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1、高考英语完形填空和阅读理解一轮练习62016高考英语完形填空和阅读理解一轮练习(6)完形填空。A young girl,Hattie,stood outside a small church from where she had been turned away because it was too crowded.A kind pastor carried her_1_and found a place for her to sit in the back.He also told her they could build a_2_Sunday school by raising money

2、. The pastor didnt see_3_again until he heard from her parents some two years later.Hattie had sadly died and her parents called for the kindhearted pastor,who had treated their daughter_4_,to handle the final arrangements.As her poor little body was_5_,a worn and wrinkled purse appeared in front of

3、 them.Inside was found 57 cents and_6_,reading“This is to help to build the little church bigger_7_more children can go to Sunday school.”For two years she had saved for this offering of _8_.When the pastor_9_read that note,he knew immediately what he would do._10_this note and the cracked,red pocke

4、tbook to the pulpit,he_11_the story of her unselfish love and devotion.He challenged his deacons(助祭)to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building._12_the story doesnt end there!A newspaper learned of the story and_13_it.It was_14_by a rich man who offered them a parcel of land worth man

5、y thousands.When told that the church couldnt pay so_15_,he offered it for a(n)_16_payment. Church members made large donations.Checks _17_from far and wide.Within five years the little girls_18_had increased to $250,000.00.Her unselfish love had paid large shares.When you visit Philadelphia,look up

6、 Temple Baptist Church,with a_19_capacity of 3,300.In one room may be seen the_20_of the sweet face of the little girl,whose 57 cents made such remarkable history. 1A.away BoffCinside Dout答案:C根据上文中outside,crowded以及空格后的found a place for her to sit.可知这个好心的牧师把她领进了教堂。 BlargerChigher Dmodern答案:B根据

7、第二段最后一句中bigger,可知此处的答案是larger。募捐建一所更大的周日学校。3A.Hattie BchildrenCchurch Dschool答案:A根据上文提到的女孩子的名字,以及下文她的父母给牧师写信,可知牧师两年没有见到Hattie。4A.fairly BbadlyCwell Dequally答案:C根据上文一个好心的牧师把她领了进去,她的父母又给这个好心的牧师写信,可推知这个牧师当时对小女孩很好。5A.buried BhiddenCburnt Dmoved答案:D根据后文,当把女孩瘦小的尸体_以后,露出了一个磨损的有褶皱的钱包,可推知是把她的尸体移开,故用moved. 6A

8、.a note Ba letterCa purse Da box答案:A根据第三段第二句中的that note,可推知在钱包里有57美分和一张纸条。 case Bnow thatCeven if Dso that答案:D根据空格前后出现的build,bigger和more children可知,建造更大的学校的目的是让更多的孩子来上学,所以用so that“目的是”。now that“既然”;in case“以免”;even if“既使”。 BloveCfriendship Ddonation答案:B根据第五段最后一句话中的love得出答案。9A.hopefully

9、BtearfullyCquietly Dexcitedly答案:B根据文章的整个内容,可知小女孩为了扩建教堂学校,已经攒了57美分,牧师被小女孩的爱感动地流下了热泪,因此牧师是泪流满面地在读那张小纸条,故用tearfully。hopefully“满怀希望地”;quietly“静静地”;excitedly“激动地”。10A.Carrying BHoldingCSeizing DCatching答案:A根据空格后的宾语this note,可推知牧师拿着纸条朝教坛走去。carry“携带,拿着”;hold“举着,举起”;seize“抓住,夺取”;catch“抓住”。11A.stated Bannoun

10、cedCspoke Dtold答案:D根据文章提供的情景,牧师站在教坛上向众人讲述了这个故事,故用tell。state“陈述,说明”;announce“宣布”;speak“说”。 12A.So BButCAnd DOr答案:B根据空格后的doesnt end there以及下文发生的故事,可知此句与上句构成的是转折关系,故用but。13A.published BinterviewedCbroadcast Dreleased答案:A根据空格前的a newspaper,可推出用publish发表。broadcast“广播”;interview“采访某人”;release发行”。14A.discov

11、ered BheardCread Dwatched答案:C根据上文,这个故事在报纸上出现了,因此它应该是被人们读到,故用read。15A.much BlittleCmore Dless答案:A根据空格前的many thousands以及couldnt,可推知付不起那么多,故用much。16A.$1,000 B57centCnothing D$100答案:B上文中提到在女孩的钱包里有57美分,此处又说教堂无力承担此费用,可知这位富人只要了57美分。17A.filled BpaidCran Dflied答案:D根据空格前的large donations,可知捐款的支票就像雪片一样飞了过来,故用fl

