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1、英汉互译英语寓言短文阅读英语寓言故事小短文英汉互译英语寓言短文阅读_英语寓言故事小短文寓言是一种文学体裁,篇幅短小,语言凝练,结构简单却极富表现力。在英语教学中引用寓言故事,能直抵学生心灵深处,与学生产生共鸣。小编整理了英汉互译英语寓言短文,欢迎阅读!英汉互译英语寓言短文篇一There was a doctor who claimed to be good at treating surgical cases.有位医生,自称擅长治疗外科疾病。One day,a general was struck by an arrow from the enemy on the battlefield. T

2、he arrow hadpenetrated into his flesh,so he called for the surgeon.一天,有位武将在战场上中了敌人的飞箭,箭头穿进了皮肉。他命人请来了这位外科医生。The general told him what had happened. The surgeon said repeatedly:武将把情况对这位外科医生一讲,他连声说:The treatment is easy! The treatment is easy!好治!好治!He took up a pair of sharp scissors,and with a snap cu

3、t off the exposed arrow shaft.Hehanded over the arrow shaft to the general and said:只见他拿起一把锋利的剪刀,咔嚓一声,把露在皮肤外面的箭杆剪掉了。他就把箭杆交给武将,说:It's done. Please give me my pay.好了,请你付酬金吧!These words left the general not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. He said to the surgeon:武将被他弄得哭笑不得,对外科医生说:The arrow head

4、is still in my flesh.You must get it out quickly.箭头还留在皮肉里面,必须赶快取出来呀!The surgeon said:The arrow head in the flesh is a matter of internal medicine and hasnothing to do with my ‘surgery’.这位外科医生说:箭头在皮肉里面,这是内科的事了,与我‘外科’无关。英汉互译英语寓言短文篇二In the past, a man claimed to be a specialist

5、in curing hunchbacks. His signboard read:从前,有个人自称专治驼背,他的招牌上写着:I specialize in curing hunchbacks. No matter whether you are hunchbacked like a bow, ashrimp,本人专治驼背,无论你驼得像弓,像虾,a basket for rinsing rice or a rice pot, I guarantee that once I start treatment, your hunchbackwill be cured.像淘箩,像饭锅,凡是经我医治,保证

6、手到病除。One hunchback saw the signboard, believed it to be true, and asked for treatment.有一个驼背,看到招牌,果然信以为真,就请他医治。The doctor neither gave any prescription, nor let the patient take any medicine.他既不开药方,也不让吃药。他所有的医疗器具,就只是两块夹板。All the medical instrument he had was two boards for pressing.One board was put

7、on theground,on which the hunchback was told to lie on his stomach.他把一块板放在地上,叫驼背趴在上面,Another board was pressed on and tied tightly with the hunchback.用另一块压在驼背的身上,然后用绳索绷紧。Then the doctor jumped onto the board and trampled upon it at random with all his might.接着,他便自己跳到板上,拼命用脚乱踩一番。As a result, the hunc

8、hback was straightened, but, alas, he was dead and gone also.结果,那个人的驼背算是给压直了,可是他的性命也就呜呼哀哉了。When the hunchback’s son learned of this,of course he had it out with the doctor.But thedoctor said:驼背的儿子知道了,自然要与那个医生评理,那医生却说:My job is to straighten his back. It’s none of my business whether he i

9、s dead or alive.我只管把他的驼背弄直,哪能管他的死活!英汉互译英语寓言短文篇三In the past, a man claimed to be a specialist in curing hunchbacks. His signboard read:从前,有个人自称专治驼背,他的招牌上写着:I specialize in curing hunchbacks. No matter whether you are hunchbacked like a bow, a shrimp,本人专治驼背,无论你驼得像弓,像虾,a basket for rinsing rice or a ri

10、ce pot, I guarantee that once I start treatment, your hunchback will be cured.像淘箩,像饭锅,凡是经我医治,保证手到病除。One hunchback saw the signboard, believed it to be true, and asked for treatment.有一个驼背,看到招牌,果然信以为真,就请他医治。The doctor neither gave any prescription, nor let the patient take any medicine.他既不开药方,也不让吃药。他所

11、有的医疗器具,就只是两块夹板。All the medical instrument he had was two boards for pressing.One board was put on the ground,on which the hunchback was told to lie on his stomach.他把一块板放在地上,叫驼背趴在上面,Another board was pressed on and tied tightly with the hunchback.用另一块压在驼背的身上,然后用绳索绷紧。Then the doctor jumped onto the bo

12、ard and trampled upon it at random with all his might.接着,他便自己跳到板上,拼命用脚乱踩一番。As a result, the hunchback was straightened, but, alas, he was dead and gone also.结果,那个人的驼背算是给压直了,可是他的性命也就呜呼哀哉了。When the hunchback’s son learned of this,of course he had it out with the doctor.But the doctor said:驼背的儿子知道了,自然要与那个医生评理,那医生却说:My job is to straighten his back. It’s none of my business whether he is dead or alive.我只管把他的驼背弄直,哪能管他的死活!看了英汉互译英语寓言短文的人还看了:1.经典英语寓言故事阅读2.英语寓言故事小短文3.寓言故事英语版加翻译4.关于简短英语故事短文阅读5.关于英语寓言故事大全6.英语故事短文带翻译大全感谢您的阅读!

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