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Nova Back to the Moon《新星回到月球》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、Nova Back to the Moon新星回到月球完整中英文对照剧本Fifty years after humans first set foot on the moon,人类首次登上月球50年之后,it may finally be time to go back.是时候再回去看看了We have seen a literal explosion of interest我们已经看到了一大♥波♥有意向的月球任务in the last five years or so.在过去的五年之内Now its not just one or two countries.现在

2、不仅仅是一两个国家Its the whole world interested in going.全世界都有兴趣去This time its different.这次不一样了This time we want to stick around.这次我们想留下来Now has come the time for us to make the next giant leap.现在是我们实现下一次飞跃的时候了NASA hopes it will become美国宇航局希望能够an enabler for lots of different activity on the moon.在月球上促成许多不同

3、类型的行动But how would we do that?我们该怎么做呢?And why?为什么要去?Whats changed since the 1970s?20世纪70年代以来发生了什么变化?We discovered that the moon is rich in metal deposits,我们发现月球上有丰富的金属矿床,large amounts of titanium and iron.大量的钛和铁Spaces resources will be the next great太空资源将是下一场伟大的economic revolution for humankind.人类的经

4、济变革机遇And a critical life-supporting resource.还有关键的生命支持所需的资源We think we have found ice.我们认为我们找到了冰If we do find water in space,如果我们在太空中找到了水,thats pretty much the most significant discovery这可以说是最重要的发现that we could have.我们所做到的This is an indication that living on the moon这表明在月球上生活might be possible.更具可能性B

5、ut is it a game changer?但这能改变游戏规则吗?Could we actually live off the moons resources我们真的能靠月球资源生活吗and build a self-sufficient human presence beyond Earth?在地球之外建立一个自给自足的人类基地?Are we about to pioneer a new frontier,我们要开拓一个新的领域taking the next giant leap for humankind?人类的下一次巨大飞跃?Theres only one way to find o

6、ut.只有一种方法可以找到答案Its Back to the Moon,就是“重返月球”right now,on NOVA!现在,在“NOVA”!Major funding for NOVA is provided by the following:“NOVA”的主要资金来源如下:December 14,1972.1972年12月14日The final Apollo mission prepares to return to Earth.最后一次阿波罗任务准备返回地球are you ready for me to go to the.?准备好了让我去?当我在月表踏出人类的最后一步时,未来的一

7、段时间里,我们相信不久的将来,我相信美国今天的挑战铸就了人类明天的命运As the last man ever to walk on the moon leaves,作为最后一个在月球上行走的人,Gene Cernan dreams of a future when people will return.吉恩塞尔南曾梦想着人们会回来我们来了,走了按神的旨意我们会回来,为全人类带来和平与希望But that hope fails to materialize.但这种愿望未能实现Years become decades,and there is no return.几年拖成了几十年,没有再重返No

8、w,50 years later,that may be about to change.50年后的今天,这种情况可能即将改变Humanity has its sights set on the lunar surface once more.人类再次将目光投向月球表面In January 2019,2019年1月,Chinas Change 4 mission中国的嫦娥四号♥任务becomes the first spacecraft to soft land成为第一个软着陆的航♥天♥器on the moons far side.在月球的背面And

9、a few months later,几个月后,Israel attempts to become the fourth nation以色列试图成为第四个国家to soft land a robotic probe on the moon.让机器人探测器在月球上软着陆The idea that a small country这种想法,一个小国可以could land on the surface of the moon实现在月球表面着陆is a very audacious goal.是一个非常大胆的目标And missions to return people to the moon are

10、 also taking shape.使人们重返月球的计划也正在成形NASA has a plan to build something called美国宇航局计划建造一个叫做the Lunar Gateway,“月球门户”空间站,which will orbit the moon as a spacecraft作为太空船环绕月球运行and allow astronauts to shuttle back up and down可以让宇航员往返于from the surface.月球的表面Theres a real sense of hope in the community社会中流传着一个愿

