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1、山西省专升本英语试题12021年山西省专升本英语试题(1) 2021年山西省专升本英语试题及答案(1) 2021年山西省专升本英语试题及答案(1),本套试卷是2021年山西省专升本英语试题,有答案。 一、Vocabulary and Structure 1. _ we won the war. A.In the end B.On the endC.By the endD.At the end 2. As a poor fresh student, he had to do a part-time job _ money. A.owing to B.because ofC.on account

2、ofD.for the sake of 3.Too much drinking would _ his health harm for harmful harm harmful for 4. The days _ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past. which B.on whichC.of which 5. He insists that he _ innocent. B.beC.should beD.were 6. Th

3、e teacher said, “Stop _。 So we stopped _. talkto read B.talkingto readC.talkingreadingD.talkingread 7. Could I have some milk, some orange juice, and some eggs _? A.instead of much 8. _ after his death that he was recognized as a great composer. A.It was not until B.I

4、t is untilC.It was untilD.Not until 9.Our classroom is _ in the school building A.bigger than any other one B.bigger than allC.the biggest of all the othersD.the biggest of any one 10. It was Thomas Alva Edison who _ the electric lamp. A.discovered B.inventedC.innovatedD.found 11._ I am concerned, i

5、t is important to get a job first. A.Aslong as B.Aswell asC.Assoon asD.Asfar as 12.Some companies might not let you rent a car_ you have a credit card A.where B.becauseC.sinceD.unless 13.By the end of this year,they_a new program in Europe A.had started B.startC.are startingD.will have started 14.It

6、 was in Jonsonshotel _ the businessmeeting was held last year. A.this B.thatC.whatD.which 15.I think that the Great Wall is worth _ hundreds of miles to visit. travel 16._ is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any prog

7、ress. A.That B.WhatC.ItD.As 17.Hardly_his speech when ayoung woman in the audience rose to make a protest. A.Georgefinished B.does George finishC.Georgehad finishedD.had Georgefinished 18.It is important that we_ the task ahead of time A.will finish B.finishedC.finishD.shall finish 19.We will haveto

8、 pay them a large_of money for their service A.Size B.setC.amountD.series 20.Evenin small companies, computers are a(n)_ tool. A.natural B.essentialC.carefulD.impossible 二、Cloze 1.What enables some people to get big creative breakthroughs while others only get small and non-creative breakdowns, blam

9、ing themselves and society? Are some people gifted? Are there other factors_21_ work-factors that we have more control over than we think? While nobody can deny the _22_ that some people seem to be blessed with particular creativity, research shows that anyone can _23_ their chances of coming up wit

10、h new and original ideas _24_ they would only engage themselves more in the process of 25 . It s the old Thomas Edison thing about discovery _26_ 99 percent perspiration (汗水) and 1 percent inspiration. _27_ , the studies prove this:great creative breakthroughs usually happen only _28_ intense period

11、s of struggle. It is sustained effort towards a specific goal _29_eventually prepares for great creative insights. This kind of sustained effort does not always_30_ immediate results, a fact that not only separates the innovators (革新者) from non-innovators, but 31 leads some people to conclude that i

12、t is just not _32_ for them. Maybe I should have gone to medical school like my mother wanted, they wonder when the breakthrough is _33_ to be found. Alas, one forgets during inevitable encounters _34_self-doubt,that the big surprise is never _35_. Indeed,it can happen at any time and place.21_

13、 22 A.issue B.problemC.reasonD.fact 3.23 A.miss B.reduceC.increaseD.lose 4.24 A.because B.ifC.whileD.whether 5.25 A.creation B.practiceC.productionD.achievement 6.26 A.being B.beC.wasD.were 7.27 A.Sooner or later B.Some day or otherC.Every now and thenD.Time and again 8.28 A.beyond

14、terC.aboveD.through 9.29 A.that 10.30 A.create B.produceC.inspireD.encourage 11.31 A.too B.onceC.againD.also 12.32 A.good B.difficultC.possibleD.stupid 13.33 A.anywhere B.everywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere 14.34 A.against B.acrossC.withD.into 15.35 A.far away B.used upC.cleared offD.near

15、 by 三、Reading Comprehension 1.Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform. For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the mu

16、scles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot.This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action. Muscles are stringly bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique

17、 characteristics, they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood. More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers, mos

18、t of which are involuntaryin other words, work without conscious direction.The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform. particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman can

19、t lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man. According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for _. A.the efficiency of our muscles B.the normal breathing functionC.directing our muscles intelligentlyD.the work of only our involuntary muscles 2. Intelligent use of th

20、e muscles means that _. always knows what his muscles are doing performs simple actions whithout workingC.ones muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they improves muscular action consciously 3. Muscles are unique fibers because, they can _. A.contract

21、 all of the above 4. Under a microscope, muscle cells appear to be _. A.textured like wood B.colored like woodC.smooth and redD.short and thick 5. According to the selection more than half of a persons body is composed of _. A.voluntary muscles B.involuntary musclesC.muscle fi

22、bersD.sensory nerves 6.Imagine aguitar so tiny that you can t seeit with the human eye, but you can hearsound whe n its strings are pulled. Some people say the future is big, but when it comes to technology, the world is getting smaller.Nanotechnology( 纳米技术 )is the science that deals with doing thin

23、gs in a very small way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world. Micro-machines too small to been seen by the eye are being designed to do many things. And these machines no larger than in diameter than a human hair, are extremely powerful. Many scientists say nanotechnology will pr

24、oduce the next industrial revolution( 工业革命 ).Nano comes from the Greek word dwarf . A nanometer is one-billion of a meter, The period of the end of this sentence can contain about 100 micrometers, which in equal to 100,000 nanometers.To understandthis new technology, we have to get rid of the normal

25、 ideas of size and strength.Minute( 微 小 的 ) robots , called “ nanorobots are being developed in the revolutionize manufacturing. Instead of cars being produced on assembling line, for example, scientist predict that carscan be built in a giant container into which raw material and machines have been

26、placed. Thousands of nanorobots will direct the processandtell the machine what to do. Micro-machines can also be used to make our environment safer.Today, poison chemicals are stored in containers or transported by trucks or trains. This is sometimes result in dangerous spills. But with nanotechnol

27、ogy, manufacturers could have their own tiny chemical factories. The produce would be no bigger than a sugar cube and would manufacture exactly the amount of chemicals neededat the moment. No chemicals would needto be stored. The workplace would be safer,and the environment would be cleaner.The auth

28、or mentions guitar at the beginning of the passagein order to _. A.introduce the knowledge of guitar B.introduce the topic of his or her own interest in musicD.describe the craft of making musical instruments 7.According to the passage,why does the nanotechnology lead to the nex

29、t industrial revolution? A.Micro-machines are tiny but beautiful B.Micro-machines are strong but smartC.Micro-machines are small but powerfulD.Micro-machines are cute and varied 8.The word dwarf in Pra.3 is closestin meaning to ? A.clever B.slowC.quickD.minute 9.With nanotechnology, where will carsp

30、robably be produced ? A.On assembleline B.In huge containersC.Inside the micro-machinesD.Inside the nanorobots 10.Which of the following is NOT the causes leading to cleaner environment by adopting nanotechnology? A.There will be less dangerousspills. B.The amount of produced chemicals can be precisely controlled.C.Micro-factories neednot store chemicals.D.The factories will be of large size.

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