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1、九年级英语全册Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes生词和短语教案新版人教新目标版Unit 7第一课时: New words and phrasesTeaching and Learning Goals:一知识和能力目标:1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words) license, safety, smoke, part-time, pierce, earring, flash, tiny, cry, field, hug, lift, badly, awful, teen, regret, poem, com

2、munity, chance, educate, manage, society, support, enter, choice2. 能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful phrases)talk back, keepaway from, make ones own decision, get in the way of3. 能认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words)Picasso4. Understand, translate and retell a passage made up of the above curriculum words and phrases acco

3、rding to a mind map (理解、翻译并复述用课标内单词编写的故事)二学习策略:Remember the curriculum words and phrases according to the specific situations or semantic map. (能够根据语境或意群记忆单词和词组)3情感态度:1. 通过学习了解中西方教育差异,以及行为准则制定的异同。了解作为学生什么该做,什么不该做。鼓励学生发表自己的观点。2. 在与父母的关系方面,引导学生和父母多沟通交流,当和父母有意见分歧时,多交流看法,理解父母培养孩子的良苦用心。Teaching and Learn

4、ing Steps: Step1. Warming-up 1. Enjoy a song about growing pains namedAs long as we got each other中感受中学生青春期心理成长的变化自我,不稳定,叛逆!思考青少年成长中的烦恼! T: Hello, Everyone! Do you like this song? Its for you, all of teenagers. Do you have growing pains? What are they?S1: I think my school life is sad. I have too mu

5、ch homework.S2:I think its awful to sty up late.S3: I think its boring.T: Why? Do you any school rules or family rules?S1: Yes, there are many rules. I cant have much time to play. S2: I cant hung out with my friends. T: Would you like to know more about the rules and learn to deal with these proble

6、ms with me? S: Yes, I d like to.2. Show students the learning aims of this lesson.(设计意图:上课伊始,利用歌曲或图片导入到这一单元的功能话题,并向学生展示学习课题与学习目标,帮助他们明确这一节课的学习任务所在。)Step2. Learn to read the words and phrases on Page162-163.T: If you want to got the secret to dealing with the problems. There are three challenges for

7、you. Show them the challenges.T: Lets come to challenge 1 :Read the words.1. Read the new words using the phonetics(音标) and underline the difficult words .2. Read the underlined words in turn in small groups. One student reads, the others listen and help to correct the wrong pronunciations(纠正错误发音).3

8、. Several students read the words aloud in turn in class and the others correct their wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher helps them.4. Read after the tape and imitate the pronunciations.5. Read the words aloud by themselves again.(设计意图:该步骤能有效培养学生个人识读单词的学习习惯,这是学习单词的重要一步;首先学生自己根据音标识读单词,并标

9、划出读时有困难的单词。接着以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后再找部分同学读单词,请其他学生纠正错误的发音。接着让全体学生模仿录音跟读,去学习最标准的发音,最后学生们再读一遍以加强记忆。该环节只会读即可,降低识读难度,提高全体学生积极性。)Lets come to challenge 2: Remember the words by the pictures.Step3. Learn to remember the new words and phrases.一、 Remember the words by looking at the pictures. Ask students to fini

10、sh the sentences below by themselves and get their meanings. (引导通过图片和例句提示去领悟和学习新单词和新词组,并加以运用。) poem n. 诗歌;韵文Teenagers should be allowed to write poems by themselves.hug n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱 lift v. 举高,抬高When teenagers were tiny(adj.极小的;微小的) babies, their parents often gave them hugs and lifted them up. fie

11、ld n.田野,场地Teenagers should be allowed to go to the field for fun on vocations.flash n. &v. 闪光灯Teenagers should be allowed to take photos if they dont use a flash in the museum. teen & teenager n. 青少年 When teenagers grow up, they should obey the rules of school and family. earring n. 耳环;耳饰Teenagers s

12、hould not be allowed to wear earrings at school. pierce v. 扎;刺破;穿Teenagers should not be allowed to get their ears pierced. smoke n. 烟& v.吸烟 Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke at school. cry v. 哭;哭喊 Teenagers should not be allowed to cry in the classroom. part-time adj. &adv. 兼职的 Teenagers sho

13、uld be allowed to have part-time jobs. license n. 证件Teenagers should wear their school licenses at school.lift n. 搭便车Teenagers should be allowed to take a lift on their way to school. choice n. 选择;挑选 Teenagers should be allowed to have their own choices. keep away from 远离,避免接近Teenagers should be all

14、owed to keep away from computer games. talk back 顶嘴Its awful (adj.极坏的;讨厌的)for teenagers to talk backto your parents. make ones own decision 自己做决定 chance n. 机会,可能性 Teenagers should be given chances to make their own decisions. educate v. 教育 education n. 教育 Teenagers should be educated to pay more att

15、ention to their education. community n.社团;社区 Teenagers should take an active part in communities at school.(设计意图:尽量采用含有本课所学英文单词的图片,与图片匹配的是具有与本单元相关联的情景例句。目的是让学生更直观地理解单词的意思,通过建立语境和语义之间的关系,促进理解、加深记忆,培养学生用英语思维的习惯。) 二、 Remember the words by complex words (合成)、 derivative(派生)、conversion(转换) and comparison

