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1、高中英语语法填空专练含答案语法填空题专练Passage 1【2018年杨浦区一模语法填空】Its interesting when you think about how Japan is a nation (21) _ appreciates the virtues of silence and good manners, and yet when it comes to eating noodles, Japanese people can be (22) _ (loud) in the world.According to lifestyle website,slur

2、ping(发出哧溜声) when eating noodles (23) _ (encourage) in Japanese culture.Its believed that taking air into your mouth (24) _ enhance the flavor of the noodles, and that it helps cool down the noodles.Its also considered to be a way to show appreciation for the dish.Sometimes, just making the noise alo

3、ne seems to make the noodles more enjoyable.It wasnt until a new expression“noodleharassment(骚扰)”- came out last year on social media (25) _ Japanese people started to realize that the slurping noise is making some foreign visitors uncomfortable.(26) _ a response, Japanese instant noodle maker Nissi

4、n introduced a so-called noise-canceling fork last month.The fork, which looks like an electric toothbrush, is connected wirelessly to a smart phone.When the person using the fork starts to slurp, the fork sends a signal to the persons phone, (27) _ (make) it play a sound to mask the slurping noise.

5、But is it really necessary? Dining traditions do vary. (28) _ is considered to be proper table manners in one country is likely to be seen as rude in another.In India, people eat with their hands (29) _ they think in this way they build a connection with the food.However, people who are used to eati

6、ng with forks might find it uncomfortable to get their hands (30) _ (cover) in oil and bits of food.But this eating method is part of Indians culture, just like Japans slurping is part of its own.“So, if you are eating noodles, whether thatsramen, uudon, or soba, please slurp,”wrote reporter Brian A

7、shcraft on blog Kotaku.“If anyone gets annoyed while you are doing that,pay them no mindbecause theyre missing the point entirely.”Passage 2【2018年长宁区一模语法填空】DevelopingCompetentTeachingNations that have greatly improved their students achievements, such as Finland, Korea, Singapore, and others,attribu

8、temuch of their successtotheir focusedinvestments in teacher preparation and development.21 (Create) a system that can routinely hire and prepare teachers effectivelyand can support successful teaching is the arena (竞技场) in which the United States22 (fall) behind the most. Although there are some gr

9、eat teachers in every community, the landscape of the supports for quality teaching looks like Swiss cheese. In some states, the holes are smaller, and in others they are bigger. Nor in no case is there a fully23 (develop) system of instructional support even remotely comparable to that inhigh-achie

10、ving nations.And of course, as we have seen, the system is the weakest in communities24 students needs are greatest.Some have argued that the answer to weak teaching in the United States isto eliminate “barriers” to teaching, such as teacher education and certification requirements, allow anyone who

11、 wants to teach into the classroom, and fire those who prove not to be effective. Although the interest in teaching effectiveness is important, this approach does not offer strategy25 (ensure) that teachers will have opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills they need in order to be effective,

12、or that all schools will have the resourcesto attract and hire the best teachers.26 does it protect the students in low-income schools, who will be the victims of unprepared and inexperienced teachers in the years until these teachers have demonstrated their incapability and left the field.A regulat

13、ion27 (focus) on easy access and easy firing ignoresthe question of how to develop widespread teaching skills and ensure a strong supply of highly able teachers for schools.28 such supply, principals will be unable to hire strong teachers even if they are free to hire whomever they are pleased with,

14、 and, evidence shows that schools are likely to fire weak teachers,29 they feel they wont be able to replace them. Even if they do, there is little guarantee that the quality of teaching30 (improve). although there are good reasons to argue for stronger evaluation practices for removing incapable te

15、achers and for recognizing excellent ones, a theory that the major problems with teaching can be solved bycarrots and sticksalone leaves the development of teaching abilities to chance.Passage 3 【2018年长宁区一模语法填空】The Grasshopper in Van Gogh Paintingconservators(管理员) dream offinding (21)_(hide) secrets

16、 in themasterpieces they look after. Rarely do they expect to find a dead grasshopper.Conservators at the Nelson-Atkins museum of art in Kansas City said they discovered the dead insect in one of its star paintings,Vincent van Goghs Olive Trees, when it (22)_ (scan) as part of the research for a cat

