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TPO 46答案及解析.docx

1、TPO 46答案及解析Conversation 11. Why does the student go to see the woman? 【题型】目的主旨题A To ask about events that the music house sponsorsB To find out which of the common interest houses have rooms availableC To find out if it would be possible for him to live in the music houseD To check on the status of

2、his application to move into the music house答案:C破题关键词汇:why解析:(从第35“开始,原文重现:Yeah, the music house. Thats the one Im interested in, but, um, Im not a music major.)Student说自己想选择music house, 所以C选项正确。2. According to the woman, why might some people not want to live in the music house? 【题型】细节题A is rarely

3、quiet.B is not conveniently located.C All of the residents are required to participate in house activities.O All of the residents must be enrolled in a music class.答案:A破题关键词汇:why, not want to live解析:(从第104“开始,原文重现:Youre pretty much always gonna hear music there. That might bother some people.)Woman说

4、music会bother some people. A选项与此同义,故A正确。3. What does the woman imply when she mentions the jazz festival? 【题型】推断题A It was free for residents of the music house.B It was held at the music house.C Music house residents were encouraged to perform at it.D Music house residents were involved in organizing

5、 it.答案:D破题关键词汇:jazz festiva解析:(从第128“开始,原文重现:And remember that big jazz festival at University Park last month?. Anyway, they put on a whole range of other activities as well.)根据woman说的put on可以推断,music house里的成员可能会参与组织jazz festival这样的活动。故D选项正确。4. Why does the woman mention the acceptance rate of app

6、licants for the music house? 【题型】组织结构题A To the student that his application might not be approvedB To suggest that the music house is not a popular place to liveC To convince the student that his chances are better if he applies in personD To emphasize the importance of turning in the application fo

7、rm early答案:A破题关键词汇:why, rate解析:(从第155“开始,原文重现:But, dont get your hopes up too high. They can only accept about 30% of students who apply.)根据原文的信息可知,woman提到申请music house的比例问题是为了提醒学生他的申请可能会有不能通过的情况出现。5.What information does the student need to include in his application?(Click on 2 answers) 【题型】细节题A S

8、ome ways he might contribute to the music house communityB Information about his experience as a musicianC Reasons why he wants to live in the music houseD A recommendation from a current resident of the music house答案:AC破题关键词汇:what information, include.解析:(从第203“开始,原文重现:So, for your application, it

9、needs to include a personal statement, you know, why youre interested in living in the house, how you might contribute to the group.)选项AC与这里的原文对应。Conversation 21. What is the conversation mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题A Using new technologies to preserve old newspapersB Using old newspapers to conduct hist

10、orical researchC The rise of American journalism in the eighteenth centuryD Press coverage of the French Revolution of 1789答案:B破题关键词汇:what解析:(从第5“开始,原文重现:So I definitely want to write my term paper on American journalism in the eighteenth century. That old copy of Just seeing a newspaper that was pu

11、blished in 1789that was really cool!)对话一开始,学生就说明了来意,说自己要写一篇关于18世纪美国报刊杂志相关的论文。学生说看到1789年的旧报纸很是出色。所以B为正确选项。2. What gave the student inspiration for the topic of her term paper?(Click on 2 answers.) 【题型】细节题A A recent visit to the librarys microfilm collectionB A long-standing interest in the history of

12、 FranceC Seeing what an eighteenth-century newspaper looked likeD Reading a translation of French historical accounts答案:CD破题关键词汇:inspiration, topic解析:(从第16“开始,原文重现:Just seeing a newspaper that was published in 1789that was really cool! 130”So one idea I had was like looking at an important world eve

13、nt like maybe the French revolution of 1789, I loved them, but they were translations of French writers, historians.)根据原文以上两处信息可知,CD为正确选项。3. According to the professor, what should the student ask the librarians? 【题型】细节题A Which eighteenth-century newspapers covered events in FranceB If she can reque

14、st microfilmed newspapers from another libraryC If the old newspapers she wants to read are available online yetD Whether the library has any original copies of eighteenth-century newspapers答案:C破题关键词汇:librarian解析:(从第110“开始,原文重现:Um, but also talk to the librarians because they are creating an online

15、archive of their microfilm collection. Im not sure of the projects status, but if its done, itll probably save your time. )教授不确定librarians是否将microfilm collection放在了网上,所以需要学生去咨询。故C选项正确。4. What will the student probably include in her term paper? 【题型】细节题A Newspaper coverage of the French National Cons

16、tituent AssemblyB Newspaper coverage of the storming of the Bastille prisonC Ways in which the French Revolution contributed to the development of democratic idealsD How the reporting of American journalists differed from that of French journalists答案:A破题关键词汇:include解析:(从第204“开始,原文重现:P: And at some p

