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高中英语 Unit6 Food for thoughtreading教案 牛津上海版S1A.docx

1、高中英语 Unit6 Food for thoughtreading教案 牛津上海版S1AChapter Six Food for thought-Reading教案一章节分析(一)综述本课以谈话的形式,在两个年轻人Simon和 Debbie之间展开了有关食品,饮食习惯的讨论。通过本模块的学习,使学生:1了解有关素食主义的理念,学会相关词语的表达方式。2能掌握如何准确表达自己的感情,以及如何提出自己的想法或意见。3通过学习,了解中西文化的差异,学会善于倾听他人的意见。(二)目标教学目标1)知识目标学习和掌握课文中出现的生词、词组、句型和语法等,例如:influence, grow, space

2、, contain, whats more, be dangerous to , carry on, put sb off,have (its different meanings) 2)能力目标提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧,通过学习,能够用所学的句型表达自己的思想。3)情感目标帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,学会尊重他人的信仰,善于倾听他人的想法。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,达到教学效果。(四)阅读重点和难点1.词汇学习1)核心词汇horribleoccasionallyinfluenceinsteaddiseasecontainargue2)拓展词汇grillpor

3、k chopvegetarianreligionfaminepesticide3)词组和短语plenty ofthink aboutwhats morebe dangerous tocarry onput sb. off2.句型学习1)sound ( look, smell, taste, feel, go, grow, turn) + adj.2)I think ( believe, know) that二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1pre-reading 这是课文的导入部分,建议教师在组织教学时应努力调动学生学习积极性,根据课文主题,可以

4、从两方面入手:先问学生前一晚吃了些什么,并提供给学生有关food的常用词,然后利用书上的图片展开适当的讨论。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。并附课件链接2 ppt food for thought-leading参考教科书p93 的图片2while-reading 这部分是本课的关键,一方面引导学生掌握阅读的技巧,领会文章的主要内容,同时又要指导学生理解、掌握本课的重点词汇和主要语言现象。1要求学生边听录音,边看文章,了解大意。并完成B和C 的练习。2分段阅读,教师可以就每段主要内容,进行提问,并归纳主题句。3教师就文章的重点词汇和主要句型进行讲解和操练,已达到理解、巩固的目的。完成书上D部

5、分的练习。 具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接3;并附课件链接4:ppt food for thought -reading. 。参考教科书p94, p96 内容3post-reading 这是学生复习巩固的部分,可以用复述,讨论的形式进行拓展。可以提供学生相关的网站去深入学习。www.NewEnglishW 教学步骤:Step 1: Lead in 1.ask the students one by one what they had for dinner the night before.2.list some of the names of food3.answer the question

6、s 链接1这部分,首先可以问学生昨天晚上吃了些什么,从而提起学生的学习热情。教师可以给出一些有关实物的常用词。vegetables西兰花broccoli白菜Chinese cabbage生菜romaine lettuce茄子eggplant菠菜spinach蒜garlic韭菜chives辣椒 pepper黄瓜cucumber蘑菇mushroom姜ginger胡萝卜carrot芹菜celery葱 spring onionfood牛肉beef汉堡hamburger饺子dumpling 酸奶yogurt猪肉pork方便面instant noodles面条noodle豆浆soya bean milk鸡

7、肉chicken肉包子meat-stuffed bun粥porridge炸油条fried dough羊肉mutton麦片oatmeal汤soup煎鱼fried fish链接2这部分是教师提出的一些问题,帮助学生对food以及vegetarian 有所了解。具体请看课件ppt food for thought-leadingStep 2: Task cycle-While-reading1.Skimming (p94)1)The article is probably about_.2)During lunch, Simon and Debbie had _. Perhaps it was ab

8、out _.3)When we say a topic is food for thought, we mean that topic is worth _ about.2.Scanning (p94)Scan the story for information to tell you if the sentences below are true or false.1)Simon and Debbie do not have to hurry with lunch.2)Simon is a vegetarian.3)Simon was once a monk.4)Simon believes

