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1、英国下午茶与广东早茶的文化比较 The pony was revised in January 2021英国下午茶与广东早茶的文化比较题目: 英国下午茶与广东早茶的文化比较 On Cultural Comparison Between British Afternoon Teaand Cantonese Morning Tea 摘 要茶文化博大精深,而茶又是人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。中国和英国都是饮茶大国,各自独特的茶文化代表着东西方不同的饮茶风格,是各自传统文化的重要组成部分。本论文以英国下午茶和广东早茶文化为研究对象,详细描述了两地丰富的茶文化特色,从而对两地茶文化的异同进行比较。首先本

2、论文简单追溯了中英两国的茶文化概况。接着分章节叙述了英国下午茶与广东早茶的起源及其历史发展:其中包括英国维多利亚时期的下午茶盛况,清朝广州的茶楼,以及英国下午茶和广东早茶的风格和特点;同时包括两地的茶文化的现状,等等。最后对两者之间的不同点与相似处进行了比较和总结。从中,我们不仅能了解丰富的茶文化知识,还能由此更深地探索两地的文化异同。本文将要探索的是,除去那些表面的差异,两者在文化层面的相似之处:茶在社交功能方面所发挥的作用。关键词:茶文化;下午茶;早茶;文化比较Abstract Tea culture has a long history. Tea is an indispensable

3、part of peoples daily lives, whether in Britain or in China. Their unique tea culture represents a different style of tea in the East and West, and belongs to an important part of their traditional culture. This paper takes the British afternoon tea and the Cantonese morning tea as research objects,

4、 describes the rich characteristics of both culture, aims at making an comparison between them. Firstly, this paper briefly dates back to the culture overview of the British afternoon tea and the Cantonese morning tea. Then it describes the origin and development of British afternoon tea and Cantone

5、se morning tea culture in details, which includes the prosperity of the afternoon tea in Victorian Era, the tea house of Guangzhou in Qing dynasty and the features and present situation of the British afternoon tea and the Cantonese morning tea. In the meantime, it also includes their drinking style

6、s, tea categories, tea cakes and so on. Finally it makes a conclusion of the differences and similarities between the two cultures. We can not only get to know the rich knowledge about tea culture of the two countries, but also make in-depth exploration of the differences and similarities of culture

7、s. Apart from the superficial differences, this paper will go to explore the similarity of these two cultures :the role of tea in the social intercourse.Key Words: tea culture; afternoon tea; morning tea; cultural comparisonContents摘要.iAbstract.ii Different custom of drinking tea. 10 Different cultu

8、ral origin of tea.10Acknowledgements.17 On Cultural Comparison Between British Afternoon Teaand Cantonese Morning Tea 1. Introduction Tea is a cup of life. It is true for both Chinese people and British people. For Chinese, tea is an inseparable thing of daily life. Also, tea is highly praised and d

9、eeply loved by British people. As the British writer Samuel Johnson has said:“ Teas proper use is to amuse the idle, and relax the studious, and dilute the full meals of those who cannot use exercise, and will not use abstinence?”. China is the hometown of tea .And there is a legend of the origin of

10、 tea: Shennong, a agricultural god, is also the inventor of Chinese medicine. He discovers the five cereals as well as various herbals, which can cure human diseases. It is said that Shennong tastes various herbals so as to master the characteristics of herbal medicines and is poisoned seventy-two t

11、imes a day but is detoxified by accidentally eating tea leaves. This is the earliest description and written record about our forefathers understanding of tea. In the Western Han Dynasty(206 9 .)in the southwestern of China, especially in Sichuan and Yunnan, people start drinking tea as beverage. At

12、 that time, tea is also dedicated to the Emperors as tributes. Tang and Song Dynasties are the most important periods of tea culture development. People begin to produce tea on a large scale in Tang Dynasty and tea becomes popular quickly. The art of Chinese tea starts to take shape. It is in the mi

13、ddle period of Tang Dynasty (618-907 .) that tea drinking becomes a national tradition and leads to the development of a delicate tea drinking ritual. The tea houses spread all over the country. Drinking tea is not only prevalent in every part of this country but also develops in various styles in d

14、ifferent areas. For example, Guangzhou is famous for its morning tea culture. Nowadays, morning tea culture is the unique part of Cantonese culture. Though the tea-drinking history of British is much shorter than that of China, Britain is also a tea consuming country. It rapidly becomes the second l

