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1、外研社小学英语一起三年级上册教案全册学期教学工作计本学期我的教学任务是二年级和三年级英语。为了能更好的完成本学期的教学任务,特作计划如下:一 、指导思想本学期二,三年级使用新标准教材,本教材根遵循英语学习的规律和儿童心理生理发展的需求,以小学生的生活经验和任职发展水平为基本出发点,循序渐进地设计课程,寓教于乐,寓教于学,强调学生在学习过程中的感悟、体验、实践、参与以及思维能力的发展,在良好的语言环境中融学习情感、学习能力和跨文化交际的意识的形成于语言学习的全过程,力求体现素质教育思想。 二 、目标任务(一)基本情况概述1、学生情况分析本学期二,三年级的学生没有接触过英语,但学习兴趣很浓,接受能

2、力、模仿能力很强,由于年龄的特点,注意力容易分散,学习习惯还没有养成,因此,本学期英语教学重点将放在提高学生的听读、认读等基础技能的训练与提高上,以及培养学生养成良好的倾听和阅读习惯。因此,本学期的英语教学将面向全体学生,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。2、教材情况分析本学期使用的新标准英语二年级上册和三年级上册是供小学二,三年级上学期使用的,全书共分10个模块,内含一个期末复习模块,每个模块分为两个单元。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务型练习,包括一首儿歌和童谣。(二)教学目标及要求a) 初步

3、形成学习英语的兴趣和爱好,在动态真实的环境中使用英语进行简单的活动的积极性。b)能运用英语在日常生活和课堂情景中与老师同学进行日常简单交际,如:问候他人,询问有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。c) 能运用英语参与课堂教学,游戏和其他课内外活动。d) 能够听懂简单的指令并做出正确反应,读懂简单小故事,会唱课本上出现的英文歌和歌谣,能分角色扮演课本中的英语小故事。(三)教学重难点本学期继续以“任务为基础”(task-based)安排教学内容,采用全身反应法(TPR),组织学生在“身体运动”和“口腔运动”中学习。学生能在活动中整体提高认知水平;在唱歌、游戏、角色扮演、表演、访谈、对话等实践中,充分发挥

4、他们的各项智能特征;在完成任务的过程中,不断感受成功的乐趣和喜悦。在教学过程中,教师运用录音磁带、教学卡片、玩具手套等道具进行教学,掌握约60个词汇,能够初步认读、听读、跟读简单的单词,能够与他人进行问候、自我介绍、告别、涂色、数数等的对话,从而培养学生初步的语言综合运用能力。1)教学重点: 1. 能听懂教师的指令并做出正确反应,能读懂简单的小故事,会唱课本上出现的歌曲和歌谣。2. 能熟练运用英语进行简单的日常交流与对话,养成良好的英语学习习惯。2)教学难点:1. 能让学生在游戏教学中体验生活、享受生活学习的快乐。2. 能贴近儿童的生活,符合学生的兴趣需求,使学生在生活化的课堂教学中发展学生的

5、综合语言运用能力。 总之,新学期希望在老师和学生的共同努力下,让孩子更熟悉学校的环境,学习也能更上一层楼! 生命高于一切,学会自救,互救教学目标:1学会自救,能说清自救的方法和过和。2学会自救,语言要清楚、明了、简洁。教学重点:培养学生遇到意外事件时不要慌乱,要镇压定沉着地开动脑筋。教学过程:一导入同学们请呼这样几则新闻小故事出示消息一PI事件二指导。1过渡语同学们说得真好,看来你们在生活中见到过很多意外事件,刚才的故事大家想一下如果没有自救会有什么样的结果呢,是呀当我们遇到这样的事时如何自救呢?2指生说(1) 与同伴保持联系。(2) 尽力控制自己的情绪。(3) 要不断充实信心(4) 寻找变化

6、的时机(5) 关怀身边更不幸的人3教师出示安全专家建议4求救师:你准备用什么方法获救?(师讲解有关求救信号有哪些) SOS有关知识 浓烟信号 旗语信号 在野外遇险可用火光信号 声音信号 反光信号5教师出示安全专家建议6教职工师讲解紧急逃生路线图7师示范人工呼吸及掌握人中穴的急知识并提出安全专家建议。8讲解心脏按摩法三、练习1遇到危险时,应该怎样进行急救2小组合作练习3教师巡视,重点进行指导,注意发现好的小组,让他们淮备在全班表演。 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England?Teaching aims:(1)Make students remember th

7、e new words:Chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard and mess(2) Mastering the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.Do you wantDo you useAttitude aims:The students could make differences in food culture between the western countries and

8、 China.Teaching important points:Do you use chopsticks in ?Do you use a knife and fork in ?Teaching difficult point:The pronunciation of some new words. For example, chopsticksPreparation:Word card, CD-ROMTeaching process:Warming up part:The teacher shows many pictures about food.(noodles,rice, hamb

9、urgers,cakes and so on). Firstly, the teacher leads the students to get familiar with these food names and then on this basis the teacher can ask them to practice the sentence pattern.Do you like noodles? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do you want ? Yes, I do.No,I dont.Step two: presentation and practiceThe

10、teacher makes use of the picture “noodles” and a new word “chopsticks” can be leaded out.T: I like noodles. I eat noodles with chopsticks.The teacher takes out the real chopsticks and then says the new word. At the same time, the teacher shows the picture of chopsticks.An activity can be made here.

