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烟台市中考英语 英语阅读理解.docx

1、烟台市中考英语 英语阅读理解烟台市中考英语 英语阅读理解一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 During the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible. But sometimes our hope for getting more gold medals

2、 can result in our more disappointment (失望) if the athletes fail to get them. For example, when Liu Xiang, Chinas track hero, pulled out of the 2008 Beijing Olympics because of his injury (伤势), he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans. But things are different now. In the 2016 Rio Olympic Ga

3、mes, we saw a healthier and more lenient (宽容的) Chinese attitude towards the sportspeople, fully in line with the Olympic spiritthat isfriendship, participation, fair play and never give up. China didnt win any gold medals on the first day. But, instead of criticizing (批评) the athletes, most of the f

4、ans were happy with their efforts. They have tried their best. Athletes dont feel good after they miss the gold medal. Thats the attitude of most audience. It shows the maturity (成熟) of a person, and is also a development of a country. Swimmer Fu Yuanhui won fans hearts, even though she only won a b

5、ronze medal in the 100m backstroke final. Her fans on her Sina Weibo have increased from 100,000 to over 6 million. Many sports fans like her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions. The attitude towards the Olympics has got to a higher level. We are happy to see this warm change

6、. said an article in Peoples Daily.(1)When sports fans were watching the Olympic Games on TV, they _. A.cheered for themselvesB.had a celebration partyC.wished their athletes to winD.played sports with the family(2)What can we know about Liu Xiang from the passage? A.He didnt complete his event in t

7、he Beijing Olympics.B.He was asked to give up the competition.C.The audience had little hope for him.D.He never disappointed Chinese sports fans.(3)People like Fu Yuanhui because of her _. A.winning a bronze medalB.kindness to the fansC.Sina WeiboD.attitude to competitions(4)The passage is mainly ab

8、out _. A.the changing attitude towards sportspeople in ChinaB.the importance of winning gold medalsC.the maturity of a person and a countryD.the development of sports in China【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)D(4)A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了2016年里约奥运会中国人对运动态度的变化。 (1)细节题。根据many Chinese sports fans sat in front of the TV and cheered

9、 our athletes on, hoping that they would get as many gold medals as possible.可知他们希望运动员赢得越多的金牌,即希望他们赢,故选C。 (2)细节题。根据when Liu Xiang, Chinas track hero, pulled out of the 2008 Beijing Olympics because of his injury (伤势), he greatly disappointed many Chinese sports fans可知刘翔因为伤势被淘汰,即没有完成他的比赛,故选A。 (3)细节题。

10、根据Many sports fans like her straightforward character and attitude towards competitions可知粉丝喜欢她的原因是她对比赛的态度,故选D。 (4)主旨题。根据 The attitude towards the Olympics has got to a higher level. We are happy to see this warm change. said an article in Peoples Daily可知主要讲了对待奥运会的态度的变化,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题

11、型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。2阅读理解 The following are some tips for becoming a successful businessman by Michael Bloomberg. They are based on his experience of building a company from the ground up, leading New York City as mayor(市长), and so on.Take Risks Life is too short to spend your tim

12、e avoiding failure. In 1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor, most people advised me not to do it. But one person said, “If you can imagine yourself giving a concession(败选)speech, then why

13、 not go for it?” That was the best advice I received, and I followed it. In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail and you must have the courage to go for it anyway. Make your own luck Luck plays a part in success. The harder you work, the luckier you get. Whatever you choose to do, eve

14、n if its not the job of your dreams, always work hard at it. Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances. Never stop learning The most powerful word in English language is “why”. There is nothing so powerful as an open, inquiring mind(探究精神). W

15、hatever field you choose for starting a business be a lifelong student. Give back You are responsible for your success and failure, but you only succeed if you share the reward with others. My first donation was a $ 5 check to my alma mater (母校) . And while the checks(支票)may be bigger today, they co

