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1、高考英语语法精要讲解1、名词2、2、名词的数和单位词:1)复型名词 + 复数动词 The trousers are too big for me. Please show me the smaller pair. 备用词: shoes, stockings, glasses, socks NOTICE: A pair of glasses costs quite a lot.2)复型名词 + 单数动词 A. The news on TV is seldom satisfying. 备用词:mathematics, physics, politics, means, works, the Uni

2、ted States B. Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 备用词: five pounds, two feet, six weeks3) 集合名词 + 复数名词 The police have surrounded the building. Cattle are selling for record price (创记录).备用词: the enemy, (the) people NOTICE: 表示由若干人组成的集合体的单数词常可作复数用,但若把这个集合体看作整体就用作单数: My family are wonderful. They do all

3、 they can for me. The family which now consists of four members at most is 3、计算 Six and five is (are) eleven. Six hundred plus forty is (equals) six hundred and forty. Four from seven is (leaves) three. Six hundred minus one hundred equals five hundred.X 16 x 11 = 176 Sixteen times eleven is (makes)

4、 one hundred and seventy-six. 9 3 = 3 Nine divided by three equals three.4、dozen, score A. three dozen eggs; three dozen of these eggs; dozens of eggsB. three score years; a (three) score of people; scores of times5、小数,分数,百分比引导的短语作主语时的主谓一致问题分数和百分数引导的短语作主语,其谓语动词的数应根据分数和百分数后面的名词来确定如果是可数名词的复数,其谓语动词用复数形

5、式;如果是不可数名词或单数可数名词其谓语动词用单数形式 More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses. 70 percent od the fund(资金) was supplied by the Government.6、“一个半”的表达法 one pound and a half ,one and a half years、不定冠词1) 成对的名词(此类名词间常有一种自然的联系) a knife and fork 2) a most + n. “非常“ This is a most beautiful country. 3) a (an

6、) 与 one 之区别 A. 数字对比用one It was one coffee we ordered, not two. B. 对比 A knife is no good. (刀子不行) One knife is no good. (一把刀子不行) C. 通用a (one) million, a (one) quarter 4) a (an) 与every 之比较: three times a year; twice every three years 5) 惯用法 A. What a surprise ! What a lovely dress ! quite a nice day ra

7、ther a good idea such a funny expression B. too cold a day How lovely a dress! so strange a person as good a map as3、定冠词 1)普通名词组成的专有名词 the Great Wall the Summer Palace 2)江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾 the Pacific (Ocean) 3)the + adj. (-ing; -ed) A. 指一类人,谓语用复数 The old are being taken good care of. B. 指一类事,谓语用单数 T

8、he beautiful is not always the same as the good. 4)用在radio, piano, telephone, 方位、次序、自然现象(rain)、身体 部位前 He hates the telephone. 5)被定语从句、介词短语、副词短语、不定式短语等修饰的名词前 The boy who you are looking for (in blue, there, standing there, dressed in blue ) is a student.4、零冠词1)街道、广场、节假日、季节、月份、星期、棋类、球类等 National Day N

9、anjing Road2)职位充当补语、同位语时 He was elected headmaster of the school.3)成对出现的成语 arm in arm (手挽手), hand in hand (手牵手), face to face, side by side(肩并肩), day and night, young and old, from door to door, from morning till night, from beginning to end5、冠词比较1) go to school (hospital, church); in prison (强调用途)

10、go to the school, visit the prison (强调建筑物本身)2) Ill go there next Friday. (以说话时间为准) In 1989, he was 28, and the next year, he was 29. (以所给时间为准)3) by air (plane, boat) in a spaceship ( on the bike, on the bus)4) Open the window to let in fresh air. (泛指) The air in the room is not fresh. (特指)5) be at t

11、able be at the table6) a cup of coffee Two coffees, please. I like white coffee. This is a very good coffee. The coffee on the table is Toms.7) Mr. White is waiting to see you. A Mr. White is waiting to see you. The Mr. White you are looking for is waiting to see you.8) A horse is a useful animal. T

12、he horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals.9) the best season of the year the best time of year一、人称代词1、多个人称代词的排列顺序: you and I he and I you and he you, he and I you, they and we(情况多)二、指示代词that, one, it的区别 one 代替可数名词,表示泛指; the one 表示特指; that代替不可数名 词 ,表示特指; 它们都可以代替前面提到的同一类事物; it指前面提到的 同一事物。

13、 There is an old engineer and a young one here. His attitude to me is that of a friend. Ive lost my pen. Have you seen it? (Have you lend me one?) the / this / that / these / those + adj. + one / ones Ill try on a few of these shirts. Please pass me that white one. the one后面可以接介词短语或定语从句 The boy in y

14、our class is taller than the one in our class. The skirt (that) she made herself is more beautiful to wear than the one (that) she bought last year. one 不能代替前面提到的不可数名词 Dont use powdered milk. Use this fresh milk. (不可用 fresh one)those , ones These machines are better than those we made last year. -Id

15、 like a pound of apples. -Which ones? -The red (ones). -Why dont we take a little break ? -Didnt we just have ? (NMET2000) A. it B. that C. one D. this (C) 2、名词性物主代词与 of 结构连用 That brother of yours looks healthy. He is an old friend of mine.3、下列结构用 the 代替物主代词 He pulled Jack by the hair (arm). He was

