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1、外贸函电自考题真题外贸函电自考题真题2016年04月 第部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 (在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的) 1. _ the low stock of such goods, we would advise you to accept our offer immediately. A.Since B.Because C.Owing to D.As 答案:C 解答 句意:这项货物库存紧张,我们建议你方立即接受我方报盘。owing to表示“因为,由于”,其后接名词或名词性短语,the low stock of such goods为名词性短语,故选C。 2. W

2、e would be glad to receive your _ catalogue and price list. A.illustrated B.illustration C.illustrate D.illustrates 答案:A 解答 句意:我们很高兴收到你方的图解目录和价目表。illustrate表示“图解,给加插图”,此处为过去分词作定语。 3. Because of the _ nature of our business, at times we may need emergency purchases. A.unprincipled B.unmistakable C.un

3、believable D.unpredictable 答案:D 解答 句意:由于业务的不可预测性,有时我们需要购买意外险。unpredictable表示“不可预测的”,对应句中的“emergency”,符合题意。unprincipled表示“无原则的,不道德的”;unmistakable表示“清楚明白的,显然的”;unbelievable表示“难以置信的”。 4. Thanks to a more _ price contract we have signed with our supplier, we are now happy to be able to cut the prices of

4、 our bikes by 8 percent. A.favoring B.favored C.favorite D.favorable 答案:D 解答 句意:由于我们已与供应商签订了一份更有利的价格合同,所以很乐意在自行车价格上给予你方8%的折扣。favorable表示“有利的”,符合题意。favoring表示“有帮助的,顺利的”;favored表示“受到优待的;赋予特殊条件的”;favorite表示“喜爱的”。 5. Faced _ a significant drop in computer and software advertising, the publisher of high-

5、tech magazines is seeking new sources of income from ears. A.with B.for 答案:A 解答 句意:面对计算机软件广告的显著下滑,高科技杂志出版商正在从汽车上寻求新的收入来源。be faced with sth. 表示“面临,面对”,是固定搭配。 6. Attached is a list of freight bills, which our records indicate are unpaid _ the credit period permitted by our agreement. A.past

6、B.beyond C.after D.further than 答案:B 解答 句意:随函附上的是货运清单,我们的记录显示这些清单虽已超出了协议准许信用期,但尚未清付。beyond表示“超出(某种数量、水平或限度)”,符合题意,故选B。 7. A comparison of your offer _ our regular suppliers shows that their terms are more favorable. A.with those of B.with which of C.with what of D.with these of 答案:A 解答 句意:和我们固定供应商的出

7、价相比,他们的条件对我们更有利。句中a comparison.with.引导逻辑上的比较级,比较对象为your offer和those of our regular suppliers, those为代词,指代offers,故选A。 8. We have enough stock _ hand to fill your repeat order. If you would like us to do so, please call us at once. C.on 答案:C 解答 句意:我方现有足够存货来满足你方的追加订单,如果你方想我方这样做,请即刻来电告知。

8、on hand表示“在手头,在近旁,现有”,为固定搭配。 9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, _ 8 tons. A.and each weighing B.each to weigh C.each weighing D.each weighs 答案:C 解答 句意:一个集装箱可以容纳240辆自行车,因此所有货物需用50个集装箱,每个集装箱重8吨。句中each weighing 8 tons为现在分词作伴随状语,相当于一个定语从句,补充说明conta

9、iner的情况。 10. _ your charges for air freight are concerned, we agreed to pay the extra costs you invoiced. A.As well as B.As much as C.As good as D.As far as 答案:D 解答 句意:就你方的航空货运费用而言,我方同意支付你方开有发票的额外费用。as far concerned表示“就而言,就来说”,为固定用法。 11. We need an agent in that country to help us to _ our pro

10、ducts. B.display C.deploy 答案:D 解答 句意:我们需要一个代理商在那个国家销售我们的产品。market表示“销售,买卖”,根据句中的“agent”可知,D选项符合题意。 12. You _ for all the samples if they are not returned to us within 90 days. A.will invoice B.will be invoiced C.invoice D.invoiced 答案:B 解答 句意:如果全部样品在90天内没被寄还,我方将对样品开具发票索取款项。if引导条件状语从句时,