9、 that not enough land is used for feeding cattle.5)Debbie says that vegetables can be dangerous to eat. 3.Reading Comprehension(通过填表格,清楚列出两人不同的饮食习惯,表格请见 连接4ppt 中的第一张)链接3 这部分内容是语言点的解释,教师可以酌情参考Step3: Key points (语言要点) 这部分教师应该对文章中的重要语言点和句型进行细致讲解,具体如下:1. a mixed grill steak, pork chops, chicken and saus

10、ages一份什锦烤肉牛排,猪排,鸡肉和香肠。grill n. roasted meat 烤肉grill v. roast 烤其他一些关于做食物的动词:fry 炒, boil 煮, bake 烘, stew 焖,炖, deep-fry 油炸, steam 蒸pork chop n. cuts of pig meat containing some rib bone 猪排sausage n. long rolls of minced meat in a thin skin 香肠2. Sound good to you? 听上去好吗?Sounds horrible to me? 听上去真糟糕。此处是

11、两句省略句。原句为Does it sound good to you? 和 It sounds horrible to me.horrible adj. very unpleasant, disgusting 糟糕的,令人讨厌的e.g. It was a horrible experience to see so much blood on the floor. 看到地板上这么多的血真是一段可怕的经历。horror n. a feeling or quality of causing fear 害怕,糟糕(的感情)e.g. I cried out in horror as I saw the

12、man killed.当我看到这个男人被杀,我害怕地叫了出来。e.g. horror film 恐怖片horrify v. to shock 使害怕be horrified at/ by 因而害怕。3. occasionally adv. sometimes 偶然地e.g. I occasionally go to concerts. 我偶尔去看音乐会。occasional adj. happening from time to time 偶尔的occasion n. a time or event when something happens 时刻,场合词组:on this occasion

13、 在这个场合have occasion to do / for something 有机会(做)on occasion = occasionally 不时地e.g. He reads detective stories on occasion.他不时地看些侦探小说。take occasion to do 乘机做4. vegetarian n. someone who will not eat animal flesh 素食者e.g. She became a vegetarian when she saw the cruel way animals are killed.当她看到动物被杀时的残

14、酷时,她立志成为一名素食者。vegetarianism n. 素食主义vegetable n. 蔬菜5. weekend n. Saturday and Sunday 周末e.g. Lets go to the Island Park at the weekend.这个周末让我们去小岛公园。at weekend 在周末 on weekdays 工作日6. influence v. affect, sway 影响,起作用influence somebody to do 影响某人做e.g. I was influenced by my mum to become a nurse.我受我的妈妈的影响

15、,想成为一名护士。e.g. What influenced you to do it?是什么影响你这么做的?influence n. 影响,作用have an influence on(upon) effect e.g. Environment is a great influence on character. 环境对性格有很大的影响。under the influence of 受的影响influential adj. 有影响力的e.g. an influential politician 一个有影响力的政治家7. religion n. belief in one or more god

16、s, a particular system of belief and worship 宗教e.g. Ursula is in her 20th year of religion.邬秀拉修女修道已经有二十年了。 something that one takes very seriously 非常认真(的人)e.g. Chris makes a religion of the Cricket. 克里丝打棒球很认真。religious adj. 宗教的,认真的 n. 修道士(女),僧侣,尼姑8. nun & monknun n. woman who has taken religious vow

17、s and who lives a simple life apart from society with other nuns 修女,尼姑e.g. Mother Teresa is a very famous nun.特里莎麽麽是一个很有名的修女。monk n. man who has taken religious vows and who lives a simple life apart from society with other monks 修士,僧侣e.g. The monk lives in the mountains.和尚们住在山里。9. famine n. period

18、of starvation 饥荒e.g. Africa has suffered many famines recently.非洲近来遭受了很多饥荒。 lack of something 缺乏,物质不足e.g. a water famine 缺水famish v. 挨饿 e.g. They were famishing for food. 他们没东西吃。famished adj. 挨饿的10. instead of 代替,取代e.g. Our teacher usually teaches us how to learn things instead of knowledge.我们的老师通常教

19、我们如何学习东西而不是知识。Instead adv. 通常放在句末,或者以逗号隔开放在句中。e.g. Nowadays many tools are not made of metals, but plastic instead.现代很多工具都以塑料制造,而不是金属。11. crowded adj. having large numbers of people 拥挤的e.g. crowded city / train / bus 拥挤的城市/火车/公车crowd n. a large number of people gathered together 人群,群众e.g. There were

