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1、工程承包合同英文篇一:建筑施工合同中英文对照建设工程施工合同发包方(甲方)xxxparty a: xxx承包方(乙方)xxparty b: xxxx本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照中华人民共和国合同法、建筑安装工程承包合同条例以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在x签订。 ths contrc s signedb the toparts in x on xx accordin to the “cotlaw f theopes repulic ofchina”,h “reatoon uilding dnstllaon cotratng ctrac”, and ther

2、relevant ntoal la a egultins, s wel as t scifc natureo his prect第一条 总则aricl1 eeralprinciples1.1合同文件contrac documnts本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它们均被视为合同的一部分。合同文件应该能够相互解释,互为说明。组成本合同的文件及优先解释的顺序如下:本合同、中标通知书、投标书及其附件、标准、规范及有关技术文件、图纸、工程量清单及工程报价单或预算书。合同履行中,发包人承包人有关工程的洽商、变更等书面下一或文件视为本合同的组成部分。ths co

3、trat inlueth ontrct itself, ebi,ontrcio drawigs, exlanons ook pocedur, tnder dcumnt, as well as erdcetsspcfiedy he contact.the onrac doumnts houl be mayexplaiabland mutuall desiptiv. the dns ht cnstiu the contactand th prirt hiearhy of epanaiosof e duen a ollows: is contrac; thoffiialleter of winnin

4、ghetnder; etterof iding andis ne, tandards,gudelines, and eantechnica docuents,drawings, bll of uaity(bq), quotationofpes, ndproject bude. drng the impemntatonof the contac, an ritte agrement or ocuenswee tw parties uch as change-ordersaeasorerded willbedem aspart fthi cotrct1.1.1项目概况prj ntrouction.

5、2工程名称:xame ofjet: xxxx.1.工程地点:xxxxlocion ofrojct: xxx1.1.3.1工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:scop ofte prot: unlesthise explied by ot artil n th contact, party b shallproid ll servce, tenis, ndother necssyt for the implemntaion of is onrct; thescopeofpre incuds, utnot

6、 limted o:室内装饰工程,详见附件一和附件二iner decron, se appendi 1&am; 室外装饰工程(门窗、屋面、台阶等),详见附件一和附件二?ade(nluing dors, winows,roof nd stairs) see aendi1 ≈ 2电器工程,详见附件一和附件二lectonc ngineing,see apenix &; 2空调工程,详见附件一和附件二ir cdoningste,seeppendi &给排水及采暖工程,详见附件一和附件二wrsply, sae an eaing systm, seappendx 1 amp;消防工程i

7、re contr s, ee penix 1 p;2其他图纸上所列项目(任何对原定设计的变更应提供新的图纸并有甲方的签字确认)以上所有的工程项目以下统称为“工程”。oher items lsted ithe cotucon drawings(ay cangdragshalbe provided nd cnfmedby rty a).all theseafrentineditmsare geerallfered a “prjt” hreafter.1.1.3.承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质量,包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程natreof contrctig: arty b shal b e

8、ponsibeforbohlaboand merial fo tisprojct, and wil rposbeforthe qalityofi pojec,safey, as es cdeo courig thecotructin ojc.1.1甲方工地代表由甲方指派。o-it repesntie opartya sha be apponted y arty 11.5开工日期xxxxdateof theprojectegnnig: xx.1.6竣工日期xx1.1工程质量:质量合格,达到本合同要求和国家质量验收标准,并确保竣工验收一次合格。验收内容包括但不仅限于:隐蔽工程;分项工程;实验报告;

9、材料检验报告。如果由于验收未能一次通过而导致后续工程开工的延迟,乙方将按照每日工程总款的金额赔偿给甲方作为罚金,但最多不超过工程总价款的5%。11.8工程资质:在实施此合同所涉及的工程时,乙方应确保其具有相关资质。如乙方因为不具备相关资质导致甲方的损失或工程进度的滞后,乙方承担全部责任。1.2合同价款:cotactamount本合同价款为人民币 xx,为固定总价合同价款。t toal ntrac amunt is xxx,which is fixe conract amo本合同包括设备材料费、人工费、机械费、管理费、利润、税金、代办费用、保险费、运输费、劳务费用、总承包服务费以及为完成工程所必

10、须的其他一切费用,和工程各系统检验检测、安装调试等费用。该款项为甲方应付给乙方的全部费用,并已经包含物价变动因素。1.3工程结算final ui proe1.1本工程计价依据gb5500-008建设工程工程量清单计价规范采用固定总价,除施工期间甲方要求变更现有图纸及发生的增减项洽商,甲方将作价格调整。hi prot s using fxed totalamount ccrding tgb50500-208thepricinuidln by odeof qatitn tructon proc, excet tt party a ay mke picejutmet th even of the e

11、xisigconstruio rawingrechangedor ad oreeny cnstructwr accordg theeques o party a1.3.2 所有的人工费用都不得以任何理由进行过调整,结算时只接受投标文件中约定的价格。第二条:政府批复aricle 2 govemt rovl21 乙方负责协助甲方办理此项施工需要办理的所有政府报批,包括但不仅限于消防、环保的报批与其他与本工程相关的报批,甲方负责政府行政审批的费用。ptybsl be reponsile o roces vrnmetprvsrlatd tothe pject, ncludin b not limite

12、d t: fie onl,enviromen ptection and tr provals related to thi proec. aty ais respnsiblefo te osts of ese appovls22 乙方负责其工程报备aty albersonbe fo ontucti aplications, aprovalsnd related cost2. 乙方应承担2.所述报备不全而导致的政府罚金,并且不能顺延工期。第三条:甲方的权利和义务rtil 3 rihts ad ogats fparty a31 向乙方提供经确认的施工图纸或做法说明五份,并向乙方进行现场交底,向乙方