16、wounded in the leg. He was blind in the right eye.四、反身代词1、加强语气(可前可后) The headmaster spoke to me himself. The headmaster himself spoke to me. Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it . A. themselves B. oneself C. itself D. himself (NMET 1996) (A)2、own: 反身代词无所有格形式,用 own 表达: I

17、d love to have my own room / a room of my own.五、不定代词1、every each every指时间: every other day, every three days = every third day each放在复数主谓语之间: We each have a book. each放在句尾: She gave her children an apple each.2、some- any- every- no- 作单数看: Is there anyone here who is a doctor? 不与 of 连用: 不说someone of;

18、 no one of. etc 可说 some one of; none of, etc. adj. / to do (vt.): Is there anything for me to sit on ? else: This isnt mine. Its someone elses.3、some any 表示请求、建议的问句用some Would you like some (more) coffee ? some + n.(singl.) You will realize it some day. any在肯定句中表示任何一个(无论哪个) Any child can answer that

19、. Give me a plate. Any one (plate) will do. any (some) of 限定词n.some of the oil , any of my water4、both all 常用于助动词或情感动词后,但在简答中放在前面 The girls are both ready. - Are you ready ? - Yes, we both (all) are. 放在作宾语的宾格代词后面 He gave some to us all (both). all单独用,指人时谓语用用复数;指物时谓语用单数 All is lost. All are here.5、ei

20、ther neither eitheror; neithernor 作主语,谓语的使用是邻近原则 Neither he nor I am going to London.作定语,修饰单数名词 Neither (Either) book is satisfactory.6、another (the) other (the) others another另外的,另一个的 Please show me another (one). Do you need another cup ? another 基数词(few) n. I need another three days. (three more

21、days) (the) other ( n.) (the) other the other six (persons) / the others / the other day7、(a) few (a) little few 的搭配 We had a good few letter this morning(很多). Not a few letters were written to the magazines. (不少) -How many do you want ? -Just a few, please. (不多) quite a few (相当多) only a few (只有几个,几

22、乎没有) little 的搭配 Theres only a little soup left. -How much do you want ? -Just a little, please.8、much many (much /far) too much far too many Your son got much (far) too much pocket money. There are far too many accidents at this crossing. much修饰形容词和副词的比较级或最高级比较级不可数名词 Theres much / far less water in

23、the river than usual. many修饰“比较级 + 可数 名词复数” There are many / far more people than I expected.9、全部否定与部分否定 全部否定用词 neither nothing no one nobody none not与all, both, every, every- 连用时表示部分否定 Not all his work is successful.形容词、副词、介词一、形容词1、多个形容词得排列顺序: 限定词(冠词、物主代词、所有格、序数词)+ 基数词 + 描述性形容词 + 大小新旧 + 颜色 + 产地 + 物

24、质(材料、用途)+ 名词 a beautiful new red dress a little brown box2、系动词 + adj. ( 除 be 外的其它连系动词) The cake looks good but it tastes awful.3、subj. + be + adj. + to do (vt.) The man is easy to get along with. The bed is too small for him to lie on.4、It is (was) + adj. + of (for) sb. to do sth. 下列形容词后用 of: good,

25、kind, nice, brave, clever, careless, foolish, silly, stupid, cruel, etc. 其它形容词后用for5、the more of the two He is the stronger of the two brothers.6、倍数 three times as big as This room is twice bigger than that one. three times the size of7、比较级和最高级的被修饰 比较级可以被下列词修饰:much, far, any, even, still, rather, a

26、little, a lot, a bit, no, by far Its no use asking me. I dont know any more than you. 最高级可以被下列词修饰:much, the very, by far This cake ought to be good, because I used the very best butter二、副词1、程度副词 (quite, rather, fairly) quite: 不修饰比较级,但: He is quite better. 表示程度,和可显示程度的词连用,如:old, interesting, polite,

27、tired, etc. 类似completely(完全地)和absolutely(绝对地),和下列词连用, 如:perfect, impossible, different, etc.此时,可修饰adj., adv., v.,等. The job is quite impossible. Thats not quite what I want. rather: 可与比较级及too 连用rather older, rather too many people rather than表示选择,“宁愿(前面)不愿(后面)” Id prefer to go in August rather than

28、in July. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. or rather 表示“更确切地说“ Ill meet him, or rather, Ill ask him to meet me.fairly:不可与比较级连用,与积极意义的词连用 强弱程度的顺序: very rather quite fairly not This film is very good. (rather good 胜过多数影片; quite good 值得一看; fairly good 勉强还可以看看)2、频度副词(often, usually, always,

29、 ever, never, seldom, hardly 等放在 行为动词前、系动词及助动词后 He is always making a joke. never, hardly, seldom等放在句首时,用倒装 Never have I seen anything so wonderful as that. 简答中频度副词放在助动词及系动词前 -He is late again. -Yes, he always is.3、too much much too too much 不可数名词,意思“太多” I drank (far much, a lot , a little, rather)

30、too much beer last night. 作 adv. You work too much. 作 pro. Too much was happening all at once. much too adj. “实在太” You are much too kind to me.基 本 句 型英语的五种基本句型结构: 主语 + 不及物动词 (SV) 主语 + 连系动词 (SVC) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 (SVO) 主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语(SVOD) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(SVOC) S + V He works. He is studying. 主语谓语(vi.) 状语(从句) The sun sets in the west. He went nowhere 主语谓语(vi.) 名词短语 We had come a long way. He waited (for) two years.2. S + V + C

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