16、me with the same spirit. You dont have to be wealthy to give back. You can give back by giving your time and talents. (1)In this passage, Michael Bloomberg is the name of a . A.newspaperB.placeC.companyD.person(2)What did the writer do at the age of 59? A.Lost his job.B.Ran for mayor.C.Built a compa

17、ny.D.Became a teacher.(3)From the passage, we can infer that the writer . a young mayorB.seldom cares about lucky all the a hard-working man(4)Which of the following isnt mentioned in the tips? A.Failure is the mother of success.B.Its never too old to learn.C.Money is everyt

18、hing.D.Luck comes from hard work.(5)In which of the following columns(栏目)can you find the article? A.Family LifeB.Interesting StoriesC.Experience SharingD.Adventures【答案】(1)D(2)B(3)D(4)C(5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:短文介绍了成功的商人迈克尔布隆伯格获取成功的一些秘诀。包括勇于承担风险;创造出自己的运气;学习永不放弃;要回报社会等等。(1)细节推断题,根据短文的第一段中出现的句子“They are base

19、d on his experience”可知,这里的his指的是Michael Bloomberg这个人。故选D。(2)细节理解题,根据Take Risks的第二段中的句子“1981, at the age of 39, I lost my job. The next day I took a big risk and began my own company. In 2001, when I was debating whether to run for mayor,”可知,2001年作者刚好59岁,打算精选市长,故选B。(3)推理判断题,由Take Risks/Make your own

20、luck中的内容“Be the first person at work in the morning and the last to leave at night. Hard work creates chances.”可知,作者是一个勤奋的人。故选D。(4)细节理解题,通过排除法,A选项在Take Risks的首段提到;B项在Take Risks的第二段和第三段可知;D项由Make your own luck的第二段可得出。故C没有提及。故选C。(5)推理判断题。整篇文章是作者给大家分享个人经验,所以C选项最佳。故选C。【点评】在做细节理解题时,解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文, 而常常可

21、采取 “带着问题找答案”的方法先从问题中抓住关键性词语。然后以此为线索,寻找答案。推理判断题,对付这类题时我们不仅要弄懂文章字面的意思,更重要的是要知道文章潜在的含义,和作者所给的提示。同时要对文章的含义和作者的暗示作合理的猜测和推论。3根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 Even in early time, people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has been the result of years of dr

22、eaming. If a person has a dream and holds fat to it, he or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实). Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for being naive. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One s

23、uch dreamer was Thomas Edison He used to be ostracized(排斥)when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than everyone elses in his time. Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreamt big and t

24、heir dreams changed their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too

25、old to make dreams tum into reality. Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company (KFC) in the world. To dream is a wonderful ability which can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream. No o

26、ne is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.(1)People who _ could probably realize their dreams, A.find a way to dreamB.dream and hold fast to themC.get the meaning of lifeD.have very good school results(2)Young people should be encouraged to dream because _. A.their dreams are

27、naturalB.they are greater than everyone elseC.they have much knowledgeD.their dreams might change the world(3)What does the example of Colonel Saunders show us? A.Setting up a big company is a wonderful ability.B.Developing technology can bring great progress.C.Even older people can make their dream

28、s come true.D.People should be brave enough to dream when they are young.(4)The underlined word naive in the passage means _ in Chinese. A.逆反的B.幼稚的C.调皮的D.冲动的(5)The best title for the passage is _. A.From Dream to RealityB.Good Examples of DreamsC.Achievements in HistoryD.A list of Successful Dreamer

29、s【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)C(4)B(5)A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了如果一个人有一个梦想,并坚持下去,他或她会找到一种方法来实现它。 (1)细节题。根据If a person has a dream and holds fat to it, he or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实).可知如果一个人有一个梦想,并坚持下去,他或她会找到一种方法来实现它,故选B。 (2)细节题。根据They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world.可知们梦想远大,梦想改变了他们的生活,甚至改变了世界。故选D。 (3)细节题。根据前句Older people sh

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