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1、诗歌鉴赏Poems:Hamlet P81.Why is sleep so frightening, according to Hamlet, since it can “end” the heartache and the thousand natural shocks”? Nobody can predict what he will dream of after he falls asleep.Death means the end of life, you may go to or unknown world and you cant comeback,. If he dies, Ham

2、let s cant realize his will. Though “sleep” can end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks, it is a state of mind. Hamlet didnt know at all. He is frightened by the possible suffering in the long “dream”. He cant predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good may be evil. 2.Why would peop

3、le rather bear all the sufferings of the world instead of choosing death to get rid of them, according to Hamlet? Death is so mysterious that nobody knows what death will bring to us. Maybe bitter sufferings, great pains, heartbreaking storiesBecause people hold the same idea to grunt and sweat unde

4、r a weary life, but that the dread of something after death-the undiscoverd country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.3.What, a

5、fter all, makes people lose their determination to take action? Please explain in relation to the so-called hesitation of Hamlet. Conscience and over-considerations. He wants to revenge, but doesnt know how. He wants to kill his uncle, but finds it too risky. He lives in despair and wants to commit

6、suicide. However, he knows if he dies, nobody will comfort his fathers ghost. He is in face of great dilemma. They dont know the result after their taking the action. Such as Hamlet, he doesnt know what would happen if he kills his uncle or kills himself . So Hamlet was hesitated.Shakespeare-Hamlet哈

7、姆雷特是莎士比亚精心塑造的人文主义者的形象,他对人自身、对人类的明天满怀热爱和信心,有着无比的智慧,人文主义教育使他胸怀远大抱负但突破其来的巨变,使他遭受了那样多的不快,他无忧无虑、明朗爽快的性格发生了变化。他渴望用进步的人文主义思想改造社会,却又觉重任难当,难以施为。踌躇难决之下,他苦思焦虑,性格一变而为忧虑沉闷,更因复仇的证据不足,一时也找不复仇的时机,无法贸然行动,这使得他优柔寡断,但他采取的一系列措施无不表现了他的机智勇敢、镇定缜密以及超人的智慧。Shakespeares Hamlet is the best shape in the image of humanism, full o

8、f love and confidence in the future of mankind. He used to have immense wisdom and humanist education in mind forms his ambitious. But after he suffered overnight tremendous changes, his open and forthright character changed. He was looking forward to using the idea of humanism to change the social

9、progress, but he felt he couldnt deserve it. Monologue of a strong sense of guilt reflects his pain and contradictory state of mind. Also some of his steps taken to assassinate his uncle show his ingenuity, courageous, calm careful and superhuman knowledge.1. Themes:MadnessMadness both real and feig

10、ned is at the heart of the play. Hamlets antic disposition has famously sparked a scholarly debate: Does Hamlet truly go mad or is it all an act? An impossible mystery, its one of many unanswered questions raised by the play. Nevertheless, the complexity and sheer ambiguity of Hamlets mental state a

11、nd erratic behavior is compelling and seems to speak to the plays overall atmosphere of uncertainty and doubt. Ophelias clear descent into madness (and subsequent drowning) is somewhat of a different issue. Critics tend to agree that Ophelia seemingly cracks under the strain of Hamlets abuse and the

12、 weight of patriarchal forces, which has important implications for the plays portrayal of Gender and Sex.RevengeHamlet gears up to be a traditional bloody revenge play and then it stops. The bulk of the play deals not with Hamlets ultimately successful vengeance on his fathers murderer, but with Ha

13、mlets inner struggle to take action. The play concludes with a bloodbath thats typical of revenge tragedy, but Hamlets infamous delay sets it apart from anything thats come before it. Hamlet is also notable for the way it weaves together three revenge plots, all of which involve sons seeking vengean

14、ce for their fathers murders. Ultimately, the play calls into question the validity and usefulness of revenge.MortalityHamlets musings on suicide, especially the to be or not to be speech, are legendary and continue to direct discussions of the value of life and the mystery of death. But Hamlet hims

15、elf never commits suicide. It is Ophelia, who never mentions the possibility of taking her own life, who drowns, seemingly as a result of some combination of madness and despair. Death threads its way through the entirety of Hamlet, from the opening scenes confrontation with a dead mans ghost to the

16、 bloodbath of the final scene, which leaves almost every main character dead. Hamlet constantly contemplates death from many angles. He is both seduced and repelled by the idea of suicide, but, in the famous gravedigger scene, he is also fascinated by the physical reality of death. In a way, Hamlet

17、can be viewed as extended dialogue between Hamlet and death.ReligionHamlet is not necessarily a play about religion but it does register many of religious ideologies and spiritual anxieties of the 16th century. Here were talking about the effects of the Protestant Reformation, and Christian ideas ab

18、out Mortality and the afterlife, all of which have major implications for the plays portrayal of the ghost. Hamlet is also interesting for the way it weaves together Christian attitudes toward murder, suicide, and revenge, which dont necessarily square with the basic tenets we typically find in the

19、Genre of Revenge Tragedy.Lies and DeceitHamlet, more than almost any character in literature, hates deception and craves honesty. It is one of the brilliant ironies of the play that Hamlet, an absolutist in his quest for truth, is trapped in a seamy political world where deception is a necessary par

20、t of life and political spin rules the day. This contrast, fascinating to the audience, is a torment to Hamlet. Deception is necessary for and used by every character in Hamlet, for every purpose ranging from love to parenting to regicide.Art and CultureLiterary critics consider Hamlet to be one of

21、Shakespeares most self-reflexive plays, which is to say that Hamlet self-consciously refers to the workings of the theater and also draws the audien.Sonnet 18 P131.How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? (Page 14)The poet opens with a question that is addressed to the

22、beloved, Shall I compare thee to a summers day? This question is comparing “thee” to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally considered as an enjoyable time during the year. The following el

23、even lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summers day: she is more lovely and more temperate. (Line 2) Summer days are sometimes shaken by rough winds (li

24、ne3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the poet gives the feeling again that the summer months are often too short by saying, And summer lease hath too short a date. In the summer days, the sun, the eye of heaven (line 5), often shines too hot, or too dim,

25、 his gold complexion dimmed (line 6) as every fair from fair sometime declines. (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various aspects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, Thy eternal summer shall not fade. (Line 9), and never end or die.At l

26、ast two lines, the poet explains how the beloveds beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike summer days. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live as long as men can breathe or eyes can see. (Line 13) the poem is outwardly a simple state

27、ment of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. At last, t

28、he poet starts to praise that the beloved is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, So long as men breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee.”(line 13、14) that the belo

29、ved is deserving to live on forever.2. What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more beautiful than summer and immortal?At the very beginning, the poet puts forth a question: “Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” Then he gives an answer: “Thou art more lovely and more temperate.” On the one h

30、and, “Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summers lease hath all too short a date;” on the other hand, “Sometime too hot the heaven shines, and often is his gold complexion dimmed.” So from the above two aspects the poet thinks that “thou” can be more beautiful than summer. In addition

31、, “And every fair from fair sometime declines, by chance, or natures changing course untrimmed.” Compared with immortal, “But thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lose possession of that fair thou owst, nor shall death brag thou wandrest in his shade, when in eternal lines to times thou growst.” T

32、herefore, the poet draws a conclusion: “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” In this poem, the poet makes “thou” more beautiful than summer and immortal because of his beautiful lines. So in this case, “thou” in the poem can be regarded as female because love can beauty eternal. Or “thou” can be referred to male, for friendship can make beauty everlasting. Even “thou” can be abstract “love” or “beauty” which will become eternal in the wonderful poem.Change, Fate, and EternityHoweve

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