20、 large crowds of people in the streets on New Years Eve.除夕夜街上有大群的人。follow/ come with the crowd = to do what most people to do 随大流crowd v. of people to fill 拥挤e.g. Dont all crowd together.不要都挤在一起。词组:crowd through 挤过 crowd into 挤进e.g. They crowded through the gates into the stadium.他们挤过大门进去运动场。12. dis

21、ease n. illness, disorder of body or mind or plants 疾病e.g. mental disease / heart disease 精神/心脏病diseased adj. 有病的13. in their flesh 在它们的肉里flesh n. soft muscle between skin and bones of animals 肌肉,肉词组:ones own flesh and blood 亲人put on flesh = become fat 变胖lose flesh = lose weight 减轻体重14. carry on 继续(

22、做)e.g. Despite all the noise, he carried on reading.即使全是噪音,他还是继续看书。拓展词组: carry everything before one 势如破竹carry something forward 使事业进展carry off 带走,运走carry out 实施计划,履行义务e.g. The plan should be carried out immediately.这个计划需要立刻被执行。carry through 贯彻(从头至尾)e.g. carry a plan through to the end 把一个计划贯彻到底15.

23、soul n. spirit (of someone) 灵魂e.g. He believes that his soul will return to God when he dies. 他相信他死后他的灵魂会回到上帝那里去。词组:keep ones soul and body together 糊口soulful adj. 充满感情的16. put off put a person off 使人打消念头,使人丧失兴趣e.g. Dont talk about food poisoning at the table, and you put me off the dinner.吃饭的时候不要谈论

24、关于食物中毒的事,你让我没胃口。 delay, postpone 耽搁,延期 e.g. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事,今日毕。17. contain v. include 包括e.g. The jar contains sugar.这个罐子里有糖。e.g. This book contains a lot of illustrations.这本书里有很多的插图。 hold, seat 能容纳e.g. The auditorium will contain 3000 people.这个礼堂能容纳3000个人。 hold

25、 back (ones feeling) 抑制自己的感情,控制e.g. contain ones passion / anger / laughter 抑制某人的感情 / 怒气 / 笑声container n. 容器18. pesticide n. poison that kill insects and other pest 杀虫剂e.g. Be careful where you spray the pesticides. 当你撒杀虫剂的时候小心点。-cide 是一个后缀,有kill的意思。e.g. homicide 杀人,杀人犯 suicide 自杀 insecticide 杀虫剂19.

26、 argue v. 1debate, dispute, discuss about 辩论,讨论 主要句型:argue about somethinge.g. Well argue about these points once again next time.我们下次会再讨论这些问题的。argue for/ againste.g. He argued for / against the five-day-week holiday.他辩论赞同/反对五天的假期。argue + that从句e.g. He argued that the experiment could be done in ano

27、ther way. 他辩论说这项实验可以换一种方法做. argue with somebody about something 争论e.g. Do as you are told, and dont argue with me.告诉你怎么做就怎么做,不要和我争论。 argue somebody into doing 说服某人做 e.g. I argued her into buying a new car.我说服她买辆新车。argument n. 争论 the argument with somebody about something 同某人讨论关于argumentation n. 论据,议

28、论文Difficult Sentences*“Sound good to you?” “Sounds horrible to me.” = “Does it sound good to you?” “It sounds horrible to me.”*No more bits of dead animals for me. =I want no more bits of dead animals.*There are experts who think that we need to eat meat because it contains vitamins and minerals not

29、 found in vegetables. 由专家认为我们需要食肉,因为肉里包含了蔬菜中找不到的维他命和矿物质。划线部分为定语从句修饰experts;that引导的从句作think的宾语;not found in vegetables过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰vitamins and minerals*And vegetables can also be dangerous to eat, you know.=And you know that it can also be dangerous (for people) to eat vegetables.这里主要是语言点和重要句型的ppt,教师可以边上课,边演示。Ppt: food for thought-reading链接4Step 4: Reflection - Post-reading Discussion: Students are expected to have a discussion on what is healthy food.Step5: Homework1.Read the text after the tape recorder.2.Try to write an essay on how to eat healthily.

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