11、景that we are within ten years我们在十年之内of putting people back there.让人重返月球But why go back now?为什么现在要回去?Whats changed since the end of the Cold War moon race?冷战结束后月球竞赛有什么变化?Recent discoveries suggest theres much more to the moon最近的发现表明月球上还有更多资源than meets the eye.比已经发现的还要多There are large metal deposits,有

12、大量的金属沉积物,large amounts of titanium and iron.大量的钛和铁Spaces resources will be the next太空资源将是下一个great economic revolution for humankind.人类伟大的经济革命Such resources on the moon could kickstart a new space economy.月球上的这些资源可能会开创新的太空经济Now its the private sector,现在是私营公♥司♥,they want to see if they h

13、ave a valid business case他们想看看是否有一个可行的商业路线of economic activity that can happen on the moon.月球上可以运转的经济活动But with this new economic interest come new questions.但随着这种新的经济利益带来了新的问题Is it even possible to exploit resources可以开♥发♥资源吗without ownership rights?在没有所有权的情况下?Still,at least nine priva

14、te companies不过,至少有9家私营公♥司♥are forging ahead.正在努力banking on a future that includes寄希望于未来,包括regular traffic to the moon.定期去月球的航♥班♥But getting there is still costly and hard to achieve;但要去月球仍然需要付出高昂的代价,很难实现;staying there even harder.呆在那里更是艰难So what would it take to establish

15、 humanitys怎样才能建立人类first foothold on another world?在另一个世界的第一个立足点?BACK TO THE MOON重返月球The moon is inspiring because it is so real to people.月亮之所以令人振奋,因为它对人们来说是真实存在Its something that we see from our houses every night.我们每天晚上从家里就可以看到The moon is this gorgeous record of solar system history月球是太阳系历史上最华美的乐章

16、and just a few days away waiting for us to go explore.就在几天之外等着我们去探索Brett Denevi is in charge of the high resolution camerasBrett Denevi负责高分辨率摄像机on NASAs latest moon mapping mission-美国宇航局最新的月球测绘任务-The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter,月球勘测轨道器,or LRO.简称LROLROs mission was toLRO的任务是Essentially scout the sur

17、face of the moon基本上就是探测月球表面for future human exploration.为未来的人类探索做准备LRO was called for in 2004LRO任务于2004年被发起by President George W.Bush布♥什♥总统任内as part of his initiative作为他的计划的一部分to return humans to the lunar surface.把人类送回月球表面Beginning no later than 2008,不晚于2008年就开始实施we will send a series

18、 of robotic missions我们将派出一系列机器人任务to the lunar surface to research and prepare去月球表面研究和准备for future human exploration.为未来的人类探索Launched in 2009,2009年发射,part of LROs missionLRO任务的一部分is to survey the surface of the moon.就是勘测月球表面The moon really preserves月球真的保存了a complete geologic record完整的地质记录back to near

19、ly the formation of the solar system.差不多从太阳系的形成开始LRO is offering new insightsLRO提供了新的方向into the moons complete geological history,研究月球完整的地质历史,from a point almost as tall as Everest几乎和珠穆朗玛峰一样高的山峰to giant Mare basins half the size of continents,到半个欧洲大♥陆♥大小的巨型月海盆地,and strange topography u

20、nlike anything on Earth.奇怪的地形和地球上任何表面都不一样And this is our first look at how the moons surface这是我们第一次看到月球表面is still changing today.今天仍在持续改变的过程We can actually map the entire moon every month.我们每个月都可以扫描整个月球表面Were detecting the formation of new impact craters我们正在勘查新撞击坑的形成that have formed since weve been

21、in orbit.我们进入轨道后才发生的So,thats really the reason所以,这才是真正的原因why we need these very high-resolution images为什么我们需要这些高分辨率的图像that we get from the LRO,我们从LRO那里得到的,to pick out scientifically interesting landing sites挑选科学有趣的着陆地点to enable future human exploration.使未来的人类探索成为可能Dreams of living and working on the

