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1、高中英语Unit9WheelsPeriodFive课堂讲义北师大版必修2019-2020年高中英语Unit9WheelsPeriodFive课堂讲义北师大版必修.单词检测1damage vt.& n损害,损失2nowhere adv.无处,任何地方都不somewhere adv.在某处,到某处3crossing n交叉路口,人行横道4plus prep.加上,加minus prep.减去5frequent adj.时常发生的frequently adv.频繁地,经常地6fare n票价,车费fee n费用,学费.短语检测1in conclusion最后2on the one hand.on t

2、he other hand.一方面另一方面3as well as和,也Before 1908,when Fords cars became available to the public,it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.1908年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。damage vt.& n损害,损失(1)(原句)A report last year also showed that air pollution from traffic is increasing and the old buildi

3、ngs in the town are getting dirty and damaged.去年的一份报告也显示,车辆造成的空气污染正在加剧,该镇的古建筑正在变脏和遭到损毁。归纳拓展(2)The heavy rain didnt do much damage to the crops.这次暴雨没有对农作物造成很大的损失。易混辨析break,damage,destroy,ruin(1)break指“弄坏,损坏”,程度比较轻,其宾语也往往并非是很宏大的东西。(2)damage“破坏,损坏”的程度不如destroy严重,且常常在一定程度上可以修复。(3)destroy常指彻底的或很难修复的“破坏,毁

4、坏”,程度颇深。(4)ruin指“毁灭;崩溃”,指因自然力或人为力量而遭到破坏,使无法恢复原状。即时跟踪用break,damage,destroy,ruin的正确形式填空(1)Before they fled the country,the enemy attempted to destroy all the factories.(2)The cup broke when it fell on the floor.(3)Thousands of houses were seriously damaged by the storm,and the repair work would last h

5、alf a month.(4)The constant rain in the north of China this summer has ruined cash crops such as cotton and conclusion最后;总之(1)(原句)In conclusion,on the one hand Ludford is an attractive town with good shops and many places of interest.总之,一方面拉德福特是一个迷人的城镇,店铺众多,并且有多处名胜。(2)In conclusion,we sho

6、uld like to thank all those who have worked so hard for this task.最后,我们要对为这项任务而辛勤工作的所有的人表示感谢。归纳拓展(3)From what you say,I can draw a conclusion that she is not the right person for the job.从你所说的,我可以判断她不是这份工作的合适人选。即时跟踪(1)人们通常从大量的事实中概括出结论。One usually draws/reaches/es to a conclusion from a collection of

7、 facts.(2)最后我想要说我在这里过得有多愉快。In conclusion,Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.(3)We can draw a conclusion what the main reason causing the anxiety is to worry about not winning the gold medal.(单句改错) whatthatIt is/was.that/who.强调句(1)(原句)Before 1908,when Fords cars became available to the

8、public,it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.1908年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。归纳拓展句中的it was.who.是强调句,强调only the very rich。强调句型是用来对句中某一成分加以强调的,其一般句型为“It is/was被强调部分that/who.”。需要注意的几点是:(1)强调句和其他句型最明显的区别是:强调句的判断标志是去掉it is/was和that,适当调整后仍然是个完整的句子。(2)此句型不可强调谓语动词,如要强调谓语动词,可在动词前加do,does 或did

9、。(3)not.until.的强调句式是:It is/was not until.that其他成分。(4)该句型可以强调because引导的原因状语从句,但不能强调由as,since等引导的原因状语从句。(5)如果强调的是主语或宾语且是指人时,则可用who或that;如果被强调的部分是其他成分时,须用that。(2)It was yesterday that we had an English examination.是在昨天我们进行的英语测试。(3)It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was re

10、scued.是在当地向导的帮助下,登山者才被营救出来。(4)It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.直到我来到这儿才意识到,这个地方不仅以它的美丽而且以它的天气出名。即时跟踪(1)句型转换The children help their parents to do the farm work.It is the children that help their parents to do the farm work

11、.Tomato became a very different development from any grown before in 1993.It was in 1993 that tomato became a very different development from any grown before.(2)Who was it first thought of such a crazy idea?(单句改错)it后加that.单词拼写1This animal is found in Australia,and nowhere(无处) else.2Smoking seriousl

12、y damages(损害) your health.3My girlfriend writes frequent(频繁的) letters to me.4Two plus five is seven.5Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare(费用)6Because he is addicted(沉溺于) to puter games,he doesnt want to go to school.选词填空1In conclusion,she wished her rades every success in their work.2The water

13、way is wide for many ships to pass through.3Jason is more than a lecturer;he is a writer,too.4The theatre closed down for good.5I look forward to you reply soon.完成句子1我认为这项活动不但对学生和社会有益,对我也有好处。I think this activity will be beneficial to me as well as the students and the society.2总之,“顺应理论”对翻译有着相当重要的指导

14、作用。In conclusion,adaptation theory plays a quite important role in translation.3水污染对农作物造成损害。Water pollution did damage to the crops.4总之,礼貌语言会使你的生活更方便。In a word,it is polite words that will make your life bee convenient.5一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不能忍受搬家。On the one hand,I want to sell the house,but on the oth

15、er hand,I cant bear the thought of moving.语境填词A)用所提供单词的正确形式填空1Buses run frequently(frequent) from the city to the airport.2An fatal accident took place at this crossing(cross) three years ago.3Several vehicles were damaged(damage) in the crash.4Nowhere(where) had they advanced more than seven miles.

