 45,because they would be exposed to less radiation. The results of their study, they suggest, could help “optimise the technique” for breast cancer screening.7“There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks,” admits Michael Clark of the NRPBBut he warns th

22、at the study should be interpreted with caution. “On the basis of the current data, for every 10 cancers successfully detected and prevented there is a risk of causing one later in life. Thats why radiation exposure should be minimised in any screening programme.”词汇: polytechnic / ,plteknk/ adj多工艺的c

23、umulative / kju:mjltv/ adj递增的radiological / ,redldk / adj放射性的contract / kntrkt/ vt感染optimise /ptmaz / vt最大限度地完善trade-off n平衡 注释:Polytechnic University :理工大学练习:1Paragraph 2 _2Paragraph 3 _3Paragraph 4 _4Paragraph 5 _ A Harm Screening May Do to a Younger WomanBInvestigating the Effect of ScreeningCEff

24、ects Predicted by Two Different ModelsDSmall Risk of Inducing Cancers from RadiationETreatment of Cancers F Factors That Trigger CancersFFactors That Trigger Cancers 5Early discovery of breast cancer may _.6Advantages of screening women under 50 are _.7Delaying the age at which screening starts may

25、_.8Radiation exposure should be _. Abe costlyBharmfulCsave a lifeDstill open to debateEreduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancerFreduced to the minimum2014年职称英语教材理工类概括大意与完成句子第七篇:Screen Test答案与题解: 1A说是:用X射线检查可能对年轻女人不好。下面是第二段讲的意思:但是,用X射线检查年轻女人,就医学上的好处而论,是有争议的,部分原因是辐射有诱发癌症的小小的危险。另外,年轻女人乳房组织紧密,给予

26、的X射线的剂量要多一些。2BB说的是:调查用X射线检查的结果。第三段第一句话是这么说的:Valencia理工大学的研究人员分析了11个社区诊所用X射线检查16万以上女人的结果。可以看出,这句话为真,B必然为真。3CC说的是:两种不同的模型预测的结果。第四段讲的是,两种不同的数学模型在预测用X射线检查女人诱发癌症的结果是不一样的。C概述了这段话。4DD说的是:辐射诱发癌症的危险是很小的。第五段第一句话是这么说的:The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is “not very significant” c

27、ompared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.研究人员争辩说,与发现后接受治疗的癌症数字相比,由辐射诱发癌症的数字是很小的。5CC与题干生成:Early discovery of breast cancer may save a life.乳腺癌发现得早也许能挽救生命。答案可以从第一段中找到。6DD与题干生成:Advantages of screening women under 50 are still open to debate.对50岁以下的女人用X射线检查的好处仍然是有争议的。第

28、二段第一个句子是这么说的:But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial .但是用X射线检查年轻女人,就医学上的好处而论,是有争议的这两个句子用词有些差别,基本意思是相同的。7EE与题干生成:Delaying the age at which screening starts may reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer.延缓X射线检查的年龄也许能减少辖射诱发癌症的危险。答案在第六段。8FF与题干生成:Radiation expos

29、ure should be reduced to the minimum.应把接受辐射降低到最小的程度。答案在文章的最后一句。第八篇:The Mir Space Station1The Russian Mir Space Station, which came down in 2001 at last after 15 years of pioneering the concept of long-term human space flight, is remembered for its accomplishments in the human space flight history. I

30、t can be credited with many firsts in space.2During Mirs lifetime, Russia spent about US $4.2 billion to build and maintain the station.3The Soviet Union launched Mir, which was designed to last from three to five years, on February 20, 1986, and housed 104 astronauts over 12 years and seven months,

31、 most of whom were not Russian. In fact, it became the first international space station by playing host to1 62 people from 11 countries. From 1995 through 1998, seven astronauts from the United States took turns living on Mir for up to six months each2. They were among the 37 Americans who visited the station during nine stopovers by space shuttles.4The more than 400 million the United States provided Russia

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