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1、福克纳和爱米丽的玫瑰心理分析AcknowledgementsFirst and for most, please allow me to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Wu Jianguo, whose illuminating lectures and profound knowledge have broadened my outlook on western literature and made me more resolute in my pursuit aft

2、er literature study. I should also extend my gratitude to all the professors in the faculty at Shanghai Maritime U. who have been so kind and patient to impart precious knowledge and thoughts during my study and the course of my thesis writing. What is more, I am also greatly indebted to all the sch

3、olars and authors whose works have been consulted or quoted in my paper. Of course, I should not forget my dear parents and friends who have given me persistent support for so many years. 摘 要福克纳被誉为美国20世纪最伟大的现代主义作家。献给艾米丽的玫瑰作为他的短篇小说代表作以其深刻的思想性吸引着众多评论家的目光。艾米丽的形象和悲剧根源,小说的主题以及独特的叙事技巧等是评论家探讨的焦点。关于该小说的悲剧成因




7、诞、荒谬行为有了更合理的解释。研究发现,该小说的悲剧根源在于女主人公本我、自我和超我之间存在着不可调和的矛盾,在这些矛盾中痛苦挣扎导致女主人公产生变态的心理和行为,从而导致悲剧的结局。此外,弗氏理论还为作家福克纳的创作动因找到了科学的解释。按照弗氏理论,该短篇是福克纳一系列自我愿望的表达和申诉。关键词:心理分析;本我;自我;超我ABSTRACTWilliam Faulkner is acclaimed as the greatest American writer in the 20th century,and his most famous short story “A Rose for E

8、mily” has engaged a lot of attention from literary critics and has got various interpretations from them. So far the research on this story mainly focuses on the image of Emily, the theme, the narrating techniques and its tragic root. So far critics mostly discuss the tragic root with the approach o

9、f exploring Emilys outside factors such as the social surroundings and social class she belongs to; while very few critics regard the innermost factors as decisive to the tragedy. The psychoanalytical criticism represented by Freud concerning literature is very valuable in the research of this story

10、 without which the analysis of Emily or the creative motivation hidden behind the lines cannot be carried out sufficiently. Though a few critics have stretched out to it, the analyses so far made are not in a systemic, multi-level way. Freud, the recognized founder of modern psychoanalysis, has made

11、 his influence far beyond his own field. His theory of the workings of human beings and its descriptive terminology find application in almost all branches of humanities and social sciences. He proposed the “topographical model” of the mind involving three structures of the conscious experience, nam

12、ely, preconscious, conscious and unconscious. Later he proposed three structures of personality: id, ego, and superego, which is based on the above structure of consciousness. The energy for the operation of id comes from “instinctual needs”, which urge id to strive for the satisfaction of desire. T

13、he ego has taken over the task of representing the external world for the id, and so of saving it. The superego holds up certain norms of behavior, without regard to any difficulties coming from the id and the external world; and if these norms are not acted up to, it punished the ego with the feeli

14、ng of tension which manifests themselves as sense of inferiority and guilt. Freud has also made an effort on the investigation on writers literary creation. Instead of looking directly into artistry, he chooses to investigate its source. He holds the opinion that literary imagination comes from fant

15、asy or daydream, which is the fulfillment of unsatisfied wishes. And every single fantasy is the fulfillment of a wish, a correction of unsatisfying reality. This thesis attempts to make a research with Freuds theory in a multi-level view of point and find out a more rational explication for Emilys

16、absurd life and tragic result. Besides, based on Freuds theory artistic creation, this thesis also makes an analysis on the motivation when Faulkner wrote this story, hence finds out the psychological condition on which Faulkner obtains his great achievements. Here is the framework of this thesis: i

17、n the first chapter, first, there is a brief introduction to the author Faulkner and his achievements; then, it is an introduction to “A Rose for Emily”, including the summary, the writing techniques, and the research so far has been made on it; in the second chapter, it is an introduction to Freud

