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unit 6 an interesting country教案.docx

1、unit 6 an interesting country教案Unit 6 An interesting country教案 Unit 6 An interesting untr一 单元教学内容简析: 本单元的话题是关于一个位于南半球的主要英语国家澳大利亚。教师可以结合五年级上册Unit6( e-friend)中国家名称在词汇导入本单元话题。本单元的新语法是一般将时的肯定句,教师可以利用本册Unit 的be ging t结构导入新语法。为了帮助学生更好的理解和运用一般将时,教师可以将这一时态与之前学过的一般现在时、现在进行时和一般过去时对比呈现,并设计综合操练活动。教师可以在前准备一些关于澳大

2、利亚风土人情的图片和视频,作为拓展内容,丰富学生的视野。二 单元教学要求: 1能正确理解、朗读Str tie 和artn tie,并了解澳大利亚、英国等西方国家的风土人情。 2能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写untr, ill, learn, ele, visitr, lie, nth。 3能听得懂、会说、会读和会写Ill as e-friend in Australia hat d u thin? 4能听懂、会说、会读单词: find ut, agazine,angar,ala,sprt-lver,Australian,ftball,exiting,Sdne,Lndn,xfrd, fr exap

3、le, Big Ben, Lndn Ee, Ter Bridge。 了解字母组合air在单词中的读音。 6掌握一般将时陈述句的构成和用法三 单元教学重点: 1能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写untr, ill, learn, ele, visitr, lie, nth。2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写Ill as e-friend in Australia hat d u thin?3掌握learn, find ut, l fr等动词或短语的用法以及Australian,ala, angar,Sdne等单词的发音。4了解字母组合air在单词中的读音。四 单元教学难点:1一般将时陈述句的构成和用法。2掌

4、握learn, find ut, l fr等动词或短语的用法3了解字母组合air在单词中的读音。五 单元教学安排: 共计五时 第一时Str tie 第二时 Graar tie, Fun tie and heut tie第三时Sund tie, artn tie 第四时ulture tie, heut tie and Tiing tie 第五时 单元检测 第六时 复习讲评The first perid一 教学内容:Str tie 二 教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读单词: find ut, agazine,angar,ala,sprt-lver,Australian,ftball,exiting,

5、Sdne,2能流利地朗读并复述。3通过学习能了解有关澳大利亚的知识。4帮助学生初步形成了解其他国家,了解世界的意识。三 教学重、难点:1能听懂、会说、会读单词: find ut, agazine,angar,ala,sprt-lver,Australian,ftball,exiting,Sdne,2能流利地朗读并复述。四 教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT五、预习作 业:1试着读一读内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。2听录音,试着模仿着读一读,并了解大意。3了解有关澳大利亚的知识六 教学过程Step1 ar up1 GreetingT: Gd rningafternn,bs and girls,

6、Ss: Gd rningafternn, iss r 2 Free talT:This is a ap f the rld, hih freign untr d u n? (Sa se freign untries)Tda e ill Learn abut a ver beautiful untr-Australia I tld u t n sething abut it H an u n abut Australia? Ss: Surf the internet/ath TV/ read se bs abut AustraliaT: u are hard-ring students e an

7、 n a lt fr theStep2 Presentatin 1 T: The hildren ill learn abut Australia next ee The ant t find ut abut this untr befre the lessns H an the n abut Australia? Lets ath the artn and tr t nh Hieang BingLiu Taang Ling 2T: hat d u n abut Australia? hat d u ant t n abut Australia?Ss disuss in grupsT: u a

8、nt t n a lt abut Australia Lets read the passage and tr t n abut theLearning tips:1遇到不会的单词可以结合上下理解并询问同伴。2结合思维导图在中找一找,划一划。3小组内交流,组长负责组织语言,进行汇报。Grup sh: hat d u n abut Australia?小组汇报:本中主要介绍澳大利亚的三个方面:anials, sprt, itAbut anials: There are an angars and alas in AustraliaT: an u teah the t rds?指导学生读angar

9、s and alas 两个单词。The sae a t learn : Australia ftball, Sdne。 组长进行汇报本小组的成果,其他组可以进行相应的补充。Step3 nslidatin1 Read the passage in different as a Read after the tape b Read ne b ne Read in paragraphs2 D se tass: 1完成书60页的True r false 2 Grup r: intrdue Australia 介绍澳大利亚 T: Australia is ver beautiful, an peple