11、The title of the activity is saying words as quickly. The pronunciation of new word is a difficult point. So the teacher should ask students to practice more.Step three:The new word “use” can be leaded out in the process of communication.T: Can you use chopsticks?The word card of use should be shown

12、.We use chopsticks in China. And the teacher writes the sentence on the blackboard.We use chopsticks.Do you use chopsticks? Yes, we do. No, we dont.Ask and answer in pairs.The teacher inquires the students if the English people useChopsticks and a knife and fork will be leaded out.T: We use chopstic

13、ks in China. Do the English people use chopsticks?S: No, they dont.English people use a knife and fork.Do you use chopsticks / a knife and fork? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Step four:(1)Presentation of the text.Amy and Daming are in the park. They want to eat noodles. Watch the CD-ROM, then answer the que

14、stions: “Does Amy use chopsticks in England?”The students look at the CO-ROM and then answer questions.Now Amy is using chopsticks. Watch again, then answer the next question: Are the chopsticks “easy” or “hard” for her?easy hardChopsticks are hard for Amy.A knife and fork are easy for her.Some othe

15、r oposite words are shown here.big-smalllong-shortfat-thinhot-coldwhite-blackeasy-hardListen again, then answer:Are the chopsticks “easy” or “hard” for English people?T: If I say “big”. You should say “small”. Please say the words as quickly as you can.Chopsticks are hard for English people. So Amy

16、make the mess.?mess /e/Then the students read the passage again.Find the sentences, “ Do you ?”. Then circle them.Practice:(1)In China, we use _. In England, people use _.Chopsticks are _ for Chinese people. They are _ for English people.Chant:Do you use chopsticks? Yes I do. Yes, I do.We use chopst

17、icks in China.Theyre easy for us.Do you use _? Yes I do. Yes, I do.We use _ in England.Theyre easy for us.Homework:Ask students to practice the sentence patterns that they have learned in this lesson.Unit2 Im eating hamburgers and chips.Teaching aims:(1) Mastering the new words:hamburgers, chips, fa

18、st food(2) The basic structure of processing tenseTeaching important point:The processing tenseTeaching difficult point:The changes of “be”Preparation:Word card, card for real things,CD-ROMTeaching process:Warming up part:Review the content of unit one.We use chopsticks in China. English people use

19、a knife and fork in England.Listen to a poem, then say it.Step one:Presentation and practicea. The teacher does actions and ask questions.What am I doing?(running, playing, jumping, etc.)E.g. Youre actions:Look, Im eating. Im eating hamburgers and chips.And then the new words are be lea

20、ded out. hamburger, chip?Its English fast food. Here we can talk about the England food. steak, cheese, bread and butter, etc. What is Chinese / English fast food? Do you like ? Do you want ?Step two:Asking students to listen to the tape and answer the questions.What is Amy eating?Listen, point and

21、repeat the text.Practice:Here the teacher asks students to practice the processing tense.Look at Amy. Shes eating hamburgers and chips. Shes using her hand.What is Daming doing ? Hes eating rice.What is he using? Hes using chopsticks.Then the teacher asks students to talk about the pictures in the t

22、extbook.S: What is Daming doing? S: Hes -S: What is Daming using? S: Hes -Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Game: What am I eating?The teacher does actions and asks students to guess what heshe is doing.For example: Are you eating a hamburger?2. Guessing Game: What am I doing? What is he / she do

23、ing?3. Make a new dialogue.Its time for _. (breakfast/ lunch/ dinner)I like _.Look, Im eating _.Im using _.Step 4 SummaryThe differences between Chinese customs and English customsChina EnglandWe use _. They use _ is Chinese fast food. _ and _ are English fast foodStep 5 HomeworkMake a summary about

24、 the differences in customs in different countries.Reflection of module one:The topic of module one is talking about the different customs in different countries. At the first, I prepare many datas about the differences. I think that the students maybe know little about these differences. But I am s

25、urpised at students aboundance in the knowledge. So I change my plans. I asks them discuss these differences in groups. Then I ask them to stand up in a line in the front of the classroom to tell others about the differences. They tell a lot. I am very happy. In the future, I should make great effor

26、ts to find students knowledge. We should really believe them and give tasks to them. They can achieve the tasks perfectly.Reading of module one:Content of reading:An article about the different customsPurpose of reading:Broaden the cultural knowledge of students.Preparation:MultiplayerStep of readin

27、g:Firstly, I ask students to discuss about the festivals. Then they can talk freely about the festivals in China. Talking as the topic, I lead students to talk about the festivals in western countries. In this lesson, I take Christmas day as an example. The students are required to express more idea

28、. They must speak in English. Then I write down all the sentences on the blackboard. More than thirty sentences are learned in the class. In my opinion, it is a good way. It is not necessary to find all the reading materials in datas. Our students are the good material resource. The sentences are sp

29、oken by students as following:It is very good.I like it.Module2 Unit1 Were making a cakeThe general aims of module one:Language points:(1) the new words: make, cake, idea, instead, lovely.(2) the basic sentence pattern and the students could make dialogues according to the sentence patterns.What are

30、 you making?Im(3) the new words: Good idea! Be quiet!Teaching important points:1. What are you making?Im making2. Can use these by themselves.Unit 1 We are making a cake.Teaching Aims:1. Make students remember the new words:making a cake; good idea and so on.2.Can listen and say: What are you doing? Were making a cake.Please be quiet! Im working.Teaching important and focal points:What are you doing? Were makin

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