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初中英语what wereyoudoing教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、初中英语what were you doing 教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstormcame?教学目标:1 语言目标:能运用过去时态描写过去发生的事情2 技能目标:能听懂有关过去发生事件,能简单描写过去发后的事件3 情感目标:能过学习本课,培养学生在困境中互帮互助的品质教学重点单词短语: rainstorm, suddenly, alarm , go off ,pick up , strange, report, area, wood, light, window, match, beat, heavily,a

2、gainst, asleep, fall asleep, die down, rise, apart, passage, pupil, bright,play ground, bell, completely, silence, in silence, recently, date, tower, at first, realize, truth句子: 1. What were you doing at eight last night? Iwas taking a shower. 2. What was she doing at the time of therainstorm?She wa

3、s doing her homework. 3. What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library when therainstorm came. 4. What was Ben doing when it began to rainheavily?When it began to rain, Ben was helping hismom make dinner. 5. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?While Linda was slee

4、ping, Jenny was helpingMary with her homework语法:过去进行时。 教学难点: when, while引导的时间状语从句中的过去时和过去进行时 Section A 1 (1a-2d)Step 1 Warmingup Yesterday,there was a rainstorm. Where were they when the rainstorm came?Hereare some reports.Forexample:A:Where were you when the rainstorm came?B:I was in the library.A:

5、 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?B:I was waiting for the bus at the busstop.1a Wherewere the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with thepeople in the picture.1._ I was in the library. 2._ I was in my house.3._I was on the street. 4._I was at the bus stop.Step 2 Lis

6、tening:What were they doing when the rainstorm came? Lets listen. Payattention to “was/were +doing”1bListen to the TV report and circle the correct response. a.doing my homework / studying b. playingbasketball / reading c. going towork / waiting for the bus d. walkinghome / shoppingFill in the blank

7、s according to the Tv report.Step 3 SpeakingLook at the pictures and answer the questions by using “was/were + doing”For example:A: What was the boy doing at the time of therainstorm?B: He _.Pairwork: 1c Talk about what the people in 1a were doing at the time of the rainstorm.Step 4 Listening2a List

8、en and number the pictures 1-5.2bListen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.Step 5 judgingLook at the statements below. Are they true or false?1. The boy didnt wake up until seven thirty because his alarm didnt work. ( )2. He arrived at school at eight. ( )3. He still didnt catch the bu

9、s although he ran to the bus stop. ( )4. While he was waiting for the bus, it suddenly started to rain heavily. ( )5. While he was busy looking for the umbrella in his schoolbag, a car came and got water all over him. ( )Step 6 reading 2dRole play the conversation.Step7 practiceRead the dialogue in

10、2d, then answer the questions below. 1. What was Linda doing at seven last night? She was in the kitchen helping her mom.2. What was Linda doing at eight? She was taking a shower.3. What was Linda doing at nine? She was sleeping at that time.4. Why did Mary call so many times? Because she needed hel

11、p with her homework.Step 8 Summary 1. 在图书馆 in the library 2.在的时候 at the time of3. 去上班 go to work 4.等公共汽车wait for the bus5. 走路回家walk home 6. 在街上on the street7. 打篮球playbasketball 8. 弹钢琴play the pianoStep 9 ExerciseFill in the blanks According to the conversationMary called Linda many times last night

12、because she _, but Linda didnt _. At seven, Linda was in the kitchen _. At eight, she was _. At nine, she _ at that time for she was _. Finally, Mary called Jenny and she_ her. Step10 homeworkWrite a composition 学情分析本班学生的特点是有几个尖子生,两级分化严重,不学习的太多,致使学习英语的气氛不浓厚,学习习惯不好,不得法,有的破罐子破摔。没有学习英语的兴趣。 本节课上同学们的学习热情