15、argest tea consumer in the world now, with each person consuming on average kg per year. When asked What kind of drinking do you want, the answers of most British people are Tea forever. About in the early 17th century, British begin to have records about tea. About 1650, British occasionally drink

16、tea, then gradually tea becomes an integral part of daily drinks in the UK. Tea is first introduced to Britain by Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza, queen consort of Charles II of England, in the 1660s and 1670s. It is said in her dowries there are 221 pounds of black tea and all kinds of ex

17、quisite Chinese tea sets, while at that time, black tea is as precious as silver. Regarded as the “Tea Queen”, Catherine brings the black tea to the Royal Palace and makes the tea art popular among the ladies of royal family. Gradually, tea spreads out in the nobility, becoming their magic medicine

18、and the fashionable beverage in social intercourse. At that time, tea trade between China and Britain developes rapidly. In 1840s, the tradition of afternoon tea is coincidently invented by Anna Russell, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. Since then, the afternoon time is not boring and endless. Aftern

19、oon tea becomes a new form of social intercourse, and to a certain extent, it changes the Britishs life style. Later, afternoon tea gets into common peoples life. Tea becomes Britishs totem-drink. 2. British Afternoon Tea Under the influence of the culture of British afternoon tea, British writers o

20、ften express their appreciation for afternoon tea. Henry James says in his famous novel The Portrait of a Lady that “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea” (Smith 1989: 15). After more than one hundred years development, afternoon t

21、ea becomes one of British peoples habits, and shapes the unique British afternoon tea culture. The Origin and development of British afternoon tea Tea is first introduced to Britain as a mysterious eastern drink, and only the noblemen can afford the exorbitant price of tea. It is the Portuguese Prin

22、cess Catherine of Braganza, queen consort of Charles II of England that makes the tea drinking habit become prevalent among the Royal Palace and the nobility. Thus, she is respectfully addressed by her people as “Tea Queen”. It is said that the queen consort Catherine drinks an amber beverage in her

23、 harem. Even in some court banquets, when people propose a toast to her, she always raises her special cup and drinks her own amber beverage. People are confused why this beverage can not make their queen drunk but make her a more blooming visage. Someone reports it to Charles II, thinking he will l

24、ook into what actually this amber beverage is, while he just responds with a smile. On the contrary, the French queen is full of curiosity. Her intuition tells her that Catherines beauty has something to do with this mysterious drink. Tempted by greed and jealousy, she orders one of her retinues to

25、steal this strange thing, whereas it is soon exposed and the retinue is hanged for this. After this event, the black tea brought from Portugal by Princess Catherine spreads across the whole royal family. It is impossible to pinpoint exactly when tea is first served as an afternoon event that takes p

26、lace between midday luncheon and evening dinner. Routines varied greatly between cities, countries and classes, depending on the individuals activities. But there is no doubt that some time in the late 1830s and early 1840s, drinking tea in the afternoon is developed into a new social event. The acc

27、epted tea legend always attributes the invention of afternoon tea to Anna Russel. In 1840s, the tradition of afternoon tea is coincidently invented by Anna Russell, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. At that time, people of upper class usually have supper at around 8 oclock in the evening. But Anna beg

28、ins to feel hungry at round 4 in the afternoon. This leaves her a good long time of 4 hours. Therefore, she tells the servant to bring a tray of tea, bread, butter and cake to her room during the late afternoon. It becomes a habit of hers. Soon, she invites her friends to join her. Afternoon tea is

29、favored by most women, because they have a reason to get together and kill the leisure time in a more meaningful way. Then the women of the aristocracy do the same in their home as Anna does. Later drinking afternoon tea becomes a fashionable social event, providing a place for people to meet new fr

30、iends and get new information. Features of British afternoon tea The Victoria Era is the most powerful time of the British Empire, when culture and art are vigorously developed. At that time, people pursue the exquisite lifestyle, and the afternoon tea is not an exception. The conventional time of h

31、aving afternoon tea in Victoria Era is at four Oclock. Men wear swallow-tailed coats and women change into long gowns, gloves and hatsthey are the most classical dressing in Victorian tea party. In the annual afternoon tea party held in Buckingham Palace today, the costumes of people keep the style of Victorian Era. Men are still in swallow-tailed coats and top-hats, holding umbrellas in their hands; women are in beautiful dress and hats. Next is ma

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