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1、阅读理解职英卫生类B级复习重点2014全国专业技术人员职称英语卫生类B级 阅读理解重点中英文对照,段落对照,题解对照黑字原文及词解,红字译文,蓝字题解。*第十七篇 Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost食用土豆能促进我们的免疫系统 Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health, but also for the whole immune system,especially when they come in the form of a potato salad or eaten co

2、ld. In a study on an animal model,researchers in Spain found that pigs fed large quantities of raw potato starch (RPS) not only had a healthier bowel, but also decreased levels of white blood cells, such as leucocytes and lymphocytes in their blood. White blood cells are produced as a result of infl

3、ammation or disease, generally when the body is challenged.吃土豆有益于肠道健康,而且对整个免疫系统也有益,尤其是吃土豆色拉和凉吃。在对动物模式的一个研究中,西班牙的调查者发现用未经加工的土豆淀粉喂养的猪不仅肠道更健康,而且白血细胞的水平降低了,如血液中的白细胞和淋巴细胞的数量。白血细胞通常是身体受到考验而产生炎症和疾病时产生的。 The general down-regulation of leucocytes observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an overall benefi

4、cial effect, a generally more healthy body. The reduction in leukocyte levels was about 15 percent. Lower lymphocyte levels are also indicative of reduced levels of inflammation, but the observed reduction in both lymphocyte density and lymphocyte apoptosis is surprising.西班牙研究者们所观察到的白血球水平的整体下调意味着未经加

5、工的土豆淀粉具有全面的有益的作用,也就是总的来说身体是更加健康。白血球数量降低了大约百分之十五。淋巴细胞数量的降低显示炎症指标的下降,然而观察到的淋巴细胞浓度和淋巴细胞凋亡的减少却是惊人的。 In what was the longest study of its kind, pigs were fed RPS over 14 weeks to find out the effect of starch on bowel health. “The use of raw potato starch in this experiment is designed to simulate the ef

6、fects of a diet high in resistant starch, said study leader Jose Francisco Perez at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.在对此进行的最长的研究是用未经加工的土豆淀粉喂养猪 14 个星期后来判定淀粉对肠道健康的影响。“在实验中使用未经加工的土豆淀粉,就是为了模拟富含耐久淀粉的饮食所起的作用。”西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的研究负责人 Jose Francisco Perez 这样说道。 Humans do not eat raw potatoes, but they

7、 do eat a lot of foods that contain resistant starch, such as cold boiled potatoes, legumes, grains, green bananas, pasta and cereals. About 10 percent of the starch eaten by human is resistant starch starch that is not digested in the small intestine and so is shunted into the large intestine where

8、 it ferments. Starch consumption is thought to reduce the risk of large bowel cancer and may also have an effect on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).人们不吃未经加工的土豆,但是却吃很多富含耐久淀粉的食物,比如说凉的熟土豆、豆荚、粮食、绿香蕉、面食、谷物等。人们食用的淀粉大约有百分之十为耐久淀粉,也就是不能在小肠中消化,而是分流到大肠,在大肠中发酵的淀粉。食用淀粉被认为可以降低大肠癌的得病几率,还有可能对过敏性肠综合征起作用。 Immunology e

9、xpert Lena Omans team previously found that the overall lymphocyte levels do not vary for IBS patients, but that lymphocytes are transferred from the peripheral blood to the gut, which support the hypothesis of IBS being at least partially all inflammatory disorder. She says the decrease in lymphocy

10、tes observed by the Spanish is therefore interesting, and a diet of resistant starch may be worth trying in IBS patients. Oman is currently at the Department of Internal Medicine, Goteborg University, Sweden5. The study is published in the Journal Chemistry and Industry, the magazine of the SCI.免疫学专

11、家 Lena Ohman 的研究小组曾发现过敏性肠综合征病人的淋巴细胞数量并没有改变,然而淋巴细胞却是从周围的血液转移到肠内,这就给过敏性肠综合征至少部分是炎症性疾病的假设提供了依据。 Lena Ohman 说道,因为如此,西班牙人观察到的淋巴细胞的减少很有趣,耐久淀粉食品也许值得在过敏性肠综合征病人身上试验。 Ohman 近来在瑞典歌德堡大学内科医学系工作,她的研究成果发表在科学引文索引数据库收录的期刊化学和工业上。词汇:boost vt. & n.提高,举起 Barcelona n.巴塞罗那(西班牙港市)bowel n.(常用复数)肠 legume n.豆(豆)荚 salad n.色拉(西