17、oint in your paper, youll want to focus on a particular event of the revolution like maybe the storming of the Bastille prison. S: How about the formation of the French national constituent assembly? P: Sure! That would work. )学生问到是否可以将French national constituent assembly写进论文,教授给予了肯定,故A选项正确。5.What c

18、an be inferred about the professor when he discusses a paper presented at a history conference? 【题型】推断题A He is grateful that he saved the paper because it might help the student.B He worries that the student will overgeneralize American attitudes based on the content of newspapersC He is excited to

19、provide a model that the student can use to organize her term paper.D He hopes that the student will consider interviewing the author of the paper.答案:B破题关键词汇:history conference解析:(从第228“开始,原文重现:I once attended a history conference where a professor But she also pointed out. to be aware that they ref

20、lected the values of only a segment of society, and should not be used to draw conclusions about all Americans.)Lecture 11. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题A Various methods that ants use to locate foodB A collective behavior common to humans and animalsC A type of animal behavior and its

21、 application by humansD Strategies that flocks of birds use to stay in formation答案:C破题关键词汇:what解析:(从第3“开始,原文重现:Id like to continue our discussion of animal behavior and concept we havent yet touch upon: swarm intelligence. 153”And swarm intelligence offers several can be applied to other fields. )C选

22、项的animal behavior就是原文所说的swarm intelligence. 选项中的application对应原文的applied.2. According to the professor, what behavior plays an important role in the way ants obtain food? 【题型】细节题A Ants usually take a different path when they return to their nest.B Ants leave chemical trails when they are outside the

23、nest.C Small groups of ants search in different locations.D Ants leave pieces of food along the path as markers.答案:B破题关键词汇:behavior, obtain food解析:(从第55“开始,原文重现:The strongest pheromone path is advantageous to ants seeking food.)Seeking food与题干的obtain food对应。故B选项正确。3. What are two principles of swarm

24、 intelligence based on the ant example?(Click on 2 answers.) 【题型】细节题A Individuals are aware of the group goal.B Individuals act on information in their local environment.C Individuals follow a leaders guidance.D Individuals instinctively follow a set of rules.答案:BD破题关键词汇:principle解析:(从第39“开始,原文重现:Ea

25、ch individual, each individual ant operates by instinctively following a simple set of rules when foraging for food. 129”And each ant acts on information it finds in its immediate local environment.)B选项对应 129”的内容。 D选项对应39“的内容。4. According to the professor, what path is followed by both telephone cal

26、ls on a network and ants seeking food? 【题型】细节题A The path with the least amount of activityB The most crowded pathC The path that is most reinforcedD The path that has intermediate stopping points答案:C破题关键词汇:what path, telephone calls解析:(从第253“开始,原文重现:The rule the telephone network follows is to alway

27、s select the path that is most reinforced. So similar to the ants behavior, at each intermediate node, the call follows the path that is most reinforced.)上文中出现了关键词telephone及path。故C选项正确。5. Why does the professor mention movies? 【题型】组织结构题A To identify movie scenes with computer-simulated flocks of bir

28、dsB To identify a good source of information about swarm intelligenceC To emphasize how difficult it still is to simulate bird flightD To explain that some special effects in movies are based on swarm intelligence答案:D破题关键词汇:movies解析:(从第343“开始,原文重现:and by the way, if youre wondering how this approach

29、 can be of practical use for humans, the movie industrys been trying create computer-generated flocks of birds in movie scenes.There have also been using this bird flocking model of swarm intelligence.)以上原文中出现了关键词movies, 根据上文描述可知,D选项正确。6. What is the professors attitude about attempts to create comp

30、uter-generated crowds of people? 【题型】态度题A She believes that the rules of birds flocking behavior do not apply to group behavior in humans.B She thinks that crowd scenes could be improved by using the behavior of ant colonies as a model.C She is surprised by how realistic the computer-generated crowd

31、s are.D She is impressed that computer graphics can create such a wide range of emotions.答案:A破题关键词汇:computer-generated crowds of people解析:(从第413“开始,原文重现:The three rules I mentioned might be great for bird simulations, but they dont take into account the complexity and unpredictability of human behav

32、ior.)原文but之后的内容说明了教授认为用birds flocking behavior来尝试制作computer-generated crowds of people是很复杂的,不现实的。故A选项正确。Lecture 21. What is the lecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题A Techniques for creating lifelike portraitsB Theories about a preference in portrait paintingC Reasons for a decline in the popularity of portrait paintingD Ways researchers determine

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