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新人教版七下英语Unit 11 共8课时精品导学案.docx

1、新人教版七下英语Unit 11 共8课时精品导学案Unit 11 How was your school trip?第一课时 Section A (1a-2c)【教师寄语】As long as kung fu deep iron pestle can be ground down to a needle. 只要功夫深铁杵磨成针【Free talk】 If we will have a school trip this weekend, what do you want to do? (Ask students to think out as many activities as they ca

2、n. Write them on the blackboard. )【Learning tasks】1. 学生掌握本部分的单词和短语。2. 学习一般过去时;学会谈论过去事件。Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.3. 通过学校旅行的的记述,培养学生关心集体、奉献他人的高尚品质。【Importance and difficulties】学生运用一般过去时进行简短对话。【学习过程】一、超前预习. 预习section A 1a-2c, 写出下列单词。1. 喂养,饲养_ (过去式)_ 2. 农民,农场主_ 3. 任何东西,任何事物_4. 种植,生长,发育_ (过去式)

3、_5. 农场,务农,种田_ 6. 采摘_. 翻译下列短语。1. 给奶牛挤奶_ 2. 骑马_3. 喂鸡_ 4. 和交谈_5. 拍照_ 6. 带领参观_7. 许多_. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。1. How was your school trip? _2. Did you ask him any questions? _3. The farmers grow strawberries from December to June._4. Carol picked some strawberries and took them home._. 写出你的疑惑与不解:_二、课中学习. 预习检测。.

4、 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。知识剖析:1. How was your school trip? 你的学校旅游怎么样?(1) how 是疑问词,意为“如何,怎样”,常常用来询问情况,处境等,表示“怎么样”,也可用来询问某人做事的方式、方法,例如:_ was your summer vacation, Tom?_? 你妈妈好吗?_? 北京的天气如何?_? 你通常怎样去上学?(2) how 构成的词组总结:询问年龄 _询问多少( 后接可数名词) _ (后接不可数名词) _询问价钱 _ 询问频率 _询问距离 _ 询问度量 _询问将来时间 _2. The farmer showed Ca

5、rol around the farm.(1) show意为“带领,引领”,常用于 show sb. around sp. 的结构中,表示“带领某人参观某地”。例如:请带我们参观你的学校。 Please _ your school.(2) show 也可意为“给看;出示”,常用于show sb. sth. 或 show sth. to sb.结构中,表示“把某物给某人看”,但当sb. 和sth. 都是代词时,只能用show sth. to sb. 例如:请让我看看你的照片。_ _ your photos, please._ your photos _ _. 学习过程:1. 学生完成1a, 同时

6、小组练习对话,如:Did you go for a walk/ milk a cow ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.2. 听力技能提高: 完成1b, 2a2b.3. 综合运用能力提高:小组合作运用一般过去时练习对话,完成 1c2c.【课堂练习】一、时态大考验(写出下列动词的过去式)1. am_ 2.is_ 3. are_ 4. do _ 5.go _ 6. see _7. feed _ 8. ride _ 9. say_10. talk _ 11.take_ 12. have_二、单项选择( )1. _ was Carols weekend?It was great.

7、A. What B. When C. How D. Why( ) 2. _ It was boring!A. How is your study? B. Where did you spend your weekend?C. How was your last Sunday? D. Do you like your last Sunday?( ) 3. I like that yellow sweater. Could you _?A. show me it B. show me to itC. show it to me D. show it for me( ) 4. Mary showed

8、 me _ her school yesterday.A. at B. with C. about D. around( ) 5. _. It was pretty good.A. How did you do it? B. How was your trip? C. What did you do? ( ) 6. _ you _ to Lucys birthday party yesterday?A. Do, go B. Does, go C. Did, go( ) 7. Cathy and Ruth _ the classroom every day. A. clean B .cleans

9、 C. cleaned( ) 8. _ you at home last night? Yes. But my brother _ not at home.A. Were, was B. Were, is C. Are, was【要点归纳】1. how 的使用 2. show的使用 3. 一般过去时的初步运用【拓展练习】一、根据首字母提示完成单词。1. I saw lots of cows on the farm and I m_ the cows.2. I t_ some photos on the farm.3. I f_ chickens everyday, but yesterday

10、my mother f_ them.4. The farmers grow s_ every year because they are very delicious.二、单项选择。1. It _ cold and cloudy yesterday.A. is B. was C. has D. have2. _ Kate _ her parents yesterday?A. Did; helped B. Does; helped C. Does; helps D. Did; help3. _ was the food in the restaurant?A. How many B. Why C

11、. How D. Where4. Where _ you _ yesterday?A. do; go B. did; go C. did; went D. was; go三、句型转换。 1. Is your friend from Shanghai? (改为一般过去时态)_ your friend _ Shanghai?2. They did their homework yesterday evening. (改为一般疑问句)_ they _ their homework yesterday evening?3. The book was boring. (划线提问)_ _ the book

12、?4. How was the weather yesterday? (同义句转换)_ _ the weather _ yesterday?【总结反思】Unit 11 How was your school trip?第二课时 Section A (2d-3b)【教师寄语】While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在不怕没柴烧。【Free talk】 Students talk about their school trip with each other.【Learning tasks】1. 学生掌握本部分的单词和短语。2.谈论过去的事情:How was