17、alogue of its French painting collection.It wasspottedby Mary Schafer.She told a local broadcasterthat she found it in the works lowerforeground.“(23)_(look) at the painting with the microscope,Icame acrossthe tiny body of a grasshopper covered in the paint, so it (24)_ haveoccurredin the wet paint

18、back in 1889.“We can connect it toVan Goghpainting outside, so we think of him battlingthe elements, dealing with the wind, the bugs, and then hes got to walk back to his studio through the fields. Whats fun is that we can come up with all these stories for (25)_ the insectlandedin the paint.”Schafe

19、r said they were curious to know if the grasshopper could be studied (26)_(far) to possiblyidentifywhich season Van Gogh painted Olive Trees.Michael Engel, a professor at the University of Kansas,was approached(27)_(examine) the grasshopper further. He discovered that part of the insects body was mi

20、ssing and there was no sign of movement in the surrounding paint. In other words, it was already dead (28)_ itsomehow landed on the artistswet canvasand could not be used for dating purposes.Van Gogh painted Olive Trees in 1889, the year after hisfalling out withhis friend Gauguin, (29)_ may have le

21、d to his famous act ofself-mutilationin the history of art:cutting off his own ear.The grasshopper may not help in any art historical research but it has become atalking pointfor museum visitors, looking closely into the painting to see (30)_ they can spot the dead insect.Passage 4【2018年松江区一模语法填空】On

22、e of my 21_(memorable) vocations took place on a farm.When I was a boy, my parents and I traveled from New York City to the pennsylvania countryside for a weeklong taste of rural life. We stayed in the guesthouse on a farm, 22_(join) in the daily routines and eating meals with the farmer and his fam

23、ily. We got up early to see the cows as they 23_(milk). I even tried my hand at milking one, and then joined the farmer as he released the cows into the field afterward.Decades later I still have vivid memories of that trip and of experiencing a lifestyle so different 24_ my own. It made me realize

24、the value of a vacation.To this day, I wonder 25_ _ that farmer ever managed to enjoy a vacation of his own. There is never a day when animals dont need to be fed. But I still think of that family trip when I plan my approach to taking time off with my wife and kids. Vacations are a time for resting

25、 and connecting. As a bank manager, I spent much of my workday encouraging my customers to save their money. One of the reasons I give is that we should all have enough for a family vacation every year. In our busy lives, family is what we 26_ be saving our money and time for.For my family, our vaca

26、tion starts when we begin planning the trip. We talk about destinations and our budget ahead of time. Among the things we discuss: can we save money by renting a house instead of spending six nights in the hotel? will it be better 27_(buy) groceries and cook for ourselves rather than eat out every n

27、ight?28_(involve) the kids in planning the vacation makes sure that we have a great vacation too. I prefer to visit historical sites and museums while they love to fish and swim. So I build in some relaxation time for us all 29_ the vacation can work for everyone.Each year, setting aside vacation ti

28、me to spend together is especially important to us. This is the one week a year I dont care whether my kids clean their room or do the dishes.30 matters that week is that everyone is having a great time.Passage 5 【2018年青浦区一模语法填空】Rescue in the RapidsON A BREEZY Saturday in April 2014, former police o

29、fficer Kevin OConnor and his son, Ryan, were standing in a park near the Fox River in Geneva, Illinois. As Kevingazed atthe river, hecaughtsight ofseveral people on the bank (21)_(motion) toward the water. When he looked in thatdirection, he noticed a bright red boatturning in a spinning circlein th

30、estormywater at the base of the Geneva Dam,300 feet away.Kevin assumed the person on the boat (22)_ (jump) out of it. “Then I heard a warning signalwith a loud sound,” says Kevin, now 42. “Thats (23)_I realized somebodywas in trouble.”He couldnt see anyone in the river, (24)_hespedtoward the bank an

31、ddashed intothefreezing water. About 150 feet from shore, hespiedan object moving downriver. “I thought it was alifejacket,” he says. “When I caught up to it, I realized it (25)_ (attach) to a person.”Now in water up to his neck, Kevingrabbedthe man, (26)_was floating on his backunconscious, under botharmpitsand held his head above thesurface.Kevinstruckthe mans chest again and again. After five hits, the mancoughed upwater and began speakingincoherently.Just back to life, the man was still weak. Battling the c

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