18、and his psychoanalysis; and in the third chapter, this dissertation begins to analyze this story in detail through the approach of Freuds psychoanalytical theory; in the fourth chapter, Freuds theory is used to explore the motivation when Faulkner made his creation. The last is a conclusion of the d

19、issertation in which there is a summary about the result of the research. With the approach of Freuds psychoanalysis and conscious construction theory, the tragic of the story is deciphered to a deeper and more extensive degree. All kinds of the absurd and grotesque behaviors of Emily also get a mor

20、e rational interpretation. The research of this thesis finds out that, the tragedy of Emily results from the struggle between her id, ego and superego which leads to her abnormal psychology and behaviors. Add to this is Faulkners creation motivation from which he wrote this story. According to Freud

21、ian theory, this short story is the reflection of Faulkners egoistic desires and wishes. KEY WORDS: psychoanalysis; id; ego; superegoContentsAcknowledgements.i 摘要.iiABSTRACT.ivChapter 1 Introduction.1 1.1 An introduction to William Faulkner and His Achievements.1 1.2 Faulkners Achievements in Story

22、Writing.3 1.3 An Introduction to A Rose for Emily.3 1.4 Faulkners Writing Techniques Displayed in the Story.6 1.5 An Overview of Criticism on A Rose for Emily .7 1.6 The Aims of this Thesis.10 1.7 The Organization of the Thesis .11Chapter 2 Freudian Theory and its Significance in Literary Critics.12

23、 2.1 Origin and Development of Freudian Criticism.12 2.1.1 Psychoanalysis.12 2.1.2 Id, Ego, Superego.13 2.1.3 Oedipus Complex15 2.2The Application of Freudian Theory to Literary Criticism.16 2.2.1 Freudian theory on Creative Writers and Daydreaming.16 2.2.2 Freudian Theory Applied in Literature18 2.

24、2.3 Freudian Psychoanalysis as a tool for Literary Criticism.19Chapter 3 Analysis on A Rose for Emily by Freudism.21 3.1 Analysis on the Psychology of the Characters in the Story.21 3.1.1 Analysis on Emilys Personality.21 3.1.2 Death and Lovethe Instinct from Emilys Id.24 3.1.3 The MurderA Struggle

25、between Superego and Id.26 3.1.4 Emilys Oedipus Complex.27 3.1.5 The Economic StruggleA Struggle between Superego and Ego.29 3.1.6 The China-painting ClassA Realization of Egoistic Value.31 3.2. Analysis on the Old Grierson.31 3.2.1 A Selfish Father.31 3.2.2 Griersons Oedipus Complex.33 3.3 The Town

26、speople: Struggling between Ego and Superego.33Chapter 4 Analysis on the Authors Writing Motivation.37 4.1 Historical & Cultural Condition in the South and its Influence on Faulkner.37 4.1.1 The Identification as a Southerner.38 4.1.2 Faulkner as a Forerunner in the Southern Renaissance.38 4.2 The A

27、rtistic Creation out of Unfulfilled Wishes.39 4.2.1 The Significance of Territory to Faulkner.40 4.2.2 Faulkners Ego Represented by his Heroine.41 4.2.3 Another Wish: Lamenting over the Ruined Nature.42Chapter 5 Conclusion.48Bibliography.52An Analysis on William Faulkners “A Rose for Emily” from Fre

28、udian TheoryChapter One Introduction1.1 An Introduction to William Faulkner and His AchievementsWilliam Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the most influential writers in the South of USA. He won the Nobel Price in 1949 for Literature for “his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern

29、American novel.” Growing up and strongly influenced by the state Mississippi, and also by the history and culture of the South, Faulkner set most of the stories of his works in his hometown and won a perpetual fame through his creative novels, novellas and short stories. Though famous as a novelist,

30、 he also devoted great effort to writing poems and screenplays. So influential are his works that his name is put together with Mark Twain, Robert Penn Warren, Flannery OConnor, Eudora Welty and Tennessee Williams. However, before he was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize, his name was relatively unknown while now he is re

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