22、 moon go back a long way.在月球上生活和工作的梦想可以追溯到很久以前In the early 1960s,the U.S. Army had a design在20世纪60年代初,美国♥军♥队有一个方案for an elaborate,permanently manned lunar base一个精心设计的,永久性的月球基地called Project Horizon.称为地平线计划When Apollo astronauts finally arrive,当阿波罗号♥宇航员到达时,the discoveries they ma

23、ke in the rocks他们在岩石中的发现actually add credibility to this dream.实际上给这个梦想增加了可信度嘿,尼尔,我不是说过可能看到一些紫色的石头吗?找到紫色的石头?是的!非常小,闪闪发光Geologist David Kring has spent his career地质学家大卫克林的职业就是studying their composition.研究它们的成分When the first samples were returned当第一批样品被带回by the Apollo 11 astronauts,阿波罗11号♥的宇航员s

24、cientists didnt know what to expect.科学家们不知道能有什么发现Was the moon composed of samples like asteroids月球是由小行星类似的成分组成的吗that we had analyzed as meteorites,我们称为陨石的那一类,or was the moon much like the Earth-或者月球和地球很像-a complex planetary body?一个复杂的行星体?Scientists,like myself,科学家,像我一样,use what we call a petrographi

25、c microscope,我们称之为岩相显微镜,to transmit light through very,very thin通过非常非常薄的岩石薄片slices of rock to identify the minerals.用来鉴定矿物成分The rocks revealed that the moon岩石显示月球is a geologically complex world-是一个地质复杂的世界-much like Earth-with lots of different minerals.很像地球-有很多不同的矿物Lurking amongst those samples were

26、 these basalts.这些样品中夹杂着玄武岩These were samples that we realized were produced我们发现这些样品是在when lavas flooded the surface of the moon熔岩淹过月球表面的时候产生的and when we analyzed them,当分♥析♥它们时,we realized that they had minerals我们意识到它们含有that were sometimes accompanied by ilmenite.通常伴随钛铁矿而生的矿物成分Ilmenite

27、is a mineral that looks completely opaque钛铁矿是一种看起来完全不透明的矿物in our samples.在样品之中This mineral is composed of iron,titanium,这种矿物是由铁,钛,and loads of oxygen.以及大量的氧组成With the Apollo-era discovery阿波罗时代发现of the moons potential mineral wealth,月球潜在的矿产资源,some credible thinkers seriously suggested一些可信的学者严肃地建议that

28、 the lunar surface could be a source of materials月球表面可以作为材料的来源for building bases off Earth,在地球之外建立基地,among them the legendry science fiction writer lsaac Asimov其中包括传奇科幻作家艾西莫夫and co-inventor of the particle accelerator,和粒子加速器的共同发明人,physicist Gerard ONeill.物理学家杰拉德奥尼尔The Apollo astronauts,in many of th

29、eir flights,阿波罗的宇航员,在他们的许多任务中,were picking up,just casually,chunks of rock随机捡了些石头on the lunar surface.在月球表面They were 40% aluminum by weight.按重量计,它们含40%的铝And the moon is very rich in titanium too,月球也富含钛元素,which we never use enough of here on Earth我们在地球上用得还远远不够because-because steel is so much cheaper.

30、因为钢铁要便宜得多But you could do things with titanium that can be very cute.但是你可以用钛做一些非常精致的产品By using these resources on the moon,利用月球上的这些资源,ONeill suggested that we could build large habitats奥尼尔建议我们可以建造大的栖息地floating in free space.漂浮在自♥由♥空间Such structures would be too expensive to build这样大的结构体建造起来太贵了and launch from Earth,还有从地球上发射的成本,as the modestly sized but costly $100 billion看起来不大的规模就需要耗资1000亿美元International Space Station demonstrates.国际空间站就是例子But if the raw materials are already

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