11、若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。由从句中的“they are not returned”可知,主句需要将来时,又根据“you”和“invoice”的逻辑关系为被动可知,B选项符合题意。 13. 90% of the credit amount must be paid _ the presentation of documents. C.against D.with 答案:C 解答 句意:根据提交的文件,必须支付90%的总信用额。against表示“以为标准,根据”,符合题意。 14. We can continue to offer credit _ if our

12、 customers meet their obligations. A.simply B.merely C.only D.provided 答案:C 解答 句意:只要我们的客户能履行其义务,我们就继续向他们提供信贷。only if表示“只有(才);只有在的时候”,引导条件状语从句。故选C。 15. We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our _ prices. A.rock bottom C.expensive D.easiest 答案:A 解答 句意:我们也想通知您,我们的报价已经是最低价。roc

13、k bottom表示“最低的”,符合题意。 16. For exporters, we usually ask our buyers to open letters of credit _ sellers documentary drafts at sight. A.available by B.available to C.acceptable by D.acceptable to 答案:A 解答 句意:对出口商而言,我们通常要求买方根据卖方的即期跟单汇票开立信用证。available by后常接兑换方式,意为“根据,依据”,符合题意。而be available to表示“可提供的,可得到的

14、”;be acceptable to/by表示“为所接受”。 17. We must ask you to complete the order immediately, _ we shall be obliged to cancel it and obtain the stationary elsewhere. a result B.on the other hand C.because D.otherwise 答案:D 解答 句意:我们要求你们必须马上完成订单,否则,我们有权取消订单去其他地方购买。otherwise表示“否则,不然”,符合题意。as a result表示“结果,

15、因此”;on the other hand表示“另一方面”;because表示“因为”。 18. _ of the goods ,we discovered that they were inferior in quality to the sample. A.After exam B.By examination C.Examination D.Upon examination 答案:D 解答 句意:一检查货物,我们就发现这批货物的质量比样品质量差。on/upon+动名词+名词或on/upon+名词表示“一就”,故选D。 19. I was _ to hear how popular our

16、 products have been with your customers. A.delightful B.delighted C.delighting D.delight 答案:B 解答 句意:听到我们的产品很受你们顾客的欢迎,我很高兴。delighted为形容词,表示“高兴的,愉快的”,主语是人,符合题意。delightful表示“令人愉快的,使人快乐的”,主语是物;delight是动词,表示“使愉快,使快乐”。 20. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market _ we can adjust our quotat

17、ions to the extent you indicate. that B.such that long as long as 答案:A 解答 句意:请随时告知你方的市场发展情况,以便我们及时根据你方的要求调整我们的报价。so that表示“为了,以便”,引导目的状语从句,通常从句中需用can,could等情态动词,符合题意。such.that.表示“如此以至于”;as long as表示“只要”;so long as表示“只要”。 第部分 非选择题 二、填空题 1. If you make us an offer _ competitive prices,

18、we can sell a large quantity _ your district. 答案:at,in 解答 句意:如果你方以竞争性的价格报盘,我们能保证在当地大量销售。at.price表示“以的价格”;in表示“在内”,其后可接地点,一般是相对较大的地点。 2. Through lengthy and on-and-off negotiation we now finally have _ an agreement. 答案: reached 解答 句意:经过漫长的、断断续续的谈判,我们终于达成了协议。reach an agreement表示“达成协议”,为固定搭配。 3. The ma

19、chine requested has been replaced by a new model, which can provide you _ a more satisfactory service. 答案: with 解答 句意:你要的机器已被一种新型号代替,这一新型号可以为您提供更满意的服务。provide sb. with sth. 表示“为提供”,为固定搭配。 4. Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hong Kong is to be charged to your _. 答案: account 解答 句意:从上海到香港的运费由贵方承担。

20、charge to ones account表示“记在某人的账上,由某人承担”。 5. Much _ our regret, we cannot accept your claim because our cover does not include breakage. 答案: to 解答 句意:很抱歉,我们不能接受你们的索赔,因为我们的保险不包括破损险。much to ones regret表示“某人深感遗憾”,为习惯用法。 6. We have an enquiry for Silicon carbide and would like to ask you to send us an of

