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1、高考英语一轮复习Unit9Wheels课时作业北师大版必修3Unit 9 Wheels 基础训练.单句语法填空1If we have food and clothing,we will be content _ that. 2He was _(admit)to hospital suffering from burns.3_(addict)to computer games,he had no time to study.4I occupied _(I) in writing and I couldnt spare any time to play with you.5I really app

2、reciate _(have) time to relax with you on this nice island.6_ is likely that well go on a picnic in the forest tomorrow. 7.We were not companions. We were not _(suit) to each other.8After losing my hearing,Im very sensitive _ sounds. 答案1.with2.admitted3.Addicted4.myself完成句子9

3、The driver had to _ (停车) his taxi when he saw the traffic light turned red.10Just before we arrived at the station,the train to Xian _(驶离车站) and soon disappeared in the distance.11_ (直到他告诉我) that I knew they got divorced.12I didnt know _ (如何解出) this problem. With matters worse,there was nobody who c

4、ould help me.13_ (我们将感激不尽)if you could call her and tell her that were on our way up there to see her.答案9.pull up10.pulled out11.It was not until he told to work out13.Wed appreciate it.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In your life, you may have many unforgettable events like wining

5、 a prize, going aboard . _14_I was always dreaming of swimming like a fish! At that time, I was so jealous when I saw people swimming. _15_ Later, one summer afternoon, I followed my school buddies to a river, accompanied by my brother. I remember how eagerly I kicked off my shoes and jumped into th

6、e cool water. Truthfully, I was not sure what to do but struggle in the water. Luckily, a young swimmer nearby happened to find me and soon I was pulled out. Being out of water, I felt I was transported to the wonder world. Realizing that I was safe and well, I burst into tears. _16_ I went for anot

7、her try with my brother. But I feared that I would never become a good swimmer. I stepped carefully into the swimming pool but when the water came up to my stomach, I lost my balance again and fell into the water. I found myself further away from my brother than I thought. The king of Terror was app

8、roaching! Desperately, I kept my eyes wide open and tried to seize my brother by the arm, once, twice, three times.I was shouting and waving my arms exhaustedly. At last, my brother was able to reach out his hand to touch me. I got saved again._17_ But motivated by the desire to swim, I made my thir

9、d attempt. I felt my legs paralyzed(瘫痪)on the bank when I faced the big swimming pool. Watching the happy swimmers in the water, I was inspired. Why not have a last try? I took a deep breath and confidently went forward. As I was going deeper into the water, I made great efforts to control my though

10、ts, so I could keep the balance. _18_ I was able to swim! Yes, I was able to swim! All of a sudden, a feeling of satisfaction was running high. ABut for me, the most unusual event is learning how to swim.BI would never go swimming again after two unpleasant experiences. CDont be afraid of the hardsh

11、ips in front of you. DAnyway, my dream never ended.EI told myself that I would be one of them one day.FTo my amazement, I made it!GI always believe “Where there is a will, there is a way”答案14.A15.E16.D17.B18.F.课文浓缩短文改错In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans came up an idea that it would be better for

12、everybody if cars were not allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were. It could contribute to save energy and protecting environment. Then, people were free to use the bicycles painted by the group for short journeys. But, all the bicycles were stolen by thieves, that annoyed the cycling fans

13、. Over three decades later, the “white bike” has returned back, with each one fixing with a computer chip, by which the bikes every moves is recorded. In addition, the bicycles have special parking places. Nowadays, with locals and tourists use the white bikes, there is always less traffic in centra

14、l Amsterdam. Therefore, this city, which people have been enjoying the benefits of cycling for many years, is called “City of Bicycles” because the convenience for bicycles there.答案In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans came up an idea that it would be better for everybody if cars were not allowed in

15、 the city centre and only bicycles were. It could contribute to energy and protecting environment. Then, people were free to use the bicycles painted by the group for short journeys., all the bicycles were stolen by thieves, annoyed the cycling fans. Over three decades later, the “white bike” has re

16、turned ,with each one with a computer chip, by which the bikes every is recorded. In addition, the bicycles have special parking places. Nowadays, with locals and tourists the white bikes, there is always less traffic in central Amsterdam. Therefore, this city, people have been enjoying the benefits

17、 of cycling for many years, is called “City of Bicycles” because the convenience for bicycles there.能力提升.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题:帮助词数:247时间:15My teeth screamed.I couldnt_1_ them any longer.I finally ignored my_2_ of dentists and decided to get them fixed.But how? I was a college student and_3_ supported mysel

18、f with parttime jobs.I_4_ the first dentist within walking distance.The receptionist told me to come right over.As I hurried across the campus, I forgot the pain in_5_ how I would pay the bill.In a few minutes I was in a chair being_6_ by a dentist who said, “Hmm!” as he surveyed the broken parts in