12、餐中的一种凉拌菜) pasta n.意大利面食Spain adj.西班牙 Starch n.淀粉 cereal n.(常用复数)(作为主粮的)谷物类leucocyte n.白细胞 lymphocyte n.淋巴细胞 digest v.消化 intestine n. (常用复数)肠inflammation n.炎,炎症;发炎部位 shunt v.(使)分流down-regulation n.下调,向下调节 ferment v.(使)发酵Spanish adj.西班牙的 Immunology n.免疫学Indicative adj.指示性的;象征性的;预示性的Peripheral adj.周围的;

13、表面的 Gut n.肠density n.密度 hypothesis n.(学说的)假设,假定apoptosis n.细胞凋亡(细胞的自然死亡) inflammatory adj.发炎的,炎性的simulate vt.模仿,模拟 resistant adj.有抵抗力的;耐久的注释:1raw potato starch (RPS):未经加工的土豆淀粉2The general down-regulation of leucocytes observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an overall beneficial effect, a gener

14、ally more healthy body.西班牙研究者们所观察到的白血球水平整体下调意味着未经加工的土豆淀粉具有全面的有益作用,也就是总的来说身体是更加健康。3Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 是西班牙一个少数民族语加泰隆语,意为“巴塞罗那自治大学”。这是该大学的原名。4irritable bowel syndrome (IBS):肠易激综合征5Department of Internal Medicine, Goteborg University, Sweden:瑞典歌德堡大学内科医学系6SCI (Science Citation Index):科学引文

15、索引。美国科学信息研究所 1961 年创办出版的引文数据库。练习:1What form of potato is the most nutrient to the human body? A Potato soup. B Potato cake. C Potato salad. D Hot boiled potato.1C 短文开头第一句就说,“吃土豆有益于肠道健康,而且对整个免疫系统也有益,尤其是吃土豆色拉或凉吃”,因此在四个选项中最有营养的非 C 项莫属。2What does the reduction in leukocyte levels in the body mean? A It

16、may mean the reduced levels of inflammation B It may mean somewhere in the body is inflamed. C It means that the body is challenged. D It means that the body cannot produce leucoc ytes any more.2A 第二段第三句说,“淋巴细胞水平低显示炎症水平下降” ,故其他 B、C、D 三个选项均不正确。3For what a purpose did the researchers use raw potato st

17、arch in their experiment? A They wanted to observe how the leukocyte levels reduced in the experimental pigs. B They wanted to simulate the effects of a diet high in resistant starch C They wanted to see how much potato all experimental pig ate every day D They wanted to see how much body weight eac

18、h experimental pig gained in the end.3B 第二段第二句引用了研究组负责人自己的话说,“在实验中使用未经加工的土豆淀粉,就是为了模拟富含耐久淀粉的饮食所起的作用”,其他 A、C、D 三个选项文章均没有提及。4All of the following foods are rich in resistant starch EXCEPT_. A pasta. B grains. C legumes. D vegetables.4D 第四段第一句列出了一些富含耐久淀粉的食品,其中就没有 D 项“蔬菜” ,而且实际上蔬菜也不都是富含淀粉的食物。5What a kind

19、 of starch is resistant starch after all? A It may cause irritable bowel syndrome. B It may bring about at least partially inflammatory disorder. C It may raise leukocyte and lymphocyte levels in the body. D It cannot be digested in the small intestine and ferments in the large intestine.5D 第四段倒数第二句

20、已经解释了耐久淀粉的特点不能在小肠中消化,而是分流到大肠,在大肠中发酵。”其他选项个别词语虽在短文中出现过,但都不是说明耐久淀粉的。 *第十八篇 Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics老年糠尿病患者进行体育锻炼可以取代胰岛素治疗 Most older people with so-called type II diabetes could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, accord

21、ing to new medical research results reported in the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske Tidende on Monday.哥本哈根的贝林时报周一刊登了一则最新医疗研究结果称,大多数 II 型老年糖尿病患者只要每周坚持三次轻快的体育锻炼,每次 30 分钟,都可以不用注射胰岛素。Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the Copenhagen Central Hospital Rigshospitalets Center for Muscle Research s