10、ant t g there and en the vies Lets t be the Australia tur guides r in grups: 1 r in grups f fur 2 Eah student intrdues ne aspet f Australia 3 u an add ur n ideas abe the exerise n page 60 ill help u an d it firstGrup sh: As se grups t shStep 4Suar Tda, e n a lt abut Australia, I find that ur English

11、 is nderful u an read, rite and disuss ith thers hat have u learned fr this lessn?T:(PPT播放一些世界名胜古迹的图片,学生欣赏)The rld is lrful and nderful, lets en ur life Read re and travel re!Step Her 1 Listen and read the passage2 Tr t n re abut Australia n the internet 板书设计: Unit 6 An interesting untrThe send peri

12、d一 教学内容:Graar tie, Fun tie and heut tie二 教学目标: 1能听说读写人称代词和ill的缩写形式。 2能了解并熟练运用构成一般将时的时间状语。 3能用一般将时写一段话。三 教学重、难点: 1能听说读写人称代词和ill的缩写形式。2能了解并熟练运用构成一般将时的时间状语。四 教学准备:挂图,卡片, PPT五 预习作业:1朗读P61句型。2四人小组选定想要了解的国家并进行相关资料的收集。3填写书上62页。六 教学过程Step1 ar up1 GreetingT: Gd rningafternn,bs and girls,Ss: Gd rningafternn,

13、iss r 2 Lets revieT: Last lessn, e learned an interesting untrAustralia I thin u n a lt abut it an u sa sething abut sething abut Australia? S: I nT: hat a beautiful untr!Step2 Presentatin 1 Anser se questins abut the passage:T: The hildren ant t learn abut Australia hen d the learn abut this untr?S

14、: The ill learn abut Australia next ee(PPT shs the sentene) T: There are se questins abut the passage Lets disuss in pairs and tr t anserH ill ie n abut Australia ?H abut ang Bing / Liu Ta /ang Ling? Ss disuss in pairs and anserPPT sh the sentenes:ie ill as his e-friend in Australiaang Bing ill as r

15、 GreenLiu Ta ill read abut it n the Internetang Ling ill g t the librarRead the sentenes tgether2呈现graar tie中的第一个板块 a Read the sentenes b Tr t find ut the ruleLets l at the blabard there are se sentenes Read the first and then thin hat an u find?小组内谈论一般将时的另一种表达方式。小组汇报:1除了be ging t ,还可以用ill 表示一般将时。2在

16、句子中,人称代词和ill可以缩写在一起。Read tgether:Ill=I ill ell =e ill hell=he illull=u ill thell=the ill shell=she illT: e shuld pa re attentin t the3PPT 呈现:将ll 和next ee , trr变成红色T: hen an e use siple future tense ?S: trr, next ee, next nth, next earT: e ften use “ill” ith these rds and phrases拓展:还有其他表示将的时间,如this S

17、unda,in和一段时间连用等4 Tr t usea T: an u ae se ne sentenes ith the rds and sentenes?S: esT: u ade a lt f sentenes ust n an u d se exerises? 给出若干句子,要求学生用由ill构成的一般将时改写。1 He usuall ges t shl b bie (trr)2 He visited Lndn last ear (this inter)3 ar is having a daning lessn (next Saturda)4 r Green ften tells us

18、abut his untr (next tie) b r in grups四人一组,用所给出A、B、三组词汇或短语, 从每组中任意选择一个词汇或短语,用ill组成一般将时的句子。 Read and riteT: u ade a lt f gd sentenes N, lets plete the passage ith “ill” and the rret rds1 Ss d it in grups 2 he the ansers3 Read this partStep3 Fun tie1 T: D u n h I ill g t the librar? I ill l fr se bs an

19、d agazines abut the U N I ill sh u sething abut the UPPT shs se pitures abut the ULearn se rds: xfrd, Big Ben, Lndn Ee, Ter BridgePPT shs the infratin f the UT: L at the infratin n the ard, an u be a tur guide and intrdue the U?Grup r:a Fur students in a grupb Read and disuss in grups, then tr t int

20、rdue Eah student an intrdue ne aspet abut itGrup sh2 Intrdue ur untrT: There are an beautiful untries in the rld, but in heart, hina is the st beautiful untr in the rld It is ver interesting, t an u ae a infratin ard fr hina and intrdue ur therland?四人小组合作,仿照62页的信息卡为我们的祖国制作信息卡,并做介绍。 小组展示。Step4 Suar 小