21、fer _ 1000 metric tons for shipment _ September. 答案:for,during/in 解答 句意:我们得到一个碳化硅的询盘,请你报我1000公吨9月交货。an offer for表示“的报价”;during/in表示“在期间”,后可接时间段。 7. As the Chinese sales season is drawing _, many of our domestic retailers are anticipating a big sale. 答案: near 解答 句意:由于中国的销售旺季临近,我们国内的许多零售商将会有大的销售量。draw

22、 near表示“临近,靠近”,为固定搭配 8. The buyers complain _ the excessive moisture of the minerals. 答案: about 解答 句意:买方对矿石中含水量过多表示不满。complain about表示“抱怨,对不满”。 9. We have learnt that there is a heavy _ for walnuts in your market, so we enclose our Quotation Sheet No.6868 _ your consideration. 答案:demand/need,for 解答

23、句意:获悉你地市场对核桃有很大的需求,兹附上第6868号报价单供参考。need/demand表示“需求”,符合题意;for ones consideration表示“供某人参考”,为习惯用法。 10. Owing to the increasing cost of raw materials, we may not able to maintain the current price level, _ alone to lower our prices. 答案: let 解答 句意:由于原材料价格持续上涨,原价我们尚且不能维持,更不用说压低价格了。let alone表示“更不用说”。 11.

24、As you failed to _ delivery in time, we have to cancel our order with you. 答案: make(或effect) 解答 句意:因贵方未能及时交货,我方不得不取消订单。make delivery表示“交货”。 12. Please amend L/C No.685 to _ transshipment is allowed. 答案: read 解答 句意:请将第685号信用证改为“允许转运”。 read表示“将修改为”。 13. The 500 automatic washing machines _ Ord

25、er No.2938 are now ready for shipment. 答案: under 解答 句意:根据第2938号订单,500台自动洗衣机现在准备装船发货。under表示“根据”。 14. We wish to have the goods insured _ All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. 答案: against 解答 句意:我们希望这些商品按发票金额110%投保全险。against all risk表示“全险”。 15. You are not supposed to duplicate or sell any of our d

26、esigns to any other customers _ our written approval. 答案: without 解答 句意:未经我们书面同意贵公司不许生产复制品或者将图案卖给其他客户。without表示“缺乏,没有”。 16. A growing demand can result _ increased price. 答案: in 解答 句意:需求不断增加会导致价格不断上涨。result in表示“导致,结果是”。 17. The goods are packed _ special waterproof-lined cases and will be loaded _

27、board S.S. Tianhe, which leaves for Montreal on March 20. 答案:in,on 解答 句意:这些货物装在防水的箱子里,并装运在“天河”轮船上,于3月20日离开去往蒙特利尔市。in表示“在里面”;on board表示“在船上”。 18. As to terms of payment, we often require a confirmed letter of credit payable by draft at _. 答案: sight 解答 句意:关于支付条件,我们通常要求的是保兑的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。draft at sight表

28、示“即期汇票”。 19. You have to _ the goods to Singapore via Hong Kong since there is no direct vessel. 答案: transship 解答 句意:因为没有直达船只,因此你必须将货物经由香港转运至新加坡。transship表示“转运;转船”。 20. In compliance _ the stipulations of Contract No.167, you are to open the relative L/C before the end _ May. 答案:with,of 解答 句意:根据第167

29、号合同的相关规定,你方必须在五月底开具相关的信用证。in compliance with表示“依照,按照”;the end of表示“的最后”,为固定搭配。 三、英汉翻译 (每小题2分,共20分) 1. Enclosed is our latest catalog in which Page 16 details the unique features of our laser printers. 答案:随函附上最新的商品目录,其中第16页详细地介绍了我们的激光打印机的特色。 2. Please note that the prices you quote should be on an FO

30、B Hong Kong basis. Please also send us detailed information and a few samples for our examination. 答案:请注意务必报香港离岸价,并请寄给我们详细的资料和几件样品,以供我们检测。 3. We find it difficult to fill your order at the prices indicated in your letter because of the high cost of raw materials. 答案:由于原材料成本高昂,我们难以按你方来信价格供应订货。 4. We look forwar

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