13、 your school trip? It was excellent/great/. What did sb. do/see/say/? Lucky you.3. 通过学校旅行的的记述,培养学生关心集体、奉献他人的高尚品质。【Importance and difficulties】1. 一般过去时一般疑问句的使用。2. 学生掌握一般过去时的构成,使用一般过去时谈论记述自己的经历。【学习过程】. 超前预习. 预习section A 2d-3b, 写出下列单词。1. 极好的,优秀的_ 2. 昨天_3. 花_ 4. 担心,担忧_ 5. 幸运地,好运地_ . 翻译下列短语。1. 在农村_ 2. 去钓

14、鱼_3. 玩的愉快_ 4. 爬山_. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。1. I visited my grandparents in the countryside._2. I went fishing every day. _3. Sound good. _4. I watched the stars at night. _5. It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain._6. The sun came out again! _. 写出你的疑惑与不解:_二、课中学习. 预习检测。. 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。知识剖析:1.

15、 一般过去时的含义及用法:(1) 表示过去某个时间存在的状态或发生的动作,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.例句:I watched the football match on TV last night. 昨天晚上,我在电视上看了那场足球赛。His uncle arrived in Beij

16、ing two days ago. 两天前,他叔叔到了北京。(2) 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always 等表示频度的时间状语连用。例句:He always went to school by bus last term. 上个学期他一直乘公交车去上学。She often stayed at home on Sunday last year. 去年的星期天,她常待在家里。2. 动词过去式的构成动词过去式的构成分规则与不规则两类,规则动词过去式的构成有一定的规律可循,不规则动词的过去式就需要同学们用心去记了。(1) 规则动词过去式的构成:a. 一般在动词原形词尾加ed,

17、如 workworked, play-playedb. 以不发音的e结尾的动词加d, 如 livelived, use-usedc. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母, 再加ed, 如stopstopped, planplannedd. 结尾是“辅音字母 + y”的动词, 先变y为i,再加ed, 如 carrycarried, study-studied(2) 不规则动词从原形变为过去式有固定的形式,例如:am/iswas arewere becomebecamebeginbegan bringbrought buyboughtcatchcaught comecame d

18、odideatate feelfelt findfoundgetgot givegave gowentgrowgrew have/hashad hearheardknowknew makemade putputrunran saysaid seesawsitsat standstood taketookteachtaught telltold writewrote3. 一般过去时的一般疑问句(1) “Was/Were +主语+其他”;肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+was/were”;否定回答为“No, 主语+wasnt/werent”。例如:-Was your weekend good?-Yes

19、, it was. /-No, it wasnt.(2) “Did +主语+动词原形+其他”;肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+did”;否定回答为“No, 主语+didnt”。例如:-Did you play sports last weekend?-Yes, I did./-No, I didnt.4. It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain.(1) worry 意为“担心,担忧,焦虑”,此处为过去时,其形容词形式为worried和worrying, worried 意为“担心的”,worrying意为“令人担忧的”,它常用于worry a

20、bout 和 be worried about 结构中,意为“担心”,它后面还可跟that 从句。例如:She worried about her sons safety.= She was worried about her sons safety. 她担心她儿子的安全。She worried that she couldnt pass the exam. 她担心她考试不及格。The news is worrying. 这消息令人担心。(2) Dont worry. 别担心。常用来劝慰对方。例如:-Oh, dear! I cant find my key! 哎呀!我找不到钥匙了!-Dont

21、worry. Maybe its just in one of your pockets. 别着急,也许就在你的某个口袋里。. 学习过程:1. 学生完成2d, 同时小组练习对话,如:-Hi, Bill. How was your school trip? -It was excellent. I went fishing2. 知识技能提高: 完成 Grammar focus.3. 综合运用能力提高:小组合作运用一般过去时完成3a. 小组合作role-play,介绍学校旅行。【课堂练习】一、翻译官1. 种苹果_ 2.摘草莓 _ 3. show around _ 4.农场(主)_ 5. 钓鱼 _

22、6. 看星星_7. 在乡下_ 8. Lucky you._二、完成句子1. 我不为他担心-他能照顾好自己。Im not _ _ himhe can look after himself.2. 不用担心,我们有很多时间。Dont _. We have plenty of time.二、 最佳选择(用适当形式填空)go shopping, practice English, play chess, watch a movie, do some reading1. I _ in the library last weekend. 2. Lets go to _! There are many new

23、 movies these days.3. Jim _ last night, because he had an English speech contest this morning.4. Grandpa often _ with his friends in the afternoon.5. Yesterday I _ with my mother at the mall.【要点归纳】1. 一般过去时的含义及用法2. worry 的用法【拓展练习】一、根据首字母提示完成单词。1. I went f_ with my father last Sunday.2. L_, it didnt r

24、ain, and the sun came out again.3.Did you see any cows? Yes, I s_ quite a lot.二、阅读短文,用所给单词的正确形式填空。Liu Chang is a student. He _ (study) at No. 9 Middle School. Every day he _ (get) up at 6:00. Then he _ (do) sports. He _ (have) breakfast at 6:50. After that he _ (go) to school. But this morning he didnt _ (get) up at six. He got up at 7:00. He _ (have) breakfast quickly(迅速地). He _ (go) to school late. His teacher _ (be) unhappy. He _ (say) “sorry” to his teacher.三、完成对话A: 1. _, Peter! B: Good morning, Alice!A: Alice, 2._ B: Oh. It was great.A: 3. _ B: I went to the zoo with my friends.A: 4. _

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