13、还不错,可能是录课的原因,听课认真,配合不错,很快能掌握此句型。效果分析创设情境,引入新课部分:学生是教学活动的主体,而英语自主探究与合作交流是学生学习英语的重要方法。教学中,教师呈现生活情境,引导学生观察,识记what were you doing when the rainstorm came? 以图片呈现情境,一问一答。多次浮现这个句型,教师整个教学过程注重学生参与的主动性,在互相启发的学习活动中,使学生逐步掌握过去进行时,熟知这个句型。巩固新知部分:通过多层次练习,让学生在练习过程中不断加深对 were/was +doing 的认识与理解,提高学生的观察能力、理解和运用能力。 这几个练

14、习题,有百分之八十的学生全对,掌握的效果不错,以后有待进一步提高。 教学反思本节课上完之后,感觉一般,本节课采取了开门见山的方式,以问答的方式直接引出本课的重点,采用了几幅图片来练习过去某一时间正在发生的动作,通过反复的练习使得学生快速找到练习的重点,然后利用听力内容强调重点句型 was/were +doing ,大部分同学配合较好,因为第一次录课比较紧张,感觉自己没发挥好。加之听力2a有点难度,所以同学们也紧张。 今后努力方向:提升自身素质,加大对学生听力的训练,提高对学生的要求。希望师生共同进步。教材分析本节课是人教版八年级英语下册第五单元的第一课。本单元谈论的是过去的事情。围绕回忆过去的

15、事展开教学活动,创设生动真实的教学情境,再现故事情节,学会使用过去进行时的表达法。学习when与while引导的时间状语从句,在具体情境中加以运用。 1a 是把句子和图片相匹配,1b 来训练同学们的听力,注意句型结构。1c pair work让同学们更进一步掌握过去进行时,再接着听力2a,培养同学们讲故事的能力。继续练习was/ 句型。测评练习一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. We _ (wash)our clothes at six yesterday evening.2. While Ann _ (talk) with her desk mate, the teach

16、er came in.3. What _ he _ (do )at five oclock yesterday afternoon.4. He _ (watch) TV when I came in.5. She _ (do) her homework while her mother _ (cook).6. He _ (wait) for me when the train arrived.附3.日照市“一师一优课”“一课一名师”活动议课记录单学 校: 岚山区巨峰初级中学 授 课 人: 郑培美 学 科: 英语 日 期: 2017年4月13日 议课人数: 4 负责人: 梁淑玉 课题What w

17、ere you doing when the rainstorm came?班级8(2)节次3教 学 过 程 评 价主 要 优 点1、知识结构讲解明确清晰;2、目标达成度高,学生掌握较好;3、教学过程流畅完整;4、教学内容难易适中,时间分配合理;5、板书明晰,幻灯片重点突出。存 在 问 题少数学生掌握不够好,问题的指向性不够准确,学生有理解不到的现象;合作探究环节学生没有全身心投入,树立自信心很关键。 改 进 建 议教学设计的目标指向性更明确些,对于合作探究模式尽可能多得让学生参与,内容设计上尽量全面照顾学生。注:本表作为学校开展“一师一优课”“一课一名师”活动存档必备材料。课标分析新标准在设

18、计上体现了“以人为本”的教育理论,由浅入深,逐步过渡,符合学生的年龄特征和认知能力结构。画面生动、形象、直观,学生很容易看懂,而且图文并茂,学生记忆深刻,不易忘记。初二、初三更多的是注重学生的阅读能力、写作能力以及学习策略方面的培养。以任务为主的语言教学,是近些年来语言教学发展的新趋势。所谓以任务为主的语言教学, 就是以学习者完成某些人物的形式来组织教学活动。语言教学中的任务指学习者在理解、处理和使用语言的过程中完成的活动或执行的行为。比如, 一边听录音,一边做好笔记; 一边听指令一边根据指令进行操作或做动作就是任务。关于写作,写作是一种难度较高的语言输出活动。为了帮助学生较好地学习英语写作,本单元注重语言输入的训练,分层次逐步深入。通过分解写作过程来降低写作任务的难度,减少学生在写作过程中的焦虑感,培养学生英语写作的自信心。

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