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牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 3《The world online》全单元教案.docx

1、牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 3The world online全单元教案课 题M7U3课时9-1New words 1主备人雷菲授 课 时 间200803教 学 目 标1. Let students read the new words correctly.2. Let students master some important words.教学重、难点How to get students to master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具slides预习要求workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1: Gre

2、etingStep 2: Read after the teacherOne word reads two timesstep 3: vocabulary explanation1. analysis: n. 分析,分解 (pl. analyses ) in the last / final 总之analyst: n. 分析家,分解者 make a careful of the problem 仔细分析这个问题 analyse = analyze vt. (analyses, analyzing) 分析 We should the causes of our failure. 我们应该分析失败

3、的原因。练习: 1. We made a careful _ of the problem.2. We _ the causes of our failure.3. Here are the _ of the sales figures.2. value: n. 价值,估价,评价,价格 We must clearly know the of good health. 我们必须清楚地认识到健康的重要性。 What is the of your house? 你的房子值多少钱? Your help has been of great (= very valuable). 你的帮助很有价值。 be

4、of little / some / no 具有很少价值/有些价值/没有价值vt. 估价,评价,重视 He d the ring at 80. 有估计这戒指值80美元。 I our friendship very much. 我非常珍惜我们的友谊。valuable: adj. 有价值的,值钱的 Your advice is very watch. 你的建议很有价值。辨析:value / price / cost value: 指内在的价值, the of American dollar 美元的内在价值price: 指商品的价值 at a high 以高价 cost: 指制作成本,at all

5、s不惜一切代 练习:1. You will find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulnes2. 这本书很有价值。 _. / _. Key: 1. C 2. The book is of great value. / the book is very valuable.3. affair: n. C 事务,事件,私事,恋爱事件 (pl.) 事态,事物 current s 时事 the s of state 国家大事 family s 家事 the

6、 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 That is my , not yours. 那是我的事,不是你的事。辨析:affair / business / matter affair: 含义最广,泛指自己关心或必须做的事。We must try to forget the sad . 我们要尽量把这件伤心事忘掉。 business: 指任务或责任及商业买卖。 Its none of your . 这不关你的事。matter: 指要考虑或处理的事。 I have an important to talk to you about. 我有件重要的事要和你谈谈。练习:1.

7、 The _ in your essay is good but the style is not proper.2. He is the manager of three different _.3. I told him to mind his own _ Key: 1. matter 2. business 3. affairs4. forecast: (forecast, forecast; forecasted, forecasted)v. / n. C 先见;预见;预测;预报 make s about sth. 对进行预测According to the weather , a s

8、torm is on its way. 天气预报说有暴风雨来袭。 vt. 预报;预测He confidently a big increase in sales,and it turned out that he was right. 他自信地预测销量会大大增长,结果表明他是对的。 The teacher that only one third of the students would pass the examination. 老师预计只有三分之一的学生将通过考试。4. sort n种类;类别vt. 将分类;整理What sort of meat do you like best? 你最喜

9、欢吃什么肉? He is the sort of person I really dislike 他这种人我真是不喜欢。We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones咱们得把好苹果拣出来,同坏的分开。out of sorts身体不适 sort of=kind of有点;几分 sort out整理;挑选出 sort out from把从挑出来1.Key: 1. analysis 2. analyzed 3. analyses课 题M7U3 课时9-2New words 2主备人雷菲授 课 时 间200803教 学 目 标1. Let stud

10、ents read the new words correctly.2. Let students master some important words. 教学重、难点How to let students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具slides预 习 要 求workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1: GreetingStep 2: read after the teacherOne word reads two timesstep 3: vocabulary explanation1. class

11、ify vt. 分类,归类 classification n. classified 1)Zoologists classify them according to the structures of the bodies.2)Please put the classified materials into the drawer. 2. evaluate vt. 评价,估计 evaluation 1) The teacher evaluated the performance of each student. 2) The scientists were still

12、 evaluating their data.3. specific n. 特效药 (specifics pl.)adj. 详细而精确的,明确的,特殊的,特效的 specification n. specifically 1) Education should not be limited to any one specific age group. 2) The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific aim in life.4. consult v. 商量/议,请教,参考,考虑eg. Have you consu

13、lted your doctor about your illness? 5. confirm v. 确认,确定,证实eg. 1) Please confirm your telephone message by e-mail. 2) The statement has been confirmed by evidence.6. attach v.附上,贴上,附加,隶属,加在之上(常和to连用)eg. 1) This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby. 2) The employee was attached to the s

14、ales department.7.remain vi保持;仍然是;剩下;余留;仍待;尚需. (后可接名词,形容词,动名词,动词不定式等.)He remained sitting when the teacher came in当老师进来时,他依然坐着。Country music today remains much the same as before今日乡村音乐同过去差不多。 The door remains closed门是关着的。 注意:remain作“仍然是,一直保持”讲,实为系动词其后可接形容词、名词、分词短语、介词短语、不定式分别作其表语。 (1)remainder n剩下的人;