22、howed that physical exercise can boost the bodys ability to utilize insulin by 30 percent, the newspaper reported.报道称,哥本哈根市中心医院 Rigshospitalet 肌肉研究中心对糖尿病人进行测试,结果显示体育锻炼能将身体利用胰岛素的能力提高 30%。This is equal to the effect most elderly diabetics get from their insulin medication today, it said.据说,这一结果和大多数老年糖

23、尿病患者每天接受胰岛素治疗的疗效相同。Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type II, all more than 60 years of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for three months. After the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects muscles could utilise as a measure for h

24、ow well their insulin worked.研究人员挑选了一组非糖尿病患者,一组 II 型糖尿病患者,都是 60 岁以上的男性。这些被试者每周骑自行车锻炼六次,并持续了三个月。三个月后,医生测量出被试者肌肉能够利用的血糖总量,以此作为测量他们的胰岛素工作状况如何的标志。 Associate Professor Dr. Flemming Dela of the Muscle Research Center said the tests demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just as high insulin utilis

25、ation as the healthy non-exercising persons.肌肉研究中心副教授弗莱明德拉医生称,实验结果显示,进行体育锻炼的糖尿病患者胰岛素利用率和那些没有锻炼的健康人胰岛素利用率一样高。 “This means that the insulin works just as well for both groups. Physical exercise cannot cure people of diabetes, but it can eliminate almost all their symptoms. At the same time it can put

26、off the point at which they have to begin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment,” Dela was quoted as saying.“这就意味着,两组被试者的胰岛素都是正常工作的。体育锻炼不能治好患者的糖尿病,但是能最大限度地消除患者症状。另外,即使患者不得不接受胰岛素治疗,体育锻炼也能尽量推迟这一临界点,甚至有可能完全避免实施胰岛素治疗。”德拉医生的话像格言一样被人们所引用。Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas

27、, controlling sugar in the body and used against diabetes.胰岛素是胰腺分泌的一种激素,可以控制体内血糖,预防糖尿病。Dela said that to achieve the desired effect diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up a sweat, but that the activity has to be maintained since it wears off after five days without suf

28、ficient exercise.德拉解释说,糖尿病患者只需锻炼到出汗的程度即可达到理想的效果。同时他还强调,这种锻炼必须坚持,如果五天没有进行有效锻炼,效果就会消失。 Most diabetics realise that they have to watch their diet while remaining unaware of the importance of exercise, Dela added.德拉还补充说,大多数糖尿病患者意识到他们必须控制饮食,却忽略了体育锻炼的重要性。 词汇:insulin n.胰岛素 utilise (= utilize) vt.利用,使用diabe

29、tic adj.(患)糖尿病的;n.糖尿病患者 medication n.药物,药物治疗subject n.实验对象diabetes n.糖尿病;多尿症 utilisation ( = utilization) n.利用,使用brisk adj.轻快的;活泼的,活跃的 Copenhagen n.哥本哈根(丹麦首都) saying n.格言hormone n.激素 muscle n.肌肉 pancreas /pkrs/ n.胰(腺)注释:1be equal to:等于2as a measure for how well their insulin worked:作为测量他们的胰岛素工作状况如何的

30、标志。 从语法上分析,how 弓起的从句是 for 这个介词的宾语从句。3associate professor:副教授4 cannot cure people of diabetes:不能治好人们的糖尿病。cure sb. of sth.:给某人医治某病。 例如:This medicine should cure you of your cold.这药准能治好你的感冒。5put off:推迟,延期6Dela was quoted as saying:Dela 的话像格言一样被人们所引用。注意谓语是被动语态。7work up:逐步引起,激起8Wear off:逐渐消失9(be)unaware

31、of sth.:不知道,没觉察练习:1How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin? A By taking more salt than usual. B By taking less salt than usual. C By doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three times a week. D By going climbing, swimming or boxing every day.1C 文章二开始就有此问题的明确答案。至于吃多少盐或者从事

32、其他剧烈运动文章自始至终都没有提到。2Physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin by _. A 70 percent. B 30 percent. C 60 percent. D only a few percent.2B 文章第二段说道,体育锻炼能将身体利用胰岛素的能力提高 30%。3 The subjects of the research tests conducted at the Copenhagen Central Hospital included _. A elderly non-diabeti

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