21、结Tda, e have learned se sentenes and n a lt abut ur untr and the U hat have u learned fr this lessn?Ss: Step 6Her :1 p and reeber sentenes e have learned tda2 Tr t rite a shrt passage abut hina 板书设计: Unit 6 An interesting untrIll=I ill ell =e ill hell=he illull=u ill thell=the ill shell=she illThe t

22、hird perid一 教学内容Sund tie and artn tie二 教学目标:1 学生能知道字母组合air在单词中的读音。2 学生能自主阅读artn tie内容, 理解并能朗读、表演故事。3 学生能运用所学句型编写对话,通过合作进行表演。4 学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。三 教学重点:1学生能知道字母组合air在单词中的读音。 2学生能自主阅读artn tie,读懂内容,体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力。3 学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。四 教学难点: 学生能用所学语言表演对话并能熟练掌握将时的用法。五 教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT六 教学过程Step1 ar up1 Gr

23、eetingT: Gd rningafternn,bs and girls,S:Gd rningafternn, iss r 2 Free talT: hat ill u d trr/next ee?S: I illT: hat ill he/she d trr /next ee?通过Free tal融洽堂气氛,通过复述,复习上节的知识。从而能很好的进行导入。Step 2 Sund tie1T:Fr the passage, e have learned a lt abut Australia hat d u n abut Australia? S: T: L at the blabard,

24、there is sething abut Sdnea faus it in Australia, lets read itPPT shs the sentenesT: N, sh e ur hands and fll eSs read the sentenes in different as Lets have a petitin: Grup r and grup sh T: an u find ut the prnuniatin f “air”? 学生读Sund tie 里面的句子,再让学生总结字母组合air的发音规则。 T: an u sa se ther rds ust lie thi

25、s? S:T: abe u an ae se ne rhes ith these rdsStep 3 artn tie a T: D u n Bill? hat des he ant t be? Lets ath the artn and find the anser b Read it b urselves arefull and underline the sentenes Listen t the tape and anser the questin: hat des Bill lie? here des find ut abut ing? hat ill Bill ? Is he a

26、gd ? d Anser the questin: e Listen and read this artn tgether Pa attentin t the intnatin f Dub fr the artn Pratie in grups f three g Lets have a happ reading: At ut the str ith bs ithut bs Add ur n rds h Suar T: hat d u learn fr this artn? hat d u ant t sa t Bbb? S: He shuld learn h t T: es, he ill

27、pratie and pratie Beause “Pratie ae prgress”Step Her:1 Read the str in artn tie re than three ties, tr t retell it2 Previe Unit 7, read after the tape re than five ties The furth perid一 教学内容ulture tie, heut tie and Tiing tie二 教学目标:1能正确完成heut tie 练习。2能正确理解和运用一般将时。3通过查找资料,了解一些国家的名胜景点和风俗化。4能对照Tiing tie

28、 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。三 教学重点:1能正确完成heut tie 练习。2能对照Tiing tie中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。四 教学难点:1能正确理解和运用一般将时。五 教学准备:挂图,卡片,PPT六 教学过程Step1 ar up1 GreetingT: Gd rningafternn,bs and girls,Ss: Gd rningafternn, iss r 2 D se revisin:T: H des ie/ ang Bing/ Liu Ta /ang Ling n abut Australia?S: T: h an sa sething abut Australi

29、a?S: Step 2 ulture tieT: Gd b, bs and girls Australia is ver beautiful, It has an beautiful plaes, fr exaple, u ill find the Great Barrier Reef in AustraliaPPT shs the sentene, learn t sa: the Great Barrier ReefBut d u n sething abut the ther freign untries?S: es PPT shs the sentenes f ulture tie教师让

30、学生读ulture tie,使其了解其他有关国家的名胜。T: D u n se beautiful plaes in ur untr r in the rld? Sh sething u n in ur grups以小组为单位进行展示。Step 4 Thin and sa 1 Tal abut the piture T: Trr I ill be ver bus Ill d an things trr First, I ill have t lasses Then I ill g t the librar t l fr se bs Next, I ill rret ur test paper

31、In the evening, I ill g he and fr fail Help sn t d her hat ill u d trr? u an intrdue ust lie e:”First, Ill Then, Ill Next, I ll” T: Please tal abut it in grups Ss disuss in grups学生两人一组谈论As sene t sh2 rite a passage Step Tiing tie学生四人小组开展评论1 an u sa anthing abut Australia? Please sa sething 2 an u use“ill” t tal abu

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