15、事物或时间;剩余部分 Ten people came but the remainder stayed away. 来了十个人,其余的没来。 (2)remaining adj剩余的。 The remaining food belongs to you. 剩下的食物归你。(3)remains n(常用复数)所剩下的,遗留的东西剩余物;残骸His remains are buried in the churchyard他的遗体埋葬在教堂的墓地里。8judge vt判断;鉴别;审理;裁判;裁决,n法官;裁判员;审判员 【典型例句】 I judged him to be about 50 我估计他年龄

16、在50左右。 The judgesdecision is final 裁判的决定为最终决定。 The judge sentenced him to five years in prison 法官判他五年监禁。 【相关链接】 (1)judging from根据判断 Judging from his words,he has known the truth 从他的话判断,他已经知道真相了。 (2)as far as can be judgedas far as one can judge 据判断;据认为 As far as l can judge,all of them are to blame依

17、我看,他们都应承担责任。9accustomed adj习惯于:适应了的 ? (1) be/become/get accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于be accustomed to有时可以与be used to互换 (2) accustom v. 使习惯于;养成习惯; 常与to(介词)连用 accustom oneself to doing使自己习惯于Some phrases:1. do research on2. the more the more3. keep in mind4. be classified by5. key words6. be related to7

18、. make a decision8. be divided into9. a bunch of 10. up to date11.take into the bottom a general14. be careful about15. be (not) sure about16. make a difference17. search for18. belong to19. make a list of20. follow these tips课 题M7U3 课时9-3Welcome主备人雷菲授 课 时 间200803教 学 目 标De

19、velop students ability in listening and speaking.教学重、难点How to improve students ability in listening and speaking.教、 学 具slides预 习 要 求workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1. Brainstorming 1. Talk about the poster first.2. Ask students what is the Internet?3. What are the functions of the Internet? Step 2

20、. Lead- in1. Ask students to talk about the four pictures.2. Explain some words and sentences. Step 3. DiscussionNow work in pairs and have a discussion about these questions and the pictures.Step 4. Speaking Ask some questions and let students share their information.1) Do you like to use the Inter

21、net?2) What do you usually use it for?3) Do you think there are any negative things about the Internet?Step 5 Listening1. Watch a short video first to know something about the Internet addition.2. Finish Page 124, listening Part A , B and CPage 124, listening Part A. Li Yue is talking to his teacher

22、, Mr Wu, about a newspaper article he has found about Internet addiction .Check as much of his notes below as possible . Circle T if the statement is true, and F if it is false. Li Yue : Mr Wu, look at this newspaper article.Mr Wu: My Goodness! It says that about two and a half million people are ad

23、dicted to the Internet in China!Li Yue: Yes, and there are two hundred thousand high school students here in Beijing who are addicted to the Internet and computer games. Mr Wu:Hmm. It says here that many teenagers use the Internet and computer games to escape from the pressure of school and life.Li

24、Yue: The article also says that a clinic opened in Beijing in two thousand and five to treat Internet addicts. Patients usually stay at the clinic for ten to fifteen days and take medicine as part of their treatment.Mr Wu: Oh, I see. One doctor at the clinic says that most students who go there have

25、 left school because they have spent too much time on the computer , as much as ten hours a day . They feel sad and nervous and dont want to be with other people.Li Yue: I wonder how Internet addiction can be prevented.1.About 2,500,000 people in China use the Internet. T/F F2.Many teenagers use com

26、puter games to escape from the pressures of school and life. T/F T3.At a clinic in Beijing , people are usually treated for Internet addiction for 15 to 20 days. T/F F4.Many teenagers at the clinic feel sad and nervous. T/F T5.You do not need to stop using computers to prevent Internet addiction. T/

27、F T6.Ms Tang says that you can make a plan to spend only two hours every day playing computer games. T/F F7.You should tell your parents and friends about your plan to limit your computer use. T/F T8.Getting together with friends to talk is better than using a computer by yourself. T/F T.Step 5. Hom

28、eworkWrite a composition about advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet and preview reading.课 题M7U3课时9-4Reading 1主备人雷菲授 课 时 间200803教 学 目 标1.Develop students ability in reading.2.Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them important points& difficult points教学重、难点

29、Get Ss to grasp the main idea of the text教、 学 具slides预 习 要 求教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step one : Greetings and revisionGreet the whole class as usual .Revise the new words in reading and try to get students to read them correctly and know their meanings .Step two : Leadin Yesterday we mainly talked about

30、 the convenience the Internet has brought to us . But do you think it always bring us good things ? (No.) Although it can give us much convenience , it can also have some badeffect on us .Yes , can you give me some examples of the two effects the Internet has on our daily lives .(Give the students a few minutes to discuss with their classmates and then ask some to list their opinions .) From your answers , we can find that some students think it has good effects ; som

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