13、提供施工所需要的水电设备,并说明使用注意事项。py a al provi ive coe f cnime osruction dawng an eatisowor predres, andhl codc tehnica lrifiation. rt all povide paty wit necesyaer an ower euipet adtheinstuctons onusig te eqment.3. 指派为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行。对工程质量、进度进行监督检查,办理验收、变更事宜。甲方的工地代表如果认为乙方的某雇员行为不当或散漫不羁,或甲方认为该雇员不能胜任,则乙方应立即进行撤换

14、,并且未经甲方实现书面许可,乙方不得在施工中再行雇佣该等人员。被撤换的任何人员应尽可以能立即由甲方代表所批准的胜任的人员代替。pry a apit xxxx s te nsie repreetative toserse te ffmt f otratobgains, tooverseehqulityotro and eck the proect proress, and t andle iuessuh asaceancend variations in the evnofteon-ie represeaiv f prtyprtyshouldae paymens o paty b aordino

15、 the paymentrs.4 如甲方认为乙方确已无能力继续履行合同的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须在接到甲方书面通知后两周内撤离场地以便乙方继续施工。对乙方完成工程量的结算不作为撤离场地的条件,结算应在竣工一个月之内完成,付款方式按照本合同条款。3.5 甲方有权要求乙方按照甲方的组织设计和施工工期进行施工,乙方如对甲方的要求和指令不予执行的,则按照乙方违约处理,乙方应承担违约责任。pary ahas herigt oituct part b o d the constrction acodng oatya rgization and plannedconstrcton period; in

16、 hevn o part binos and reuses toobervepatys nstrcion, rty b will bedeeed as bracoft contract, and party sall b hd responslefr the liabilties of reaching the contract.3.甲方有权要求乙方服从甲方的统一安排和管理,乙方的施工人员必须遵守各项规章制度。对于乙方施工人员违规操作所产生的后果,乙方承担全部责任。甲方有权从工程总价款中扣除相应的款项。pry a as th igtto ntructparty b to oservehe gn

17、eral arrneent ad mnaemet by paty , ad e construction stff f arty mustoserveal rles and guaions. pary b shall befully spoible fothensequencs uch viations b h stff of pyb. arty a hsthe ight directlydedut th corrspning amun frohtal conract amun.3.甲方所有的通知可以以书面或口头形式发出,乙方接获甲方的通知后应根据通知规定的内容执行。ll notes from

18、 paty a canbe madeoth in witig d raly,ut theora instructinsare onlpplicableto the representtive of part aryb hall,po recvig noices frompary a,xche creonding mesacoring tot onentofte notices3.8未经甲方同意,乙方不得将工程转让或分包,对于乙方将工程擅自转让或分包的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须接受并承担由此造成的一切后果。rty b shal not transfero subontract throject

19、 an tid partywitou tcsto art a; in theeven pat ransfers orsucotratthe pojec toany hirdpaty wihutth coset o rt a,part a s theight to teminatethe contact, and aty b musaccpadrsonsl for an coeqenc of such vilaon.9 甲方有权制定专业分包商,并按照乙方在投标文件中承诺的配合管理费率向乙方支付配合管理费。pa heriht to appoint spcil sub-cntraco, n shal

20、payt management fe to partybaccordg o te re of subontract managemnnd crdnt fe stipulat in篇二:完整工程施工合同 英文版raslatin:onstrucion ontractpty a: (evope)(conrator)th contrat isigned y th w pari party a and party accordg tte contact la ofthe els epucof china, the cntctio law of te peples publicf chna,ad ther

21、 revntaionl laws and regulatios, s wel as pifc natuof this project. on the bais honetyand credi, qaity, luaess, part a anay b ve ac consusthrugh negotiatis nd sined hiscntra.1.poject ntrodctio1.1.1.2 1. 1.4 he design f constructn da:2.nature ontactng3.onstction priod4.qu ofoject5.contrct amo5.1.526.

22、finl auditof teproct6.1 th citonand tepfor party ay he projt fus o party b:6.2 6.3 pry b ha submt to rt quivalent nvoice beoreparty s ach riod payet, oherise, paty acn euse o ay untl the receiving o tearty bs nvoe.6.4 th invicevie part b shoud be vald. ny fals ivce proidedby aty b whic are fodb rlva

23、 ofice, thepartsould not only poidethe vlidinvoce t party , lsb th resonsblecsed by h invalid invoic7.variatn of dsig nd vis8.1urin the proess oherojec,anycontrac lst, echnooycckinglist(ticlude the ariaton, addition, subtitution,ad redcion ot rawi n project fe) coring aboutthis rojectsal only bregar

24、d s fectiv ith thecnfirmtion f theepetativeprty a writng72 nyvariatiootice , echnoly checkng lst, contactlist, techology hekg list ( nclude h rawings design) concerni out this projectshall onl be regarded fectiewi thnfirmion of he seal f partya9.4pary shall ake fulresposility r a loscas by daying fo

25、r or han dyaplyg for etesin ise pay a changd sg.10.accptance fina audi ofthproc10.1.ceptance f the projetworking days after rceivnthe notiicatio.1.2partybhallb responsib forhe re-inspio ost,nd th pje peidhllot be eeded.10.2.inal aui o the projectif theresuof re-ipcti haspassed acceance standars,paty sal submit te udit reor ad ateitarty aor vrfatin itn11.obiatins rty nd party11.1.obliations opary:as the n-te epresentaive tosuperieth ulillmnt o cotrat obligations, to oree the qaltyconro and check theproec r

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