19、 my_7_“Your teeth are in bad shape.But dont worry, Im going to_8_ them.” “No, youre not.I cant_9_ to pay you.” I started climbing out of the chair.“Dont_10_!” he said, “I know you are a student and have no money, but you can pay me_11_ you graduate and get a good job with a mouthful beautiful_12_” T

20、hen he calmly picked up his_13_ and fixed the aching teeth.From that day on, I saw him every week until my teeth were in good_14_And he kept them that way with regular checkups.After_15_, I got a job and settled his_16_ in a few months.In the 40 years following, there are strangers who appear out of

21、 nowhere when I need_17_Theyve_18_ and given me money, materials or equipment; theyve taught me_19_ and helped me organize groups; sometimes theyve_20_ me from danger or making a big mistake.So, dentist dear, wherever you are, bless you and thank you again!1A.beat Bneglect Cfight Ddefend 答案B因为牙齿疼痛,所

22、以不能忽略他们了,要去找牙医治疗。2A.fear Barrangement Ceffect Dfailure 答案A作者害怕治疗牙齿,也就是说他害怕见牙医。3A.easily Bgently Chorribly Dbarely 答案D从with parttime jobs可知,作者是个大学生,做兼职工作很难支持自己的生活费用。暗示作者没有钱去治疗牙齿。4A.called Bvisited Cgreeted Dentered 答案A通过下文的The receptionist told me to come right over可知,作者是先打电话给牙医。5A.making out Bsettin

23、g aside Cworrying about Dmaking up 答案C作者因为没有钱付治疗牙齿的费用而担心,故而忘记了疼痛。6A.wondered Bexamined Cwarned Dsuggested 答案B作者坐在椅子上接受牙医的检查。 examine作“检查”讲,用于医生对病人身体的检查。7A.head Bstomach Cchest Dmouth 答案D牙齿是长在嘴里的,所以选D。8A.remove Bpull Cfix Ddamage 答案C牙医给作者修理牙齿。下文的Then he calmly picked up his _ and fixed the aching tee

24、th给出了提示。9A.afford Bovercome Cresist Dsupply 答案Aafford常与can/could/be able to 连用,表示“支付得起;付得起钱”。10A.assist Bmove Cadjust Dparticipate 答案B作者想从椅子上站起来不接受治疗,但是牙医让他不要动。11A.unless Bbefore Cwhile Dafter 答案D根据牙医的意思可知,牙医知道作为学生,作者没有钱,让他找到工作以后再付给他钱。12A.teeth Bfood Cwater Dtongue 答案A从前面的mouthful可知答案应选A。 B

25、mercy Ctools Dcuriosity 答案C牙医拿出工具为作者修补疼痛的牙齿。14A.shape Bsize Cmanner Dquality 答案A作者每星期都去找牙医治疗自己的牙齿,直到牙齿形状好看。上文的Your teeth are in bad shape给出提示。15A.operation Bdecoration Cgraduation Dinvestigation 答案C作者毕业以后,找到了好的工作。上文的but you can pay me _11_ you graduate and get a good job也给出了提示。16A.problem Battempt C

26、bill Devaluation 答案C作者毕业后找到了工作,几个月之后还清了当初治疗牙齿的钱。17A.wealth Bpossession Cevidence Dhelp 答案D作者总是能遇到像牙医一样的好人,他们在作者需要帮助的时候帮助了他。18A.borrowed Blent Cgained Dearned 答案B当作者需要的时候他们借钱给他或给他钱。19A.skills Brewards Cpolicies Dsenses 答案A根据and helped me organize groups可以判断这些人教给作者一些技能(技巧)并帮助他组织一些团体。20A.prevented Bres

27、cued Cpromoted Dapplied 答案B从下面的from danger or making a big mistake可以推断这些人从危险中或当“我”犯大错误的时候拯救“我”。.阅读理解A体裁:说明文话题:科技词数:299时间:6Plastic is one of the most important technological discoveries of the 20th century.However, German scientists are certain that this material may soon be replaced.The new developm

28、entliquid woodcan replace plastics in all branches of modern industries.Plastic as a material enjoys the biggest demand in the modern world, but it does have a number of disadvantages.First, plastic is not recyclable.Second, it contains poisons that can cause cancer.Finally, plastic is made of oil,

29、which is not endless.The liquid wood technology is able to replace plastic and providing mankind with new materials for many years ahead.Arboform is a new material, which can be got from soft tissues(组织) of wood.Once mixed with several other ingredients(成分), it turns into solid and nonpoisonous mate

30、rial.The woodworking industry separates wood into three basic things including lignin(木质素), which is not used for the production of paper.Specialists of the Faunhofer Institute mixed lignin with several natural materials and thus invented the material which could be melted and moulded(铸造)When solid arboform looks like plastic and possesses the qualities of wood, it can be used for the production of any items.Arboform is already used for the production of car parts.However, the new invention does not enjoy a wide use due to the high content of sulphur(硫) in it.German

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