12、ied,同时它用在这里又非常生动形象。 BhelpCidea Dthought答案:A根据上文女孩捐出了57美分,这是她献给教堂的一份礼物,可推知现在这份礼物已扩展到了很多很多。 19A.sitting BcoveringCseating Dincluding答案:C现在小教堂已经变成了大教堂,能容纳3,300人,表示“容纳”的是动词seat。20A.memory BpictureCbill Dexpression答案:B根据下文的the sweet face,可知女孩的照片被挂在了其中的一间屋子里,故用picture。 【2015高考复习】阅读理解Wisdom teeth a

13、re normally the last teeth to appear.This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties,in other words,when they are older and wiser.Wisdom teeth can grow into place normally and never cause a problem.But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth;they might cr

14、owd other teeth.Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums (齿龈)An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gums.Wisdom teeth that only partly break through can leave space for bacteria to enter around the teeth.Infection (感染) is a risk in these cases.Wisdom teet

15、h that are not well lined and become impacted are often removed.The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums.Removal is also advised if there is a chance that wisdom teeth ate poorly lined.The best time to remove is before the

16、 teeth cause any problems or pain.Young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?One theory has to do with our diets.Scientists say the diet of ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth.Life was probably a

17、little rougher on the teeth back then,too.So it was good to have extras.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了智慧之牙智齿。5According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?AJust older and wiser people can have wisdom teeth.BWisdom teeth can cause problems if not in their right place.CImpacted wisdom

18、teeth cant grow out of the gum fully.DWisdom teeth that only partly break can get bacterial infections.解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,所谓的智齿是指在青少年晚期或二十岁出头长出的牙齿,而不是只有老人或智者才有的牙齿。答案A6Wisdom teeth should be removed_.Awhen they break through the gumsBwhen they are below the gumsCif they are not well lined or get impac

19、tedDif they take up enough room in the mouth解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句“Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and become impacted are often removed.”可知,C项正确。答案C 7We can learn from the passage that_.Aimpacted wisdom teeth have the risk of getting infectedBancient humans need chewing teeth because of their happ

20、y lifeColder adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removalDmore chewing teeth are needed for the diet of modern humans解析推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,阻生智齿(即impacted wisdom teeth)会在牙齿周围给细菌留出进入的空间,这就有被感染的风除。故选A。根据第四段最后一句可排除C项;根据最后一段可排除B、D两项。答案A8The main purpose of the passage is to_.Aadvise Bpersuade Ccom

21、ment Dintroduce 解析写作意图题。本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了长智齿的大约时间、智齿可能导致的问题、拔掉智齿的时间、为什么长智齿等内容。所以本文写作的主要目的就是介绍。答案D阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。GET YOUR DEGREE AT HOME!Have you ever wondered what a Degree might be worth to you in your job or career(事业)? It means a lot of Americans with an Associate Degree average nea

22、rly $10,000 more in yearly earnings than those with just a High School Diploma(毕业证).Harcourt Learning Direct offers you a way to get a Specialized Associate Degree in 11 of todays growing fields-without having to go to college full time. With Harcourt, you study at home, in your spare time-so you do

23、nt have to give up your present job while you train for a better one. Choose from exciting majors like Business Management, Accounting, Dressmaking Design, Bookkeeping, Photography, Computer Science, Engineering, and more! Your training includes everything you need! Books, lessons, learning aids-eve

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28、! Or call the number below 1-800-372-1589. Call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. www. Harcourt-learning. com E-mail:Harcourtlearning. com.1. This advertisement aims at calling on people to _.A. attend full-time universities B. work part time to further their education C. improve their educat

29、ion at home to get better jobs D. earn their degrees in different ways that suit them2. Which of the following is NOT clearly mentioned in this advertisement? A. The way how you will get your degree. B. Tuition price. C. The hot fields you will be preparing yourself for. D. The length of time it wil

30、l take you to get a degree. 3. What does the writer of this ad intend to say by naming General Electric, IBM, Ford, etc.?A. To show that their training is widely used in the country. B. To show that the training program is fully supported by famous companies in the U. S.C. To prove the value of thei

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