16、5More highways have been built in China,making(make) it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)6In conclusion,I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.7The strong wind did damage to a lot of crops.8I have reached a conclusion that our team will win.9It was

17、not until his wife came back that he went to bed.10Where was it that you were born?.阅读理解Rock climbing,camping and sailing are just some of the outdoor adventures that tens of thousands of youth across Canada will experience this summer with Scouts Canada (加拿大童子军)Girls and boys aged 526 can experienc

18、e the excitement of summer camp at one of more than 125 Scouts Canada outdoor camps across the country.Registration (注册) is now open for summer camp and for the xxxx Scouting year.Scouts Canada offers a lot of summer camp programs including one and twoweek day camps as well as oneand twoweek overnig

19、ht camps.Kids in summer camp have fun adventures,discovering new things and experiences they wouldnt discover elsewhere.Kids will also learn valuable leadership and teamwork skills,respect the environment and experience personal growth from outdoor activities.“Scouts Canada is the countrys leading y

20、outh organization,with 100,000 members nationwide.It is a notforprofit (非营利的) organization and a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.I grew up going to Scouts Canada summer camps as a youth and the experiences,memories and friendships I have made will last a lifetime,” said Kaylee

21、 Galipeau,Chair of the National Youth Network for Scouts Canada.Camp programs are open to all youth.To learn more about what your local summer camp offers,visit or get in touch with your local Council.Registration for xxxx Scouting programming for boys and girls aged 526 is also open

22、.To find and register for a Group near you,visit who want to take part in the summer camp should be .Asportsmen BCanadian scoutsCyouth in Canada DCanadian students答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“Girls and boys aged 526 can experience the excitement of summer camp at one of more than 125 S

23、couts Canada outdoor camps across the country.”可知,参加夏令营的是加拿大的年轻人。故选C。12Campers have a chance to .Aspend their whole summer in foreign countriesBdevelop their language skills Cenjoy fun indoor activitiesDlearn to work as a team答案D解析细节理解题。根据第二段的“Kids will also learn valuable leadership and teamwork sk

24、ills,respect the environment and experience personal growth from outdoor activities.”可知,参加夏令营的孩子们可以学习到团队合作的重要性,故选D。13What type of writing is this text?AAn official report.BAn exhibition guide.CAn announcement.DA summer camp review.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章大意和最后一段的“To find and register for a Group near you,vis

25、it”可知,这篇文章是一篇告示或通知,故选C。.完形填空People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries.And in the 14 300 years,there have been so many 15 in both places that now people can easily 16 an English person from an American in the 17 he or she ta

26、lks.Many old words 18 in England but were kept in America.For example,300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they 19 either a “aucet”,“spigot”,or a “tap”All these words are 20 heard in different parts of America,but only “tap” is still 21 in England.Americans often make

27、 22 new words or change old ones.“Corn” is one kind of plant in America and 23 in England.Also,over the last three centuries the English language has 24 thousands of new words for things that werent 25 before.And often,American and English people used two 26 names for them.A tin can is called “tin”

28、for short in English,but a “can” in America.The word “radio” is 27 all over the world,including America.But many English people call it a “wireless”And almost anything 28 something to do with cars,railroads,etc.has different 29 in British and American English.But now American and British English may

29、 be 30 closer together.One thing is that 31 people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in 32 ,on television,or from travelers.Because of this,Americans 33 to be influencing the British more and more.So some day,English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.14A.past BrecentC

30、oldest Dlatest答案A解析“in the past/last一段时间里”表示“在过去的多长时间里”,多与现在完成时连用。根据后面的“there have been”可知选A。15A.citizens BinventionsCchanges Dadvances答案C解析句意为:英国和北美两个地方的英语在过去的三百年里发生了很多变化。change可作名词,意为“变化”。故选C。16A.pick BtellCtake Djudge答案B解析tell.from.为固定短语,意为“把和区分开”。句意为:人们很容易从他们谈话的方式上区分英国人和美国人。故选B。17A.voice BplaceC

31、language Dway答案D解析根据介词in可知此处表示“以他或她讲话的方式”。故选D。18A.disappeared BstayedCreturned Dformed答案A解析根据后面的“but were kept in America”可知,句意为:很多古老的词汇在英格兰消失了。disappear消失。故选A。19A.said BtalkedCspoke Dcalled答案D解析“they either a aucet,spigot,or a tap”为定语从句,修饰先行词something,且先行词在定语从句中作宾语。四个选项中只有call能接双宾语。故选D。20A.then BhardlyCclearly Dstill答案D解析根据后面的“but only”可知,前面应说的是这些词汇在美国各地“仍然”能听到。still仍然。故选D。2

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