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1、经典的英文诗词朗诵稿经典的英文诗词朗诵稿【篇一】经典的英文诗词朗诵稿Amy Lowell - Stravinskys Three PiecesFirst MovementThin-voiced, nasal pipesDrawing sound out and outUntil it is a screeching thread,Sharp and cutting, sharp and cutting,It hurts.Whee-e-e!Bump! Bump! Tong-ti-bump!There are drums here,Banging,And wooden shoes beating

2、the round, grey stonesOf the market-place.Whee-e-e!Sabots slapping the worn, old stones,And a shaking and cracking of dancing bones;Clumsy and hard they are,And uneven,Losing half a beatBecause the stones are slippery.Bump-e-ty-tong! Whee-e-e! Tong!The thin Spring leavesShake to the banging of shoes

3、.Shoes beat, slap,Shuffle, rap,And the nasal pipes squeal with their pigs voices,Little pigs voicesWeaving among the dancers,A fine white threadLinking up the dancers.Bang! Bump! Tong!Petticoats,Stockings,Sabots,Delirium flapping its thigh-bones;Red, blue, yellow,Drunkenness steaming in colours;Red,

4、 yellow, blue,Colours and flesh weaving together,In and out, with the dance,Coarse stuffs and hot flesh weaving together.Pigs cries white and tenuous,White and painful,White and -Bump!Tong!Second MovementPale violin music whiffs across the moon,A pale smoke of violin music blows over the moon,Cherry

5、 petals fall and flutter,And the white Pierrot,Wreathed in the smoke of the violins,Splashed with cherry petals falling, falling,Claws a grave for himself in the fresh earthWith his finger-nails.Third MovementAn organ growls in the heavy roof-groins of a church,It wheezes and coughs.The nave is blue

6、 with incense,Writhing, twisting,Snaking over the heads of the chanting priests.Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine;The priests whine their bastard LatinAnd the censers swing and click.The priests walk endlesslyRound and round,Droning their LatinOff the key.The organ crashes out in a flaring chord,And

7、the priests hitch their chant up half a tone.Dies illa, dies irae,Calamitatis et miseriae,Dies magna et amara valde.A wind rattles the leaded windows.The little pear-shaped candle flames leap and flutter,Dies illa, dies irae;The swaying smoke drifts over the altar,Calamitatis et miseriae;The shuffli

8、ng priests sprinkle holy water,Dies magna et amara valde;And there is a stark stillness in the midst of themStretched upon a bier.His ears are stone to the organ,His eyes are flint to the candles,His body is ice to the water.Chant, priests,Whine, shuffle, genuflect,He will always be as rigid as he i

9、s nowUntil he crumbles away in a dust heap.Lacrymosa dies illa,Qua resurget ex favillaJudicandus homo reus.Above the grey pillars the roof is in darkness.【篇二】经典的英文诗词朗诵稿Amy Lowell - PatternsI walk down the garden paths,And all the daffodilsAre blowing, and the bright blue squills.I walk down the patt

10、erned garden-pathsIn my stiff, brocaded gown.With my powdered hair and jewelled fan,I too am a rarePattern. As I wander downThe garden paths.My dress is richly figured,And the trainMakes a pink and silver stainOn the gravel, and the thriftOf the borders.Just a plate of current fashion,Tripping by in

11、 high-heeled, ribboned shoes.Not a softness anywhere about me,Only whalebone and brocade.And I sink on a seat in the shadeOf a lime tree. For my passionWars against the stiff brocade.The daffodils and squillsFlutter in the breezeAs they please.And I weep;For the lime-tree is in blossomAnd one small

12、flower has dropped upon my bosom.And the plashing of waterdropsIn the marble fountainComes down the garden-paths.The dripping never stops.Underneath my stiffened gownIs the softness of a woman bathing in a marble basin,A basin in the midst of hedges grownSo thick, she cannot see her lover hiding,But

13、 she guesses he is near,And the sliding of the waterSeems the stroking of a dearHand upon her.What is Summer in a fine brocaded gown!I should like to see it lying in a heap upon the ground.All the pink and silver crumpled up on the ground.I would be the pink and silver as I ran along thepaths,And he

14、 would stumble after,Bewildered by my laughter.I should see the sun flashing from his sword-hilt and the buckleson his shoes.I would chooseTo lead him in a maze along the patterned paths,A bright and laughing maze for my heavy-booted lover,Till he caught me in the shade,And the buttons of his waistc

15、oat bruised my body as he clasped me,Aching, melting, unafraid.With the shadows of the leaves and the sundrops,And the plopping of the waterdrops,All about us in the open afternoonI am very like to swoonWith the weight of this brocade,For the sun sifts through the shade.Underneath the fallen blossom

16、In my bosom,Is a letter I have hid.It was brought to me this morning by a rider from the Duke.Madam, we regret to inform you that Lord HartwellDied in action Thursday sennight.As I read it in the white, morning sunlight,The letters squirmed like snakes.Any answer, Madam, said my footman.No, I told h

17、im.See that the messenger takes some refreshment.No, no answer.And I walked into the garden,Up and down the patterned paths,In my stiff, correct brocade.The blue and yellow flowers stood up proudly in the sun,Each one.I stood upright too,Held rigid to the patternBy the stiffness of my gown.Up and do

18、wn I walked,Up and down.In a month he would have been my husband.In a month, here, underneath this lime,We would have broke the pattern;He for me, and I for him,He as Colonel, I as Lady,On this shady seat.He had a whimThat sunlight carried blessing.And I answered, It shall be as you have said.Now he

19、 is dead.In Summer and in Winter I shall walkUp and downThe patterned garden-pathsIn my stiff, brocaded gown.The squills and daffodilsWill give place to pillared roses, and to asters, and to snow.I shall goUp and down,In my gown.Gorgeously arrayed,Boned and stayed.And the softness of my body will be

20、 guarded from embraceBy each button, hook, and lace.For the man who should loose me is dead,Fighting with the Duke in Flanders,In a pattern called a war.Christ! What are patterns for?【篇三】经典的英文诗词朗诵稿朗费罗圣诞作诗圣诞钟声Christmas Bellsby Henry Wadsworth LongfellowI heard the bells on Christmas DayTheir old fami

21、liar carols play,And wild and sweetThe words repeatOf peace on earth, good-will to men!And thought how, as the day had come,The belfries of all ChristendomHad rolled alongThe unbroken songOf peace on earth, good-will to men!Till, ringing, singing on its way,The world revolved from night to day,A voi

22、ce, a chimeA chant sublimeOf peace on earth, good-will to men!Then from each black accursed mouthThe cannon thundered in the South,And with the soundThe carols drownedOf peace on earth, good-will to men!It was as if an earthquake rentThe hearth-stones of a continent,And made forlornThe households bo

23、rnOf peace on earth, good-will to men!And in despair I bowed my head;There is no peace on earth, I said;For hate is strong,And mocks the songOf peace on earth, good-will to men!Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!The Wrong shall fail,The Right prevail,With peace on earth, good-will to men!

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