16、(对比).合成词:1. I need a part-time job after class.part+time=part-time adj.兼职的 2. Teenagers shouldnt wear earrings at school.ear+ring=earring n. 耳环;耳饰派生词:1. The place is safe. I am worried about your adj. 安全的safety n.安全;安全性2.This kind of food is bad for our health.The old woman near the wind

17、ow was coughing badly.bad adj. 坏的 badly adv. 严重的,差3.They should be educated to take care of themselves from a young age.He received a good education at school.educate v.教育education n.教育转换词:1. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke.The house is full of smoke.smoke v. 吸烟;冒烟smoke n. 烟2. We should be al

18、lowed to take photos if we dont use a flash.The silver plate is flashing on the table.flash n.闪光灯 flash v.闪耀;闪光3 The little boy was crying.He heard a cry for help.cry n. 哭;喊 cry v. 哭;喊4.She gave me a hug.They hugged together after the match.hug n. 拥抱;搂抱 hug v. 拥抱;搂抱5.You can take the lift to the sec

19、ond floor.When I was a child, my dad often lifted me up.lift n. 电梯 lift v. 举起;抬高6.I regret talking back to my parents.My regret is that I have missed the chance to go abroad for further education.regret v.遗憾 regret n. 遗憾;懊悔7.Whatever you do, I will support you.Thanks for your n. 支持 s

20、upport v. 支持 (设计意图:英语的词汇无限,英语的词根有限,很多词都是通过附加词缀变化而来,因此根据构词法,寻找规律来记忆词汇非常有效。在实际教学中,老师可先用PPT展示出基础词汇,同学们小组合作探究出新的目标单词。 )三、Remember the phases by matching itself with its back to your parents 下定你的决心去完成这项工作regret missing the chance 妨碍你的学习keep teenagers away from the Internet 允许学生们小组合作学习allow t

21、eenagers to study with group 让学生远离网络make your own decision to complete the work 和父母顶撞get in the way of your study 很遗憾失去了这次机会(设计意图:让学生连线搭配进行语块记忆是一种有效的记忆短语的方式。 )四、Remember the words by their similar pronunciations .1. safety community difficulty beauty society2. badly politely really friendly(设计意图:根据相

22、似读音拼写单词。英语是拼音文字,其读音和拼写有直接关系,建立单词音、形的对应关系能够让学生利用已经学过的单词去识读新单词,可以让学生自主思考总结说出更多单词。)Step4. Consolidate the words and phrases.T: How many new words and phrases can you memorize? Lets have a PK and see who has a quick mind.1. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese.2. Cover the En

23、glish words and phrases, look at the Chinese and say the English for them.3. Write down the words they havent grasped. (设计意图:此环节为巩固单词。可以通过游戏,竞赛,提问或使用助学默写的形式来对单词加以巩固。这一环节有少部分的学生往往不达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。)Step5 .Read the story and translate the story.1. Ask the students to read the pass

24、age silently, and underline the new words and phrases.2. Translate the following passage into Chinese in groups .3. Read the story fluently by themselves. My Growing StoryWhen I was a tiny crying baby, my parents often gave me a hug and lifted me up. Because I enjoyed it. They often took me to play

25、in the field and took photos without a flash. Because they cared about my safety and tried to keep me from away any hurt. I felt that they loved me very much. Later I was growing up, and my parents often gave me more and more “love”. But I thought it was not love, and it was pressure!When I was a te

26、enager(teen) at school, my parents often told me many awful family rules. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get a drivers license . Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to have part- time job and learn to smoke. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get their ears pierced and wear earrings. Even I wasnt allowed

27、to learn to write some poems. They often educated me not to do anything that gets in the way of study. But at that time, I thought I was old enough to do what I wanted to do. So I often talked back to my parents badly. Later my teacher had several conversations with my parents and me. Finally my par

28、ents and I knew that we love each other but we couldnt use the correct methods. I regretted doing that. They became very patient and often chatted with me. They encouraged me to take part in many communities and learned to manage my own life after entering society. And they gave me chances to make m

29、y own decisions and they believed my choices. Now I am appreciate the true love of my parents. Thanks for their support for me. I believe in myself that I can try my best to do well. I wont let them down! (设计意图:词不离句,句不离篇。在学生掌握本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成了一篇小故事,引导学生不仅记忆词汇本身的意义,s 同时在具体的语境中体会它的意义。体现了词不离句的教学原

30、则。有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇。)Step6. Mind map 1. Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the story, they can discuss in groups.2. Get the students to retell the article using the mind map . (设计意图:把故事和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,使学生对词汇从逻辑范畴上记忆词汇。进一步把词汇和具体语境的连接起来,巩固对词汇的记忆。)3

31、. 情感态度T: Do you think its necessary to make rules at school?S: Yes.T: Can you give us some examples?S1: We shouldnt be allowed to eat in class.S2: We cant run after class.T: Do you have rules in your family?S1: I cant hung out with friends after class.S2: I cant study with a group.T: If you disagree the rules, will you argue with your parents?S: Yes.T: Do you think you can deal with the problems this way? Is it useful?S: No.T: What should we do while facing such problems?S1: We should talk with them patiently.

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